Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 1

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ITA. You could tell by the way Casey spoke to her mother that she knew just how to break her and get her back on her "side". Any threat of losing Casey's love and Cindy is lost IMO

Oh boy, is that true! My Fiance is the same w/ his Daughter, 20. Right now, I don't think she is really working, just pretending to work, just like Casey. She did this before for about 6 months. She lies through her teeth, and he doesn't really want to know the truth, it's easier that way, he thinks...I've told him, go to her supposed work...he won't. She has stolen, lied, and is SO like Casey, the dynamics of her Father and herself are SO like Casey and Cindy, it floors me. I was "George" for the first few years, lol, till I figured out how not to let her be the center of the universe. The chaos they create can end up being your whole life. Well, I took my life back, her Father is still struggling, but slowly, he is starting to see her for who she really is.
I feel sorry for every person who ever crossed paths with KC but this goes very deep. I have always believed there are several personality disordered individuals in the family and CA is, IMO among them. It is typical for them to be able to manipulate situations and look sympathetic. I was born to one and have spent a lifetime watching similar situations (without a homicide). I don't feel sorry for her beyond sadness that she has lost a grandchild.
Along the lines of what several of you are discussing on here (the possibility that KC could have wanted to eliminate the parents), there is that interesting bit of conversation that Cindy said Casey told her when Caylee disappeared about the potential harm someone could cause to the family.

Cindy says that KC stated: no, not emotionally...but, physically

Could that have been what was on KC's agenda?

Interesting thought, Concentric. ...If I understand your point...almost like a 'plan B', eh? Or maybe you're inferring this was Casey's subconcious coming through?

IIRC, Casey only allegedly told Cindy 'bout fam being potentially harmed after she was in jail and trying to explain why she didn't come forward. IMHO, Cindy essentially put these words in Casey's mouth since Casey isn't talking and the A's want the Casey-the-martyr image to be floating out there to aid w/ reasonable doubt.
When listening to CA's repetition of the questions she had to ask the prisoner in order to get finally, "No, physical", I'm thinking how can two adults converse this way? What the hell was the point in letting it out one word at a time!! Why not just say I'm afraid of physical harm to my family. Constantly indulging this "Let's Play Clue" game is way out beyond madness. Both the police and the FBI made it clear to CA that it is merely a deceiver's pathetic strategem and that the clues have zero value. And that, if by some telepathy Cindy solved what The Great Wizard KC put out for her, in no way would it protect any perpetrator or accede to his wishes. But he or she would be immediately seized and the child brought home only with months lost.

Where I foresee worse problems for Cindy is in her description of the events of June 15 night and the next morning. Those are hours truly crucial to this case and if she is dissembling to defend KC, that is not legally justified and will be serious material perjury. Prosecutor LDB tore at Cindy on the stand in July; she or her proxy will go further at Cindy's future appearance.
I keep going back to that statement KC made to CA on the phone - " "What do you mean you don't know what my involvement is?"

I just feel there is something we are missing here. We really did not miss the sexual abuse part - we talked about that early, to the dismay of some here, and CA even in the beginning covered for KC as soon as she realized Caylee was 'GONE" - She is even the one who brought up "Who took her" on the phone with LE

I'm inclined to think that the statement "What do you mean you don't know what my involvement is?"- is just KC's way of saying "How dare you question
me!" Also, "A waste, a Huge waste!: You are not giving me what I want, so I don't have time for any of you. It's all about me, me, me !

Other wise, if CA is anyway involved from the get go, then it changes the dynamics of this whole case, and it's back to square one.

Considering what good actresses Mom and daughter think they are, it's just not entirely out of the realm of possibilities.
*mods feel free to move* This came up today so not sure if there is a post already on this..
But :eek: seems important
The ex-fiancée of Casey Anthony alleged that she and her mother got into a big argument the night before Casey's daughter Caylee went missing.

Jesse Grund told Sherriff's investigators about the incident in documents released by the State Attorney's Office in late November, saying he learned of it from Casey's brother Lee Anthony.

"It got into a very heated argument, which turned physical and Cindy started choking Casey," Grund said, after a review of documents by Central Florida 13 news.


Its not even direct its hearsay.

HAs Lee Confirmed this ?
So after the fight...Cindy tucked Casey and Caylee into bed???:waitasec:
-this is old news...i first heard of it from LP on Nancy Grace...said that on the night of the 15th (father's day) cindy confronted casey about stealing from cindy's parents (i think) anyway, a lot of other things came up in the fight, apparently cindy choked casey and then casey left with caylee...but according to cindy (dateline interview) the night of the 15th, fathers day..they had a great evening.

-according to cindy and george's statements to LE; casey and caylee went to bed, cindy heard them in the bedroom the morning of the 16th before she left for work and george says he saw both casey and caylee leave the house on the 16th after lunch some time.

-i am inclined to believe that she left after the fight and never came back...this is when something happened to caylee and the parents are covering up for casey by saying they heard/saw her on the 16th.

