GUILTY Denmark - Kim Wall, 30, Copenhagen, 10 Aug 2017

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Agreed, but I don't think your first option is plausible. The sort of wounds we are now told were inflicted on her must come from a sort of frenzy that he had worked himself up into. If the timing of that attack is accurate - at the time of or just after her death - it seems entirely damning. But of course, his lawyer says there's no reason to suspect him...!

I agree with you.
Of course it is POSSIBLE there was an accident, but more and more evidence is stacking up to disprove that theory.
Both direct and circumstantial.
I'm now wondering if PM was into piquerism? I thought at first this was a sexual advance that turned nasty but based on his vile videos he must be seriously warped in the head.

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I now feel like those people you hear about, living next to say, a serial killer for years and saying, he was such a quiet, nice man. We never thought he would be able to do something like that.

Although I don´t know PM well, and the fact he is actually not a quiet, nice person on the surface - you just don´t think a person you have had contact with and who seems to function, would do such a thing and have so profoundly SICK interests.
Saying that, I even knew he was into SM - but so many people are, right!
You just don´t think a person you know would be capable of this.

I am quite shaken by it and I wonder about other people I know. What utterly sick fantasies do they have under the surface?
Peter Madsen is contradicting himself.
I had a feeling his claim he went to sleep after Kim Wall´s death, was BS (an attempt to explain time passed - he is a very, very dumb criminal!!)

Insightful day in court: Rocket-Madsen's explanation crumbles
Peter Madsen says he was sleeping after Kim Wall's death, but the autopsy report shows that Kim Wall was injured immediately after his death

He sat quietly and looked into the camera from his chair in Western Prison, when the prosecutor yesterday presented evidence that Kim Wall had been stabbed brutally around or shortly after his death.

Court Room 36 was stupid, and the audience's eyes focused on two white canvases, where Peter Madsen shortly after 15.45. toned forward. Wearing military-colored jacket and a pair of black glasses flanked by its defender Betina Hald Engmark.

Here, the 47-year-old submarine captain should be presented to the police's latest evidence at a brief hearing, but in the opposition at last he was not even present in court. Instead, he contributed via a video link from his place in Western Prison.

Prosecutor Jakob Buch-Jepsen received the word as the first, and soon it became evident that the suspicion against Peter Madsen had not been weakened since the last. With the court, the prosecutor had the final autopsy report that the forensics have worked since the women's tribute of Kim Wall was found on 21 August.

"Since the last hearing there are Approved autopsy statement and some photo documentation regarding Kim Walls torso. And I can already say now that there is no explanation for the cause of death, "said Jakob Buch-Jepsen in court.

On the other hand, he could tell that the torso had a stitch on the front of the chest and 14 stitches in the abdomen, of which 10 were on the genitals and four in the vagina. But the most remarkable in the statement was the time for the damage, because according to the statement, the damage was inflicted quite close to death.

"These are inflicted upon the onset of death or shortly thereafter. It can not be further clarified, but there are hardly any hours, "said Jakob Buch-Jepsen.

The information is in stark contrast to Peter Madsen's own explanation from the hearing on 5 August. Here he told how had a 'couple of hours drop out' because he was simply so tired. That's why he made sleeping in a section of the submarine while Kim Wall lay dead in another.

Peter Madsen was unable to comment on them yesterday, nor did he explain his previous explanation, but his defendant protested in his behalf against the prosecution's submission of the autopsy report. Primarily against the parts that the prosecutor failed to mention. Betina Hald Engmark would like to emphasize that there was also damage to Kim Wall, which occurred before her death, and which may stem from a fall. Blue. a bruise.

"It does not require the big medical background to know that when you fall in the way he explained that Kim Wall has done, you get the damage described," said Betina Hald Engmark.

Then a longer battle began with words between defendants and accusations about how the autopsy report should be read. If the damage was inflicted shortly after Kim Wall's death or if they could also be inflicted several hours after her death, so that Peter Madsen's explanation could actually vote.

