Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 1

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It will probably take more than a few minutes every day...sorry. A lot of us in the begining of this were on here 24/7. Not kidding. Really. Pouring over every single detail, maps, soundbite, interview, statement, webcam duty,cell phone pings, transcripts, myspaces, facebooks, photobucket accts, there is a lot of documentation that has been gathered and put into one place here at WS but to get through it all it will take more than a few minutes a day. Just wanted to warn ya!:)

Thruthwillsetufree - Thanks for the warning and I hear ya. You're right, there's a ton of material already, and we're probably only seeing a small piece of it.

RR0004 - Thanks for pointing out what I typed in error. Not sure where that came from:waitasec:
The bottom line is, while the Anthony family might be lousy people and lousy parents, ONLY Casey killed Caylee.

George and Cindy are also products of THEIR genes and environment. They never would have intentionally harmed Caylee. I don't believe their intentions toward Caylee were malicious...ever.

I believe they would have given their very lives to save Caylee.

Casey and Casey alone planned and carried out her daughter's murder. IMO, she is in the same league as Duncan and Couey (Who REALLY grew up in less than ideal families but nobody is blaming their families for their evilness.)

I do not blame either parent Casey's crime. I am of the opinion that everyone- mentally ill or not- should be held accountable for the choices they make in this life. Because it does not matter how horribly you are raised, knowing right from wrong is more or less instinctive..we choose our own destiny.
I don't think Casey was petrified of her mother or anyone else. I think her parents were petrified of her. Go back and listen to those first jail phone calls with her mother, the ones when she didn't know she was being recorded. Does Casey sound petrified? Who is talking like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, appeasing, and who is being sarcastic, hateful and disdainful?

I agee. Casey knows just what to say to get her mother to react in the way she wants her to.
I agree with you. One day our children will have no choice but to face their consequences and like CA and GA now, there is nothing to be done to get them out of the trouble they may be in. I truly believe this is why she had no idea everyone wasn't going to go along with her stories and lies, that was all she had known before. And as for the judgeing, please....its not judgeing to look at situation and form opinions on what was right and what was wrong and to see where things went wrong, its just the popular and politically correct way to not say things how they really are, or say anything that might offend or hurt someone's feelings. The facts are she never had to take responsibility for her actions and she was hugely enabled in her life...and there is a lesson to be learned.

There sure is but it's easier to turn the other way.
OneLostGirl.......These really are skills given to you Unknowingly by your parents.

Both of my sons are in Genetics, & a couple of years ago one gave me a book called "The Memes" It is fascinating, about how we inheret the genes from both parents, but this study was about the Memes, which are what we see, hear, think & feel, etc., in our formative years from our parents, & are just as powerful as the genes we are born with.

Ohh, I know! Thanks for sharing the name of the book, sounds great! I'll have to check it out!
I thought this is the REAL Casey talking, before she knew we would hear her. I heard much weariness in Cindy's voice trying to reason with her, what I heard from Casey was her self-proclaimed"spiteful " personality coming through loud and clear. She certainly felt *entitled*, blaming the police for daring to arrest her "on a whim".

From listening to this conversation, I don't think Cindy was actually yet digesting/processing that Caylee really could be dead, (despite the odor) by Casey's own hand, the horror show that went on for 6 months was just starting.

Cindy doesn't want the public to know the details of their home life and Casey's real behavior, but i think we all agree that she was a source of anguish for the entire family, just from the remarks made from George and Lee also....Lee telling her that she is again upsetting Mom, George telling the police in one of his interviews how her behavior "pushes to the limit".

If they didn't clean up her messes she most likely would have been arrested and they would have been given custody by the state...(but again, i also have great hindsight).

although i have no great sympathy for George and Cindy's actions, I think their guilt will stay with them longer than Casey's jail sentence. as always, JMHO:rolleyes:

That isn't called hindsight, it's called common sense!

You've admitted a less than ideal childhood...mine caused PTSD it was so severe.

But, damaged or not, I am still glad to be ALIVE. There is so much good and so much beauty in THIS world...I don't want to miss a single second of every moment here I can get.

You are a contribution to this world. I am proud of some of my accomplishments. Who knows what Caylee may have done?

Whatever the next world is...Caylee deserved to experience ALL of the joys of life here, too.