*just going from memory here, i think there is mention of the fight from lee in his statements to LE...too lazy to look for them though

p.s. LP said he heard about the fight from Lee
-this is old news...i first heard of it from LP on Nancy Grace...said that on the night of the 15th (father's day) cindy confronted casey about stealing from cindy's parents (i think) anyway, a lot of other things came up in the fight, apparently cindy choked casey and then casey left with caylee...but according to cindy (dateline interview) the night of the 15th, fathers day..they had a great evening.

-according to cindy and george's statements to LE; casey and caylee went to bed, cindy heard them in the bedroom the morning of the 16th before she left for work and george says he saw both casey and caylee leave the house on the 16th after lunch some time.

-i am inclined to believe that she left after the fight and never came back...this is when something happened to caylee and the parents are covering up for casey by saying they heard/saw her on the 16th.

*just going from memory here, i think there is mention of the fight from lee in his statements to LE...too lazy to look for them though

p.s. LP said he heard about the fight from Lee

Oops My apologies
I knew about the fight that night but now about the grabbing Casey by the throat
And just seems odd that Its been rehashed now

Mods please delete it doubled up sorry
Oops My apologies
I knew about the fight that night but now about the grabbing Casey by the throat
And just seems odd that Its been rehashed now

Mods please delete it doubled up sorry

no problem, i just went back and checked lee's interview on July 29 and he doesn't mention anything about the fight on the night of the 15th, so i think at this point it is hearsay..Jesse heard it from lee, and LP heard it from lee..but no official record of lee talking about the fight..i could be wrong though, LOL
I missed previous posts on this...I had heard about the fight from somewhere, probably NG. I am sorry, but what kind of woman CA's age or any adult for that matter thinks it's ok to start choking someone, no matter what they've stolen? This is just wrong.

I think more and more that CA pushed a lot of buttons and overstepped a lot of boundaries. It doesn't explain or justify why Caylee came to harm and I don't defend KC at all. But what is Cindy in her 50's? Did she often try to get physical as a way to control or express her anger at KC for things? Jeez. I'm not trying to criticize a grieving grandmother but there is a part of me that thinks that CA criticizing KC's mothering was hypocritical as it seems that lady doesn't behave the best herself.
I found it very interesting when JG said on NG last night that KC broke off their engagement because she accused him of loving Caylee more than her. This is the same thing she seemed to feel about her parents. I see a motive. She may have seen the child as competition for her role as princess. Just my opinion.
I found it very interesting when JG said on NG last night that KC broke off their engagement because she accused him of loving Caylee more than her. This is the same thing she seemed to feel about her parents. I see a motive. She may have seen the child as competition for her role as princess. Just my opinion.

yep, i agree... i've just been going over interviews between LE and lee and george and the topic of casey's jealousy between cindy and caylee was addressed in both..both Lee and George say that casey was always jealous of cindy because she got to hold caylee first after she was born, yadda yadda...jesse's comments only strengthens LE suspicions that jealousy was the motive.
I found it very interesting when JG said on NG last night that KC broke off their engagement because she accused him of loving Caylee more than her. This is the same thing she seemed to feel about her parents. I see a motive. She may have seen the child as competition for her role as princess. Just my opinion.

Creepy.(If it's true...)
Gonna be difficult getting this evidence concerning the argument in if Lee doesn't testify. CA and GA are going to get out it, I bet they plead the 5th. Lee may follow...I hope not.
In the LE documents, where it has Mark Fuhrman's statement, he says that Cindy and George told him that Casey and Cindy had a fight that night. Nothing about choking, just that they had a fight.

Another thing I've wondered about is in the FBI interview when Cindy goes on and on about how she'd never attack someone, but that she's "the kind of person" who walks away when she's angry. The FBI agent hadn't asked about anything related, Cindy just brought it up out of the blue. I've wondered if she was trying to deny the fight happened.
I totally believe this fight happened just exactly how it has been rumored. CA confronted KA about the stealing from GP's, got really loud and ugly, KA took Caylee and left. They did not stay the night there. GA did not see them the next day. KA waited till she knew everyone was away from the house that afternoon and then went back to get some things, wanted to go out that night, somehow (still not sure) she killed (drugged) Caylee, left her in the trunk, yada, yada, it's been discussed somewhere on here I know.
Anyway, GP's feel very guilty, esp. CA, she thinks she pushed KA to the edge. I believe CA has tremendous amount of guilt.
In the LE documents, where it has Mark Fuhrman's statement, he says that Cindy and George told him that Casey and Cindy had a fight that night. Nothing about choking, just that they had a fight.

Another thing I've wondered about is in the FBI interview when Cindy goes on and on about how she'd never attack someone, but that she's "the kind of person" who walks away when she's angry. The FBI agent hadn't asked about anything related, Cindy just brought it up out of the blue. I've wondered if she was trying to deny the fight happened.

Well, I guess she is sitting on the swamp land she bought. I noticed how she walked away with a baseball, hammer, and running after a lady to her car and threatening her....hmm:crazy:
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