GUILTY Denmark - Kim Wall, 30, Copenhagen, 10 Aug 2017

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Please could Danish contributors say what 'partnered' and 'shared' in the translation above should really be? Dismembered? I assume 'refuses to have' means 'denies that he...'

Also it's odd they don't translate 'ligdele' which I gather is 'body parts'.

Dismember in both cases.

Yes, "ligdele" are body parts.
I don't know if I can stay awake another 2 hours for the press conference - is anyone planning on letting us know what LE found? TIA!

And, a little off topic... today was the first cold and rainy day here on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State. My daughter and I were chatting on the phone (she's in Florida where it nice and warm) and she mentioned that there's a danish word - hygge (pronounced hoo-ga) - that doesn't directly translate to English but basically means creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with good people, as opposed to the usual meaning here in the US, which is freezing our butts off, lol. Anyway, I like the term and I guess it's similar to when my hubby and I light the fire in our library and play some traditional music together as a way to forget about the rain and cold outside. Thanks Denmark!
Breaking news!

Police found the head, and 2 legs and all her cloth. All in bags with metal-pieces to weigh it down.

There is no sign of blunt weapon wounds on her skull and no signs of open fractures.

They are still doing the forensic so more news will come.

This means that PM is so much filled with rubbish about the accident!
LE has found Kim Wall's head and legs!

In addition, they found the Swedish journalists clothes in a bag of knife and heavy items to hold the bag down.

The police have found the Swedish journalist Kim Wall's head, both legs and clothes.

It all packed in bags and buried with heavy objects.

According to investigator Jens Møller Jensen from Copenhagen Police.

"There are no fractures on the skull and no other signs of stupid violence on the crane box," he said at a press conference.

I'm glad I decided to stay up. Looks like Kim wasn't accidentally hit and killed by a heavy hatch door as Madsen claimed. No surprise there.
I knew all along he was lying about the accident but I'm so glad the rest of the remains were found. He will have no way of explaining himself out of this and her family can give her a full burial now too.

I'd bet he changes his plea now and will claim mental illness.

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I knew all along he was lying about the accident but I'm so glad the rest of the remains were found. He will have no way of explaining himself out of this and her family can give her a full burial now too.

I'd bet he changes his plea now and will claim mental illness.

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Yeah that is probably the only thing left he can say about it all now.

I look forward to watch how his defense-lawyer will explain it now. Maybe something with that he glued the skull piece back on the skulll....or something like that.
Poor lawyer though, because she must have believed him, when she had criticized the police for not having a recontruction about that the accident could have happened as he told it could.
The news is breaking on msm now. Little additional info at the moment. In summary, LE divers found two weighted bags, one containing Kim's head and legs and one containing her clothes and a knife.

Her arms are still missing :( which implies a third bag is still out there somewhere, which may contain the saw used to dismember her..

Møller said that divers had discovered two plastic bags on the ocean floor - one with Wall's intact body parts, the other containing Wall's clothes. The bag with the body parts also contained metal pieces. The arms are still missing.

The most remarkable finding was that there were no traces of damage to Kim Wall's head, which runs counter to Madsen’s explanation that Wall died after getting hit in the head by a 60 kg submarine hatch cover.

Here are other news from the police press conference:
The pathologist has now also identified Kim Wall with the help of her teeth. Previously, she was identified with DNA testing.
The police has not yet confirmed a cause of death for Kim Wall.
The suspect Peter Madsen, who hasn’t commented the lastest findings, will be interrogated shortly.
Yeah that is probably the only thing left he can say about it all now.

I look forward to watch how his defense-lawyer will explain it now. Maybe something with that he glued the skull piece back on the skulll....or something like that.
Poor lawyer though, because she must have believed him, when she had criticized the police for not having a recontruction about that the accident could have happened as he told it could.

I think any lawyer would be urging him to change his story right now. She probably did advise him to plea insanity early on but he was too arrogant to listen.

