DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #3

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my belief is that there was no arrangement before hand for the $40,000. That was the story SS had to tell his employee so they would get cash for him. Surely someone would ask,why do you want that much cash and he had to lie.

Agree. SS prob chose to have lower level employees get the cash so that no one would be suspicious.
Why weren't the other people who were with Wint last night in the two cars arrested?? Weren't they aiding and abetting a criminal on the loose? Anyone have insights on why they were released without charges?

I am not sure about D.C. law. But generally "aiding and abetting" refers to: occurring before, during and/or after commission of a crime but it depends on the aider(s) intent to aid perp, knowledge of perp's crime, perp's commission of crime and aider assisted perp etc.

"Harboring a fugitive" is when someone hides a person after commission of a crime from LE/authorities.
I think (perhaps) the white band was still on the 2nd bundle of money but just couldn't be seen in the photo of the money that W-1 sent to W-2. Perhaps all 4 bundles of money were in the photo but it was taken from such an angle that only 2 are visible (and only 1 white band is visible) ???
How do we know NG wasn't the person who was with the assistant, assuming there was more than one person picking up/delivering money? I saw different articles (no links - I will look later, but am so behind reading!) where she said 1) She was at the house on Wednesday 2) She talked with the person who dropped off the money, 3) She knew ahead of time the money was to be dropped off, etc. She also said the exact opposite in other interviews, but because I can't tell when the statements were made that MSM is quoting, I don't know which she said most recently. I guess this is not very helpful... If I can get caught up, I will try to create that spreadsheet...
No, W2 is the person who went to the bank. W1 is the recently hired assistant/driver and IT is a placeholder for a pronoun such as he/she, or him/her.
Nope, w-2 is just someone that the driver sent a picture of 2 bundles of money to. The person who went to the bank is only described as "the employee" that person has not been assigned a Witness number at the time of the charging documents. I personally believe that "the employee" who got the cash at the Hyattsville bank branch is the accountant. But he is definitely not W-2.
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Hi guys, I'm new here. Decided to join after days of lurking. This crime is just so heartbreaking and shocking. I'm glad at least one of the perps has been caught. It's eerily too similar to the Petit family murders. I can't help but think they got "inspiration" from that case.

You guys are doing a great job breaking things down and posting the latest news. The only thing I have to add is that I don't believe the killers demanded $40,000. I suspect they demanded a lot more but $40K was all SS could gather on short notice. The perps seem stupid and probably don't realize that wealthy people don't keep cash on hand and typically have most of their money tied up in investments.

I also don't think they intended to spend the night. Seems like a case where they thought the rich family would have cash laying around but SS was able to buy time by promising them money the next morning.
It makes sense to me. If SS got home around 6 pm on Wednesday (and was taken hostage) the bank would be closed already. So they had to wait until Thursday morning.
But he would want money first thing in the morning, for ransom, so would start making arrangements on Wednesday. But then continued on Thursday.

If he had never done this before, then he'd have no way of knowing if or when he'd be able to get it if hadn't talked to the bank on or before Wednesday during office hours. Also nothing says any of the appointments were changed so if he did want the money first thing in the morning and set up the bank appointment then, why is he still on the phone with his accountant, etc. until about noon after he already has the money. It doesn't makes sense that per the charging document that the money bag picture was sent at 9 AM ("received a text from W- I on Thursday, May 14, 2015, at approximately 9:00 AM"), yet the very last call SS made was to the driver at noon long after he served the purpose of dropping off the money. If SS wasn't trying to get more money and the $40K had already been delivered in full hours ago, why was SS alive and talking to these people?:
The documents show a flurry of phone calls among Savvas Savopoulos, a bank, an accountant, the personal assistant, a construction company executive and Savopoulos’s American Iron Works company in the hours before the fire. The calls started shortly after 7 a.m. May 14 and ended just before noon. The fire was reported at 1:15 p.m.

The assistant, who did not return messages left on his cellphone Wednesday, tried to call Savvas Savopoulos about 1:40 p.m. but got no answer, the police documents show. Savvas Savopoulos had called the assistant at 11:54 a.m. — the last incoming or outgoing call he made or answered before the fire.

I don't think the driver was in on it, but with SS calling him after he served his purpose it sounds he either stole some of the money or that the $40K had been pre-scheduled and what SS had been doing throughout the day on Thursday was to get money in addition to the $40K.
Why would he need a photo for police if he thinks it's for an auction/martial arts studio opening/to buy art? I don't think he contacted the police until after the murders/fire was discovered.
http://www.scribd.com/doc/266278174/Daron-Dylon-Wint-Charging-Documents Charging Document

View attachment 75102

ETA: I'll be posting multiple pages. The FIRST page says it is under seal, as they are concerned for the safety of witnesses. Therefore, the IT is to obviously to protect identity IMHO of the individual who was the assistant/W-1 and the "other employee"

