Death Penalty Vs Life in Prison and Why

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do you want Casey to get the death penalty?

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    Votes: 106 59.2%
  • no

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Here's a twist....I wish she were to get the death MY state. We don't mess around with long appeals-We go so quickly, in fact, that the Supreme Court gets ticked off at the way we flaunt our sovereignty and don't give murderers the time to seek out a liberal justice somewhere up the chain (Google John Mohammed Supreme Court appeal).

"John Paul Stevens, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Sonia Sotomayor – said they were concerned about the rapid pace of the Muhammad case. Rules in Virginia allow for capital cases to move through the state system faster than the time frame set out under federal law."

Florida's jurors are KC's peers and they should speak with a loud voice. As much as I was ticked off about Compean and Ramos, as an example, the jurors in that case spoke, too, and even though I wanted them out, I (begrudgingly) understood Pres. Bush not being hasty to grant clemency in the face of a jury's decision. If KC's jury decides on death, bravo, and I wish it were more swift.

OT, I remember the "DC snipers" well :sick:
Humans are a kill-happy species, imo :twocents: I don't agree with the death penalty so I voted no.
I don't believe an eye for an eye is just, it doesn't bring back victims. I've rarely read where victims families have felt better after an execution and I believe no one, not even our judicial systems have the right to take a life unless in self defense.

For the record, I get the impulse to want to put someone like a convicted child murderer to death... I just don't agree with the follow through.

Lock her up and throw away the key.

Of course we are, we are animals.. Some animals kill and eat their own off-spring ( such as Baboons, lions, mice, and ground squirrels) . But us, as humans ( the superior animal) are suppose to follow the rules. And that rule would be that no matter what religion you are or what country you are from - murder is illegal. There is not a country on earth where murder is legal.
Murder is punishable by law and the sentence for murder in Florida is the person shall be punished by death, otherwise such person shall be punished by life imprisonment and shall be ineligible for parole.
Casey did the unthinkable.. She didn't murder someone to protect herself or her child from harm. Casey murdered a innocent, helpless BABY...
Let me repeat that... Casey deliberately murdered a two year old helpless child. And why did she murder a baby?? So she could party and sleep around, have a care-free life. She had many, many other options. She could have left her daughter with her parents and moved on with Tony...
But NO, instead she kills her and throws her away in the woods to be eaten by animals..
Casey deserves the death penalty... If for no other reason then she will have to think about that day..Every single day.. She will have to live with the fact that she is going to die... And she is going to die because of her selfishness. She will have to die because of what SHE DID....
Some may call it an eye for and eye... To me it is much more then that when there is a helpless child involved.

Life in prison will mean nothing to ICA other than a free ride for the rest of her life. She will continue spending her days laying around and not having to do anything to contribute to society. She will continue to get letters from her "loyal fans" and she will continue her self proclaimed "celebrity status." There is not one doubt in my mind that Caylee will never cross her mind, nor will she ever spend one second repenting or asking for forgiveness. She will live in her fantasy world and will live a long, happy life behind bars.

IMO, death is completely appropriate in this case and the only real punishment for such a narcissistic and cold blooded killer.
Thread has been cleaned up!


Just a friendly reminder that this thread is for the discussion of Death Penalty vs LWOP in the KC Anthony case....

Back to the topic, if this case does not deserve a DP sentence, I don't know of 1 that does. The 1 person who Caylee should have been 100% safe with killed her and threw her in the woods. Then partied hard for a month before CIndy insisted ICA tell her where Caylee was. She has no remorse IMO.

She deserves to die IMO.
Thread has been cleaned up!


Just a friendly reminder that this thread is for the discussion of Death Penalty vs LWOP in the KC Anthony case....


Thank you! I was having a hard time dealing with the animal aspect, especially given the thread title.....
I dunno, I think she'd get a girlfriend to protect her...she might have fun with that, have you seen the Halloween party pics of her?

Yeah, you're right.
Shoot----can't win on this one.:furious:
Yeah, you're right.
Shoot----can't win on this one.:furious:

No worries drip~drop, don't think ICA will find quite the same partner selection on the inside, and I suspect she would be the picked, not the picker - ugh!

How's that for a visual - lol.
I've always supported the death penalty. That said, I'm really torn on this case. I think Casey deserves the punishment that would hurt her the most, and I'm not sure the death penalty would achieve that.

