Death Penalty Vs Life in Prison and Why

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do you want Casey to get the death penalty?

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Also, I would add: if people truly thought our justice system was just, there would be far less taking the law into your own hands for vigilante style justice.

The very fact that we hope that inmates on the inside will mete out some punishment themselves as we feel powerless as a society to do anything is a perfect indicator that the system is a broken mess. If criminals got what they really deserved in the first place, then nobody would feel the need to serve up a slice of "their own" brand of justice as additional punishment.
Her party will be over, once she goes into general population. If she was scared by that little outburst yesterday, just wait till she reaches prison...she will be in fear of her life...every day she lives, if jailhouse justice doesn't get her first...It's all in how I believe she wanted her freedom more than she wanted a child...if she dies, if she lives, I loose no sleep either way...I have thoughts of Karma, Big Bertha and the gang giving her the hardest time she's ever had...I guess I feel, what goes around comes around and her circle is about to meet it's end...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

She will not be put into general population immediately. She will have to adjust and they will weigh her safety v. gen. pop. The last thing they want is for her to be beat up or die on their watch. It will not happen.
Always a lively topic!
There are strong feelings in the forum as to what KC deserves if found guilty of murder 1.

Feel free to debate and challenge one another but remember TOS and attack the post and not the poster.
An interesting aside that may be important to the discussion issomething Rhornsby posted. he said that in FL, there is only life in prison as opposed to LWOP or life.

IOW, A life sentence means a life sentence period.

I was reading a link the other day, about the women who have been on death row in Florida. It was interesting to note that many of them had Death sentences reduced to LWOP after the trial, after appeals. Hope Casey doesn't get any kind of sentence reduction. I am afraid they will sentence her to LWOP and that sentence will be commuted to 25 years or something.
She will not be put into general population immediately. She will have to adjust and they will weigh her safety v. gen. pop. The last thing they want is for her to be beat up or die on their watch. It will not happen.

If she gets death, tho, won't she be in a special area, alone in a cell? (No gen pop, in other words) Just wondering.
Her party will be over, once she goes into general population. If she was scared by that little outburst yesterday, just wait till she reaches prison...she will be in fear of her life...every day she lives, if jailhouse justice doesn't get her first...It's all in how I believe she wanted her freedom more than she wanted a child...if she dies, if she lives, I loose no sleep either way...I have thoughts of Karma, Big Bertha and the gang giving her the hardest time she's ever had...I guess I feel, what goes around comes around and her circle is about to meet it's end...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

I will not be surprised if she goes into Lowell SEEKING a Bertha a lover and also to protect her from the big meanie women prisioners who want to smack the **** out of Casey, just as many of us do.

This came from KBelich, don't know how much truth it holds...but, if it were true and it was ICA who denied it, then it's due to her believing she will be found innocent or she will be acquitted....I don't believe she thinks she would be found guilty, in her mind, she didn't do this! Or possibly she thinks she will be found guilty of manslaughter, which might hold a possibility for parole...She should have taken that 10 year deal before Caylee's remains were found...she'd have been almost done with that sentence...

If her DT didn't say, I think you should take this and save yourself, then I'm apt to say, it's all about Baez becoming DP qualified (probably a book/movie deal as well) or there's no other reason to risk your clients life...fame, fortune and how the love of money is the root of all evil...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

He won't get DP qualified by doing just one DP case. "Lead Attorney" is a joke, he's a glorified "Trainee".
If she gets death, tho, won't she be in a special area, alone in a cell? (No gen pop, in other words) Just wondering.

Yes 23 hours a day in her cell. She is allowed a 13 inch tv and books. But I would bet money she will not get the death penalty.
I will not be surprised if she goes into Lowell SEEKING a Bertha a lover and also to protect her from the big meanie women prisioners who want to smack the **** out of Casey, just as many of us do.


She will not be put into general population. She will be isolated. They will not chance it.
Is it true that the State offered Casey LWOP right before jury selection? If Casey's defense was really only trying to save Casey's life at this point then why would they not take the offer? Is her defense only wanting to take this to trial in order to benefit themselves??

AZLawyer said that it is a formality before the start of Jury Selection to ask if the defendant is 'interested' in a plea deal- I'm paraphrasing here- it was in legal terminology, but that is Standard Procedure.
I don't think KC will get the DP if found guilty. She will do well in general population too. I can see her with all her minions doing her bidding. For some reason, I don't think she'll be as hated as some think. Susan Smith does alright doesn't she? She'll have guards giving her special favors for favors in return. A cell phone would be a particularly strong incentive for KC. (they're all over the prisons now) I wouldn't be surprised to find out she was pregnant within a couple of years of being there either. Life will go on for KC; she will adapt and even thrive in prison.
I don't think KC will get the DP if found guilty. She will do well in general population too. I can see her with all her minions doing her bidding. For some reason, I don't think she'll be as hated as some think. Susan Smith does alright doesn't she? She'll have guards giving her special favors for favors in return. A cell phone would be a particularly strong incentive for KC. (they're all over the prisons now) I wouldn't be surprised to find out she was pregnant within a couple of years of being there either. Life will go on for KC; she will adapt and even thrive in prison.


