Death Penalty Vs Life in Prison and Why

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do you want Casey to get the death penalty?

  • yes

    Votes: 106 59.2%
  • no

    Votes: 73 40.8%

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I would be okay with either LWOP or the death penalty. Nothing less.

I think this case should be easy to get a sentence of death.

If anything other than one of these, I'd consider it a miscarriage of justice.
I would be okay with either LWOP or the death penalty. Nothing less.

I think this case should be easy to get a sentence of death.

If anything other than one of these, I'd consider it a miscarriage of justice.

Esp. since Judge Perry is the one who decides her fate
Tonight, I was thinking about all those questions put to the jurors about mercy. I couldn't comprehend how anyone believing the states case could have mercy on Casey Anthony. Still can't.

However, I would feel mercy enough to spare her life for her parents sake.
Tend to agree. I think the DP is huge stretch for this type of case unless the prosecution has something I can't imagine up it's sleeve. MO, conviction is a lock, but maybe not 1st degree unless the jury is as PO'd at the 31 days thingie as I am. She seems to have already adapted to the roll of prisoner. I could definitely see her preggers within the next couple of years.

This is interesting, if she were to become pregnant what would happen to the baby? Would CA get the baby? Oh wait, I guess this time the father would be known, so maybe he would lose his job but he would get the baby??
Last week, the woman in Ohio who killed her baby in a microwave oven received LWOP instead of the DP, which was a choice the jury had. That boggles my mind; if that sort of murder and method of death does not merit the DP, then I am at a loss to know what would.

So I don't think it is realistic to think that the DP is even close to a given here. If the defense does anything at all right in their defense and presentation, LWOP would be a huge win for them. I think both sides would be satisfied with LWOP.
I think after what the jury saw today I'm confident they will sentence KC to death, and if they don't HJP Will.
After hearing Both Opening Statements? Life or Death?

I'm going with Casey getting the needle.
After today-if CA is found guilty-I don't think she will be given the death penalty. Probably Life in Prison.
I think after what the jury saw today I'm confident they will sentence KC to death, and if they don't HJP Will.

Up until today I thought this should have been an LWOP case. After hearing JB's opening statements, though I wouldn't be at all surprised if jury members who were hesitant about the DP when picked are now solidly FOR it.
Up until today I thought this should have been an LWOP case. After hearing JB's opening statements, though I wouldn't be at all surprised if jury members who were hesitant about the DP when picked are now solidly FOR it.
On Nancy Grace tonight, Bill Shaeffer said he never thought this was a DP case. After hearing JB's opening he said he changed his mind.
I can admit, I have juggled back and forth on death vs life for Casey.

4 days in on this trial and I don't think I will change my mind again.

I would like for Casey to spend the rest of her life in prison. I want her to remember each day until she turns 99 years old remembering what she has done to her daughter and her father.

This article about the high cost of the death penalty may have been posted sometime before now, but I just came across it and it has some interesting information.

In Florida, a death penalty case averages about $3.2 million dollars to taypayers; at one point FL spent over $57 million to execute 18 people. Part of the high cost of DP cases are the complex pre-trial motions (as we have seen in this case) and then either the seemingly endless appeals if the penalty is death, or the full cost of LWOP if not.

Whatever your views on the DP, this is some interesting reading, at least to me. It tells the costs of DP cases in various states, how they affect the counties involved as far as having to lay off staff, officers, afterward, etc...also in some states, it tells which programs were cut in order to be able to afford to institute the death penalty.

Personally, I am not completely anti-DP; kind of ambivalent about it. I do believe there are some people this earth would be far better off without. But the system we have is so cumbersome and costly and as a deterrent, it surely fails.