There would be years of appeals in which this case would be in the public eye. Casey would be on death row and therefore have a private cell and not be in general population. I've heard that in Florida, the usual time between conviction and execution is 13 years. Casey would be about 38 years old.

If Casey received LWOP, there would be no lengthy appeals and she'd be placed in general population and soon forgotten by the outside world. She'd no doubt have to perform some sort of menial work within the prison. I don't think she'd be well liked, as women who kill their children are usually shunned.

I doubt Casey would ever be remorseful and mourn Caylee with either the death penalty or LWOP. Being narcissistic, Casey would mourn for her own selfish losses. Being in general population she would be able to watch television, read magazines and newspapers, and know that she could never be part of that outside world she reads about or sees on television. She would have visitors - Cindy, George, and Lee - and learn through them of life outside the prison walls.

I have no doubt that Cindy would keep Casey up to date on her former friends, and Casey would hear about friends getting married, having children, buying a nice home, becoming successful, while she cannot do those things and her home is a 6 foot by 9 foot cage. I think she'd have regrets - not remorse for Caylee - but regrets that she can't be free to do those things. If Lee gets married and has children, I think Casey will get jealous of Cindy bragging about a new grandchild.

Then there's aging. LWOP would be a long time for Casey. Eventually mom and dad would no longer be there. Casey would look in a mirror and see wrinkles and gray hair. She'd likely put on weight. She'd have to cope with the infirmities that come with aging. With Casey being so narcissistic, I think the loss of her looks and age-related infirmities would have an impact on her. She'd be miserable.

So, even though I support the death penalty, in this case I'm leaning towards LWOP as I think Casey would have years upon years of regrets and misery.
I'm curious about life in prison for a woman vs. for a man; The men that you see in prison on the documentary programs are living in hell-Raped, beaten, killed, witnessing death around them-It's horrible. Would this be KC's "life," or would her term be less daunting due to the fact that she is in a female facility?
Of course, on death row, you are not in contact with the general pop., so there's the kicker-(relatively) quiet death within a few years, or life in hell?
Mmmm:snooty:, not in the case of Joran Van Der Sloot. Depending on the news sources you choose to believe, he's living a fine life in the prison he's in!
I think that anyone who is saying they are having a grand time in prison is just full of bravado BS! Just think about it for a minute.

Today is a sunny but cool beautiful fall day in my city. I choose at this moment to sit at my desk and type this post. A moment ago, I chose to stand up, walk to the coffee pot in my kitchen and pour another cup of coffee. I gave both my pups a smooch and a head love as I walked by and told them I loved them. I may get in my car later and drive to the beach and walk that long curve I love so much or I may walk to the open market and choose from beautiful fruit and vegetables what I want to buy. I can choose to do anything I want to do today, be anywhere I want to be today, with anyone I want to be with today. Freedom is a beautiful thing, this earth we live in is a beautiful place and the ability to choose is precious.

Okay so somewhere in there I need to work - lol. But that's a choice also. Anyone who is serving LWOP has lost the ability to choose, and they have forever lost their freedom. They will never walk in any place alone. They can't choose when or what to eat, when to sleep, where to be. Something as simple as when to bathe or shower and what soap we want to use! Sure they can make some kind of a life for themselves among the inmates, but to think that might be some kind of easy street to me in incomprehensible.

If it was me, I would be suicidal and would find some way to end my life. Spending life in a small cage, with the constant light, noise, and control -I can't imagine anything more ugly.

Whoa, went slightly OT, but all your thoughts are definitely leaning me towards LWOP for ICA.
I Just hope and pray that the Jury (God Bless them) make the right decision and send this Evil, Cold, "Human" to the needle.

If Casey gets LIP, there is NO WAY she will ever think of Caylee again.

Giver her the Death Penalty and let Her think of when SHE is going to die.

Caylee never had a chance, So Why should anyone want to give Casey a chance? She's not going to change.

If she gets LIP she will just be living in La La Land without a care in the world.

and if she does not like the possibility of Dying then......... She should not have killed her child.
I voted NO because if she gets the DP, chances are it will never be carried out. It will have an appeal after appeal!

Let her get LWP, get into general population and suffer the rest of her days.. The DP is the easy way out!

If the DP were fast and carried out quickly, I say yes...but you know, baby killers have their rights!
I don't believe in the death penalty, that doesn't mean that I don't believe that the world wouldn't be better off without murderers breathing the same air as me. I just don't believe that anyone has the right to administer the death penalty neither perp nor state for that matter. I do wish they would just go somewhere and expire though. I do think though that the penalty should be LWOP and hard labor (which I'm sure they don't have anymore) life after such a crime should be harsh.
I think that anyone who is saying they are having a grand time in prison is just full of bravado BS! Just think about it for a minute.

