DCF Shelter Hearings

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Yes, trust is something very precious. I hope the prosecutors shove those words back at him during the penalty phase of his murder trial.
"I'm a permanent resident." What does that have to do with the price of eggs?

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Besides the fact my eyeballs are rolling around in my head as I try to weed thru all that happened in court today, ha, ha, it appears Mark picked lawyers that may prove Baez to have been the smart lawyer!! Oh dear, we are in for the trial of the century!

it sounds like DCF is going to have to supervise all correspondence and phone calls between Mark and the girls. Perhaps even with his mother to see how he is manipulating her. In fact, I thought all phone calls were recorded and letters read, incoming or outgoing. Is this true? Is this where the recordings have come from?

Mark is so use to being the person in control, he still cannot accept the fact that the rules are different in jail.. He can't do what he wants, then lie his way out of it, because there are records of everything he does!

Since Bonnie has said she doesn't want the children, for all the reasons listed, she may have had a wake up call as to what her life would be like with her son running her life everyday. That is probably the wisest and smartest decision she has ever made!!

So, what is the custody battle about then? The fact that MAG will raise his daughters? Mark, you didn't think your plan thru! You brought all this on yourself, and soon karma will get you when everything is stripped away and you are left penniless! It couldn't have happened to a more deserving man!
Very, very well said 1&2&3!

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I just had the chance to catch up and listen to the hearing. So many priceless moments, but the best was when BS initially testified that she listened to the girls when they spoke to MS, claiming they primarily just said things like, "I love you" and "I miss you." Then suddenly on cross, MS is always on speaker.

Okay. So he's on speaker when he calls, which means she has supervised both ends of all their conversations. She had to backpedal a bit, but now she has clarified that she is fully in compliance with the court order and has listened to everything MS has said to the girls. Phew! That was close!

Has MS coached the girls? Nope! Have you heard MS speak negatively to them about Annie? Nope! How about Frank? Nope! Does he talk about his criminal case with them? Nope! Did he tell them Annie is to blame for him not getting out on bond? Nope!

Enter the DCF supervisor who has listened to, and is moments away from testifying about, key jail phone calls between MS and the girls. And recordings of said phone calls are about to be entered into evidence.


Mummert jumps to his feet, objecting.

BS's attorney quickly follows suit, providing the court with an oral reading from her iPad of a lengthy statute, stressing pertinent words such as "REASONABLE" and "SUFFICIENT," in regards to timing of notification.

No dice. The judge rules that the calls are admissible stating both attorneys were emailed notification along with audio files of each phone call.

What benefit does BS get out of battling for custody? The girls are doing fine according to DCFS so that's not a problem. It sounds like BS sees them regularly or at least as much as she did before Dr. Theresa's death, perhaps even more, so that's also not a problem. She had no interest in the girls' welfare until the money came into the picture and it's as obvious as the nose on my face that her only benefit in this whole thing is for nothing but the control of money for her son. Perhaps in his sick mind 'Sonny Boy' figures if she has control of the money she can somehow use it for his benefit. I used to have a little sympathy for her but today, I have no use for this woman. I hope the judge has the commons sense to get this over with quickly and for good.
it's those blurred boundaries MS and his crew have...

no matter what MS wants or doesn't want, his mother should be able to discern that from what is in the best interest of her grandchildren, and act accordingly

i think in addition to the reasons that were stated for why she didn't "want" them originally, may have been her desire to remove herself from the MS/grandchildren situation

i don't think her compass is true North, at the same time i think MS manipulates her and guilts her as with the code debacle

i know i'm rambling...
i feel like i need to bleach my mind and at the same time i want to listen to it again and again
Oh em gee. This guy. Thank you to the goodness of everything that he is in jail. What a manipulator. I'm equally glad his true personality is coming out as I am sad that this is what I believe IMO Dr. Teresa saw and was going to leave behind. What a chump. Hopefully the judge continues to make the right decisions regarding the children which shouldn't be hard considering what BS has openly stated in her own words about her abilities and desires to care for them. Those poor girls lost the one person they need the most right now all because of that man and his evil mind. Yes, JR/CWW did the crime but no way they would have without MS prompting them. IMO
I dont think its fair that MAG has to pay for his phone calls.

I totally agree. Especially since there are days where he's calling several times a day. I would be beyond livid if I was MAG. As everyone has said, he's still trying to control things from jail. He's such a and just makes my skin crawl.
I had a very long post ... Reconsidered what I was saying .. it was much too personal.. Deleted

but bottom line...kudos for paying for the children to talk to their father ... they're not old enough to understand and handle the truth in my opinion.

