DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #7

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Let's remember how gruesome this crime is.

Sure, we all forget or make mistakes when we face the normal stresses of life.

This is NOT normal.

If W-1.cares enough to be crying, there is no rational excuse not to give the most accurate information he can. Think what that child went through. W-1 was not dragged in immediately after the fire. He wasnt interrogated at the scene.

Why do we need to find excuses for him? He lied in the face of horror..When he claimed to care. He lied instead of helped LE.

Yes, oh, we all get flustered in our everyday lives. But something of this magnitude? When all you need to do is check the phone to get your facts straight? One click and you have the answer LE needs....


Not excusable...but that's just me.
That's cool. We should wait for verification and the word "apparently" in the article is not verification. Thanks for the reply, and I agree it's best to wait for true confirmation.

Having been warned, I'm not taking any chances. :) I really am a rule-follower, but got a little over-eager in my "sleuthing". :) Novice's enthusiasm/mistake...
Waiting for a bounty hunter to enter this case. J/K
We know that he spent time woth the little boy and that they shared a love for racing and he coached him and went to his races. It is not too far a stretch to think he would be sad that the boy was burned alive.

We have no evidence that he was living at that address. Only that his father lived there at some points. So it is a stretch to think he ever drove his boss's expensive cars there and an even bigger stretch to think he met DW there. Didnt DW's Dad have a restraining order out on his son for awhile? How often was he over there seeing his father?

Then I am very confused about when they were reported to be living in the same complex? As teens? Or as adults?

The driver is on video at Lowes between 11:30 and noon. We don't know where he was between money pick up and that time. Possibly dropped $40,000 off in car at S house. Maybe $20,000. Maybe he handed over some/all of the money that night at dinner with DW's cousin. WE DON'T KNOW! And I think that might be the point LE is trying to make - several stories, details don't add up. Either LE has proof that what W1 is saying is NOT true, or they don't have proof that what he said IS true.

I agree. There is no way for us to know unless we presume that JW tells the truth about his drop off of $40k in the car. And that doesn't seem reasonable because he admittedly lied about it. And he is the only person in the world Who is saying that's what he did. I have a hard time ASSUMING that it is true. It could be, but I am definitely not predisposed to take his word for it. For obvious reasons.
I thought I heard cellphone pings... I don't recall reading there was video evidence.

Security cameras at Lowe's. LE haven't mentioned what car he was driving and I'm wondering if it was the Porche.

I am not sure that JW ever drove SS's cars to that apt complex.

It would be really interesting to know WHERE he drove them, if anywhere other than S home or AIW offices. I think those cars could draw a crowd lots of places, and W1 seems like the kind of person who would be happy to talk about them/the owners/his job/his racing aspirations, etc...
Took the Porsche and torched it then took the bus to NY and then a 1k cab back to DC

Been reading so much, actually confused myself. He took a bus to NY, then the cab back to DC? When did he hook up with brother and the females? I remember where he did the 1K taxi ride, but how did that fit in to the last trip to DC when he was arrested? Is there a timeline for him? Tried to find one but so many posts I may have missed it. Thanks, I need to do a spreadsheet.
I am not going to try and defend any of JW's actions anymore. This is a tough room. :whiteflag:

I guess since my own son is the same age and looks very much like him, :sigh: , I just don't want it to be true.
There is a difference between misspeaking and telling a lie. Charging documents clearly state JW admitted he LIED

There is also a distinct difference between forgetting and lying. Lying is intentional and is a sign of guilt. It also is a crime if the investigators are federal agents.

Absolutely they could, but thinking outside the box since nobody really knows what happened... IF W1 was indeed involved and didn't even think about the car being locked/unlocked and the keys were inside...he told the investigators it was locked at first....if the keys were kept inside at all times then that would mean that if he did in fact retrieve the keys (like he first told investigators based on the charging docs) he would have to go inside to get them because that is where they were kept...which puts him in the crime scene...

Just trying to think of how/why the "lying" by W1 to investigators and what it all means to the investigation...as I said, just a thought...just like everyone else...

Great catch!

... he went inside of the garage, located a key to unlock the door to the car in the garage, and placed the envelope on the drivers seat. After placing the envelope on the drivers seat, W1 locked the vehicle and exited the garage and closed the door to same.
I am not going to try and defend any of JW's actions anymore. This is a tough room. :whiteflag:

I guess since my own son is the same age and looks very much like him, :sigh: , I just don't want it to be true.

I really don't get this... i've been on WS for a bit and have never encountered the testiness in here. This is an emotional case but goodness, we are ALL speculating. Every single one of us. Everyone is here for the same reason. We are truly on the same team you all.
Then why bring the red-lined bag? I can understand having one or the other, but not both.

I believe B of A uses red zipper money bags (zippered at the top). At least when we had our commercial account there.

We know that he spent time woth the little boy and that they shared a love for racing and he coached him and went to his races. It is not too far a stretch to think he would be sad that the boy was burned alive.

We have no evidence that he was living at that address. Only that his father lived there at some points. So it is a stretch to think he ever drove his boss's expensive cars there and an even bigger stretch to think he met DW there. Didnt DW's Dad have a restraining order out on his son for awhile? How often was he over there seeing his father?

Then I am very confused about when they were reported to be living in the same complex? As teens? Or as adults?

The driver is on video at Lowes between 11:30 and noon. We don't know where he was between money pick up and that time. Possibly dropped $40,000 off in car at S house. Maybe $20,000. Maybe he handed over some/all of the money that night at dinner with DW's cousin. WE DON'T KNOW! And I think that might be the point LE is trying to make - several stories, details don't add up. Either LE has proof that what W1 is saying is NOT true, or they don't have proof that what he said IS true.

