Death Penalty Vs Life in Prison and Why

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do you want Casey to get the death penalty?

  • yes

    Votes: 106 59.2%
  • no

    Votes: 73 40.8%

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I don't believe in the Death Penalty. I think she will get life in prison if convicted on a Murder1 charge, which, I hope she gets. But I think the state has a long hard road proving that beyond a reasonable doubt. (I hope I am wrong on that point).
I have to say I'm a Humpty on this one :)fence:). Everyone has points of view that make sense. After having a closer association with a violent, narcissistic sociopath than I would wish on an enemy, I thought of one thing that would make her life hell; the thought of Amy working on a cruise ship and that to AL she is just the crazy woman he dated for a while.

O/T but somehow relevant to the talk of death penalties. When I was young one of my heroes was a lady whose 10 year old daughter was raped and murdered. There was no doubt about the guilt of the guy they arrested. One day she walked into the court room with a gun and shot him point blank. I always felt she had the right.

As long as she didn't have other children she'd be leaving behind while she served her own sentence, then I agree. If anyone harmed one of my kids I'd open up the whup-arse can in two shakes flat.

When I was 14, a schoolmate of mine, and her 12 year old sister were both raped and murdered. I'm 40 now, and I still think about their mother who came home from work and found their mutilated bloody bodies.

So, to answer the question at hand, regarding Casey…let her fry.
Have to say I'm just not sure. I am almost certain it will come down to one of the lesser included offenses, but I don't know which one (or ones). So far, the state is doing a good job of showing evidence inconsistent with an accident -- I think that ship has sailed for the defense. However, there remains a wide gulf between that inconsistency and first degree murder. It may well be that the jury will accept that theory by the end of the trial, so we'll have to see. My gut feeling is that it will go to the lesser included.

I'm surprised that so many people think that Casey has mental illness, she was found competent to stand trial for her crimes, mental illness does not make you a killer or give you an excuse for your actions. Is it so hard to believe that Casey is just simply a cold blooded killer?
Casey knew right from wrong, her actions in trying to hide the body prove that.
dragonlady: those pics are scary as heck and I see you are a true blood fan!!!! Love me some Eric....anyways back on topic.

I believe in the death penatly, but as Bill Maher would describe it, i'm pro death. I'm a believer in abortion and I personally abhorr the notion of reproductive rights. Of course I know I am on the extreme end of the child issue. I think in order to have a baby you must get a license.

I dont know how I feel if she died. I think its too easy, but then again she might thrive in jail. So what to do? I think she should be in solitary for the rest of her prison time. No friends, or contact, just her and her thoughts. I think that is a happy medium.
I'm surprised that so many people think that Casey has mental illness, she was found competent to stand trial for her crimes, mental illness does not make you a killer or give you an excuse for your actions. Is it so hard to believe that Casey is just simply a cold blooded killer?
Casey knew right from wrong, her actions in trying to hide the body prove that.

No, its not hard to believe, but its not hard to believe knowing her past history she has a hard time dealing with the truth, and since there is no way to prove to one or another this was murder, some cant just jump to shes a cold blooded murderer. She also drove around with her child in a car for who knows how long, usually if you are planning a murder, you have a disposal spot. It can be argued she couldnt just get rid of her that easy. I don't have a hard time believing she panicked and was trying to stage this as a kidnapping. Something is wrong with her.

I am strongly opposed to the death penalty, so from me the answer is no.

Many talk about that Casey should be put to death quickly. But that is never the case. There are all the appeals - and they can go on for more than twenty years. Nobody gets closure that way. Casey will still milk her parents for money. Her poor parents who have been through so much will live in limbo, dreading the day their daughter will be executed - and as I said, it can very well take years and years. No closure, just angst.

The best solution is life in prison - not a limited sentence. I happen to think that Casey is very dangerous, she should be kept behind bars for her remaining life.
IMO I think she is guilty. I also think one of the most rotten things you could do is commit a crime and then try to blame it on people that love you and have cared for you for so long. So with that in mind I believe she should be given the death penalty and I think she should have to wait the exact amount of days that Caylee spent on this Earth. She should have to spend 2 1/2 years knowing that she is going to die. Sounds fair to me. Just IMO of course.
I am strongly opposed to the death penalty, so from me the answer is no.

Many talk about that Casey should be put to death quickly. But that is never the case. There are all the appeals - and they can go on for more than twenty years. Nobody gets closure that way. Casey will still milk her parents for money. Her poor parents who have been through so much will live in limbo, dreading the day their daughter will be executed - and as I said, it can very well take years and years. No closure, just angst.

The best solution is life in prison - not a limited sentence. I happen to think that Casey is very dangerous, she should be kept behind bars for her remaining life.

I agree. Very well said, especially about how ICA will continue to milk her parents and the continued anguish they will face for decades.
IMO I think she is guilty. I also think one of the most rotten things you could do is commit a crime and then try to blame it on people that love you and have cared for you for so long. So with that in mind I believe she should be given the death penalty and I think she should have to wait the exact amount of days that Caylee spent on this Earth. She should have to spend 2 1/2 years knowing that she is going to die. Sounds fair to me. Just IMO of course.

Bravo! ITA! Scott Peterson is on death row and he has SO many luxuries awaiting his death. He plays cards with cellmates, goes out to play basketball, has a typewriter available and then sends his papers to his family so they can post his rantings on his very own blog. Women write love letters to him and people all over the country send him $$. He can spend up to $180.00 a month on goodies and can have visitors at will (just about). This will go on for over 20 years more, most likely. If ICA gets the DP she should get 2 1/1 years to sit in jail and wait for her injection. No fan mail, no pop tarts, just contemplation on what she did to her beautiful baby girl!!
I agree that getting them out of society is the ultimate goal but I think that it is still debatable which is ultimately more expensive.