Oh, hell yeah, I agree! I didn't realize I gave another impression, I'm sorry!
Read about Antisocial Personality Disorder. That's the modern word for sociopath.

All the therapy and the best treatments available don't help. Love, meds, church...they can't make the sociopath care or feel.

I believe if the Anthony family had approached Casey differently, the outcome would have been the same.


I know what ASPD is, thank you for the suggestion though :)
She sure does. She seems to enjoy being cat to her parents' mouse too, don't you think?

She seems to fit well into any part, she plays "afraid of mommy" and "loving mother" well too.
Well, if it didn't ring true for us then I doubt Casey bought it either. I think this whole family has(d) a tough time talking to each other. I mean your child/grandchild is missing and you're talking about television performances?

It was bonding material. Something that gave them a common ground, a reason to remain on one anothers side.
I agree with you, OneLostGrl. In my case, hindsight has nothing to do with it. My child didn't kill anyone, but she was going down a very bad path.
My oldest daughter was murdered when she was 18. Just a short year later, my next child started having 'issues'. For a while, I played the enabling game, mostly because I was terrified of losing another child. But I knew it was the wrong way to go, and even though it was one of the most difficult things I have ever done in my life, I refused to let my child walk all over me anymore. I was on the edge of a nervous breakdown so many times I lost count. There was no hindsight for me, no, every day was a horror, wondering if my child was going to end up dead.
So to you, Paddie, yes, I will judge. Looking the other way, covering up, pretending things are not as they seem, not standing your ground and forcing the issue, that is the easy path to take. I know, because I did walk it for a short time. But it was selfish, it was about me, and my child deserved better than that, and as the parent, it was my job to provide it. My daughter is doing very well now, and she has a great life. She is not on drugs, she is not an alcoholic, she is not homeless, etc. She has a good job, a great family, and she is very happy. On my part, it almost cost me my sanity and my marriage, but it was worth every minute of it to be where we are today. Had I continued on the road the A's chose, I know it would have ended tragically.

I'm so sorry for your loss!

Good for you, you had the guts to admit your poor choices & turn them around! And look how both you and your child have been rewarded! You should be very proud of yourself it could not have been easy to change so much! :blowkiss:
It might be different if they were not head over heals in debt and about to lose their home. According to CA in court, GA had multiple accounts he was being sued over. CA had already had to take her retirement out to pay off his and KC's debts. They had filed bankruptcy once and lost their home once over his debts, so would you agree to him staying home and you working? I wouldn't, but then again, I would not have put up with either one of their lazy azzes.

No, I would not have put up with their lazy azzes, either. I apparently don't have the details about how all their financial disasters came about, as I didn't know about George being sued. I know about the failed auto business, and the alleged Nigerian scam. I thought George did work, just went through a lot of jobs. It was also my understanding Cindy wanted him to quit his job as a police officer and go into his father's car business.
It will probably take more than a few minutes every day...sorry. A lot of us in the begining of this were on here 24/7. Not kidding. Really. Pouring over every single detail, maps, soundbite, interview, statement, webcam duty,cell phone pings, transcripts, myspaces, facebooks, photobucket accts, there is a lot of documentation that has been gathered and put into one place here at WS but to get through it all it will take more than a few minutes a day. Just wanted to warn ya!:)

Oh, that is so right on!!! My job has suffered terribly from all the time I have spent on this case.
It will probably take more than a few minutes every day...sorry. A lot of us in the begining of this were on here 24/7. Not kidding. Really. Pouring over every single detail, maps, soundbite, interview, statement, webcam duty,cell phone pings, transcripts, myspaces, facebooks, photobucket accts, there is a lot of documentation that has been gathered and put into one place here at WS but to get through it all it will take more than a few minutes a day. Just wanted to warn ya!:)

Great post. I understand some posters are just now begining to learn the things others have known for months.
That too but my impression was more that she actually enjoys making them squirm.

No doubt! In that pic where she is smiling that big a$$ smile when the case first began- in her #82 shirt? I felt the same type thing then too, like the smile was aimed toward her mom.
My mother wouldn't have been calling me sweetheart at that point ~ she would've probably told me I made my own bed, now lay in it and hung up the phone. As for the last part of your post I think it's possible CA was worried about the content of the argument on 6/15 being revealed. MOO

Mine would..
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