Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 1

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Unfortunately I believe CA has already lost her mind. She is telling more lies now than KC - She is keeping GA on a short lead and getting him to go along with her insanity. She will never recover from this, and most likely after the trial be in jail along side of KC.
IMO, they are is such severe financial debt that they continue to lie so they can go on talk shows and be paid for them.
IMO, they are is such severe financial debt that they continue to lie so they can go on talk shows and be paid for them.

I agree totally, I think that is a HUGE reason for the things they're doing.
Interesting speculation, but I don't agree with it. fwiw.
sorry. Fantasy is one thing. Attempting to murder your mom is quite another. I know people think Casey is a sociopath uncapable of feeling or emotion, but I see the one thing she feels is the need to be loved and accepted by her mother. I could be wrong. I could be being played, but it's what I see.
Furthermore her lies aren't really planned in adance. They are spun on a dime, and easily added to. Her actions seem very short sighted imho, and I find it unreasonable that Caylee hasn't been found yet. She doesn't plan well ie, she is always running out of gas! I mean really. With all the trouble it takes to fix that problem, just go to the gas station, but she doesn't think a mile down the road. I believe her lies reinforce that. Caylee shouldn't be hard to find. Not with her words, but with her character, and actions. sorry for spewing here. This case is seriously getting to me. I'm sorry.

I agree with pretty much everything you say.
It is like Casey is constantly pushing the envelope with Cindy, "will you still love me if I do this, or that?" making Cindy constantly prove she loves Casey no matter what.
I also think Casey put Caylee in a dumpster, and I don't think she even bothered to find one out of the way. I really wish I had some influence in this case, because I would send the cadaver dogs out checking dumpsters on certain routes. Even if they can't find Caylee's body, I think the chances are good whatever container her body was in was leaking, and there will still be evidence there.
Casey's lies are SO EASILY disproved, it would be laughable if not for Caylee.
I would think to strangle someone with the intent of murder, it would leave a bruise on the neck and or "hoarse" voice. Does anyone remember either of them having bruises hoarse voice?

I do think casey was planning on doing away with either one or both parents. Hence, looking up self defense and common household weapons. She did tell 2different sets of friends she was getting the house.

If she had that much hatred for her mom and if a big fight occured that night, then maybe killing caylee was an impulsive act of revenge.

I would like to know if they tested caylees hair from the brush for any types of drugs...if xanax and chloroform would show up with repeated use.

This had nothing to do with what we are talking about but it never ceases to amaze me the lies cindy tells and to LE of people to lie to.

Cindy told LE the father of caylee was Eric somethingl, she didnt remember the last name but they went to a lawyer to have papers drawn up stating they would get custody of caylee in case something happened to casey. She named the lawyer and said the papers were at home. In the latest doc release LE addded as a footnote, they checked with the lawyer and he had no clue what they were talking about and he never heard of an eric.

Yes, LE can find out if Caylee had been drugged in the past from her hair.

Try this scenerio - What if KC and CA were planning on killing GA?

She told a number of different friends that her and her mother were going to have the house. Could CA be so terrified that KC will tell this that she is going along with KC's story not to hack her off and tell what she knows?

CA KNOWS Caylee is dead,
but since the sexual abuse by GA has come out and by LA - what if KC told CA that she had to go along or she would tell it all.

Maybe they had it planned that KC would kill GA and claim self defense from trying to molest her or Caylee again? Maybe this was the plan and when they had a fight over the stolen money, KC took Caylee and left. Caylee started screaming and crying for her grandmother (who was obviously the caretaker of Caylee) and KC killed her in a fit of rage.

Plan changes at this point and KC decides to pin it on GA, so she tells everyone about his sexual abuse in order to blame him. That could be why she put her in the back yard - to frame GA.

Something happens which makes her think it won't work, so she digs her up and drives around with her some more to make a new plan.
Yes, LE can find out if Caylee had been drugged in the past from her hair.

Try this scenerio - What if KC and CA were planning on killing GA?

She told a number of different friends that her and her mother were going to have the house. Could CA be so terrified that KC will tell this that she is going along with KC's story not to hack her off and tell what she knows?

CA KNOWS Caylee is dead, but since the sexual abuse by GA has come out and by LA - what if KC told CA that she had to go along or she would tell it all.

Maybe they had it planned that KC would kill GA and claim self defense from trying to molest her or Caylee again? Maybe this was the plan and when they had a fight over the stolen money, KC took Caylee and left. Caylee started screaming and crying for her grandmother (who was obviously the caretaker of Caylee) and KC killed her in a fit of rage.

Plan changes at this point and KC decides to pin it on GA, so she tells everyone about his sexual abuse in order to blame him. That could be why she put her in the back yard - to frame GA.

Something happens which makes her think it won't work, so she digs her up and drives around with her some more to make a new plan.

