DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #7

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I going to make up a story...based on NO facts. Just a story.

You are a 28 year old man. You are talented at racing. You have a taste of what it is to have success in this sport. But you are hampered. Because it's expensive. These races are in California, Italy...you need airfare, hotel expense, food, entry fees. You KNOW you could be big time if you could just have the money for a CHANCE.

You try selling tee shirts ....you try getting sponsors. But you just can't get the money you need.

MONEY is ALL that is keeping you from everything you want.

Then you meet a kid...a 10 year old kid. His Father says...I want the best of everything for my boy! Money is no object! You see the money he is spending on this child...this BABY! anything and everything!

If you only had a Dad like that! It's so unfair! YOU have the talent...not this kid! You are 28 years old...not 10! You need money now!

Imagine being up close and personal, to all kinds of money.."the best of everything" spent on this kid... And maybe, after being fired earlier...you can't even get the money together to compete. Your new job, driving all these amazing, ridiculously expensive cars only fuels your sense of unfairness.

You want a piece of the pie. YOU NEED it. If you only had a CHANCE...you could get it! It's almost an emergency.

You know how this Rich guy dotes on that kid. You'll extort a little money...that guy from the neighborhood will help. No one will get hurt.

But why shouldn't you FOR ONCE have your chance?These people have so freaking much they won't miss it!,

Now....MAYBE someone could feel that way.

Or maybe they could just be thrilled with the new job and think it's wonderful to be around the family.

Who knows about human nature?

I have no facts, so this issue just imagination. Many of you think just the opposite, and until we know more...you could be absolutely RIGHT.

I see what you did there. :)
We know that he spent time woth the little boy and that they shared a love for racing and he coached him and went to his races. It is not too far a stretch to think he would be sad that the boy was burned alive.

We have no evidence that he was living at that address. Only that his father lived there at some points. So it is a stretch to think he ever drove his boss's expensive cars there and an even bigger stretch to think he met DW there. Didnt DW's Dad have a restraining order out on his son for awhile? How often was he over there seeing his father?

Then I am very confused about when they were reported to be living in the same complex? As teens? Or as adults?

The driver is on video at Lowes between 11:30 and noon. We don't know where he was between money pick up and that time. Possibly dropped $40,000 off in car at S house. Maybe $20,000. Maybe he handed over some/all of the money that night at dinner with DW's cousin. WE DON'T KNOW! And I think that might be the point LE is trying to make - several stories, details don't add up. Either LE has proof that what W1 is saying is NOT true, or they don't have proof that what he said IS true.

Of course they have his phone...that is how they knew about the "flurry of calls" and that his last call was to JW at 11:54. I also believe that is how they knew JW "lied" about being contacted Wednesday night, not Thursday morning.

Of course it is possible. But DDW and JW don't seem to have much in common.

Has anyone found any sort of record for JW???

They worked for AIW a decade apart.

Their fathers lived in the same neighborhood. And I have lived in small complexes, and never knew anyone except the 3 other occupants that shared my alcove. Even then, I only knew them in passing, when I was out with my dogs or coming to/from the car. I wouldn't even borrow a cup of sugar from one of them...I would just head to the store.

That makes them "more in common than not"??? I hope no one in my neighborhood kills someone. I would hate to be a suspect because I had a conversation when I was out walking my dogs!

And that doesn't scream common criminal to me. In fact, it doesn't say criminal at all. That AFAIK is not a "criminal" offense. It is a moving violation. Someone with gang ties, with a long rap sheet, is IMO not running in the same circles as someone who has been racing most of his life.

But thanks for that information.

That wouldn't make you a suspect AT ALL. However, lying about how you delivered the ransom money to your boss's killer--if it were true that he lived in your apartment complex (where your boss's car was found on fire) well...hmmm...
We know that he spent time woth the little boy and that they shared a love for racing and he coached him and went to his races. It is not too far a stretch to think he would be sad that the boy was burned alive.

We have no evidence that he was living at that address. Only that his father lived there at some points. So it is a stretch to think he ever drove his boss's expensive cars there and an even bigger stretch to think he met DW there. Didnt DW's Dad have a restraining order out on his son for awhile? How often was he over there seeing his father?

Then I am very confused about when they were reported to be living in the same complex? As teens? Or as adults?

The driver is on video at Lowes between 11:30 and noon. We don't know where he was between money pick up and that time. Possibly dropped $40,000 off in car at S house. Maybe $20,000. Maybe he handed over some/all of the money that night at dinner with DW's cousin. WE DON'T KNOW! And I think that might be the point LE is trying to make - several stories, details don't add up. Either LE has proof that what W1 is saying is NOT true, or they don't have proof that what he said IS true.

Of course they have his phone...that is how they knew about the "flurry of calls" and that his last call was to JW at 11:54. I also believe that is how they knew JW "lied" about being contacted Wednesday night, not Thursday morning.

