DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #20

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What did I miss? Since when is JW off limits for sleuthing?

Probably because he's declared in court as NOT being a suspect. :D :D Yay!

In my opinion, the main disappointment (for a thankfully short list) might be that he is off limits for the unnecessary mean and cruel comments.

I'll repeat this 'just because':
I think there's a huge difference between sleuthing/making neutral observations of someone's social media behavior and being intentionally and unnecessarily unkind.
Originally, SS was totally focused on the Dojo Grand Opening. Then he got this tragic situation going on and he made his flurry of calls to set up the ransom. I am sure he told JW and whomever else, that he needed to go to the auction, but they needed to go finish setting up the Dojo. So I don't think JW needed to clarify anything that morning with SS. He already had his instructions to work at the Dojo. JMO

Agreed. That, and we don't know all the communications between SS and JW. Didn't LE state in the affidavit that JW's phone showed several? That single text could have said "URGENT: 1st thing tomorrow, go to AIW and see JohnGalt & get package. Drop off in red car in garage on your way to Chantilly"
I totally agree about how people being hyper-attentive during the early phase of a new job. I wonder if, when SS contacted him the night before, he explicitly told JW that he wanted JW to drop the money and then to check in with someone at the Dojo right away afterward. Since SS was trying to appease DW, he may have wanted JW to leave right away to ensure he wouldn't be knocking on the door or otherwise making the situation more volatile.

It's possible. I am sure JW would have told LE those things if SS said them. It hasn't shown up anywhere, whereas we know about what was said in some of the other communication, such as what SS told VF's husband on the phone and also what was relayed to NG. All that was said about the communication with JW was that he was asked to pick up a package. Doesn't necessarily mean it wasn't a greater conversation including marching orders for the dojo. It just hasn't been indicated by anyone and Ago tried to poke at it in the PH by asking if JW asked SS if he would need a ride and the answer was that he didn't ask. (Not that Owens would have given more information, but he could have if he knew, say, that SS had clarified on the phone that JW was to go immediately to Lowes, etc. We'll probably never know. So sad to think of
Wasn't "exactly" a suspect ;-)

I think Owens said "I wouldn't use that word". I wonder what word he would use?

ETA: Also i think it was a question re the past when they took him in for interview. I wonder why Ago didn't just ask "Is he a suspect or POI now.?" Maybe he didn't want the answer if it was no.

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Agreed. That, and we don't know all the communications between SS and JW. Didn't LE state in the affidavit that JW's phone showed several? That single text could have said "URGENT: 1st thing tomorrow, go to AIW and see JohnGalt & get package. Drop off in red car in garage on your way to Chantilly"

Who is JohnGalt ?
Agreed. That, and we don't know all the communications between SS and JW. Didn't LE state in the affidavit that JW's phone showed several? That single text could have said "URGENT: 1st thing tomorrow, go to AIW and see JohnGalt & get package. Drop off in red car in garage on your way to Chantilly"

Oddly, the affidavit made it seem like there was a lot of communication (and MSM leaned that way too, with the "flurry" of calls), but in the PH, it boiled down to very few. (I can't look now, but I think Ago confirmed that the communications discussed in the PH were the only communications between the two. And even the 11:54 call disappeared!)
It's possible. I am sure JW would have told LE those things if SS said them. It hasn't shown up anywhere, whereas we know about what was said in some of the other communication, such as what SS told VF's husband on the phone and also what was relayed to NG. All that was said about the communication with JW was that he was asked to pick up a package. Doesn't necessarily mean it wasn't a greater conversation including marching orders for the dojo. It just hasn't been indicated by anyone and Ago tried to poke at it in the PH by asking if JW asked SS if he would need a ride and the answer was that he didn't ask. (Not that Owens would have given more information, but he could have if he knew, say, that SS had clarified on the phone that JW was to go immediately to Lowes, etc. We'll probably never know. So sad to think of

You know those things because VF's husband and NG have made those statements to the media. NOT because LEO or anyone from the legal team has made them known. At least AFAIK.

JW has never spoken out to the media...so we would have no way of knowing what those things might have been.

Just because we don't have all of the answers to every question does not mean that LEO and the DA's Office don't. And it doesn't make it suspect that we don't. We are not owed those answers. Until they are presented in a public trial. Which often doesn't happen for 2-3 years.
You know those things because VF's husband and NG have made those statements to the media. NOT because LEO or anyone from the legal team has made them known. At least AFAIK.

JW has never spoken out to the media...so we would have no way of knowing what those things might have been.

Just because we don't have all of the answers to every question does not mean that LEO and the DA's Office don't. And it doesn't make it suspect that we don't. We are not owed those answers. Until they are presented in a public trial. Which often doesn't happen for 2-3 years.

That is what I said--that JW would have told LE about those conversations but that LE has not shared that with the public, and that we may never know what was discussed.I totally get it.
Probably because he's declared in court as NOT being a suspect. :D :D Yay!

In my opinion, the main disappointment (for a thankfully short list) might be that he is off limits for the unnecessary mean and cruel comments.

I'll repeat this 'just because':
I think there's a huge difference between sleuthing/making neutral observations of someone's social media behavior and being intentionally and unnecessarily unkind.

NOT saying JW is a suspect or a POI, but I don't think anyone declared JW not a suspect or officially cleared him, unless it is the interpretation of "wouldn't use that word" and other lines of questioning. It's really open to interpretation. Bach also said that there is no evidence that this crime was committed by one person. I could say that means that she officially said that more people are involved, but that would just be my interpretation. (I don't think that, for the record, I just think it's a good possibility.
That is what I said--that JW would have told LE about those conversations but that LE has not shared that with the public, and that we may never know what was discussed.I totally get it.

