Deaths of Male College Students-General Discussion #3

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If R-22 was involved, and it was suspected, shouldn't it be able to be found in the lungs? In most of these cases, the lungs are not full of water, and this gas is heavier than air. Could a needle be used to sample any gas pockets, and the contents analyzed with a gas chromatograph of mass spec?
Regarding how close the Interstates are, it sort of goes along with the Midwest and Eastern "bias" of these cases. More rivers, and more Interstates in these states than in the Great Plains.
I have a son in college. There are many social sites on-line that give kid's names and where they are going to college. There are also sites that rate other kids . Check out where you can sort by age and sex and rate other kids. This is a perfect way to sort out and choose victims. Given the longevity in these case, it would be interesting to have the date for the earliest college social sites set up on the web and when they were set up.
Thanks, VTGirl! Great information! Here is the answer to your question:

The Early Years

According to the definition above, the first recognizable social network site launched in 1997. allowed users to create profiles, list their Friends and, beginning in 1998, surf the Friends lists. Each of these features existed in some form before SixDegrees, of course. Profiles existed on most major dating sites and many community sites. AIM and ICQ buddy lists supported lists of Friends, although those Friends were not visible to others. allowed people to affiliate with their high school or college and surf the network for others who were also affiliated, but users could not create profiles or list Friends until years later. SixDegrees was the first to combine these features.

From 1997 to 2001, a number of community tools began supporting various combinations of profiles and publicly articulated Friends. AsianAvenue, BlackPlanet, and MiGente allowed users to create personal, professional, and dating profiles—users could identify Friends on their personal profiles without seeking approval for those connections (O. Wasow, personal communication, August 16, 2007). Likewise, shortly after its launch in 1999, LiveJournal listed one-directional connections on user pages. LiveJournal's creator suspects that he fashioned these Friends after instant messaging buddy lists (B. Fitzpatrick, personal communication, June 15, 2007) (Bolded by me)

CompuServe and AOL came into play long before that tho.

CompuServe, (CompuServe Information Service, also known by its acronym CIS), was the first major commercial online service in the United States. It dominated the field during the 1980s and remained a major player through the mid-1990s, when it was sidelined by the rise of information services such as AOL that charged monthly subscriptions rather than hourly rates.

CompuServe was founded in 1969 as Compu-Serv Network, Inc. (the earliest advertising show the name with initial caps) in Columbus, Ohio as a subsidiary of Golden United Corporation.

AOL: Kimsey changed the company's strategy, and in 1985 launched a dedicated online service for Commodore 64 and 128 computers, originally called Quantum Link ("Q-Link" for short).
"CONSPIRACY THEORISTS" :waitasec: What a fancy title!!!! I'm impressed, will have to put that on my next resume!!! LOL

SS I also have been following many of these cases for a very long time 16 of the college men had drowned in Wisconsin. Since thats where I live I'd be a fool to think they all were accidental. I could possibly comprehend the fact that maybe 2 or 3 had got seperated from friends & fallen in & it was considered a accident / but 16 border lines on insanity.

I also live very close to the Mn border so I watch the Twin Cities News & have seen college guys from Mn who also vanished without a trace after a night of partying only to be found drowned also.

I sincerely can't comprehend that these young men are so careless & reckless with there lives to drown themselves. I don't buy the fact that with going to college / they can all afford to be out drinking & get so intoxicated they don't know where they're at & just decide to kill themselves. I just don't buy it. They want to make something of themselves or they wouldn't be in school. I understand there is partying at college.....but this is to many & far to frequent.
If R-22 was involved, and it was suspected, shouldn't it be able to be found in the lungs? In most of these cases, the lungs are not full of water, and this gas is heavier than air. Could a needle be used to sample any gas pockets, and the contents analyzed with a gas chromatograph of mass spec?

