DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #7

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I am not going to try and defend any of JW's actions anymore. This is a tough room. :whiteflag:

I guess since my own son is the same age and looks very much like him, :sigh: , I just don't want it to be true.

You must have a very handsome son. W-1 is a very good looking young man.

I'm arguing a POV that makes sense to me now...but, actually, I'd like to be wrong.

Because if he is involved...that it such a blow to the SS daughters. How do you get over a betrayal like that?
Regarding the video of a perp running with a bucket or something similar...

The video released is from only one side of the building. We only see him from behind. Surely there must be another surveillance camera on the other end of the building that recorded him from the front.

And not trying to be funny here, but, anyone else find themselves thinking of the movie Fargo?
Let's remember how gruesome this crime is.

Sure, we all forget or make mistakes when we face the normal stresses of life.

This is NOT normal.

If W-1.cares enough to be crying, there is no rational excuse not to give the most accurate information he can. Think what that child went through. W-1 was not dragged in immediately after the fire. He wasnt interrogated at the scene.

Why do we need to find excuses for him? He lied in the face of horror..When he claimed to care. He lied instead of helped LE.

Yes, oh, we all get flustered in our everyday lives. But something of this magnitude? When all you need to do is check the phone to get your facts straight? One click and you have the answer LE needs....


Not excusable...but that's just me.

ITA, and it's not just you! :goodpost:
Regarding the video of a perp running with a bucket or something similar...

The video released is from only one side of the building. We only see him from behind. Surely there must be another surveillance camera on the other end of the building that recorded him from the front.

And not trying to be funny here, but, anyone else find themselves thinking of the movie Fargo?

I was wondering that THAT day!!! There has to be video from the front of that shopping area. There's a Staples in there, too, on the other end.
You must have a very handsome son. W-1 is a very good looking young man.

I'm arguing a POV that makes sense to me now...but, actually, I'd like to be wrong.

Because if he is involved...that it such a blow to the SS daughters. How do you get over a betrayal like that?

I feel the exact same way.
5 years ago my husband went to bed and I stayed up to watch tv and fell asleep on the couch.
I heard a doorbell ringing, and loud knocking, and the noise woke me up. I thought it was on TV and then I realized it was our doorbell. I made my way upstairs, opened the wooden door, kept the storms doors locked, and saw 2 men dressed in blue uniforms. I thought they were from the gas company. Not sure why I thought that, but that's what my sleepy brain told me. It did not register in my sleepy brain they were cops, until they showed me their identification. It was 11:47 pm.

They asked for my husband, and I woke him up and he came to the door. For some reason I got a pencil and paper from the kitchen
And then the cops told us my husband's son, my stepson, was dead, and we needed to call the medical examiner- they gave me the ME phone number- in another faraway state. The cops had no other info and they left. I ran down the sidewalk and asked them to repeat what they had said, as my brain was on fire and did not want to believe they said THOSE WORDS.

I remember texting his other sons to call me, and they did.
I remember calling the ME in that faraway state.
I remember not sleeping that night. Disbelief. Adrenaline. Disbelief.

I don't remember much about the next 24-36 hours, and if I had been asked questions by ANYONE, including LE, I'm not sure my answers to ANY questions would have been ACCURATE or TRUE.
I wouldn't have been lying on purpose, but I sure wasn't thinking clearly or logically for 24-36 hours, as I tried to wrap my head around what had happened.


Truly my point of view. I'm sure this could have happened to JW if he knew or had been recently told that SS,AS,PS, and VF were dead.
5 years ago my husband went to bed and I stayed up to watch tv and fell asleep on the couch.
I heard a doorbell ringing, and loud knocking, and the noise woke me up. I thought it was on TV and then I realized it was our doorbell. I made my way upstairs, opened the wooden door, kept the storms doors locked, and saw 2 men dressed in blue uniforms. I thought they were from the gas company. Not sure why I thought that, but that's what my sleepy brain told me. It did not register in my sleepy brain they were cops, until they showed me their identification. It was 11:47 pm.

They asked for my husband, and I woke him up and he came to the door. For some reason I got a pencil and paper from the kitchen
And then the cops told us my husband's son, my stepson, was dead, and we needed to call the medical examiner- they gave me the ME phone number- in another faraway state. The cops had no other info and they left. I ran down the sidewalk and asked them to repeat what they had said, as my brain was on fire and did not want to believe they said THOSE WORDS.