KC is very young so if she gets Life that would mean possibly being incarcerated for 60 or more years. Since her crime is against a child, she will require special treatment, most likely will not be in genpop, which is going to costs more and for many more years than most. She will appeal her case for many years to come and it will costs a lot of money, most likely footed by the taxpayer.

Those who oppose can find cost comparisons that work in their favor while those that don't can find cost comparisons that work in their favor.

There don't seem to be any definitive studies done by impartial third parties.

Do you know if Susan Smith is in gen pop or has special treatment? She killed TWO children, wow Id think she would really be a target. They say that most people in prison have children and really hate child murrderers.
I'm surprised that so many people think that Casey has mental illness, she was found competent to stand trial for her crimes, mental illness does not make you a killer or give you an excuse for your actions. Is it so hard to believe that Casey is just simply a cold blooded killer?
Casey knew right from wrong, her actions in trying to hide the body prove that.

I think it's the simple matter of understanding the distinction between: 1. Having mental illness and 2. Being legally insane.

Casey is by no means legally insane. There is no question that she knew right from wrong, or why all the lies to cover it up? Why all the other lies to make her look good.? Different lies for every individual in her life.

I could be described as having mental illness because I've been treated for depression. That doesn't make me legally insane, and it doesn't make me a killer.

I believe both things are true: 1. She is mentally ill, in this case a sociopath, and 2. She is most definitely a cold blooded killer. Blood doesn't run any colder than Casey's.
I would like death. I have to say that being in prison would be worse than death. Death is easy living is hard. I say this Imoo.
dragonlady: those pics are scary as heck and I see you are a true blood fan!!!! Love me some Eric....anyways back on topic.

I believe in the death penatly, but as Bill Maher would describe it, i'm pro death. I'm a believer in abortion and I personally abhorr the notion of reproductive rights. Of course I know I am on the extreme end of the child issue. I think in order to have a baby you must get a license.

I dont know how I feel if she died. I think its too easy, but then again she might thrive in jail. So what to do? I think she should be in solitary for the rest of her prison time. No friends, or contact, just her and her thoughts. I think that is a happy medium.

I agree and I know people are not going to like what I am about to say.But I believe she should be in Solitary for the rest of her life,but she should have to put a big picture of Caylee's skull on her wall,so she has to see it the first thing she wakes up and the last thing before going to sleep..for the rest of her miserable life!
Life sentence, I want her to enjoy the friendships she makes in general population.
Life in prison or a mental hospital, it doesn't matter which one to me. I don't want 25 years from now to have to think about her and her date with death.
I want to forget this woman ever existed.
Do you know if Susan Smith is in gen pop or has special treatment? She killed TWO children, wow Id think she would really be a target. They say that most people in prison have children and really hate child murrderers.

From what I have read, myself, and heard from other WS'ers, Susan Smith is thriving in prison. I think KC would, too... which is why I hope she gets the DP.
I say keep her in prison forever!! That has to be more of a punishment then eventually letting her out of her misery and dying. Let her sit there for years and years and years and think about everyone on the outside going on with their lives, and let her ruminate about how she killed her daughter.
dragonlady: those pics are scary as heck and I see you are a true blood fan!!!! Love me some Eric....anyways back on topic.

I believe in the death penatly, but as Bill Maher would describe it, i'm pro death. I'm a believer in abortion and I personally abhorr the notion of reproductive rights. Of course I know I am on the extreme end of the child issue. I think in order to have a baby you must get a license.

I dont know how I feel if she died. I think its too easy, but then again she might thrive in jail. So what to do? I think she should be in solitary for the rest of her prison time. No friends, or contact, just her and her thoughts. I think that is a happy medium.

BBM. I voted DP, but this sounds like a good idea to me, too -- with the addition of no cute male guards. ;)
From what I have read, myself, and heard from other WS'ers, Susan Smith is thriving in prison. I think KC would, too... which is why I hope she gets the DP.

I agree, ICA will find her niche in prison, and by attrition replace her previous bella vita with a series of girlfriends and daily dramas, flirting and fantasizing about male guards, "being popular". Um, that is, if she is in general population, which apparently Susan Smith is, so why not ICA?

IMO, ICA's disturbance gives her an amazing flexibility in adapting to whatever environment she finds herself in. Her lack of integrity and primitive coping skills will facilitate adaptability you or I probably can't accomplish.

That said, just because ICA might enjoy herself or "flourish" in prison doesn't mean she should get the needle to prevent her flourishing. I am with you, justice would be served if she managed to live the rest of her life feeling guilt over what she did. But ICA can't feel that feeling (guilt) due to her sociopathy. No conscience, no guilt. No guilt, therefore, she'll find a way to take it all in stride and get an associates degree in cafeteria management or something.

And while we are expressing personal convictions, I agree with the DP insofar as it puts an end to an endless cycle of destruction and tragedy and victimization, a cycle that LWOP would not stop. That would mean the DP is similar to putting down a rabid dog. But that's not our death penalty. Our DP is a punishment and hopefully a deterrent. So your conclusion is actually more in alignment with the original purpose of the death penalty than mine is :innocent:
I keep seeing posts about Casey being mentally ill and I felt like I had to say something. While ITA that in some way she probably is mentally ill there are a lot of people who are considered mentally ill that know the difference between right and wrong. Even if Casey is mentally ill she obviously knows the difference between right and wrong or she wouldn't come up with so many lies. IMO she killed Caylee and lied about it because she knew it was wrong and now she's lying about George to save her own butt. If Caylee had really drown in the pool I don't think there's any way she'd have sat in jail so long over an accident. I'm not a huge supporter of the death penalty but if anyone deserves it it's Casey Anthony. Just IMO of course.
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