Meanwhile, Peter Madsen sat silent and looked into the camera. Sometimes he felt the urge to whisper his defender something in his ear, and in the end he also chose to pronounce when he received the word.

"I just want to say that the things that come here are about the secondary term in my eyes. What happened to Kim. I have not seen anything yet, and I do not think I'm coming to anything that proves that Kim Wall has died as a result of a surrendered action. I've seen her die and saw her fall down, "he told the camera.

But neither the words nor his defendants' corresponding arguments that nothing new had been put on the table yesterday could cope with the case. The judge decided after less than one hour's hearing that Peter Madsen should remain imprisoned until 31 October.

The defense attorney is now considering whether that order - like last - should be appealed to the district court.
Really sorry about the horrid Google translation! I can see it is hard to understand!

I have a question.

Peter Madsen´s attorney, Betina Hald Engmark says this:

"It does not require the big medical background to know that when you fall in the way he explained that Kim Wall did, you get the damage described," said Betina Hald Engmark.

She is talking about a bruise on one buttock of Kim Wall´s torso.

If Kim Wall died shortly after falling down, would she get a bruise at all?
Wouldn´t it take some time for the blood to get to the area?
If she died shortly after the fall, the blood would stop.

Not that I think it happened this way, I am just wondering whether this new lie won´t easily be countered by a forensic pathologist?
SATA - thank you for this report. Very informative.
Considering the heinous videos discovered on PM's computer, i.e., tortured women, decapitated alive, and/or burned alive, then I dread to think of what the Prosecutor's statement could possibly mean for the last hours of KW's life at the hand's of PM.
Copied from SATA post:
"These are inflicted upon the onset of death or shortly thereafter. It can not be further clarified, but there are hardly any hours, "said Jakob Buch-Jepsen.
Sandstorm, this case is so much more horrible than any of us could have imagined.
It is hard to let your mind go there.
We can just hope that Kim Wall did not suffer too much and for too long.


It looks like I was wrong re my post above about the bruising. Bruises can develop after death it seems.

[h=3]DATING BRUISES AT THE POSTMORTEM EXAMINATION[/h] A large quantity of information can be obtained from gross examination of the body in the mortuary. For example, differentiating a fresh bruise from an older one is usually not difficult. It is important, however, to bear in mind that the location of a bruise also needs to be taken into account when assessing its age. For example, a deep bruise in thigh muscle might not appear for a day or two after its infliction and might have a fresh appearance, whereas a bruise over a bony prominence and where tissue is loose—for example, the eyebrow—will appear very quickly and with accompanying swelling.
SATA, yes that link is the free online read for the book, The Sociopath Next Door. I read the actual book, but as you suggest, one can make the online print larger. Thanks for the tip ! This book is an excellent read for information on anti-social personality development. I found most interesting in the book that the MOTHER excuses the child's aberrant behavior as " Boys will be boys" as s/he is blowing up frogs with fire crackers attached. OMG ! Sorry, but I am a mother and this was never the 'norm' in my child rearing experience !
SATA, IMO : PM fits the prototype for erotophonophilia ( Lust Murder). There is much more info to come as this case develops on PM - from those who knew him and ran from him as fast as possible. His image as a 'entrepreneurial rocket scientist ' has been his shield and facade from public transparency for years. The true PM is now available for the world to see, unfortunately, at the expense of a dear, young, intelligent, and precious soul, KW.
SATA, IMO : PM fits the prototype for erotophonophilia ( Lust Murder). There is much more info to come as this case develops on PM - from those who knew him and ran from him as fast as possible. His image as a 'entrepreneurial rocket scientist ' has been his shield and facade from public transparency for years. The true PM is now available for the world to see, unfortunately, at the expense of a dear, young, intelligent, and precious soul, KW.

This is very precisely put, I believe. It is very chilling, because he has been so good at projecting the "excentric scientist" image. A well known and respected person, good grief!
In reality he lived on the fringe of society - quite literally by sometimes living in his submarine or at the rocket workshop (I have seen it, it is rough!) - But also in a more indirect way. He simply does not function well with people, and I think he dispises not only women, but ALL people.
How he ever got married is a mystery to me, what woman can put up with him?! I know nothing about his wife btw.

