Deaths of Male College Students-General Discussion #3

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top of the Saturday to everyone! I wanted to bump this link back up to the top on forms of torture that cults use (there are many that do not leave a mark like, spinning, near drowning, locking in boxes or coffins, blinding light, hanging upside down, forced ingestion of body fluids, list goes on.

Has anyone ever tossed around the idea that, if a gang does exist, they are filming the torture and snuff I recall the dicks saying that He was most likely killed before his body was put in the water due to the position, clothes, etc
SuziQ, hey my friend! I think they should also look (during follow up autopsies in these cases) at very discrete signs of the kind of torture that I posted above in #321
being lockes in a wooden box could leave small cuts, splinters, etc.
SuziQ, hey my friend! I think they should also look (during follow up autopsies in these cases) at very discrete signs of the kind of torture that I posted above in #321

Good afternoon Nurse! I agree. Thanks for reposting that link.
Not sure if this has been posted, I didn't see it when I looked around the links in this forum.

This is about all the drownings and all kinds of links and possible connections.

Not sure if this has been posted, I didn't see it when I looked around the links in this forum.

This is about all the drownings and all kinds of links and possible connections.

LOL Well, I guess that explains where Ethann's theory came from. I thought by the way he posted, it was his idea alone. I had no idea so many people were working on such a theory.

There is no motive so to me it doesn't seem at all plausible...unless someone knows from first hand information about a person with that company working in concert with others and can prove it.
I found another site that some of the stuff posted there is hmmm...different. I can't tell if they are being sarcastic in the couple of posts that I read....Here is the site, it is different, so be forewarned.

Read the 2nd post on this page, I just so happened to read this post first.
Hey SS. Happy Saturday to you and hi there dimples! I agree with SS about Ethan's theory. I also went to where he linked that his theory had been posted (link is in thread #2 somewhere), and found it to be a woman's lib bashing site. After that little induction I cannot swallow this theory without a grain of salt (A LARGE GRAIN). MOO. I will try to dig back and find where he stated his theory had been posted on a blog...but let me tell you.....the whole site was about poor men this, and women suck, and dang....keep going with that sucky thought process (sorry Ethan but I AM A WOMAN and I found that blog highly degrading, offensive, and way outside the normal logic...someone grab me a berka).

This has more to do, in my opinion, with a method of choosing certain vic types and the connectedness of killers...whatever that connection is. I do not seeing this being a group within a corporation, due to the alluding by the dicks on a serial killer gang with a hierarchy, but rather a sub group within a sub, sub, sub~group linked by the internet. And thanks SuziQ for hashing out those numbers.....the cases have went up syonymously with the growth of the internet.

I have no clue what this could be. But it 'aint' right and it is damn hinky. I also could never imagine a person with a barbie doll head garden in a clothset but BTK proved me wrong.

The TRANE thing....I don't see it. This is a group of predators attracted to one another by their love of what they are doing and the aberrancy of it... We see the numbers of similar cases go up and up over the years along with internet growth. We need to do a line graph of cases vs internet growth stats. When my hubby gets home (he is a colonel in the army...signal corps that this is his thing...graphing..) I will see what he can extrapolate from loose numbers. Perhaps it is not so much location as it is the spread of a bad seed that started to grow in La Crosse?


Hi, Everyone! Interesting "Criminal Minds' on right now. Talking about a killer that hits males only...out with friends...drinking...what would lure these men away from their friends? When they would be most vulnerable?Their theory "a woman". Sound familiar? Interesting to say the least. And, obviously, a theory that's been entertained here.
The Trane theory is based on the commonality of a business being in these areas. Well, lets add every fast food restaurant you can think of, home improvement centers that are nationwide, and lets add in tax services like H&R Block. His theory was based on a business having access and locations in all these areas..well there are many nationwide business that are everywhere..small towns to big cities. That is where the theory falls might as well blame it on MacDonald's, Hardy's,Wendy's, and Burger King.
The Trane theory is based on the commonality of a business being in these areas. Well, lets add every fast food restaurant you can think of, home improvement centers that are nationwide, and lets add in tax services like H&R Block. His theory was based on a business having access and locations in all these areas..well there are many nationwide business that are everywhere..small towns to big cities. That is where the theory falls might as well blame it on MacDonald's, Hardy's,Wendy's, and Burger King.

Anytime someone has, imo, a loose theory, is adamant about it, ignores the facts, and seeks every avenue to promote it, there is definately a personal vantage point in it, an agenda if you will. I personally feel the victims and families in these cases deserve a respectful, objective effort to help support them and progress this investigation.
The conspiracy theory without facts is exactly what hinders an investigation. Thanks to all that pointed that out.
This brings me to a question....Do you feel we are "Conspiracy Theorists" as we have been called in several blogs?
Dear SS,
I don't even fathom why we are called that..there are several sites for that type of theory. I think this is more of an open discussion ..but we better have facts and links to back them up.
Thanks, DD. Makes me feel a bit better! As I mentioned on another thread here, I followed these drownings for a long time and always felt something was just wrong. It is common sense and actually the lack of evidence in the drownings which led me to believe that a connection was possible.
This brings me to a question....Do you feel we are "Conspiracy Theorists" as we have been called in several blogs?

