DC - They did it for the show - Couple Crashes White House Dinner

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I hope they get the book thrown at them too and that the Presidents security gets fixed. This is definitely a wake up call.
On another note: With the economy being what it is, job loss, people suffering financially- etc. I don't think its representative of the people when our officials spend a lot of money on gala and dinners - etc. Our government should be reflective of the current times and what is happening or else it shows a kind of 'out of touch' government. Yes - ceremony is necessary for the respect of foreign officials BUT costs need to be kept in line with respects to the people who fund it, and what the people in the U.S. are financially going through right now. That's my take on the big, expensive 'to dos' that occur in D.C. People are losing their homes and jobs - our elected leaders should be sensitive to that by toning down their extravagance.
To me this whole thing was just disrespectful. If they really weren't invited, they had no business trying to go. It's not like they were just crashing some celebrity's party or something, this was an official state dinner for the United States. Not cute to crash it.
I once wound up behind bars for practicing law without a license - and that's a GREAT story....only time I've ever been behind bars, BTW.....but I digress.....but THIS would beat that by a mile! :)

I know it's off topic, but you can't say that and then not share the story!!! Do tell!
I know it's off topic, but you can't say that and then not share the story!!! Do tell!

LOL! I think I shared it here once before, but I can't recall where.

I used to have a paralegal business where I helped prepare documents for people who represent themselves pro se in simple uncontested matters. The majority of what I prepared was divorce.

Non-lawyer preparation of divorces is a weird legal area. I worked with people all over the state of Georgia. Sometimes Judges and attorneys would refer people to me. But every now and again, I would run afoul of those in power. One Judge subpoenaed me to his Court for UPL (unauthorized practice of law) and then let me go after I signed an Affidavit swearing I would never again prepare documents in his county.

A few months after I had closed my company and started another company doing something else, I was subpoenaed from a Judge in a county where I had literally prepared 100s of divorce cases. She put me on the stand, asked me two questions and then said she was throwing me in jail for the unauthorized practice of law. She had the bailiff take me out of the courtroom in handcuffs and down to the bowels of the courthouse, where they put me in a holding cell for 8 hours. They even made me fill out my transfer paperwork to the prison.

I thought it was all kind of insane since I'd never had a trial - or even been allowed a phone call! Anyway, at the end of the day, they brought me back in front of her and she yelled at me some more and sent me home.
The thing that I find frustrating is the number of posters that seem to think picking and choosing when laws should apply is ok. Is it ok for you or me to crash the White House? Is it ok for a terrorist? Why should laws apply to some people and not others?
No way - do you think? My money's still on their getting a slap on the wrist, but I guess we'll see how this plays out!

Only my opinion - but I think the secret service will want to keep this on the down low. If the FBI takes it to the extreme, they will end up showing their cards (mishaps, failures, what have you). I have a feeling they might brush this one under the carpet -- unfortunately.


The thing that I find frustrating is the number of posters that seem to think picking and choosing when laws should apply is ok. Is it ok for you or me to crash the White House? Is it ok for a terrorist? Why should laws apply to some people and not others?

If you want to crash a dinner at the White House, RandG, I'll totally drive you! :)

I don't care if a "terrorist" crashes one either if they don't hurt anyone. But I'm bad for serious discussion about this - I humbly admit that! I appreciate ballsy lawlessness when no harm is caused.
Only my opinion - but I think the secret service will want to keep this on the down low. If the FBI takes it to the extreme, they will end up showing their cards (mishaps, failures, what have you). I have a feeling they might brush this one under the carpet -- unfortunately.



Yeah - I don't see this getting taken to the wall at all! I guess the powers that protect will live and learn and beef up whatever they need to beef up.

Do you think we'll ever hear how exactly they accomplished such a feat? Probably, as you stated, that info will be swept under the rug.
If you want to crash a dinner at the White House, RandG, I'll totally drive you! :) .

Thanks for the offer - I think...

I went to the White House many years ago with a school group. I'd like to get tickets to go back, but they are much harder to come by these days. Instead of crashing a party, I'd settle for tickets to the annual Easter Egg roll. Anyone have tickets to the 2010 Easter Egg roll? I think military families now get first dibs.
Thanks for the offer - I think...

I went to the White House many years ago with a school group. I'd like to get tickets to go back, but they are much harder to come by these days. Instead of crashing a party, I'd settle for tickets to the annual Easter Egg roll. Anyone have tickets to the 2010 Easter Egg roll? I think military families now get first dibs.

That's a good question - legitimate invites to the WH, I mean. I've never really thought about it. My boys would totally dig it. I've been to D.C., but never to the White House.
Yeah - I don't see this getting taken to the wall at all! I guess the powers that protect will live and learn and beef up whatever they need to beef up.

Do you think we'll ever hear how exactly they accomplished such a feat? Probably, as you stated, that info will be swept under the rug.

No, I don't think we'll hear it from the White House. One of these days the couple may speak on how they did it. But since they've been saying all along they had a legit invitation - we probably won't hear from them either. I think they're in a Tiger Woods moment and avoiding press and publicity -- which they should to keep their arsses out of jail.


LOL! I think I shared it here once before, but I can't recall where.

I used to have a paralegal business where I helped prepare documents for people who represent themselves pro se in simple uncontested matters. The majority of what I prepared was divorce.

Non-lawyer preparation of divorces is a weird legal area. I worked with people all over the state of Georgia. Sometimes Judges and attorneys would refer people to me. But every now and again, I would run afoul of those in power. One Judge subpoenaed me to his Court for UPL (unauthorized practice of law) and then let me go after I signed an Affidavit swearing I would never again prepare documents in his county.

A few months after I had closed my company and started another company doing something else, I was subpoenaed from a Judge in a county where I had literally prepared 100s of divorce cases. She put me on the stand, asked me two questions and then said she was throwing me in jail for the unauthorized practice of law. She had the bailiff take me out of the courtroom in handcuffs and down to the bowels of the courthouse, where they put me in a holding cell for 8 hours. They even made me fill out my transfer paperwork to the prison.

I thought it was all kind of insane since I'd never had a trial - or even been allowed a phone call! Anyway, at the end of the day, they brought me back in front of her and she yelled at me some more and sent me home.

I don't understand I'm a paralegal also and that's what we do we prepare documents. I would have beat that charge with ease. The only thing you can't do is represent someone in court, or give legal advice, but so long as you have on the document that it was prepared by a non attorney it's o.k.
the canada free press blog is showing another picture from several years ago.

And this is interesting: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/11/27/AR2009112702135.html?hpid=topnews
Oh you have got to be kidding me.

Obama knew these people!
Oh you have got to be kidding me.

Obama knew these people!

He did? I often wonder what she said as she was greeting the president and shaking his hand. Was he thinking -- who the heck is this? What did she say -- hello, you didn't invite me, but it's so nice to meet you.

Blech --

I don't understand I'm a paralegal also and that's what we do we prepare documents. I would have beat that charge with ease. The only thing you can't do is represent someone in court, or give legal advice, but so long as you have on the document that it was prepared by a non attorney it's o.k.

What state are you in? It's a sticky wicket here in Georgia with different Judges have different thoughts about it - some believe preparing a legal document without an attorney overseer is practicing law. I completely disagree!

In any event - I still do the same thing in several states - but for a larger company that takes all the heat!

ETA - I see now that you are in Georgia.

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