Today is a sunny but cool beautiful fall day in my city. I choose at this moment to sit at my desk and type this post. A moment ago, I chose to stand up, walk to the coffee pot in my kitchen and pour another cup of coffee. I gave both my pups a smooch and a head love as I walked by and told them I loved them. I may get in my car later and drive to the beach and walk that long curve I love so much or I may walk to the open market and choose from beautiful fruit and vegetables what I want to buy. I can choose to do anything I want to do today, be anywhere I want to be today, with anyone I want to be with today. Freedom is a beautiful thing, this earth we live in is a beautiful place and the ability to choose is precious.

Okay so somewhere in there I need to work - lol. But that's a choice also. Anyone who is serving LWOP has lost the ability to choose, and they have forever lost their freedom. They will never walk in any place alone. They can't choose when or what to eat, when to sleep, where to be. Something as simple as when to bathe or shower and what soap we want to use! Sure they can make some kind of a life for themselves among the inmates, but to think that might be some kind of easy street to me in incomprehensible.

If it was me, I would be suicidal and would find some way to end my life. Spending life in a small cage, with the constant light, noise, and control -I can't imagine anything more ugly.

Whoa, went slightly OT, but all your thoughts are definitely leaning me towards LWOP for ICA.

Oh I completely agree with you.. Nothing can compare to freedom.
But the difference between you , me and Casey Anthony is that Casey Anthony has Antisocial personality disorder (IMHO). She adapts very well to her environment, even prison.
If she was to get LWOP and end up in general population she would make friends very easily )as we seen her do I n county jail) but her intentions behind the friendly front is what makes this a problem. People like Casey are charming, manipulative to gain trust and affection of others and then they use the trust for deceitful purposes. They fake sincerity. They rarely feel guilt about wrongdoings. They have no compassion towards others and are only out to please themselves in any way they can, no matter who they have to hurt to get there. People like Casey are very irresponsible and very impulsive. Casey (if in General Pop) will use these skills to the fullest. She will have many "friends" that she will use to get what ever she wants. She will hold the power there. In other words I believe Casey will be king of the hill in prison and love every minute of it. The gratification she will have from manipulating any/everyone will be huge.
Sure Casey's plan was not to be in prison and if she could choose freedom over prison no doubt she would choose freedom. But unlike you or me who couldn't live day to day in a 6x8 foot cage, Casey will adapt and be just fine.
Remember in one of the taped jail visits with her parents when Casey said "there is no one to comfort me here but myself".. That will hurt her in the long run. She needs to have the people around her to prey on. She will not fair well alone.

That is why I voted for the death penalty which comes along with solitary confinement. She murdered a baby. She should die for that...

All My opinion.
As many of you, I also believe in rule: 'eye for eye' (and I came from the country where this rule has been executed promtly, without consideration). And as majority here, I also believe: KC is quilty. But I voted 'no' for DP because in this case the death is too easy 'way out' for the monster as KC..., regardless of the method...

First, I wish for the trial; second, I wish for the verdict with the justice...Sentencing? Well, I do believe in justice (here, on earth and after), let them decide.
I think this subject is hard to decide unless someone u know has been murdered..My niece was murdered an he got LWOP..were we happy NO. but the DA said it wud take too many appeals an years to sentence, so my sister went along with it..
I believe in the DP..the only problem is there shud be a fixed amount of years to appeal, 5yrs would make me happy.

Some of you talk about rehabilitation..What ????so you care if KC gets rehabilitated...FOR what she is not going anywhere either way.?

If a convict is getting out in say 10 to 20 years..o.k. spend the money
to rehabilitate, but KC NO WAY

We need to change the laws...If they didn't go thru so many years wouldn't cost more..

To all the posters that want the DP. an the ones that have had their love ones murdered..I understand completely, When it happens to you DP makes sense.

Just thinking about little Caylee breaks my heart an she deserves Justice !!!!
I think this subject is hard to decide unless someone u know has been murdered..My niece was murdered an he got LWOP..were we happy NO. but the DA said it wud take too many appeals an years to sentence, so my sister went along with it..
I believe in the DP..the only problem is there shud be a fixed amount of years to appeal, 5yrs would make me happy.

