Death Penalty Vs Life in Prison and Why

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do you want Casey to get the death penalty?

  • yes

    Votes: 106 59.2%
  • no

    Votes: 73 40.8%

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He won't get DP qualified by doing just one DP case. "Lead Attorney" is a joke, he's a glorified "Trainee".

Yeah I sincerely hope he's not getting "credit" towards being a DP attorney for this case. He's been a travesty so far and I fear for his future clients. His lack of self awareness and inability to know he is out of his depth is scary and dangerous.
Hmmm, I may have to ask the lawyers, but I am not sure this will be the case. They surely did not put Jeffrey Dahmer in solitary. Further, if KC gets special treatment, the other inmates and their families may throw a fit and the ACLU called in with their own litigation.
She is not special and I can't bring myself to pretend she is. (Not that you guys are sayin' she's special, just my backwards sorta thinkin') :)

Good point about others wanting protection or special treatment in prison. If ICA does receive LWOP, she may be segregated in the beginning, however I can't foresee it being too long before she is in general population. It's entirely different than being segregated while awaiting trial with the presumption of innocence.

Hmmm, I may have to ask the lawyers, but I am not sure this will be the case. They surely did not put Jeffrey Dahmer in solitary. Further, if KC gets special treatment, the other inmates and their families may throw a fit and the ACLU called in with their own litigation.
She is not special and I can't bring myself to pretend she is. (Not that you guys are sayin' she's special, just my backwards sorta thinkin') :)

Casey is a high profile inmate, they are not doing it because they think she is special, they are doing it so people will not either seriously injure or kill her and then be sued because they knew Casey would be at risk.

and if that does happen, you can bet their bottom dollar The Anthony family will sue and they would have every right to because the prison failed to protect their daughter when they knew she is high profile and therefore be at risk for serious injury or harm.

(This is JMO, if in fact she gets LWOP). if she gets life, she's not going into General Pop. it would be way too risky.
Good point about others wanting protection or special treatment in prison. If ICA does receive LWOP, she may be segregated in the beginning, however I can't foresee it being too long before she is in general population. It's entirely different than being segregated while awaiting trial with the presumption of innocence.


She will request Gen Pop after a small time. More than twice before it is granted most likely.

She still remains unaware that this Nation, and any other countries that keep up with this trial, mostly feel she is guilty. She will find out, just not right away. She will blame the jails, guards and the system for not allowing her into gen pop. She has no idea how judgmental fellow inmates may be. That is why it may take a while longer than she wishes.
Good point about others wanting protection or special treatment in prison. If ICA does receive LWOP, she may be segregated in the beginning, however I can't foresee it being too long before she is in general population. It's entirely different than being segregated while awaiting trial with the presumption of innocence.


You could ask one of the attorney's, but I think JB could file a motion asking for protective custody to continue once she's moved to whatever facility she's going to. He could argue as he did when he filed for change of venue, that she's not the most popular person in central Florida. :great:
I think she will get the death penalty (having now studied my juror notes lol). I know I am going out on a limb but I am sticking with it.

I have two concerns on the jury ... the lady that can't judge (AA lady and the lady) and the lady that takes meds that make her forget stuff - although she lives and survives with it by taking notes she admitted classes were hard to absorb what was said ... she is going to have issues taking it all in (I have been studying this for three years and still have to look at my notes lol)

As a Prosecutor HHJP prosecuted DP cases ,including women.
It appears he has no problem with it. IMO that ups the probability she will get the DP.
I don't think she will be put in Gen. Pop. if she gets LWOP; She will most likely be put in isolation.

They would not risk Casey being seriously injured or killed and then sued by the anthony family.

That's what I think, too... which is one of the reasons I hope she gets the DP.
I will not be surprised if she goes into Lowell SEEKING a Bertha a lover and also to protect her from the big meanie women prisioners who want to smack the **** out of Casey, just as many of us do.


That's exactly what I think she will do, IF she is placed in Gen Pop... and she will be successful in finding one, IMO.
I have a niece who is turning 3 in June and I can't even imagine someone wanting to kill something so innocent and young.

I hope Casey does get the DP. It would be a Major mistake if she did not.