I remember texting his other sons to call me, and they did.
I remember calling the ME in that faraway state.
I remember not sleeping that night. Disbelief. Adrenaline. Disbelief.

I don't remember much about the next 24-36 hours, and if I had been asked questions by ANYONE, including LE, I'm not sure my answers to ANY questions would have been ACCURATE or TRUE.
I wouldn't have been lying on purpose, but I sure wasn't thinking clearly or logically for 24-36 hours, as I tried to wrap my head around what had happened.


Truly my point of view. I'm sure this could have happened to JW if he knew or had been recently told that SS,AS,PS, and VF were dead.

I'm so sorry about your stepson. I'm sorry that happened to you and your family.
5 years ago my husband went to bed and I stayed up to watch tv and fell asleep on the couch.
I heard a doorbell ringing, and loud knocking, and the noise woke me up. I thought it was on TV and then I realized it was our doorbell. I made my way upstairs, opened the wooden door, kept the storms doors locked, and saw 2 men dressed in blue uniforms. I thought they were from the gas company. Not sure why I thought that, but that's what my sleepy brain told me. It did not register in my sleepy brain they were cops, until they showed me their identification. It was 11:47 pm.

They asked for my husband, and I woke him up and he came to the door. For some reason I got a pencil and paper from the kitchen
And then the cops told us my husband's son, my stepson, was dead, and we needed to call the medical examiner- they gave me the ME phone number- in another faraway state. The cops had no other info and they left. I ran down the sidewalk and asked them to repeat what they had said, as my brain was on fire and did not want to believe they said THOSE WORDS.

I remember texting his other sons to call me, and they did.
I remember calling the ME in that faraway state.
I remember not sleeping that night. Disbelief. Adrenaline. Disbelief.

I don't remember much about the next 24-36 hours, and if I had been asked questions by ANYONE, including LE, I'm not sure my answers to ANY questions would have been ACCURATE or TRUE.
I wouldn't have been lying on purpose, but I sure wasn't thinking clearly or logically for 24-36 hours, as I tried to wrap my head around what had happened.


Truly my point of view. I'm sure this could have happened to JW if he knew or had been recently told that SS,AS,PS, and VF were dead.

I'm sorry for your loss and I get what you're saying but JW admitted to LE that he lied after he saw the pic he sent to his gf of the money in his red bag. He wasn't confused he stated he lied.
Can someone link the article that cites police reference to verifying JW at Lowe's via video?

But other records obtained by the police seem to exonerate Wallace providing a strong alibi that he was not present at the Savopoulos house during the murders. Security cameras show Wallace was at a hardware store near a martial arts studio owned by Savopoulos in Virginia from 11:30 A.M until noon and cell phone records show Wallace was in Virginia at 1:34 P.M Thursday when firefighters arrived at the Savopoulos residence in Washington, D.C.—-placing Wallace 30 miles away from the crime scene.

I have yet to see where W1 coached PS, unless you count when he worked at Autobahn, where he "coached" other kids. I know his most recent coach said SS had spoken with/considered someone else, but that didn't work out. That could have been anyone. His most recent coach is much more in line with the type of driver I would expect SS to hire. As stated, SS wanted the best of everything for PS, once his interest in racing was clear. Bought him a top-line (for PS' age) go cart, racing clothes, equipment, etc... There is video of W1 speaking with a more accomplished driver many years his junior, trying to glean tips, etc. If I had nearly unlimited resources, I wouldn't choose someone of W1's experience when there are better options available.

Also, in charging docs, W1 makes absolutely no mention of ever coaching PS. You'd think someone with such a high opinion of himself (I saw his many SM sites before they were removed/made private) would make sure to include that.

<modsnip> yeah, I do count that as :moo: think PS was only eligible for Autobahn - as his age wouldn't allow him to participate in more competitive.....


But Jordan Wallace had met the Savopoulos family sometime in 2014 and had earlier coached the 10-year old Philip Savopoulos in competitive Go Kart racing
Regarding the video of a perp running with a bucket or something similar...

The video released is from only one side of the building. We only see him from behind. Surely there must be another surveillance camera on the other end of the building that recorded him from the front.

And not trying to be funny here, but, anyone else find themselves thinking of the movie Fargo?

I could see JW seeking financing through non-traditional banking channels and agreeing to do certain things for his creditors in order to extinguish his debt and prevent medical issues from arising.
Well, since mods have approved Nate as MSM/approved blog... yeah, I do count that as :moo: think PS was only eligible for Autobahn - as his age wouldn't allow him to participate in more competitive.....