Honestly I don't even know what that means-
For me, as a novice, I react to evidence, the hinky factor and my gut. Pure and simple. I dont feel I latch on to public opinion, and I am open to other's perspectives. I think of our work as just that - a "work" in progress. You examine a hypothesis, establish it's merit, then rule it out or accept it.

Couldn't resist:

I did not find my photo or logo there, so for today I'm safe :blowkiss:
This brings me to a question....Do you feel we are "Conspiracy Theorists" as we have been called in several blogs?

I don't think so, because we are still asking questions and researching facts that will either prove or disprove. The truth is all we are after.

People making that claim about us and this case should think about this. It's a scary thing when people quit asking questions, accept a rubber stamp explanation, quit thinking for themselves and are afraid to speak up against the majority, for fear of the backlash. THAT is how true conspiracies happen. By doing this they unkowingly allow a true conspiracy to take place and continue.
As far as the Trane theory, it appealed to me not because of the actual company, but certain aspects of their job made sense. A work van, especially HVAC, is never out of place. These techs routinely have R-22 in their vans, which from what I've read, could easily render someone unconcious just by breathing it in. They travel the interstates, often upgrading systems in colleges. The techs they hire aren't exactly always pillars of society -- I've read that some are straight outta prison.

Whoever is doing this is obviously discreet. I don't think these guys are just jumped and kidnapped out in the open. It's planned and deliberate. A HVAC van just seems like a good theory to me, especially because of the R-22 accessibility. I still think there are one or more females involved, maybe just random prostitutes that are easily picked up (drugs are an easy carrot to dangle in exchange for luring these guys outside. and they aren't likely to talk..).

Maybe they heard about a certain internet "gang" through another tech at work and that's how these guys get involved. What they get out of these crimes is beyond me. Initiation sounds as good a reason as any other I guess.

So while Ethan is extremely adamant about his Trane theory, I wouldn't completely dismiss has some very valid points. The closeness to these interstates is a big part of these cases...
This brings me to a question....Do you feel we are "Conspiracy Theorists" as we have been called in several blogs?

:laugh:HECK NO! LOL.... In medicine we rule things OUT. That means usually getting the easiest differential diagnoses ruled out first before you call in the infectious disease consult to rule out rare african viruses and other "zebra~like" diagnoses.

Obviously the first thing has been pretty much been put to rest....that being all these guys were at a bar and jumped willy~nilly into bodies of water. There are still those who think that is all it is.....but then along came the dicks and evidence they have gathered. So now we need to rule other things out. If they didn't get drunk and do a swam dive into the nearest body of water than obviously we have to think about how they got there. Add the dicks alluding to connected gangs with a hierarchy and we must at least branch out from there especially after their credibility has pretty much been verified in hard form.

So, if the dicks say this is a gang that is widespread with pods in several states and with a heirarchy that has some sort of internet connectivity OF COURSE what ever thinking we do next will be right up there with JFK and the Satanic Cult Scare of the 80's.

Calling any theories from this point on, a 'conspiracy theory' is just plain blindly stupid (sorry to be so blunt...but I have no sympathy for people that call websleuthers conspiracy theorists when the trail of logic is so, well....LOGICAL:doh::banghead:). Anyone who dismisses completely what these dicks have to say are still on step one of logic and thinking all these white (90% of related cases), smart, athletic, similarly built, similarly aged, college students all followed the same progression of drinking, getting separated from friends, and ending up, strangely, in water...meaning no witnesses saw them jump or fall, but it was just accidental and drunken in nature. Dude! Pulling out hair here. That just is not logical. We must move on to the next step and that means they didn't get in that water by themselves. Since local LE pretty much threw away any evidence they could have gleened at the time we need to entertain that gleened by the private eyes.

Again, if these vics were women....would it have went on so long or would the emerging pattern been spotted for what it was YEARS AGO? :confused: Perhaps this victim type was picked just for that very reason and that reason alone????:confused:

As an aside....we must also, again keeping with the what info the dicks have released, entertain the possibility that several of the cases they have connected happened on the same day hundreds of miles apart reinforcing that there is more than one person going about their evil deeds. More than one person "conspiring" to carry out murder. Conspire. Conspiracy. Conspiracy is not always a theory. :bang:

Didn't mean to anger any of those who believe it is accidental in nature. This is my opinion only.
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