Defense Team has not visited KC in 8 Days

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Can JB really just walk away if he wanted to? I thought once he was the declared counsel of record, he had to be either fired by the client or taken off the case by the judge, and simply being stressed out by his client and the new evidence doesn't qualify as a good reason, IMO. However I wonder if the same applies to LKB? Since she's not primary counsel, can she quit if she wanted to?
I do think he's in way over his head, way more than he bargained for in the beginning. He's probably dreading seeing KC and telling her what the new evidence is.
Minor point, but it's actually been 7 days, right? Defense was with her during the memorial.

Also,wasn't it reported in one of these threads that Baez spent Valentines' Day with KC? That would only be 3 days.
My mind just went places I hoped it would never go.

Remind me to get a plastic protector for my laptop so I never spew anything on it again.

Phew, I thought it was just me that went to the "bad place" with that remark. :rolleyes:

Care to join me for a glass of wine in the gutter?


Oh and I've found that drop clothing everything within 20 feet of me works well when I'm trying to get through one of these threads. My Sweetie keeps an Umbrella next to the couch. ;)

Before I read any other posts, I will respond. I don't believe that the 8 days without a visit from her attorney or a member of the defense teams means anything whatsoever. Honestly. If it did , I would tell you. Even if this is the longest time between visits since she was indicted, I would not read anything into this and not consider the issue any further. It is meaningless. Truly. Now, I will go read what everyone else thinks.

I agree. While Casey may in fact be less than thrilled about the lack of attention, it isn't really all that unusual for a week to go by without a visit from someone from her legal firm of choice. Personally, I think that the lack of a visit for 8 days is more "normal" than some of the behavior we have seen from her legal counsel previously.

Either way, Casey certainly has plenty of time to reflect on the rosy future that awaits her.

I wrote a special little song for her, but since you guys can't actually hear it, I will sing it with pictures;

Ode to Casey and Her Infinite Loneliness in A Minor:













The End
Bold mine. Wow! Can a lawyer really tell a judge that the client cannot afford his fees and walk away?
I am fairly sure it's happened here in some high prominent cases in California. Any CA attorneys out there now, like Gitana that can help me out???
Perhaps this is just another form of denial on the KC front ... I mean maybe she is/has been pouting about not getting her way ie: Caylee's Remains. This was the ONLY time she has ever felt compelled to make a statement since her arrest, and it was the ONLY time Jose has obbliged. Me thinks they are simply at odds and she has been refusing his visits (witholding from) just as she has done with her family.

very interrrrresttting. :waitasec:
I just hope JB stalls the trial long enough for LA to get his online law degree from Traders University in Camden, Arizona . I'm sure LA thinks that's the only chance in heii that he, as the "pillar of strength" is going to settle all the family legal irritations since his arrogance and attempt at cloaking didn't.

The above is a total fabrication but I sure bet it crossed LA's mind.
Now that has me curious as to if something happened during their visit, like Casey confessing to JB exactly what she did.

Which, if true, JB would have to walk, wouldn't he?
I think the thing that keeps a defense attorney going is that they must believe their client deserves a fair trial, and guilt or innocense just doesn't come into play. I just can't imagine that there's much new news that would deck JB at this point. LKB might take over? Can't imagine she would want the lead atty job. She is a 'science' angle but of course to CA, science is just science. I'm just hoping JB stops the coddling and convinces KC to take a plea. Maybe he's working on his speech for KC, now that might take 8 days prep time.
Here's a theory- albeit far fetched, but plausible.

If Baez received 500 pages last Wednesday and checked into the hospital on Friday, his health problems could be related to what he read in the docs from Wednesday.

Could it be that Baez really and truly believed that Casey was innocent- that he was completely sucked into the vortex and that he felt he was rescuing her from persecution?

And maybe he was blindsided by whatever evidence was on the duct tape or found with Caylee's body and finally realized she was guilty?

I know it's far fetched but...............
I posted this in the "Visitors and Commissary" thread, but I wonder if the defense team has stopped spending SO much time (aka billable hours) with Casey since severing ties with the illustrious Todd Black and the generous "family from Connecticut" ??

I wonder if some recent events (publicly known or not) have jeopardized whatever funding arrangement seems to have been behind the defense machine for some time. Casey shopped like someone else was footing the bill (and they were) and I think her legal representation also looked like it was undertaken with the knowledge some deep pockets would be there in the end to pay for everything. Maybe the pockets have left the building?

Interesting thought. :waitasec:
Bold mine. Wow! Can a lawyer really tell a judge that the client cannot afford his fees and walk away?

You bet. He files a motion. Judge rules. First attorney moves on. No one can force a person to work for free. Even lawyers are allowed to eat.
Wow...maybe JB is actually working with the documents and not just listening to his clients BS stories about a Nanny nobody has been able to even provide a picture of. I'm guessing he got the flu. I had it on Monday and it lasted about 48 hours. I was a mess with 105 fever. Of course if he went to the doctor, like a baby for the flu, the media of course would make a big deal out of it. His dr. prob gave him a pat on the back and said drink some fluids. Maybe Casey could order some Cup of Noodles for him!
Well, this is probably an obvious question: Has she refused any visits or has not had any visits?

I think he may be staying away to force her to recognize what she's in for if she doesn't confess. I can't wait for all her lame *advertiser censored** visitors to dry up one by one! That will be a quick dose of reality for her.

IF she is refusing visitors, she's just probably trying to show she's tough and she's the boss! Jerk!
that interesting. are we saying that Jb has not visit since the memorial??
Perhaps this is just another form of denial on the KC front ... I mean maybe she is/has been pouting about not getting her way ie: Caylee's Remains. This was the ONLY time she has ever felt compelled to make a statement since her arrest, and it was the ONLY time Jose has obbliged. Me thinks they are simply at odds and she has been refusing his visits (witholding from) just as she has done with her family.

It seems to me when a jailed client refuses to see their attorney that spells BIG trouble..I see it going either way..It's the out JB's been looking for?..He has to know by now this case is a LOSER so he gets to save face & what's left of his rep..That's a WIN-WIN for him..Or he's now going the INSANITY route with even more proof of KC's severe mental problems..If it's a planned strategy by both (or not) it can easily explain his sudden change of her defense with the real reason being whatever is so damaging in the new doc dump?
I always thought it was ludicrous how much she was visited by her lawyers. It's like they were going to keep her company, not provide legal services. Did anyone else ever notice the times that they would be there? 2200 hours to 0130 the next morning. I think the days of lawyers babysitting her to keep her happy are over.

I know from working with lawyers that when the funds stop, the counsel stops. If it was due to JB's health problems, a partner would take up the slack.

It could also be this new PR woman persuading JB to at least try and appear more professional by keeping his visits down to a standard level. Or, another thought, something to do with any ongoing Bar investigation?

Whatever the reason, I hope KC is feeling the crunch. It's about time she felt something other than self-pity.
You bet. He files a motion. Judge rules. First attorney moves on. No one can force a person to work for free. Even lawyers are allowed to eat.

Respectfully, whoa, in this case there is no way that would be that easy nor would he do it for fund evaporation. Why, because it would need to introduce the fund source, and it would prejudice his client and possibly be a conflict of interest to him. He could end up disbarred or worse.

It is no co ink y dink he has not been there since the Bar confirmed the complaint. He would HAVE TO INFORM HER... get an independent waiver, etc..
Could he be trying to make casey so angry she insists on different counsel? Can she do this and wouldn't this be an easy exit for him?

Yes. and yes. IMHO, it would be the perfect out for Baez.

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