Of course it is possible. But DDW and JW don't seem to have much in common.

Has anyone found any sort of record for JW???

They worked for AIW a decade apart.

Their fathers lived in the same neighborhood. And I have lived in small complexes, and never knew anyone except the 3 other occupants that shared my alcove. Even then, I only knew them in passing, when I was out with my dogs or coming to/from the car. I wouldn't even borrow a cup of sugar from one of them...I would just head to the store.

That makes them "more in common than not"??? I hope no one in my neighborhood kills someone. I would hate to be a suspect because I had a conversation when I was out walking my dogs!

And that doesn't scream common criminal to me. In fact, it doesn't say criminal at all. That AFAIK is not a "criminal" offense. It is a moving violation. Someone with gang ties, with a long rap sheet, is IMO not running in the same circles as someone who has been racing most of his life.

But thanks for that information.

But the charging affidavit states they believe the 40k was delivered to the house.

Does it say that? From what I remembered, I thought it was saying that JW told them that account with his second story, not that they had any evidence of it or decided point of view about the accuracy of story #2. But If they do know it to be true, and said it was true, then for all intents and purposes, it must be true.
Plus, both are welders and AIW does run a welding school.

How do we know that JW was a welder? There was a photo on one of his social media accounts showing the back of someone welding in a car. But, in my opinion, that person was not JW doing the welding.
Does it say that? From what I remembered, I thought it was saying that JW told them that account with his second story, not that they had any evidence of it or decided point of view about the accuracy of story #2. But If they do know it to be true, and said it was true, then for all intents and purposes, it must be true.

As someone pointed out, I don't think they would put all of that information in the charging doc for DDW. Couldn't that allow a Defense Attorney to get the entire arrest thrown out, and his client walks free??

I don't know how all of that stuff works. But I can't see LE putting something in the charging document for Felony Murder, unless they were pretty darn sure!
Of course they have his phone...that is how they knew about the "flurry of calls" and that his last call was to JW at 11:54. I also believe that is how they knew JW "lied" about being contacted Wednesday night, not Thursday morning.

:thinking: And didn't the police say that they had him on video at the "hardware store"? If so, I'm sure they are looking at him at 11:54 on Lowe's video to see if he's checking his phone.

:thinking: But did I read that his phone had no signal at that time, so there would be no pinging for them to see. It wasn't that he missed the call, it was due to no reception? ..... mind wandering lol.... but when that happens with me and I come back into range... my phone starts making noises of missed calls etc.

oh well, thought I would do a brain dump as it seems everyone else here is today :floorlaugh:

Any help to get me back on track is appreciated :biggrin:
We know that he spent time woth the little boy and that they shared a love for racing and he coached him and went to his races. It is not too far a stretch to think he would be sad that the boy was burned alive.

We have no evidence that he was living at that address. Only that his father lived there at some points. So it is a stretch to think he ever drove his boss's expensive cars there and an even bigger stretch to think he met DW there. Didnt DW's Dad have a restraining order out on his son for awhile? How often was he over there seeing his father?

Then I am very confused about when they were reported to be living in the same complex? As teens? Or as adults?

The driver is on video at Lowes between 11:30 and noon. We don't know where he was between money pick up and that time. Possibly dropped $40,000 off in car at S house. Maybe $20,000. Maybe he handed over some/all of the money that night at dinner with DW's cousin. WE DON'T KNOW! And I think that might be the point LE is trying to make - several stories, details don't add up. Either LE has proof that what W1 is saying is NOT true, or they don't have proof that what he said IS true.

Of course they have his phone...that is how they knew about the "flurry of calls" and that his last call was to JW at 11:54. I also believe that is how they knew JW "lied" about being contacted Wednesday night, not Thursday morning.

Of course it is possible. But DDW and JW don't seem to have much in common.

Has anyone found any sort of record for JW???

They worked for AIW a decade apart.

Their fathers lived in the same neighborhood. And I have lived in small complexes, and never knew anyone except the 3 other occupants that shared my alcove. Even then, I only knew them in passing, when I was out with my dogs or coming to/from the car. I wouldn't even borrow a cup of sugar from one of them...I would just head to the store.

That makes them "more in common than not"??? I hope no one in my neighborhood kills someone. I would hate to be a suspect because I had a conversation when I was out walking my dogs!

And that doesn't scream common criminal to me. In fact, it doesn't say criminal at all. That AFAIK is not a "criminal" offense. It is a moving violation. Someone with gang ties, with a long rap sheet, is IMO not running in the same circles as someone who has been racing most of his life.

But thanks for that information.

But the charging affidavit states they believe the 40k was delivered to the house.

He made up the fact about the red Porsche in the garage that the money was in. :lol:

Then that dies indeed show he makes things up! And so is accuracy can't be counted on. Thx. Not sure why the laughing head, but when in Rome. :) lol haha
Been reading so much, actually confused myself. He took a bus to NY, then the cab back to DC? When did he hook up with brother and the females? I remember where he did the 1K taxi ride, but how did that fit in to the last trip to DC when he was arrested? Is there a timeline for him? Tried to find one but so many posts I may have missed it. Thanks, I need to do a spreadsheet.