Of course they have his phone...that is how they knew about the "flurry of calls" and that his last call was to JW at 11:54. I also believe that is how they knew JW "lied" about being contacted Wednesday night, not Thursday morning.

They could also tell about calls just from his phone record. But I "think" they might have to have an actual phone from at least one party to see what is texted. But I "think" cell providers can provide voicemail recordings. I spent a decade working on T-Mobile so I should know this! I just know they got A LOT of LE coming in to get records.
Yes, things are iffy, which are why people are uneasy about JW but can't definitely say he was involved. I for one am not certain that he was knowingly involved in any part of this as I could his see his big mouth being the accomplice without him knowingly being involved. I for instance could see how JW was bragging about how he was going to (or he already had) transported lots of cash for the S family with that bragging reaching the wrong people with those people potentially knowing that they could get lots of cash without the S family having to leave the house.

I think JW just might be mixed in with the wrong people.
I am not going to try and defend any of JW's actions anymore. This is a tough room. :whiteflag:

I guess since my own son is the same age and looks very much like him, :sigh: , I just don't want it to be true.

Right there with ya...IMO, it seems there has been quite a bit of speculation and sleuthing of stories/parties that isn't normally done here. Just like that blog.
We know that he spent time woth the little boy and that they shared a love for racing and he coached him and went to his races. It is not too far a stretch to think he would be sad that the boy was burned alive.

We have no evidence that he was living at that address. Only that his father lived there at some points. So it is a stretch to think he ever drove his boss's expensive cars there and an even bigger stretch to think he met DW there. Didnt DW's Dad have a restraining order out on his son for awhile? How often was he over there seeing his father?

Then I am very confused about when they were reported to be living in the same complex? As teens? Or as adults?

The driver is on video at Lowes between 11:30 and noon. We don't know where he was between money pick up and that time. Possibly dropped $40,000 off in car at S house. Maybe $20,000. Maybe he handed over some/all of the money that night at dinner with DW's cousin. WE DON'T KNOW! And I think that might be the point LE is trying to make - several stories, details don't add up. Either LE has proof that what W1 is saying is NOT true, or they don't have proof that what he said IS true.

Of course they have his phone...that is how they knew about the "flurry of calls" and that his last call was to JW at 11:54. I also believe that is how they knew JW "lied" about being contacted Wednesday night, not Thursday morning.

Of course it is possible. But DDW and JW don't seem to have much in common.

Has anyone found any sort of record for JW???

People are speculating that they had cars, welding and SS in common (or you could say SS's company AIW in DW's case). Don't know them personally, so can't say! Although they could know each other and not like each other and still collaborate on a crime. If I were thinking about who could hold my boss hostage, it would probably be my least fave acquaintance
I have yet to see where W1 coached PS, unless you count when he worked at Autobahn, where he "coached" other kids. I know his most recent coach said SS had spoken with/considered someone else, but that didn't work out. That could have been anyone. His most recent coach is much more in line with the type of driver I would expect SS to hire. As stated, SS wanted the best of everything for PS, once his interest in racing was clear. Bought him a top-line (for PS' age) go cart, racing clothes, equipment, etc... There is video of W1 speaking with a more accomplished driver many years his junior, trying to glean tips, etc. If I had nearly unlimited resources, I wouldn't choose someone of W1's experience when there are better options available.

Also, in charging docs, W1 makes absolutely no mention of ever coaching PS. You'd think someone with such a high opinion of himself (I saw his many SM sites before they were removed/made private) would make sure to include that.

I can't imagine it made JW feel good that despite him being in their employ that at best he'd have to look on as someone else coached PS. JW is just the CEO's errand boy where that CEO uses someone else to coach PS in go-karting despite JW's background in go-karting. This may or may not be relevant, but so far he's not paid up for the Kart World Championship in Italy (this could be one of his financial pressures or it could mean whatever team he's on is paying in installments per schedule):
I've got to think that's an awfully expensive trip to make and he'd already lost Autobahn as a sponsor. The Kart World Championship could have been a motive for JW if he was involved in any way on this. If what is reported is true that he was having trouble affording to pay for racing stateside, it's going to be a world harder affording racing overseas.
Let's remember how gruesome this crime is.

Sure, we all forget or make mistakes when we face the normal stresses of life.

This is NOT normal.

If W-1.cares enough to be crying, there is no rational excuse not to give the most accurate information he can. Think what that child went through. W-1 was not dragged in immediately after the fire. He wasnt interrogated at the scene.

Why do we need to find excuses for him? He lied in the face of horror..When he claimed to care. He lied instead of helped LE.

Yes, oh, we all get flustered in our everyday lives. But something of this magnitude? When all you need to do is check the phone to get your facts straight? One click and you have the answer LE needs....


Not excusable...but that's just me.

Never excusable to lie. Where did the story that he called the employee crying even come from? Was it another tidbit by NG?
I am not going to try and defend any of JW's actions anymore. This is a tough room. :whiteflag:

I guess since my own son is the same age and looks very much like him, :sigh: , I just don't want it to be true.

We are all on the same team here. We want justice for the family and don't have much info we are just going by what LE documents say and we are trying to piece it together. If you feel JW is innocent then that's ok with me, I hope you continue to speak your mind about whatever you think/feel. Don't take anything personal, I'm sorry if I offended you in any way.
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