Death Penalty Vs Life in Prison and Why

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do you want Casey to get the death penalty?

  • yes

    Votes: 106 59.2%
  • no

    Votes: 73 40.8%

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I am a late-comer, so I have not read everyone's opinion here, so I apologize if I'm reiterating anything anyone else has said.
My background, btw, is that I was born & raised without religion in (conservative Christian) Indiana. I would call myself agnostic today, but I pray every day, because a lotta hope never hurt anyone!
That said, my politics are DEFINITELY anti-death penalty. Murder is wrong, and I don't like paying taxes that fund state sanctioned murder. It is a political, dogmatic belief of mine.

Here comes the big BUT:

I DESPERATELY want Casey Anthony to be convicted of 1st Degree Murder, probably because of my own history as an unwanted child. My mother did the "Strange Breakfast" thing when others weren't around. I distinctly remember being 3 or 4, home alone with my mother, and she would purposely ignore me every day. I would try to be cute, dance, smile, tell jokes. Every day, all the time: No reaction, no acknowledgment. My mother was not a psychopath, and she knew how to pay just enough attention to me to keep anyone from figuring out how she punished me over & over for simply EXISTING.

My mother liked drinking & going out more than her kids too. I feel like I understand Casey more than a bit, and I want the jury to see how OBVIOUS it is (IMO) that she killed Caylee simply because she'd rather be free. The fact that Cindy & George were happy to keep Caylee full-time only adds a sadistic, sickening element to everything.
So, I hope they sentence her to Death. I do. I am human, I am flawed, I am biased, and it makes me hypocritical on this issue.

Btw, I watched "Strange Breakfast" all the way through, but I can't watch any more of those videos. Seeing that innocent child just wanting love, and looking so confused and hurt and sad was just too much. Bad memories.

(Not looking for pity with my story, just explaining bias. WS is CHOCK FULL of stories far worse than mine.)
KC hasn't been examined by doctors so we don't know whether or not she is curable. In case she can't improve well she will stay in jail indefinitely.

Indefinitely works for me:great:
I've said this before so it should come as no big surprise but putting ICA to death is the only way to definitively punish her. To me, the DP is not a deterrent, it's a punishment and should be viewed as such. Since ICA is such a chameleon, she would easily adapt to prison life, make her own little world work for her and spend the rest of her life spewing lies until she passes. To really punish ICA, you need to take away from her what she cherishes more than anything else in the world.....herself! I want her to feel the same fear that she instilled into Caylee in her last minutes. I want her to be scared to death as the lead her into the death chamber and start the IV. Maybe then, there can be a little justice for such a sweet and innocent life that was taken away much too early. I'm not trying to change anyone's opinion on the DP. I just want to see justice prevail for little Caylee!

JMHO as always!

That's what I was trying to say earlier. You said it so much better.
I would be happy with LWOP - just an ordinary murderer nothing special -
no paid for appeals - no celebrity status and no interest from the media .
Hopefully they make her WORK - that would be severe punishment to her seeing as how she avoided it so aggressively
I am looking forward to Casey WHO ??????
I don't believe in any sort of afterlife.

IMO The death penalty isn't meant to punish, it's meant to protect society. Putting her to death would be the humane thing to do, like a rabid dog. However, LWOP IMO would be the most appropraie sentance for Casey. I can't see putting her to death and futher punishing her parents. They've suffered enough.

Casey won't suffer in prison, psychopaths adapt well and very easily.

I feel at this point what Casey gets she gets. I have put her parents into the mix and what she has done the outcome will be totally her doing. Yes they have suffered enough but whether is is LWOP or the DP she will still be in prison for a very long time.


This is where I am coming from, her life will go right on only she will be in a different setting although I do wonder what the general population would do with her. That said would they keep her in solitary for her SAFETY which Caylee never had with her?
DP she is in a cell for 23 hours, alone. No audience, no mingling, no nothing.
And the end is the end no matter how long it takes.