I haven't seen a timeline on him. LE said he took a bus to NY and then a cab back to DC to 'turn himself in'. I don't know when he hooked up with his posse.

Does it say that? From what I remembered, I thought it was saying that JW told them that account with his second story, not that they had any evidence of it or decided point of view about the accuracy of story #2. But If they do know it to be true, and said it was true, then for all intents and purposes, it must be true.

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Does it say that? From what I remembered, I thought it was saying that JW told them that account with his second story, not that they had any evidence of it or decided point of view about the accuracy of story #2. But If they do know it to be true, and said it was true, then for all intents and purposes, it must be true.

The charging documents said there was no sign of the manila envelope or the money in the car. LE can't prove JW delivered the money since it is a given that DW would have taken all of it and he was found with some money.

What alarms me most is that SS phoned JW at 11:54 AM and LE has said the murder of SS was between Noon and 1:30. That call gives JW the alibi at Lowe's. Just six minutes after the call, it is possible the murder took place and that, to me, represents some kind of signal to JW and he waits to return the call until after the fire started. We don't know where JW was when he made that final call to SS but cops know. I'm betting he was back in D.C. in the Porche.

How do we know that JW was a welder? There was a photo on one of his social media accounts showing the back of someone welding in a car. But, in my opinion, that person was not JW doing the welding.

I am assuming it was a photo of himself since it was his social media account.
Knowing how to weld and being a welder are 2 different things entirely. My ex did some welding while rebuilding an old car and never took any welding classes.
CD: Mr. S told W1 to leave the money in the car inside the garage. W1 stated, when IT arrived at Mr.
S' garage, IT placed the money inside a manila envelope that was in IT's car.

Good catch! The manilla envelope was in W-1's car, not the Mosler.
They do believe that's what he stated. They wanted it to be on record for sure. If they believe he delivered $40k then they would not be interested in him or detailing the discrepancies in his story. JMO.
:thinking: And didn't the police say that they had him on video at the "hardware store"? If so, I'm sure they are looking at him at 11:54 on Lowe's video to see if he's checking his phone.

:thinking: But did I read that his phone had no signal at that time, so there would be no pinging for them to see. It wasn't that he missed the call, it was due to no reception? ..... mind wandering lol.... but when that happens with me and I come back into range... my phone starts making noises of missed calls etc.

oh well, thought I would do a brain dump as it seems everyone else here is today :floorlaugh:

Any help to get me back on track is appreciated :biggrin:

The call itself sets up his alibi at Lowe's. JW can claim he didn't have reception but he's also a known liar. If he knew the call was coming, he intentionally wouldn't answer it.

Security cameras at Lowe's. LE haven't mentioned what car he was driving and I'm wondering if it was the Porche.


Good point. I also wonder if DC/MD use traffic/stoplight cameras, then LE may be able to tell what car JW used at store. If so and if they can trace DDW's movements in Porsche after he left Savapoulos home, then LE may be able to tell who was driving away from scene and who else was in the car (assuming LE can trace DDW's driving route and my guess is LE will be able to). Unless person ducking in seat. I wonder if anyone in Savapoulos' neighborhood has video/cameras from the weeks/time prior to the crimes, and it may have perp(s) on video scoping out home. Idk, jmo

Ok. But the address given for him in the charging documents is 5408 85th Ave. (Not DW's father's place, then - it is apparently his sister's). That is .1 miles from someone close to JW. Both are current addresses. Doesn't that seem incredibly noteworthy to you? It does to me. That's all I'm saying.
We'll all find out when LE pulls this together. :)
I believe B of A uses red zipper money bags (zippered at the top). At least when we had our commercial account there.


The charging docs say the red bag is JW's personal property. it could have been a BOA bag, but why would JW take that in with him rather than the envelope that the money allegedly was supposed to go in (JW says the envelope was in the car he was using rather than the envelope being in the drop-off car). The bag serves no purpose if the money was supposed to go in the envelope.
Knowing how to weld and being a welder are 2 different things entirely. My ex did some welding while rebuilding an old car and never took any welding classes.

my kids learned the basics of welding in high school.
Good point. I also wonder if DC/MD use traffic/stoplight cameras, then LE may be able to tell what car JW used at store. If so and if they can trace DDW's movements in Porsche after he left Savapoulos home, then LE may be able to tell who was driving away from scene and who else was in the car (assuming LE can trace DDW's driving route and my guess is LE will be able to). Unless person ducking in seat. I wonder if anyone in Savapoulos' neighborhood has video/cameras from the weeks/time prior to the crimes, and it may have perp(s) on video scoping out home. Idk, jmo

Can someone link the article that cites police reference to verifying JW at Lowe's via video?
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