If tested in an autopsy; both R-22 and carbon monoxide will be found, so most likely the killer would use GHB which leaves the blood in 3-8 hours. Why use a detectable poison or a detectable drug; instead of GHB? And for Denise; I'm very sorry about your loss. I'm working on a few ideas so I hope I can help. If this helps, it might be a better starting point to figure out who it is that appears to hate white men. And Denise, was it you or someone else who posted that your cousin was last seen drinking with some Mexican ladies? I thought I read that here but can't find it now?
Did you hear about this story?

A gang of police impersonators abducted and tortured cocaine traffickers, forcing them to hand over multimillion-dollar stashes by holding their families hostage or threatening to squeeze their testicles with pliers, authorities said Tuesday.

An indictment unsealed in federal court in Brooklyn charged eight men with robbery conspiracy, drug dealing and an array of other crimes.

Since the spring of 2003, the gang injured about 100 people while committing 100 holdups targeting large-scale traffickers in New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Florida, investigators said.


The victims were handcuffed, bound with duct tape and subjected to various means of torture during interrogations, including "simulated drowning through repeated submerging of victims' heads in water for extended periods of time," the court papers said.

The men, court papers said, "were particularly sophisticated in their tactics," often conducting surveillance on the drug dealers for weeks before arming themselves with handguns and making "a police-style car stop" in cars equipped with lights and sirens.

The defendants, all from the Dominican Republic, were ordered held without bail after pleading not guilty Tuesday in Brooklyn. If convicted, each faces a sentence of 40 years to life behind bars.

Not that it could have anything to do with these cases per se...but I thought it was interesting the kinds of torture they were using or threatening to use. Also how easy it was for them to stalk a person then stop them at a vulnerable time while pretending to be LE.
If tested in an autopsy; both R-22 and carbon monoxide will be found, so most likely the killer would use GHB which leaves the blood in 3-8 hours. Why use a detectable poison or a detectable drug; instead of GHB? And for Denise; I'm very sorry about your loss. I'm working on a few ideas so I hope I can help. If this helps, it might be a better starting point to figure out who it is that appears to hate white men. And Denise, was it you or someone else who posted that your cousin was last seen drinking with some Mexican ladies? I thought I read that here but can't find it now?
Don't you feel you are painting that with a very wide brush? In other words, there are many groups which could possibly want to do harm to these young men (not all of them were caucasion).

It may not have anything to do with "hating white men" and I would hate to suggest that to Denise at the moment without something to back up such a statement. I am going to highly discourage anyone from leading her on here by giving her the false impression of solid information without coming out with it upfront so it can be challenged or moved forward.

The reason we are here is to work together. We don't play games with cases as they involve someone's child, mother, sister, father, etc. We share our information to work as a team doing research and fact finding. We work many hours to come up with everything we can find, but it is a "community" effort here. If someone has a theory...they post it so we can either move it forward or debunk it so not to waste time. If it puts us on the right track then it means with so many working on it in so many different areas of might actually go somewhere to help a victim or victims.
Here's an idea. Maybee it is a group of migrant Mexican workers that are part of a satanic or some religious cult. Maybee these young men are sacrafices. The reason why they use young men is that they discovered that they can kill this group of people without any attention being brought to it. If they are migrant workers it would also explain why the killings seem to be in so many diffrent places since they tend to work in one place and then move to another town for seasonal jobs.
I seem to remmber back in the early 90's or late 80's there was a group of drug dealers in Tijuana that were also satan worshipers. In order to protect themselves from there enemies they would sacrafise young American men that were Tijuana by luring them back to there house with the promise of drugs. As I remmber they were caught because one of them were the last to be seen with a young man that had just been reported missing. When the cops went to there house to follow up they found the missing man and remains that were able to be matched to many more missing american men.

Just saying. :confused:
Now..See! That is what I am talking about, Porkchop! A place to start! Actually, it isn't out of the realm of possibilities. :)

I guess we need to do a bit of back research on it and go from there. This all took place inside Mexico then?
Now..See! That is what I am talking about, Porkchop! A place to start! Actually, it isn't out of the realm of possibilities. :)

I guess we need to do a bit of back research on it and go from there. This all took place inside Mexico then?