I trust in JP though, He is not afraid to sentence someone to Death. (which is what I believe he will do with Casey).
I don't think KC will get the DP if found guilty. She will do well in general population too. I can see her with all her minions doing her bidding. For some reason, I don't think she'll be as hated as some think. Susan Smith does alright doesn't she? She'll have guards giving her special favors for favors in return. A cell phone would be a particularly strong incentive for KC. (they're all over the prisons now) I wouldn't be surprised to find out she was pregnant within a couple of years of being there either. Life will go on for KC; she will adapt and even thrive in prison.

Tend to agree. I think the DP is huge stretch for this type of case unless the prosecution has something I can't imagine up it's sleeve. MO, conviction is a lock, but maybe not 1st degree unless the jury is as PO'd at the 31 days thingie as I am. She seems to have already adapted to the roll of prisoner. I could definitely see her preggers within the next couple of years.
Tend to agree. I think the DP is huge stretch for this type of case unless the prosecution has something I can't imagine up it's sleeve. MO, conviction is a lock, but maybe not 1st degree unless the jury is as PO'd at the the 31 days as most of the rest of us. She seems to have already adapted to the roll of prisoner.

They have more than enough evidence for the jury to give Casey the DP.

Baez's claims of his client being "abused" will fall apart in a heartbeat.

You know George and Lee are going to get up on the stand and Deny, Deny, Deny that it never happened, Because it did not.
They have more than enough evidence for the jury to give Casey the DP.

Baez's claims of his client being "abused" will fall apart in a heartbeat.

You know George and Lee are going to get up on the stand and Deny, Deny, Deny that it never happened, Because it did not.

I don't think it's mitigation due to abuse or dysfunction that will avoid the DP for KC, I think it will be reasonable doubt that this MIGHT have been some sort of accident or tragedy (careless, stupid, with heinous and homicidal but unintended consequences.) The claims of abuse of KC are silly and ridiculous, won't fly, but convincing every juror that KC premeditated murder will be tough unless the prosecution is awfully good. I'd like to see them be that good, but am doubtful.
There is definitely something wrong with KC. Whether it will be enough to save her life I don't know.
KC was offered ten years three years ago and turned it down.

I know that ICA was offered limited immunity.

Could you please provide a link that shows where the prosecution offered the defense 10 years for ICA?
I know that ICA was offered limited immunity.

Could you please provide a link that shows where the prosecution offered the defense 10 years for ICA?

I don't have a link but Padilla was speaking about it on Nancy Grace last week. I also knew about it before then. Try google.
There is definitely something wrong with KC. Whether it will be enough to save her life I don't know.

There really is something wrong with her. No one smiles broadly as she did at Universal.

But she is getting the picture now. If this had been taken care of years ago, she would have gotten the picture then also. She was so use to her family accepting these outrageous lies that she believed she could tell them to LE and it would be fine - Then when Lee comes to visit her in jail and says I found out a lot of what you said was true - she just feels more empowered.

He never found out a "lot" more. Heather called him and said she actually worked for a subdivision. So what. She also told him that she was wrong about Jeff Hopkins. So the "lot of what you said was true" was ONE FACT. I think he said that to her to get her talking, but at the time I knew what he was doing along with Cindy and George and they never should have tried that tactic - they had been doing that for years and it only empowered her to tell more lies. This was one time they should have insisted and they might have been able to save her with the 10 year offer. Now, all bets are off. She is doomed, imo.
I don't have a link but Padilla was speaking about it on Nancy Grace last week. I also knew about it before then. Try google.

If Padilla is your source, then I understand.

I did google. There is nothing by the prosecution.
If Padilla is your source, then I understand.

I did google. There is nothing by the prosecution.
Nancy Grace and even those on her panel all laughed at Padilla's claim of KC being offered a plea deal. There was a time way back when crime writer David Lohr made the statement that Mark Nejame said KC was offered ten years if she would reveal where the body was located. MN denied ever saying this and said that no plea deal has ever been offered to KC that he knows of. This is probably the seed that sowed Padilla's claim of a plea deal. She was offered limited immunity (we have the emails from LDB to prove it) but this is not really a plea deal in the sense we are talking about.

imo, what Padilla says on Nancy Grace (or anywhere for that matter) should just go in one ear and out the other.
The poll is closed, so I didn't get to vote.
I would be content with LWOP and castration. Casey in prison seems somehow too easy for her, though. I'm actually unsure. She would, of course, seduce and lie her way through that life, that's what I expect of her.
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