Just to clarify for the longest time I did not believe in the DP, but over the last I would say 10 years my views have changed dramatically. I am sick of hearing of deranged nutcases that are let out of prison time and time again only to rape, kill, torture etc and that includes children. I am sick of hearing "OHHHH they are ready for release and pose no threat to society"
It is unfortunate that their familys have to suffer along with them but that is the way it ends up unless their familys completely disown them. And who knows, that just might happen with Casey as the allagations that she has put towards her family are just horrendous. Plus she killed their only grandchild. When and if Lee has children this will dredge it all up again for the family because all they will be thinking about is Caylee. I feel for them, I really do.

But I stand firm on my decision as to Casey's final outcome. It might not happen, but I just think this is a case when it should.
In reading some of the posts on this thread, let me jut say.. I still think the State has more evidence to present that led them to the charge of Murder/1st degree, pre-meditated, cold-blooded ... I think when we get to the evidence of the duct tape, the forensic examiner (Dr. G), something will tell us how this was "premeditated"... I recall Dr. G. stating that while she couldn't confirm the cause of death, she believed that the autopsy conclusions drew her to the COD as "homicide". IF it's proven that KC premeditated the death (perhaps a failed "accident" attempt in the pool/chloroform/Xanax), then I do believe in DP...I would also have no problem in providing KC with the EXACT SAME METHOD of DEATH...not, the comfort of a quick needle and restful sleep...Caylee sure didn't get the option, I don't know why the perpitrator of something so heinous should receive a more "humane" method of death!
I think this is one case where the DP would accomplish little. Life in prison would suffice, and give an opportunity to gain valuable insight into her unique brain workings. Studying her might help to prevent and cure at early moments this type of person.
I haven't reconciled my feelings about the death penalty, but am grateful that I am not the one making that call for iCA. I do believe that she is guilty, and should be charged as such, and it is my hope that a fresh, powerful dose of tough love is what it takes for iCA to revisit the place in her mind where her truthful memories are stored, and that she will be alone to deal with the reality and gravity of what.she.did. I believe that there, she will receive her punishment. As far as I'm concerned, she has already adapted in jail and will do so in prison quickly. I want her to deal with reality and the consequences of her actions, just her and the facts, on death row or in a tiny cell- for a long time.

I really hope for the sake of George, Cindy & Lee that Casey gets life plus 50 years. C, G, & L have all suffered enough.Putting Casey to death will only make the A's suffer more. Some how some way I pray the A's can come to terms with what Casey has done to Caylee and learn to live again, if Casey is put to death this will not happen.They will only suffer more and more. They have paid a price for something they did not do.Maybe if Casey gets LWOP the A's can learn to let go of Casey, If Casey is put to death they will never forgive themselves of something they are not guilty of.
I believe in the DP all they way and if anybody needs to be put to death, it is Casey, but the A's need a chance to live again so I vote LWOP.
I do agree that the death penalty would be an additional punishment for the Anthony family, and that they may somehow blame themselves for their roles in the conviction if she is executed or put on death row. And the fact that it would likely be twenty years, if not more, before she would be executed, means that much if not all of the remainder of George and Cindy's natural lives would be taken up with DP appeals and all that goes with those.

I know that should probably not be a factor, but it is to me, I can barely see how they can continue their lives with any chance of happiness for themselves as it is , but truly believe they won't be able to do so, if they have the usual DP circus of appeals, demonstrations, debates, etc...
I am of the opinion that the death penalty would DEFINITELY apply in this case. I am sorry for the Anthony's but Caylee is my primary focus and always will be. She got no choices, no choice of mother, no choice of DP and no choice of LWOP. She was an inconvenience to her mother and her mother is an inconvenience to the world.
I do agree that the death penalty would be an additional punishment for the Anthony family, and that they may somehow blame themselves for their roles in the conviction if she is executed or put on death row. And the fact that it would likely be twenty years, if not more, before she would be executed, means that much if not all of the remainder of George and Cindy's natural lives would be taken up with DP appeals and all that goes with those.

I know that should probably not be a factor, but it is to me, I can barely see how they can continue their lives with any chance of happiness for themselves as it is , but truly believe they won't be able to do so, if they have the usual DP circus of appeals, demonstrations, debates, etc...

