Death Penalty Vs Life in Prison and Why

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do you want Casey to get the death penalty?

  • yes

    Votes: 106 59.2%
  • no

    Votes: 73 40.8%

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I believe you hit the nail on the head when saying she was spoiled and never made to face the consequences. Exactly what Cindy and George were supposed to make her do.

Now she is because of their failings. She is not deserving of the dp or lwop in my opinion and I hope the jury sees this.

I am not the only one calling her a sociopath; several psychiatrists on the beloved Nancy Grace show have called her this. She needed help and did not get it. Her mother ignored it.

IMO, Cindy wanted a grandchild and did not care that her extremely malfunctioning daughter could not take care of her; yet Cindy let her do that. She is so culpable, imo.

Hopefully, the jury will take into consideration these obvious mitigating factors.

I agree with you. Except to add that George Anthony is the equal to Cindy in culpability for this entire tragic mess (IMO)

I do not believe in the death penalty.
KC was offered ten years three years ago and turned it down.
I am surprised how many on this Board would not go for death or lwop. There is some hope for KC after all.
I would go for the lesser charge of manslaughter with mitigating circumstances. I do not think she should be put to death or lwop. They are way to severe for a case such as this. The mitigation, which I hope will be proven in Court, far outweighs any aggravating circumstances in my opinion. There was a complete lapse in parenting and her disorder was allowed to fester. IMO, that is child abuse.

So what happens to the responsibility of the individual if we can blame everything wrong we do as adults on the failings of our parents when we were children? That is one huge cop-out and a massive slap in the face for the far too many survivors of far worse childhood abuse, neglect, deprivation or even simple lack of discipline and guidance than you are suggesting ICA suffered (and there is NO medical record or official evidence of her suffering from ANY mental heath problems anyway) - this to me smacks of the same excuse paedophiles fall back on. Fact is too many victims manage to get through life without committing ANY crimes let alone child abuse or murder for me to accept such a HUGE abnegation of personal accountability on the part of Casey or any other adult.

I too oppose the death penalty which would rule me out for serving on this jury but I would have no hesitation in voting for LWOP because IMO ICA is guilty of first degree murder.
So what happens to the responsibility of the individual if we can blame everything wrong we do as adults on the failings of our parents when we were children? That is one huge cop-out and a massive slap in the face for the far too many survivors of far worse childhood abuse, neglect, deprivation or even simple lack of discipline and guidance than you are suggesting ICA suffered (and there is NO medical record or official evidence of her suffering from ANY mental heath problems anyway) - this to me smacks of the same excuse paedophiles fall back on. Fact is too many victims manage to get through life without committing ANY crimes let alone child abuse or murder for me to accept such a HUGE abnegation of personal accountability on the part of Casey or any other adult.

I too oppose the death penalty which would rule me out for serving on this jury but I would have no hesitation in voting for LWOP because IMO ICA is guilty of first degree murder.

Well, that is why, imo, we have psychiatrists to help us with these things. I think she is a great candidate for HELP.

No one says she is not responsible, she just had mega help and that should be considered. Nothing is black and white about this case. It is a tragedy.
Right now with what I know now, I would vote for the DP.

And all the while I would be wishing Ol' Sparky was still in Florida.
As much as I'd like to have a clear-cut opinion on DP or LWOP, I just have to trust the jury. They are comprised of a group of our peers and if the legal system in this country is to work at all, I have to have faith in them. The only thing that I'm truly sure of is that ICA should, at the very least, be locked up for the rest of her natural life, with no chance of becoming a member of society. We need protection from the evil that walks among us, of that I'm sure.
I'm shell shocked about how many would vote for LWOP instead of the death penalty.

The reason I'm So for it is because Caylee was a defenseless little innocent 2 year old girl who did absolutely nothing wrong to deserved to be killed.

IMO, Anybody who kills another human being and is charged with murder should be put to death.

if the DP was made for anybody it was made for Casey Marie Anthony
In short - yes.
No.. I don't agree with the death penalty- used to but not any more.
I'm shell shocked about how many would vote for LWOP instead of the death penalty.

The reason I'm So for it is because Caylee was a defenseless little innocent 2 year old girl who did absolutely nothing wrong to deserved to be killed.

IMO, Anybody who kills another human being and is charged with murder should be put to death.

if the DP was made for anybody it was made for Casey Marie Anthony

I dunno, I think the dude who molested his child and got her pregnant twice is a much bigger threat to society then Casey Anthony is.
It's not about Casey being a threat, it's about what Casey did to her own child.
Also, there is no proof whatsoever that she planned to kill her mother and father.
We don't know that yet...Don't forget, she told AH that her father was moving out and that her mother was allowing her to take over the mortgage. AH was supposed to be moving in with her and Caylee...
Personally, I don't mind if she gets LWOP and disappears into the prison system rather than remain a celebrity on death row!:twocents:
I don't "hope" she gets the death penalty. I do understand the concept, and the whole "eye for an eye" thing. I don't know that I'd feel better about us as human beings in a supposedly civilized society by hoping anyone gets the death penalty. It's just a concept that no society will ever agree on. If she gets it, she gets it. If she doesn't, but is locked away for the rest of her natural life, then so be it. The only thing I would be upset about is if she got away with some lighter sentence and had hope of someday getting out and going to the beach like she said. Even if she's a withered up old woman at the age of 90, I wouldn't like that at all.
Au contraire, Ted Bundy was a psychopath; there is a difference; he planned everything; sociopaths don't plan, as we can plainly see with KC and her answers to LE. Whatever pops into her head at the moment she used. Her mother cut her finances off in April, three days later she is looking up neckbreaking etc.

Science says it is treatable, sociopaths are treatable; but must be done when they are young, 14 etc. This was not done, it was allowed to fester. She is not totally to blame, imo. This is not to say she is without guilt, but not lwop or dp, imo.

I think the defense is going to show just how negligent Cindy and George were in allowing a person like KC to take control of Caylee's life and basically let her do as she wished.

Cindy readily says she is a sociopath to Ryan Paisley. It is extreme dereliction of duties to allow a sociopath to take care of the baby. Extreme. IMO

Sociopaths don't plan? Care to cite sources? Are you mistaking that for anti-socials? Regardless, planning or not is not a defining symptom for differential diagnoses for this kind of behaviour if you read the DSM, nor a defining symptom of any of the personality disorders. In fact, planning or not has more to do with premeditation or not in law. The perp, IMO, is just an unsuccessful psychopath. They do exist. I am not sure where you're getting your misinformation from.
I don't hope for death. I think she deserves death. Any cold-blooded baby killer deserves death, IMO, if that is a lawful option.
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