For a child who grew up with a tragedy that the truth was hidden from me.. it was much better to learn it later in life. When I was young I only saw comfort and everybody was wonderful ..and that I was surrounded in Comfort by paternal and maternal grandparents.

I had NO idea of the animosity and allegations between the two sides of the family and the blaming for my fathers death .

I wish it were that way for the girls
Hello red flag!
IMO, the court needs to see these letters.
Quote Originally Posted by tlcya View Post
“I have stated to the girls that trust is something very precious and it’s hard to know who to trust with what’s going on,” said Sievers, who added that he has instructed the girls not to talk to Groves about certain things, including letters from him.
********* ********* ******** ***********
Holy Toledo.... Deputy should be dispatched to BS's "2 bedroom suite" post haste!! And all those letters confiscated immediately! Good grief, we already know what M Sievers is capable of doing with all his "secret messages" and "codes" with those in his "trusted" circle. What is really, really sicko about all of this is... "What secrets would a grown man want 2 little girls to keep from their primary caregiver/grandmother.?????"
I even tried to give BS wide latitude for "reaching into her own pocket" to purchase syringes (Yes I was searching for some redeeming qualities)....then I found out they cost less than one pair my contact lenses. Flop....

You have insulin, but you need the vehicle to get the insulin into you: syringes.
$12.58 ReliOn Insulin Syringes (100 syringes in each box)
If you use the ReliOn insulin, you’ll most likely take two shots per day (minimum, remember?), so that’s 60 syringes per month. You can only buy them a box at a time.
Total cost per month: $12.58
Total cost per year: $100.64 (8 boxes, for 720 syringes each year, hoping that every single one works properly)
“I feel the girls enjoy being with me,” Bonnie Sievers testified. “They feel safe with me. They know I’m a permanent resident here. I’m the mother of their father, so we have that bond.”

She seriously said that?? And Mary Ann does not have that bond because....:shutup:
My hands are practically asleep from sitting on them for so long.

beach My computer froze up too (twice) while this was going on this morning. I finally had to close everything down (including my notes that I couldn't even copy)
and restart the darn thing :frown:

Today was the first day following the Microsoft updates that are released the 2nd Tuesday each month. My computer often just shuts itself down all on it's own if I am on it and those updates come through. When I got on today, it just went right into the updates before I could do anything else.
I just had the chance to catch up and listen to the hearing. So many priceless moments, but the best was when BS initially testified that she listened to the girls when they spoke to MS, claiming they primarily just said things like, "I love you" and "I miss you." Then suddenly on cross, MS is always on speaker.

Okay. So he's on speaker when he calls, which means she has supervised both ends of all their conversations. She had to backpedal a bit, but now she has clarified that she is fully in compliance with the court order and has listened to everything MS has said to the girls. Phew! That was close!

Has MS coached the girls? Nope! Have you heard MS speak negatively to them about Annie? Nope! How about Frank? Nope! Does he talk about his criminal case with them? Nope! Did he tell them Annie is to blame for him not getting out on bond? Nope!

Enter the DCF supervisor who has listened to, and is moments away from testifying about, key jail phone calls between MS and the girls. And recordings of said phone calls are about to be entered into evidence.


Mummert jumps to his feet, objecting.

BS's attorney quickly follows suit, providing the court with an oral reading from her iPad of a lengthy statute, stressing pertinent words such as "REASONABLE" and "SUFFICIENT," in regards to timing of notification.

No dice. The judge rules that the calls are admissible stating both attorneys were emailed notification along with audio files of each phone call.


:D :D :D Glad you were able to listen and catch up!

Re the BBM: I know the blame game was hard to follow because well....EVERYTHING is somebody else's fault but it was Mimi's fault that he didn't get out on bond! And it was Annie who was trying to get them taken away from him before he was arrested (original DCF hearing). Oh and it is now Patrick's probate petition filed that is trying to take their home away from them.

Believe me. I listened 3 times and actually took notes just to keep the blame list straight. No kidding.

eta: Oh, and for the record - he clearly hates Annie most of all. Pretty sure it's because she is just like Teresa. Seriously. I'm sure it's Teresa's fault he's in this damn predicament to begin with. Wonder what he blames Wayne and JR for...:thinking:
She talks out of both sides of her mouth.

She may speak with a kindly, articulate, measured voice and act downtright agreeable but out of one side she talks about Teresa's 'death' and out of the other side says she's prepared to raise her granddaughters into adulthood.

What does that say about her?

That kindly, modern, young-at-heart, openly gay before-her-time woman KNOWS the truth about what her son did.

Someone who is innocent doesn't act the way Mark is acting and someone who believes her son is innocent (just wrongly accused) does not behave the way Bonnie is behaving. MOO

I cannot wait for the next hearing.