So if CA was in a plot with Casey to kill GA, why would she call 911, not once, not twice, but three times?
I don't think any of the players here, except maybe Lee, still not sure about him, are just overwhelmed with intelligence, but man, you would have to be incredibly stupid to call in the cops when you are a co-conspirator in a murder. ETA conspiracy to commit murder.
(I have heard rarely about some crackhead calling the police to report someone for stealing their drugs, but again, crackhead, and even that is not common at all. JMO)
Yes, LE can find out if Caylee had been drugged in the past from her hair.

Try this scenerio - What if KC and CA were planning on killing GA?

She told a number of different friends that her and her mother were going to have the house. Could CA be so terrified that KC will tell this that she is going along with KC's story not to hack her off and tell what she knows?

CA KNOWS Caylee is dead,
but since the sexual abuse by GA has come out and by LA - what if KC told CA that she had to go along or she would tell it all.

Maybe they had it planned that KC would kill GA and claim self defense from trying to molest her or Caylee again? Maybe this was the plan and when they had a fight over the stolen money, KC took Caylee and left. Caylee started screaming and crying for her grandmother (who was obviously the caretaker of Caylee) and KC killed her in a fit of rage.

Plan changes at this point and KC decides to pin it on GA, so she tells everyone about his sexual abuse in order to blame him. That could be why she put her in the back yard - to frame GA.

Something happens which makes her think it won't work, so she digs her up and drives around with her some more to make a new plan.

Turbo, I can't believe it -- I just got off the phone with my daughter and this is exactly what we were talking about. Cindy's refusal to put any blame on KC could be explained by the fact that they might have been "in cahoots" to do away with George. Bond just posted a theory today that had so many good points with the exception of explaining Cindy's defensive attitude toward KC after the fight. If Caylee died as a result (directly or indirectly) of a fight between KC and Cindy over details about getting rid of GA, who seems to be a liability to both of them, it would explain why Cindy wouldn't press any of KC's buttons after the fact.
Yep, I think you may be right. GA was the target and the plan went horribly astray!
Page 2499 - On Aug 7, 2008, Mark Fuhrman recounted his conversations with George and Cindy to OCSO. George & Cindy told him that Cindy and Casey had an argument on June 15 or 16.

I wish Fuhrman had never left...he got the scoop very early on and he was meeting with the detectives. I like his style!! :clap:
Yes, LE can find out if Caylee had been drugged in the past from her hair.

Try this scenerio - What if KC and CA were planning on killing GA?

She told a number of different friends that her and her mother were going to have the house. Could CA be so terrified that KC will tell this that she is going along with KC's story not to hack her off and tell what she knows?

CA KNOWS Caylee is dead,
but since the sexual abuse by GA has come out and by LA - what if KC told CA that she had to go along or she would tell it all.

Maybe they had it planned that KC would kill GA and claim self defense from trying to molest her or Caylee again? Maybe this was the plan and when they had a fight over the stolen money, KC took Caylee and left. Caylee started screaming and crying for her grandmother (who was obviously the caretaker of Caylee) and KC killed her in a fit of rage.

Plan changes at this point and KC decides to pin it on GA, so she tells everyone about his sexual abuse in order to blame him. That could be why she put her in the back yard - to frame GA.

Something happens which makes her think it won't work, so she digs her up and drives around with her some more to make a new plan.

I might need to go back and re read the doc. I thought she said sexualy abuse by Lee and Jusr abouse by GA.

Hmmmm let me ponder "The plan" for a bit between the 2 women.
there are many lies and cover ups. I should relisten to cindys interviews and what she is saying. if one is not listening for a specific idea then its missed.

I think cindy harbors alot of hostility and resentment towards george. Maybe LE also thought of cindy being the one looking for choloraform thats why they made a point of saying cindy WAS at work during the searches.

Someone should ask Lenny, seems everything he has been saying is true, OMG he also said something about who the real father is :eek:.
What other bombshell is he going to lay on us next week.

I was surprise that he blabed the content of the attorney meeting to jessie. Well I guess if there are other people witness to the conversation besides the defendant then the conversation isnt privilaged. Interesting that LE said, so cindy admits that caylee is dead and they were planning a denfense.

Poor jessie, no wonder why dad grund is so hopping mad
So if CA was in a plot with Casey to kill GA, why would she call 911, not once, not twice, but three times?
I don't think any of the players here, except maybe Lee, still not sure about him, are just overwhelmed with intelligence, but man, you would have to be incredibly stupid to call in the cops when you are a co-conspirator in a murder. ETA conspiracy to commit murder.
(I have heard rarely about some crackhead calling the police to report someone for stealing their drugs, but again, crackhead, and even that is not common at all. JMO)

Lanie, when CA called 911 there was no murder -- just a fight between CA and KC (and CA still doesn't even admit to that). She never, never would have expected that it would have caused the death of her granddaughter. She didn't feel implicated in the abduction of her granddaughter. She was calling 911 for help to get her granddaughter back. She couldn't see how she may have been involved in this crime. It sure does explain why she eternally continues to support KC.