(Clearly this was written by an anti-DP, but the info is still of interest. I am only posting it because I found it to be of interest due to the economy, etc...not for any personal feelings and hope I don't get "flamed" :( ) I don't care what happens to Casey as long as she is convicted.
I tend to lean away from the death penalty - for anyone. It doesn't deter anyone from anything. It is my understanding that in the state of FL the jury makes the recommendation of punishment but the judge has the final say. I believe during mitigation the Anthonys will make a plea to spare Casey's life (assuming the jury does want the dp) and the judge will honor their plea, as it is the Anthony family that's been irreparably damaged and it is their grandchild they lost. That being said, I believe she'll get life.
There's enough evidence to prove premeditation and enough to get convicted. I can't really see anyone showing mercy because the cold manipulations and lies are obvious. If she'd killed a husband or boyfriend after a big fight then she might get some mercy, but this affected a cute little helpless toddler. Anyone can see that Casey's lies benefitted her directly and weren't some self protection for fear of George. She's not crazy or insane, and the jury will have no options. Why would they choose LWOP. Who would it benefit? They see what she has done to Cindy and how she's tried to destroy her family. There are no other children to consider, or any husband. I can't seem to learn if all the thefts from Cindy and Shirley will be allowed in. If they are, they will really hang her.
I do not think KC will get the death penalty. I think she deserves it, but I have never heard of a mother being sentenced to death for killing her child. I would not have a problem with Life in prison if it in fact means LIFE IN PRISON. I have a gnawing in my gut that says not only will she not get the DP, but she will get out early, somehow. And really, KC is IMO very dangerous and should never be free in society again.

A new gnawing, however, is that she might not even be convicted. It's making me sick!
I do not think KC will get the death penalty. I think she deserves it, but I have never heard of a mother being sentenced to death for killing her child. I would not have a problem with Life in prison if it in fact means LIFE IN PRISON. I have a gnawing in my gut that says not only will she not get the DP, but she will get out early, somehow. And really, KC is IMO very dangerous and should never be free in society again.

A new gnawing, however, is that she might not even be convicted. It's making me sick!

I know there is a woman on death row in AZ for her child's murder, and she had someone else do it. And of course Darlie Routier in TX for killing 2 of her 3 boys. And there must be others.

LWOP does mean that, nowadays, although it didn't always.
I know there is a woman on death row in AZ for her child's murder, and she had someone else do it. And of course Darlie Routier in TX for killing 2 of her 3 boys. And there must be others.

LWOP does mean that, nowadays, although it didn't always.

OOOOH, yes! I had forgotten about Darlie.

So maybe there is hope that our justice system will do right by Caylee after all!! :praying:
I know there is a woman on death row in AZ for her child's murder, and she had someone else do it. And of course Darlie Routier in TX for killing 2 of her 3 boys. And there must be others.

LWOP does mean that, nowadays, although it didn't always.

Debra Milke has been on death row in AZ since 1991. She is still going through appeals and trying to get a new trial. Her 2 male
co-conspirators are still on death row, too.
You know, I minored in Theology in college, and I just throw this out there for consideration (it is not an indication of my personal religious beliefs).

For those that support the death penalty, what if there is no after-life? If we sentence Casey to death, doesn't she win because she has a quick and painless death - never to know or feel long term suffering and wasting away into old age?

Without a belief in an afterlife, does the rationale for the death penalty as the ultimate punishment still survive?

Good point. But to me it isn't about giving ICA or anyone else a painless death. Or what may or may not exist afterward. It is about making her/them feel the same helpless feeling that their victim must have felt when they knew death was close and were helpless to do anything about it.

This is as close to justice as we can get considering in the meantime, before the DP is implemented they are allowed visit's from loved one's, books, phone calls, a LAST MEAL!. So, in my opinion, they are already getting off pretty light compared to their victim(s).
You know, I minored in Theology in college, and I just throw this out there for consideration (it is not an indication of my personal religious beliefs).

For those that support the death penalty, what if there is no after-life? If we sentence Casey to death, doesn't she win because she has a quick and painless death - never to know or feel long term suffering and wasting away into old age?

Without a belief in an afterlife, does the rationale for the death penalty as the ultimate punishment still survive?

Impressivley well spoken.
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