Some of you talk about rehabilitation..What ????so you care if KC gets rehabilitated...FOR what she is not going anywhere either way.?

If a convict is getting out in say 10 to 20 years..o.k. spend the money
to rehabilitate, but KC NO WAY

We need to change the laws...If they didn't go thru so many years wouldn't cost more..

To all the posters that want the DP. an the ones that have had their love ones murdered..I understand completely, When it happens to you DP makes sense.

Just thinking about little Caylee breaks my heart an she deserves Justice !!!!

I am sorry for your loss. And although I have never had a family member murdered I do agree with the death penalty.
I believe that if one kills they should be killed. It is a law that is on the books and people know it. People committing the crimes know it is there.
They don't care. Why should we. They know the punishment.

Makes me think of Ron White when he said:

( Ron white)
I’m from Texas. In Texas we have the death penalty. And we USE it.
That’s right, if you come to Texas and kill somebody, we will kill you back. That’s our policy.
They’re trying to pass a bill right now through the Texas Legislature that will speed up the process of execution in heinous crimes where there’s more than three credible eye witnesses. If more than three people saw you do what you did, you don’t sit on death row for 15 years, Jack, you go straight to the front of the line.
Other states are trying to abolish the death penalty … my state’s puttin’ in an express lane.
I think this subject is hard to decide unless someone u know has been murdered..My niece was murdered an he got LWOP..were we happy NO. but the DA said it wud take too many appeals an years to sentence, so my sister went along with it..
I believe in the DP..the only problem is there shud be a fixed amount of years to appeal, 5yrs would make me happy.

Some of you talk about rehabilitation..What ????so you care if KC gets rehabilitated...FOR what she is not going anywhere either way.?

If a convict is getting out in say 10 to 20 years..o.k. spend the money
to rehabilitate, but KC NO WAY

We need to change the laws...If they didn't go thru so many years wouldn't cost more..

To all the posters that want the DP. an the ones that have had their love ones murdered..I understand completely, When it happens to you DP makes sense.

Just thinking about little Caylee breaks my heart an she deserves Justice !!!!

I’m very sorry for your loss. My friend’s husband was murdered and she wanted the DP too, the jury agreed, and he was executed. I can understand why your sister chose LWOP because the appeals were excruciating and that’s putting it mildly. She felt she had to attend every single court hearing so she sat in the same room with that monster for the trial, guilt phase, and his appeals. The appeals were never about guilt, guilt was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. They were always about finding a loophole to let the monster go or reduce his sentence. He fought the DP to the bitter end just like most murderers on DR. They have no problem killing but they are terrified of the DP. Almost all of them would rather live in prison than be executed which is exactly how I think Casey feels. Given the choice between LWOP or the DP I have no doubt she would rather get LWOP. There is always a glimmer of hope that one of her appeals works, she’ll get a reduced sentence, and eventually get out to roam freely again putting society in harm’s way.

My friend’s murderer complained about not getting to do the things he wanted to do. Sound familiar? Casey words, “My life has been taken from me.” He never gave a thought to the family he destroyed nor the life he took and the pain and suffering his victim went through. Never an ounce of remorse for what he did, just that he got caught. His death was nothing like the death his victim endured. He was given a shot and simply went to sleep. I don’t think Casey gives any thought or cares about the suffering Caylee went through or what she took from her. She continued on with her partying and seemed to thrive without Casey. She even flirted with Baez as they were discussing Caylee’s remains. She simply doesn’t care and never will. It’s all about her and what makes her happy.

I take great offense to the idea that we are a ‘kill-happy’ species. My friend and her husband were the most non-violent people you will ever meet. It would break her heart to hear someone say something like that. I never even heard them utter one curse word let alone commit any crimes or inflict pain on anyone else. Their only goal in life was to get financially set so she could be a stay-at-home mom and they could raise children. He never got to enjoy another day on this earth, let alone experience the joy of fatherhood because a murderer decided to kill him. My friend wanted justice and for her justice was the DP. Thankfully a jury agreed. She would have had to spend the rest of her life worried about him escaping, hurting others, getting out via some technicality, etc. She never knew from day to day if she was going to get a call from the prosecutor telling her that another appeal was coming. This would have been hanging over her head her entire life. The DP didn’t bring her husband back but it brought great relief knowing she would never have to see, hear, or worry about him again and that justice was finally served. He will never harm another person. The killer had a choice, he chose to kill and he knew the penalty.