Per same article states that PS's coach was Jay Howard, the professional Indy Car race driver and head of Motorsports Driver Development which trains young aspiring race drivers. Once Savvas saw that Philip was committed to racing, he made contact through FIA with Praga Karting, where he bought Philip a Go Kart. They told him &#8220;if you need the best coach, you need to talk to Jay Howard. I met them in January, and Savvas hired me to coach Philip&#8221;
I still don't see where it says W2 is the girlfriend. Only MSM reference I've seen is where WTTG says "apparently W1's girlfriend".

Since mods have (Bessie) approved Nate as MSM/approved blogger for this case... here ya go. HTH

This investigation has identified &#8220;Witness # 2 as Ashley Barrett, 25, of Annapolis, Maryland. Barrett is Jordan Wallace&#8217;s girlfriend and the Director of Social Media and photographer for the Autobahn Speedway in Jessup, Maryland, where Wallace worked before he was fired in March, according to employees of the Autobahn.. Barrett did not return several phone calls asking for comment. Autobahn Speedway employees confirmed she was Wallace&#8217;s girlfriend,
Since mods have (Bessie) approved Nate as MSM/approved blogger for this case... here ya go. HTH


If she is still working for them, and she admits she is his girlfriend, that leads me to believe that he was not fired for anything really horrible. In other words, if he stole money from them, or did something really bad, they would probably have gotten rid of his girlfriend too.

He may have been late too much, taken too many sick days, slacked off etc, and been let go. JMO
I'm sorry for your loss and I get what you're saying but JW admitted to LE that he lied after he saw the pic he sent to his gf of the money in his red bag. He wasn't confused he stated he lied.

I think he's probably still confused and consumed with guilt, and what ifs...I hate that many on this forum are condemning JW and assume he's involved. Innocent until proven guilty? He's not even been charged with anything.

I believe news with be forthcoming after the funerals.

Since mods have (Bessie) approved Nate as MSM/approved blogger for this case... here ya go. HTH


Per same article it states:

But it was their son, 10 year-old Philip, who was the racing fanatic. And it was Philip&#8217;s interest in racing that resulted in Jordan Wallace meeting the Savopoulos family. &#8220;Savvas spoke of Jordan Wallace. He said Wallace was someone he had met earlier with Philip at the Kart track, but they had kind of moved on from him, &#8221; said Paul Howard, of Ogden Racing Engines, a Florida based Formula One company. &#8220;Philip wanted to be involved in Formula One racing, and all Formula One racers start out on the Kart circuit.&#8221;
Hello! Newbie here, hope that's ok. I have never been so captivated by a case as I am this one. I stumbled upon this site as I feverishly searched for information. I think I've read (at least skimmed) all pages since this thread originally started. So much great information, ideas, and theories. Wow, I may be in over my head here. Anyways, I have a million and one thoughts right now.
One thing I've wondered about..what was SS Thursday supposed to look like? Such a busy man surely had to have important meetings or something to attend? Or was he to be in the dojo that day? I was just thinking on a typical day he probably had a million things going on and would have been missed/his absence needing to be explained. But if he was just to be in the dojo his absence wouldn't be noticed...I know he was in contact with people from AIW, but was he supposed to be anywhere (important meetings things of that nature)? Is it coincidence this happened the day before the dojo opening when I assume he wouldn't be going to AIW? Another question, as a driver I'm sure JW had some sort of advanced notice of his schedule. I wonder if he was supposed to drive anywhere that Thursday? Was he a casual driver or was this an everyday thing? Sorry for rambling, thinking out loud here.
If we can believe Nates post, at one time JW and DW were next door neighbors (did I read that right?!) I just can't believe JW is not involved - for the money not the murders. I think the tears were a combination of the deaths and fear. I do not think JW and DW were friends, but I think they did know each other. I think the social media was seen by DW who reached out to JW and set the plan in motion. Again, I think JW was in for the money, but not involved in the deaths.
Sorry for the rambling, my mind is all over the place. Thanks for reading &#128521;
If she is still working for them, and she admits she is his girlfriend, that leads me to believe that he was not fired for anything really horrible. In other words, if he stole money from them, or did something really bad, they would probably have gotten rid of his girlfriend too.

He may have been late too much, taken too many sick days, slacked off etc, and been let go. JMO

You can't fire someone because they are sleeping with someone doing wrong. That's illegal.
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