OMG what if the killings were a message to the witness who ripped off some of the ransom money not knowing at the time it was ransom money??? Is that why he was crying and why he would also need to be protected by LE as well as be a suspect??? OMG if true
His brother has short hair and is taller and lankier. I think that's who was running from the scene of the burning car, although I find it very hard to believe - from his Facebook, it looked like he was really working hard at making a good life. I don't want to think this about anyone, I guess.
Why would SS trust this idiot with $40K? Assuming he is not involved, he is not someone I would call when my family's lives depended on getting something done.
I've wondered the same thing: The guy worked at a go kart track. He got fired from the go kart place. He lived almost in Baltimore about 40 mins from DC. He was an amateur racer who only worked for SS for a few months. It's insane to put that much trust in what appears to be a basic stranger.
If he had never done this before, then he'd have no way of knowing if or when he'd be able to get it if hadn't talked to the bank on or before Wednesday during office hours. Also nothing says any of the appointments were changed so if he did want the money first thing in the morning and set up the bank appointment then, why is he still on the phone with his accountant, etc. until about noon after he already has the money. It doesn't makes sense that per the charging document that the money bag picture was sent at 9 AM ("received a text from W- I on Thursday, May 14, 2015, at approximately 9:00 AM"), yet the very last call SS made was to the driver at noon long after he served the purpose of dropping off the money. If SS wasn't trying to get more money and the $40K had already been delivered in full hours ago, why was SS alive and talking to these people?:


I don't think the driver was in on it, but with SS calling him after he served his purpose it sounds he either stole some of the money or that the $40K had been pre-scheduled and what SS had been doing throughout the day on Thursday was to get money in addition to the $40K.
We don't really know who called the driver just before noon. It is possible that Wint used SS's phone and called the driver...which implicates him imo. It also keeps Wint's phone # from showing up on the driver's phone.
Well according to this we now know where the pizza was consumed and left. In the bedroom where the victims were being held.

These perps are just the most disgusting 's ever.....I can't even come up with vile enough adjectives to describe them.....
If he had never done this before, then he'd have no way of knowing if or when he'd be able to get it if hadn't talked to the bank on or before Wednesday during office hours. Also nothing says any of the appointments were changed so if he did want the money first thing in the morning and set up the bank appointment then, why is he still on the phone with his accountant, etc. until about noon after he already has the money. It doesn't makes sense that per the charging document that the money bag picture was sent at 9 AM ("received a text from W- I on Thursday, May 14, 2015, at approximately 9:00 AM"), yet the very last call SS made was to the driver at noon long after he served the purpose of dropping off the money. If SS wasn't trying to get more money and the $40K had already been delivered in full hours ago, why was SS alive and talking to these people?:


I don't think the driver was in on it, but with SS calling him after he served his purpose it sounds he either stole some of the money or that the $40K had been pre-scheduled and what SS had been doing throughout the day on Thursday was to get money in addition to the $40K.

Maybe the call came from SS's phone to the driver,but it wasn't him calling. Maybe Wint was calling driver to make sure he had the $40,000,because they are in on it together? We only have the drivers word that it was SS himself that called.
This is what I was pointing out.
I believe the "Assistant/driver" is Mr. Wint's relative.

Also Im confused about Stephen Wint. Has anyone verified if this is just an alias or if Wint really does have a brother named Stephen Wint??
Another thought I had is if they are brothers could they be twins and share the same DNA??? Sorry my mind works all angles at the same time sometimes.

The local news stated the brother arrested last night is named Darrell (not sure on the spelling) and IIRC he is a younger brother.
My gut tells me the assistant had nothing to do with it. Why did he lie? Maybe he misspoke under the stress of the situation or maybe he thought he was protecting his boss.

I also don't believe he would steal the money. If he didn't know they were hostages, then he wouldn't be able to get away with stealing unless he was planning to flee the country with under $40K.

I think he took the photo to brag to a friend about his job (like he did with the cars on Instagram). Also, from what was posted from his account, I got the sense that he actually liked his boss SS. On top of crying on the phone to the other HK after realizing what happened. But then again, maybe it was guilt? For now I'm leaning towards he's innocent.
It is very hard to "withdraw" $40,000 from a bank without giving them a fair amount of lead time. Banks just don't have that much money on hand (more on Fridays because of paydays). Believe it or not, I found this out personally when I wanted to cash a check for considerably less than $40,000, but still 5 figures, and was told the bank couldn't cash it because they needed to have cash for other transactions. I thought at the time "What do they care if one client or 500 withdraw the money", but there was no budging them. They needed a day to have the money delivered.

Of course, different banks/branches must have different amounts of cash on hand, but I don't believe SS was able to have $40,000 withdrawn from his personal account without going into the bank himself. It's easy to do a wire transfer or move money between accounts, but cash is much harder.

If a banker allowed someone other than a signatory on the account to withdraw $40,000, he/she will lose her job. I think it's more likely that someone at AIW got the money from an AIW account (or maybe the grandfather got it from his account?) and gave it to the driver. I can't see any way that a bank is going to dispense $40,000 based on a phone call, no matter how valuable the client.
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