I think Casey should get the DP. She shouldn’t be allowed to carve a life for herself in prison which I have no doubt she will. She will most likely have flings with some guards and enjoy getting away with any rule she can break. She seems to take pride in that and even brags about it. I was stunned to see all the activities the prison offers -- aerobics, yoga, intramural sports, and much more. Caylee will never get to do these things so why should Casey? DR is completely different. They eat all their meals in their cell so she would never get to chat with others during dinner or take advantage of all the activities. I agree with a previous post, she thrives on human contact and conning others. If she gets the DP she will be in solitary confinement for the most part. She will only get to socialize with other DR inmates which is currently only one. She will have to be in hand cuffs every time she leaves her cell. She will feel the sting of true punishment on DR. If she gets LWOP she will make friends and get to enjoy small pleasures in prison. She will adapt as we’ve already seen in her jail letters. She may have to go into protective custody in the beginning but as time passes and memories fade, she’ll assimilate into general population, just like Susan Smith. I heard Scott Peterson plays basketball, made friends, and adapted quite well to prison (even on DR) but California is entirely different than Florida. Everyone thought they would both be killed in prison but I think it’s really a myth about child killers not doing well in prison. It’s extremely rare to hear of a child killer being killed in prison.

Caylee never got a chance to have dreams or goals, go to school, make friends, giggle all night at slumber parties, have her first dance, date, fall in love, marry, have children. She never got a chance at doing anything. Casey knew the consequences of murder. If you don’t’ want the DP, jail, or LWOP, don’t kill. It’s that simple. If she gets the DP, her death will be nothing like the torture Caylee went through, NOTHING. She will be given a needle and go to sleep, hardly the way she killed Caylee.

I hope I haven’t offended anyone who is against the DP. Everyone has the right to their opinion and I respect that. I completely agree with Shotzi, you never really know what it’s like unless it hits close to home and it wasn’t even my family. Although I saw their pain, I will never truly understand what it’s like to walk in their shoes. Just because Caylee doesn’t have any family members wanting justice for her doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve the same justice as if she had 20 family members sitting on the prosecutor’s side of the court room.

I think this subject is hard to decide unless someone u know has been murdered..My niece was murdered an he got LWOP..were we happy NO. but the DA said it wud take too many appeals an years to sentence, so my sister went along with it..
I believe in the DP..the only problem is there shud be a fixed amount of years to appeal, 5yrs would make me happy.

Some of you talk about rehabilitation..What ????so you care if KC gets rehabilitated...FOR what she is not going anywhere either way.?

If a convict is getting out in say 10 to 20 years..o.k. spend the money
to rehabilitate, but KC NO WAY

We need to change the laws...If they didn't go thru so many years wouldn't cost more..

To all the posters that want the DP. an the ones that have had their love ones murdered..I understand completely, When it happens to you DP makes sense.

Just thinking about little Caylee breaks my heart an she deserves Justice !!!!

I'm sorry for your loss, and I can fully understand. My 52-year-old nephew was murdered by his 21-year-old stepson in December 2005. It happened in Texas and was premeditated.......the stepson was lying in wait with a baseball bat, and beat my nephew to death. Why? Because my nephew dared to set ground rules for his 21-year-old stepson living with him and the boy's mother. The stepson didn't work and was involved in drugs. He had several arrests for drugs and burglary (stealing to fund his drug habit).

Initially, we all thought he'd get the death penalty with Texas reputation for being tough on crime. But, we soon learned that only when murder happens in the course of a felony - during a robbery, home invasion, or other felony - is it a death penalty case. The stepson confessed and the trial consisted of only the penalty phase.

My sister lives in upstate New York and was 76-years-old at the time of her son's murder, and my niece and other nephew decided that mom shouldn't attend the trial in Texas. My niece and nephew attended representing the family. It was a very emotional and difficult hearing, lasting 5 days. My murdered nephew's wife was much like Cindy, excusing her son's behavior. In the end, there was a plea deal of 15 years in prison. We had hoped for more. My niece told the district attorney she want to be informed of any future parole hearings as she plans on attending to make sure the stepson serves the entire 15-year-sentence.

Do I think the sentence was fair? No. But we had to deal with the laws of Texas. I have no doubt that when the stepson gets out of prison he will re-offend. He had no remorse for what he did.

I support the death penalty, but in this case I want Casey to suffer the longest, and I think she'll suffer with LWOP. She'll never feel remorse or sorrow for Caylee. She won't regret what she did, but will regret she was caught.
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