I agree with you. She will adapt to it. But prison is still not easy. It really is not. She is going to have no rights whatsoever. And Maya Derkovich (sp) said she would give up all visitors for the rest of her 35 year stay to be in Orange County where KC is being held rather than prison. So no one wants to go to prison. It is not going to be easy at all, IMO.

I agree with you. She will adapt to it. But prison is still not easy. It really is not. She is going to have no rights whatsoever. And Maya Derkovich (sp) said she would give up all visitors for the rest of her 35 year stay to be in Orange County where KC is being held rather than prison. So no one wants to go to prison. It is not going to be easy at all, IMO.

I know quite a few people who have spent a year or more in jail waiting for trial and sentencing so they could be sent on to prison. All of them wished to get it over with just so they could get out of the jail and get on with their prison life. In prison you can settle in, have a job, take part in many programs offered, and make lasting :floorlaugh: friendships. Jail is lockdown all the time, maybe an hour out to exercise or ten minutes to shower every other day. In prison there is much more freedom of movement. In jail you just sit there, literally. In my experience with those I've known, prison is much preferred over jail. I think Maya is the exception to this.
I know quite a few people who have spent a year or more in jail waiting for trial and sentencing so they could be sent on to prison. All of them wished to get it over with just so they could get out of the jail and get on with their prison life. In prison you can settle in, have a job, take part in many programs offered, and make lasting :floorlaugh: friendships. Jail is lockdown all the time, maybe an hour out to exercise or ten minutes to shower every other day. In prison there is much more freedom of movement. In jail you just sit there, literally. In my experience with those I've known, prison is much preferred over jail. I think Maya is the exception to this.

You know quite a few? I don't know anyone who has been to prison. So I guess you know more than I do.

Having said that, I prefer life on the outside even without KNOWING anyone who has been to prison. If prison life has so much freedom of movement, it is a mystery to me why everyone is so afraid of it.
You know quite a few? I don't know anyone who has been to prison. So I guess you know more than I do.

Having said that, I prefer life on the outside even without KNOWING anyone who has been to prison. If prison life has so much freedom of movement, it is a mystery to me why everyone is so afraid of it.
As a result of my career, yes I know quite a few. Prison life doesn't have "so much freedom of movement" just much more so than jail life. If given the choice, those I have known who have done both jail and prison time would choose life on the outside as you would.
I don't think she will be put in Gen. Pop. if she gets LWOP; She will most likely be put in isolation.

They would not risk Casey being seriously injured or killed and then sued by the anthony family.
She will not be put into general population. She will be isolated. They will not chance it.

I Totally agree, They will not chance Casey being seriously injured or killed and then sued by the Anthony family.
I think she will get the death penalty (having now studied my juror notes lol). I know I am going out on a limb but I am sticking with it.

I have two concerns on the jury ... the lady that can't judge (AA lady and the lady) and the lady that takes meds that make her forget stuff - although she lives and survives with it by taking notes she admitted classes were hard to absorb what was said ... she is going to have issues taking it all in (I have been studying this for three years and still have to look at my notes lol)
I Totally agree, They will not chance Casey being seriously injured or killed and then sued by the Anthony family.

Which they will do in a New York Second. KC looks horrible right now compared to what she looked like in the Universal photo. Her eyes look dead; she is white as a sheet and her skin is pretty bad.

23 hours a day in a cell will do that to you. Although I have to admit, she is pretty strong that she has not lost her mind, because I would be speaking in tongues right now. Never make it, never, never. That is a no. I would not make it.
I Totally agree, They will not chance Casey being seriously injured or killed and then sued by the Anthony family.

Hmmm, I may have to ask the lawyers, but I am not sure this will be the case. They surely did not put Jeffrey Dahmer in solitary. Further, if KC gets special treatment, the other inmates and their families may throw a fit and the ACLU called in with their own litigation.
She is not special and I can't bring myself to pretend she is. (Not that you guys are sayin' she's special, just my backwards sorta thinkin') :)
I hope Casey gets the death penalty; unfortunately, as many have said, due to her age and supposed "prior abuse" she'll probably escape it.

I do think something is seriously wrong with our justice system when the absolute WORST a murderer receives is a shot in the arm to gently usher in eternal sleep. Meanwhile, senior citizens and the terminally ill must wait until their slow, agonizing diseases finally take their toll. Sorry for the tangent, but I think our watered-down death penalty is far too civilized for remorseless animals like Casey Anthony -- people who take discernible PLEASURE in causing others pain.

Not only has Casey killed her sweet child, she did so in a manner that most of us cannot imagine. Can you imagine duct tape over your mouth, or being in a steaming hot car trunk in Florida during the summer? Can you imagine struggling to breathe, and not being able to do so because a thick piece of stickiness is over your mouth and nose? Do you remember being a small child, how scary it was if you stayed underwater in the bath too long and couldn't breathe? What Casey did is beyond unconscionable; I do not think there's a punishment available that could even approach what she did to her own daughter.

In addition, Casey has also:

-destroyed her parents' lives
-ruined her brother's life
-ruined, or at least severely damaged, the lives of many in her former social circle (Jesse Grund, Amy H, etc.)
-made life hell for an innocent hispanic woman, who happens to share the name of Casey's imaginanny
-made life very difficult for Roy Kronk
-involved a whole slew of other people in this case (the jurors who have to give up several months of their lives, all the witnesses who have to attend, etc.)

Casey's life? "A waste...a huge waste." :devil:
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