That may be true, but you and other fonts have made this into a suspect issue. Over and over. If you get it, then why keep bringing it up?
IMO Bach made sure Ago knew that JW whereabouts on May 13-14 had been verified. IMO the testimony says he'd been investigated and cleared.
Ago himself refers to JW as a witness
Originally Posted by BondGirl
After PH when they said he wasn't a suspect.

Wasn't "exactly" a suspect ;-)

PH, page 22:
Q Okay. And, um, at some point W-1 was made aware that he was a suspect in this case, correct?
A I wouldn't use that word suspect.

PH, page 125:
Q Was W-1 under arrest when he was interviewed?
A No, he was not.
Q Was W-1 ever told that he was a suspect?
A No.

"Originally Posted by Skigirl Wasn't "exactly" a suspect ;-)"
ETA: Also i think it was a question re the past when they took him in for interview. I wonder why Ago didn't just ask "Is he a suspect or POI now.?" Maybe he didn't want the answer if it was no.
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A matter of timing?
IIUC, def team's asking if JW was told he was a suspect - at time of hearing - wd/be objectionable, because it's outside scope of affidavits & charging doc's re DDW, so ct wd sustain, so det's answer wd/not be admissible.
OTOH, may be permissible to ask if JW was told he was a suspect at time of his interviews. JM2cts, could be wrong.
NOT saying JW is a suspect or a POI, but I don't think anyone declared JW not a suspect or officially cleared him, unless it is the interpretation of "wouldn't use that word" and other lines of questioning. It's really open to interpretation. Bach also said that there is no evidence that this crime was committed by one person. I could say that means that she officially said that more people are involved, but that would just be my interpretation. (I don't think that, for the record, I just think it's a good possibility.

Yeah, it's odd - the wording. I agree that JW's behavior in the initial interview absolutely would have made him a suspect (*cough* or POI as the new pc version I guess). I don't see anything wrong with LE considering him a suspect early on until they checked him out thoroughly.

A frustrating and annoying thing to me is that in court, soooo many answers depend on exactly how the question is worded. Everything seems to be strategy and it's hard to know what exactly is meant sometimes. It seems as though a witness can be deliberately misleading just by wording the answer to exactly match the question. You ask a question in a very specific way, you get a very specific answer.

Again, an example using malevolent SIL:

Q: "Rhoda, why did you cut the plug off the cord of my floor lamp?"
A: "I did not cut off the plug of your floor lamp."

The reality is that she DID cut the plug off the lamp (we have video), but since she considers everything DH and I bring into the house as her property (Dad's leaving her the house, but he's still alive and well and living here) she felt perfectly at ease answering exactly the way she did and insists she's telling the truth and doesn't lie. This was after we confronted her by showing her the video. Crap, I do wonder how she'd do with a Polygraph. :thinking: I'm using Rhoda because that's not her name, but it is the name of the subject in "The Bad Seed".
FelicityLemon: "....That single text could have said "URGENT: 1st thing tomorrow, go to AIW and see JohnGalt & get package. Drop off in red car in garage on your way to Chantilly"

Who is JohnGalt ?

IIUC, OP was using it as a generic placeholder, like John Doe, Joe Sixpack, or Jane Q. Public.
Maybe Felicity will correct or clarify for us.

Re actual source of the particular name:
"John Galt is a character in Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged. Although he is not identified by name until the last third of the novel, he is the object of its often-repeated question "Who is John Galt?" and of the quest to discover the answer."
Oh sorry, I missed that! Was there an extended version of that footage where you could freeze on other blurs? I am just on my normal computer, not in an editorial suite, and I can't identify any other blurs in this cut of the footage.

Yes. I thought I had saved screen shots, but can't find them. You should be able to see all of them by searching above. I'm sorry I can't even remember which thread number it's in. I'm pretty sure it was in the last 2-3 weeks. Maybe someone else can narrow it down. :)
FelicityLemon: "....That single text could have said "URGENT: 1st thing tomorrow, go to AIW and see JohnGalt & get package. Drop off in red car in garage on your way to Chantilly"

IIUC, OP was using it as a generic placeholder, like John Doe, Joe Sixpack, or Jane Q. Public.
Maybe Felicity will correct or clarify for us.

Re actual source of the particular name:
"John Galt is a character in Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged. Although he is not identified by name until the last third of the novel, he is the object of its often-repeated question "Who is John Galt?" and of the quest to discover the answer."

I may be wrong, but I think ATL was making a funny; the phrase "Who Is John Galt" has been a thing. 25 years ago, a bumper sticker on neighbor's car.

LOL, I honestly meant to put (sexy) Gary Cooper because that's who was on my brain because The Fountainhead was just on and JG Freudian Slipped out of my fingers :D
Bach also said that there is no evidence that this crime was committed by one person.

IIRC neither Bach nor anyone else has ever said there was any evidence that is was committed by more than one person. So far as we know, the more-than-one-person scenario has always just been a theory.

ETA it's important to rule people out and that includes people who some would feel it unseemly to even consider. But that's what needs to be done. So in the beginning everyone and anyone could be considered a potential suspect.
Yes! Getting boring now that we can't even sleuth JW. Not much info to go on. Do we think GJ indictments or search warrants will be released soon?

Who said we can't sleuth JW? I missed that!
We were told we could sleuth JW because he lied to LE, not because he was named a suspect. The fact that LE said he wasn't "a suspect" now hasn't changed anything IMO. Status quo.

A mod did state a couple of days ago "something" but I can't remember exactly what.

That being said, what could there POSSIBLY be to still "sleuth" about JW? I can't imagine that y'all haven't turned over every single itty bitty pebble that pertains to this man.
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