I am sorry for the girls- ATL- I think we all are but I think MAGS is doing a stand up job with those girls and I do think she deserves a ton of slack for any perceived imperfections in her feelings towards Mark and Bonnie too.

Bonnie's actions are ultimately Bonnie's and she needs to answer for them. Her son does not have a gun to her head- he never has. Maybe, just maybe Teresa incurred a wrath that ultimately belonged to Bonnie in Marks warped mind and upbringing. That man hates women and that's the truth. His flirtations are for control and his desire to demean. Thank god those girls are out of his grasp.
She talks out of both sides of her mouth.

She may speak with a kindly, articulate, measured voice and act downtright agreeable but out of one side she talks about Teresa's 'death' and out of the other side says she's prepared to raise her granddaughters into adulthood.

What does that say about her?

That kindly, modern, young-at-heart, openly gay before-her-time woman KNOWS the truth about what her son did.

Someone who is innocent doesn't act the way Mark is acting and someone who believes her son is innocent (just wrongly accused) does not behave the way Bonnie is behaving. MOO

I cannot wait for the next hearing.

I am sorry for the girls- ATL- I think we all are but I think MAGS is doing a stand up job with those girls and I do think she deserves a ton of slack for any perceived imperfections in her feelings towards Mark and Bonnie too.

Bonnie's actions are ultimately Bonnie's and she needs to answer for them. Her son does not have a gun to her head- he never has. Maybe, just maybe Teresa incurred a wrath that ultimately belonged to Bonnie in Marks warped mind and upbringing. That man hates women and that's the truth. His flirtations are for control and his desire to demean. Thank god those girls are out of his grasp.


:crying: when what I am saying is not understood correctly!

I agree MAGS is fab! She was not the person complaining about $100 a month and I think she never would!!! She hasn't even been on the stand yet.

That was not my intention to diminish anything that she has done ..she is doing everything right!!!!!! She has/is supportive of the father talking to the girls every day


Apologies that I was obtuse!!!
What benefit does BS get out of battling for custody? The girls are doing fine according to DCFS so that's not a problem. It sounds like BS sees them regularly or at least as much as she did before Dr. Theresa's death, perhaps even more, so that's also not a problem. She had no interest in the girls' welfare until the money came into the picture and it's as obvious as the nose on my face that her only benefit in this whole thing is for nothing but the control of money for her son. Perhaps in his sick mind 'Sonny Boy' figures if she has control of the money she can somehow use it for his benefit. I used to have a little sympathy for her but today, I have no use for this woman. I hope the judge has the commons sense to get this over with quickly and for good.



Notice all the qualifiers when asked about being able to financially support them? "it would be hard but I'd HAVE to find a way" etc....then enter the money that Frank controls that currently pays for their home-schooling, meds, extra-curricular activities, etc... Yep, a blind man could see where this is headed. Trying to get back control of the account set up to support the girls. Except in MS's fantasy world, it would transfer to Bonnie and he would be able to manipulate it for his own benefit.

Makes me sick.

One thing that was very clear to me today - this Judge ain't buying anything about this dog & pony show. He probably rolled his eyes, poured a tall cocktail while laughing to himself and is sleeping well tonight.
Thank y'all for giving updates throughout the day. Y'all rock!


Notice all the qualifiers when asked about being able to financially support them? "it would be hard but I'd HAVE to find a way" etc....then enter the money that Frank controls that currently pays for their home-schooling, meds, extra-curricular activities, etc... Yep, a blind man could see where this is headed. Trying to get back control of the account set up to support the girls. Except in MS's fantasy world, it would transfer to Bonnie and he would be able to manipulate it for his own benefit.

Makes me sick.

One thing that was very clear to me today - this Judge ain't buying anything about this dog & pony show. He probably rolled his eyes, poured a tall cocktail while laughing to himself and is sleeping well tonight.

:D :D :D Glad you were able to listen and catch up!

Re the BBM: I know the blame game was hard to follow because well....EVERYTHING is somebody else's fault but it was Mimi's fault that he didn't get out on bond! And it was Annie who was trying to get them taken away from him before he was arrested (original DCF hearing). Oh and it is now Patrick's probate petition filed that is trying to take their home away from them.

Believe me. I listened 3 times and actually took notes just to keep the blame list straight. No kidding.

eta: Oh, and for the record - he clearly hates Annie most of all. Pretty sure it's because she is just like Teresa. Seriously. I'm sure it's Teresa's fault he's in this damn predicament to begin with. Wonder what he blames Wayne and JR for...:thinking:

Oh yes, the blame game was STRONG.

Also, since MS was apparently careless enough to poison the girls' minds on knowingly recoded jail phone calls, I'm hoping he was equally as careless with burner phone voicemails and texts to brother Wayne.
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