And I keep remembering "What do you mean you don't know what my involvement is?"
Lanie, when CA called 911 there was no murder -- just a fight between CA and KC (and CA still doesn't even admit to that). She never, never would have expected that it would have caused the death of her granddaughter. She didn't feel implicated in the abduction of her granddaughter. She was calling 911 for help to get her granddaughter back. She couldn't see how she may have been involved in this crime. It sure does explain why she eternally continues to support KC.

And I keep remembering "What do you mean you don't know what my involvement is?"

That question has always bothered me.
Turbo, I can't believe it -- I just got off the phone with my daughter and this is exactly what we were talking about. Cindy's refusal to put any blame on KC could be explained by the fact that they might have been "in cahoots" to do away with George. Bond just posted a theory today that had so many good points with the exception of explaining Cindy's defensive attitude toward KC after the fight. If Caylee died as a result (directly or indirectly) of a fight between KC and Cindy over details about getting rid of GA, who seems to be a liability to both of them, it would explain why Cindy wouldn't press any of KC's buttons after the fact.
Yep, I think you may be right. GA was the target and the plan went horribly astray!

I keep going back to that statement KC made to CA on the phone - " "What do you mean you don't know what my involvement is?"

I just feel there is something we are missing here. We really did not miss the sexual abuse part - we talked about that early, to the dismay of some here, and CA even in the beginning covered for KC as soon as she realized Caylee was 'GONE" - She is even the one who brought up "Who took her" on the phone with LE
Turbo, I can't believe it -- I just got off the phone with my daughter and this is exactly what we were talking about. Cindy's refusal to put any blame on KC could be explained by the fact that they might have been "in cahoots" to do away with George. Bond just posted a theory today that had so many good points with the exception of explaining Cindy's defensive attitude toward KC after the fight. If Caylee died as a result (directly or indirectly) of a fight between KC and Cindy over details about getting rid of GA, who seems to be a liability to both of them, it would explain why Cindy wouldn't press any of KC's buttons after the fact.
Yep, I think you may be right. GA was the target and the plan went horribly astray!

There was also something about that Father's Day" where CA & KC were making fun of GA. I can't remember the quote right now, but they were basically saying he was a non entity to them anymore.
That question has always bothered me.

Yes, Turbo, it' almost like what they keep calling Cindy's statement to 911 about the car. It was called some kind of "utterance." Was it excited? In any case, this statement from KC to her mother, seems like it fits in the same category to me.
I believe the term you are looking for is "excited utterance" meaning it was said in haste without thinking in the the heat of the moment.
I wish Fuhrman had never left...he got the scoop very early on and he was meeting with the detectives. I like his style!! :clap:

ME too!! He's an awesome investigator, I don't care what people say about him and the OJ case. He was great on the Stacy Peterson case, too, I watched him every night on Greta. He was the highlight of the show. I really wish he'd come back to Orlando and do some of his famous "digging" into the case.
with all the money problems, who paid for KC's cell phone toy? Did they never hear
about cheaper family plans? That would be the 1st think to go if I had money problems and KC car would be next since she didn't work, then GA car would go since he hardly worked!
That question has always bothered me.

I think this statement by KC meant that did her mom not believe her, that Caylee was with the babysitter and KC didnt do anything to her.
Like what do you mean you dont believe me?

Also I wanted to know if NEW documents contained proof or a statement of fact that Lee and George abused KC? I haven't been able to be online much these days....

This statement below is the one that I am talking about----
I might need to go back and re read the doc. I thought she said sexualy abuse by Lee and Jusr abouse by GA.
Thanks for responding to this Patty, I have seen this mentioned before but did not comment. I too did not get my HSD but today I hold a career that requires a 4 year degree, I got this job through years of hard work and experience. :)

My dear friend left home at 16 due to an abusive step father and a meak, victim mother. She applied to a bank to be a teller and wrote that she was 17 on her application because she wanted fulltime work. She did not finish high school. She lived with her grandmother and helped to support granny's household.

She married and had 2 children by 21, then fled with them after enough beatings. Because she earned so little, she was again with granny and had no money to fight custody for as long as her ex. She had to give in and her children stayed with their father. Within 3 years, she had her GED and had saved enough to attend secretarial school. She flew through the course with ease. She answered an ad for a legal secretary. The job didn't pay all that well but she had never worked as a secretary in her life, (a fact she didn't reveal to the employer) so she took it. She learned everything and ran the show within 6 months. During this time, she filed all of her own pleadings to force the x to allow her visitation which he had denied for 3 years and won her case. Within 2 years, she left for an great opportunity and is employed by a very prestigious firm making more than some of the new lawyers I know, has her own home, a 401K, a nice car, she takes real vacations and her kids moved in with her while young pre-teens by their own choice as voiced to the judge. It took her a long time, but she got there.

She never misses work. She never arrives late, or leaves early. Her boss can depend on her 100%. And she has a very good social life.

She is one of my heros.

Nothing can stop you if you have the mind to move forward.
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