I feel so bad for my friend who worked closely with him for years on the rocket project before he finally had had it with PM.
My friend believed in the project, but had to put up with a lot through the years.
It might be false alarm, but the Police is out in the water looking for bodyparts again near "Avedøre Værket" which is very close to the route that PM took in his Sub that evening and night. Police has all the route covered, so they know exactly where he was and at what time with the sub.

Now today the journalists have seen that there are a Hearse called in and is waiting ashore close to where they are diving.

The police refuse to comment on that and they wont say either if they have found anything. Normally they say that they havent found anything yet, but this time they just plain refuse to comment.
It might be a sign on that they found something.
I really hope so.
I think the find might be significant.
There will be a press conference tomorrow at 10 am Danish time.

Here is a link with some photos.
The type of hearse that is used is only used to collect dead bodies or body parts.
Also, chief investigator Jens Møller, was present when the find was placed in the hearse, so the find is important enough for him to go there.

If you want, you can run the text through Google Translate - even though the quality of translation is awful. Maybe better than nothing.
I think the find might be significant.
There will be a press conference tomorrow at 10 am Danish time.

Here is a link with some photos.
The type of hearse that is used is only used to collect dead bodies or body parts.
Also, chief investigator Jens Møller, was present when the find was placed in the hearse, so the find is important enough for him to go there.

If you want, you can run the text through Google Translate - even though the quality of translation is awful. Maybe better than nothing.
Thank you for the translation - I saw it on Twitter but there's no direct way to translate other than cut and paste into Google.

The 10am press conference for us in the US is 1am Seattle time, 4am east coast time.
I think it's pretty obvious what happened anyway but hoping this find totally nails PM. His lawyer won't sleep well tonight!

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Thank you for the translation - I saw it on Twitter but there's no direct way to translate other than cut and paste into Google.

The 10am press conference for us in the US is 1am Seattle time, 4am east coast time.
I have an Android when you open it asks if you want to read in English.

"Chief of Justice Jens Møller earlier confirmed to Ekstra Bladet that police and divers worked on Køge Bay next to Avedøre Work with a new search for the rest of Kim Walls Lig.

- Have you found anything during the search today ?*, we asked this afternoon.

"I have no comments," said Jens Møller.

Ekstra Bladet also gave Jens Møller concrete information to Ekstra Bladet that "ligdele" should be found.*But he had no comments, "whether we found something or not".

"I can confirm that we are present and that we work with divers on Køge Bay," he said.

On August 21, Kim Walls torso was found on the southwest coast of Amager about two kilometers south of Kalvebod Bridge.*A male cyclist discovered the league at.*15.42, and the autopsy showed that the body had become involved.

There is only one and a half kilometers of water from the harbor at Avedøre. The work to the place in Amager, where the torso was found.

The police and diving service has estimated that the missing parts are likely to be found in this area.

Ever since the torso has been found, the police have been looking for their heads, arms and legs, among other things, for more dive searches.*Peter Madsen refuses to have partnered with Kim Wall, but says he dumped the body in full condition in the ocean.

However, at the hearing on Tuesday, when Peter Madsen was extended to custody, it appeared that small remains of fat and muscle tissue and bones were found on his bootsuit.*The evidence contradicts Peter Madsen's explanation that he did not share the body."

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I think it's pretty obvious what happened anyway but hoping this find totally nails PM. His lawyer won't sleep well tonight!

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EXACTLY what I thought earlier - Betina Hald won´t sleep well tonight.

I wonder if Peter Madsen knows about this yet - not that I think it will affect his sleep.
Please could Danish contributors say what 'partnered' and 'shared' in the translation above should really be? Dismembered? I assume 'refuses to have' means 'denies that he...'

Also it's odd they don't translate 'ligdele' which I gather is 'body parts'.
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