Agree with you all the way. If Casey gets life with no chance of parol Cindy & George can accept that I think. But as you said if she gets the DP they would spend the rest of their lives trying to save Casey. Casey deserves the DP but George and Cindy don't.The most imporant thing is that there is Justice for Caylee. LWOP for Casey would let the A's learn to live again.
Yes to execution, IMO keeping her alive is a waste of space & money.
I don't think this is a death penalty case. There is a lack of evidence, such as no cause of death. No fingerprints or dna at the crime scene, or in the trunk. We have strong circumstantial evidence, but I don't think that alone is enough to put someone to death. I have read a lot of case law and people who have done a lot worse were not given the death penalty and weren't even given LWOP. IMO I think Casey should do a substantial amount of time. A least enough time that she can't have children anymore.
I hope I am not opening a thread that belongs somewhere else, if so sorry mods ( so many threads here in this forum it is almost overwhelming ) and please merge as appropriate.

LWOP or the DP and why?

First, I'll start by saying I will support whatever CA, GA and LA wish for with regards to the above choices should it come to that.

Personally I would rather see LWOP. I realize the punishment is for ICA and not her family. After seeing the hell that GA and CA have been put through and CA breaking down during testimony I can't bare to think of this family facing another loss. IMO the rest of family having been punished enough. They have gone through hell and back losing their only grandchild, supporting this person they thought their daughter was... I'm sure they will be going through their own hell recognizing they missed the signs ICA simply was NOT ready to be a full time mother and it cost precious little Caylee her life.

Plus, ICA is so young, LWOP could be close to a half century or better. I sometimes think LWOP is much more difficult than the DP.

Mostly I really don't wish to see GA, CA and LA face another loss.

I also agree with Cubby. If she is given the death penalty, she will have a private room for the next 10 or 15 years and can continue to live in her fantasy world. From what I hear, life in prison can be a daily torture for a baby killer, especially one that murdered her own child! She will have to learn how to live in the REAL WORLD very quickly!
Gosh, I feel like a jerk.
I want DP. I want her segregated, 23-hour/day lockdown, NO privileges, but especially I want her to spend the next 10 years or so suffering through death date after death date, as the appeals come & go.

Politically, I am strongly against the DP, partly because of the torturous nature of the constant 'ticking clock'. But personally, I am biased because I was an unwanted child. My mother (emotionally & physically) neglected me & my older sisters in favor of her new man & alcohol.
One of my sisters actually repeated the cycle by not bonding properly with her daughter. We were ALL thankful when she voluntarily gave custody to the paternal grandparents......But I feel like I TOTALLY understand ICA. I had plenty of 'strange breakfasts' and I truly wonder if I hadn't been so meticulous with my birth control when I was ICA's age, could I have been her? Even a little, like my sister? It scares me.
(thankfully, though, I never had kids.)

I am repeating myself a bit from another thread, sorry. And I know this all makes me a hypocrite. I'm human and with my experiences....I want EVERYBODY to see just exactly what kind of person ICA is, and give her the WORST POSSIBLE punishment.

I'm not thinking of GA & CA either I guess. But I also truly fear that LWOP will make her the famous eventual 'Queen Bee' of Prison, and she would enjoy that too much for my liking.
I vote for the DP, normally I would require DNA tying the perp to the crime but in this case the circumstantial evidence is very damning.
LWOP sounds like it would be torture for her since she craves attention and control however after a few years she would become complacent and just learn to be happy even in that situation, I would expect no less from a sociopath with no other options, she would begin conning other inmates and manipulating the system more than she has now, as a Florida taxpayer I say to hell with that.

Her crime was especially heinous and meets the criteria for DP.

Caylee cannot take another breath, celebrate another birthday or holiday, she no longer smiles or feels therefor it's only proper that Casey also ceases to experience life even if it is behind a jail cell.
I vote for the death penalty because I think it is the only way the Anthony family will ever have closure.
Thanks for the merge mods. I even looked for suggested thread titles when I started the thread and for whatever reason the one already started didn't appear. I will use the search feature next time. :eek:

Will have to go back and read the full thread now that I know it is here.

Was hoping for a Thank you mod's smiley but couldn't find one so this will have to do. (hint hint for a suggestion on a new smiley) :gomods:
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