A lawyer doesn't actually have to believe their clients version of events they just represent the client with whatever nonsense they want to plea.
I am very "happy" for Kim Wall´s family. I just hope the divers also find her arms, so the family doesn´t have to think about ANY parts of her floating around in the ocean.
I read that her mother loves the ocean. She has a lot of photos of walks by the ocean on her Facebook page. Photos from before the horrible murder of her precious daughter.
I wonder if Kim Wall´s family sees some symbolism in the fact that the fantastic sniffer dogs that led to this find are from Sweden.
We don´t have such dogs in Denmark - maybe we should with all that coastline.

But this is such an important find on all levels. Peter Madsen is minced meat, wretched, murderous liar!
I am looking forward to a statement from his lawyer.


MsMarple, you know exactly what "hygge" is, even though you don´t have a word for it. :)

P.S. Do any of you think that PM would possibly commit suicide now there is no way out for him?
I don't understand how they found the bags. That's a lot of ocean - have they been looking all along? Certainly he didn't give them any help?

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I don't understand how they found the bags. That's a lot of ocean - have they been looking all along? Certainly he didn't give them any help?

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They have been looking all along.
Danish police know the exact route of the submarine on the night in question.
They borrowed specially trained sniffer dogs from Sweden. Those dogs are trained to detect dead bodies in water. (Incredible!)
The dogs have been sailed along the route of the submarine, I think several times.
They reacted in certain spots.
That paired with calculations of weather and ocean movement (I guess) has led to the find.
I feel a bit sick asking this, but where would he have got those videos from? Is there going to be an investigation into the killings depicted in the videos? Or was this footage from war zones, Islamic State atrocities, etc.?

Horrifying to think that kind of thing is out there.
I feel a bit sick asking this, but where would he have got those videos from? Is there going to be an investigation into the killings depicted in the videos? Or was this footage from war zones, Islamic State atrocities, etc.?

Horrifying to think that kind of thing is out there.

I (obviously!) couldn´t agree more. It is beyond disgusting and horrifying!
The videos depict torture and executions of women. Decapitation, hanging and burning to death.
It is hard to understand that things like that go on in the world!
Not war zones, not Isis - just the "pleasure" of seeing women suffer and die!

I would think the police is looking into where the videos are made in collaboration with Interpol.
I hope these women in the videos will get justice and the culprits be apprehended and punished!

Those things flourish on what is called "the dark (or deep) web".
I don´t know much about that, you can google it as much as I can.
If anyone was still keeping an open mind, I reckon it'll be made up now.

ETA: Even though I believed it was murder, I was still expecting some serious head trauma (not sure why). I'm so glad they seem to have a concrete case against PM.
If anyone was still keeping an open mind, I reckon it'll be made up now.

Oh yes! I can see that from comments on FB and newspapers.
There have been so many "Peter Madsen excusers", coming up with the craziest theories explaining things away.
They are silent now or have changed their tunes.
PM´s lawyer has said very little, but here is what she HAS said:

Copenhagen police announced at Saturday's press conference that divers had found bags of clothes and body parts belonging to Swedish journalist Kim Wall, who died on board Peter Madsen's submarine. Here you can read more about the new information in the Kim Wall case.

In addition, the assassination chief and deputy police inspector Jens Møller Jensen confirmed that they have found Kim Wall's head and two legs, but there is no sign of fracture on her skull.

In a text to BT, Peter Madsen's defense attorney, Betina Hald Engmark, writes that she is informed about found but has not received any new material or new documents yet.

"We have a judicial community, and the case and any evidence must be judged by a court when the time comes and if charges are made," she writes to BT.

According to, she has talked to Peter Madsen about the police's new meeting.

"Of course I've talked with my client," she said.

"If charges are made" - HAHAHA, she is almost comical.
If anyone was still keeping an open mind, I reckon it'll be made up now.

ETA: Even though I believed it was murder, I was still expecting some serious head trauma (not sure why). I'm so glad they seem to have a concrete case against PM.


Same here. Still having a sense of disbelief that he apparently planned and prepared it all, with plastic bags, pieces of metal and that saw. Then left with Kim Wall in the open submarine while people were taking pictures. And expected to get away with it while he would obviously have been the last person to see her alive.

If he made a video and managed to post that to the darknet, it would turn up too, sooner or later.

I do not think that he is mad though. IMHO he is far to superior to be affected by madness.
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