Thank you SS. Yes it took place in Tijuana. It didn't get much press back then. But now all of the missing people are along the border with Mexico is finally getting some attention. Just look up Ciudad Juárez, or Tijuana. There have beenhundreds of rapes and murders there over the years. Most of the murders are believed to be drug related but their are quite a few that are believed to done by one of many cults believed to be there.
porkchop, very interesting and just as ss says.....a place to start thinking outside of the box of accidental drownings.
Now..See! That is what I am talking about, Porkchop! A place to start! Actually, it isn't out of the realm of possibilities. :)

I guess we need to do a bit of back research on it and go from there. This all took place inside Mexico then?

Porkchop is referring to the Mark Kilroy case and subsequent investigatioin in Matamoras, Mexico.
Major difference would be that those cults are know to be extremely violent, mutilations, etc. There has been none of that in these cases, do you have a theory as to what cult/ or what might be different?
Don't you feel you are painting that with a very wide brush? In other words, there are many groups which could possibly want to do harm to these young men (not all of them were caucasion).

It may not have anything to do with "hating white men" and I would hate to suggest that to Denise at the moment without something to back up such a statement.

Hello SS; when you try to figure a case out that might involve a serial killer or killers; you look for similarities in the cases that appear connected. Since every single drowning involves a young white man; except for 2 Asians; both of whom have some circumstances that are a bit different than the other cases; it means they might not connect; and if the 2 Asian cases turn out to be accidents; then every other drowning does involve a young white man who was drinking. That is NOT a broad brush--it's an obvios clue that young white men are specifically targeted. We have no women, no completely sober people, no blacks and no mexicans yet and remember most serial killers targeted similiar victims. I asked Denise a question about Mexicans but that in no way means I think Mexicans are behind this and maybe I read that on a different thread? Everyone is here for their own reasons; my reason is that this interests me and I'm hoping to use my ideas and research and maybe get a few clues from others and connect the dots and give the info to LE. But I'm not going to throw out my conclusions now; why would I? When I post where I'm going, which for starters; is that a group of people is targeting young white men who drink; I'm met with negativity. If everything I have connects, I'll definitely contact LE, post here or contact a family member with a private message if thats possible
I don't see this as that sort of murder-considering the horrible ways one person could murder another, these deaths are almost, well, "gentle". Before anyone goes ballistic over my choice of words, consider that the victim is fully clothed, not bruised or beaten (at least visibly), has all body parts etc. and may have been drowned while unconscious. This leads me back to considering that it is a woman or women and/or a group of people who can keep quiet-nuns/priests/ministers and who would never have a reason to trade information for leniency (no contact with LE for other reasons).
Sheerluck, what was met with negativity is the "I know something you don't" game you like to play.
Maybe a gang or cult is behind this but if they are; I'm surprised they aren't robbing their victims. That and the lack of trauma is what's so bizzarre and different about these and its also why so many in LE are skeptical that these are even connected. Because there seems to be an intentional effort to to not rob the victims of their money; I take that as a clue. I think the intent of not taking the money is to send LE a message. The message is that this is not about the money, but instead the mission. My idea is that the mission could be 2 things--2 completely different ideas. One could be very simple: the person has a fascination with serial killers so he's doing this not for sex or robbery but simply because he idolizes a previous serial killers. Thats my longshot idea. My other idea is that this is a group of people who have a gripe; possibly even a political gripe; and the gripe is compounded with a hatred towards young white men. But I'm not going to single out and trash a group of people until I'm sure
Sheerluck, what was met with negativity is the "I know something you don't" game you like to play.

Sorry if you think I'm playing games. I read some of my previous posts and I can see you are right, What I was trying to do was hint towards what I'm thinking to see if anyone here would add to it and a few people did which was helpful. My ideas are probably wrong anyway, but I guess my confusion is that I can't figure out if it would help LE more or the killers more; if someone figured this out and posted it here. Maybe a family member could help me with this. I better get to work
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