Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 1

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Sliver - Thats EXACTLY what ran through my head last night which is why thats the first thing I asked this morning - If she was "dressed for work" then why the argument about her working and becoming responsible?

The only thing I can think of is they wanted her to find a "real" job, you know the kind that is 40 hours a week and pays enough to take care of yourself and your child.
The only thing I can think of is they wanted her to find a "real" job, you know the kind that is 40 hours a week and pays enough to take care of yourself and your child.

That could be true!
Right but if you read the stories that shes told others - and that they believed --- She WAS making "enough" to take care of herself and her child ---- I think the fight was over where her money was going if she was working ----- Why she WASNT paying for her and Caylee ----

Ask yourself this -- How much do you think an event coordinator for Univeral makes? Im SURE more than enough to pay for her and her daughter ---- Ive been a single mom since 19 and was able to support my son and I on minimum wage - and unfortunately at one point on ONLY state aid..................
So then the interview that I saw with the Anthonys, in their home, on youtube, where George says that Casey and Caylee were leaving the house with their backpacks, just like any other day, when he was on the couch watching his show on the food network on 6/16/08 was fudged?

...I haven't seen anthing indicating Cindy's mother's faculties. If she isn't in the home w/ Cindy's father, is it just possible that Cindy took Caylee to her mothers for dinner and LEFT HER THERE WITH HER MOTHER since she wanted Caylee away from Casey????

The flurry of calls Monday afternoon from Casey to Cindy and George are "WTH is Caylee??" calls. That puts her into a fit of rage, she figures out where Caylee is, goes and gets her and ... :(

As someone pointed out, there are no statements released from Cindy's mother in the 400pgs.
Right but if you read the stories that shes told others - and that they believed --- She WAS making "enough" to take care of herself and her child ---- I think the fight was over where her money was going if she was working ----- Why she WASNT paying for her and Caylee ----

Ask yourself this -- How much do you think an event coordinator for Univeral makes? Im SURE more than enough to pay for her and her daughter ---- Ive been a single mom since 19 and was able to support my son and I on minimum wage - and unfortunately at one point on ONLY state aid..................

I think her parents knew she wasn't making good money when she was working at Universal, probably part time. I think in the 400 page doc it even showed what she made that was filed for taxes for the 4th quarter of 05 and first quarter of 06, and it was a very nominal amount. If she truly was an Event Coordinator then, she was not making much at all.
...I haven't seen anthing indicating Cindy's mother's faculties. If she isn't in the home w/ Cindy's father, is it just possible that Cindy took Caylee to her mothers for dinner and LEFT HER THERE WITH HER MOTHER since she wanted Caylee away from Casey????

The flurry of calls Monday afternoon from Casey to Cindy and George are "WTH is Caylee??" calls. That puts her into a fit of rage, she figures out where Caylee is, goes and gets her and ... :(

As someone pointed out, there are no statements released from Cindy's mother in the 400pgs.

I thought I read Cindy's mother lived a few blocks from the retirement home.
If she lives by herself I guess she is somewhat with it. Also, who found out that Casey was stealing from her GP's retirement fund? Was it reported by her grandmother or Cindy?
I thought I read Cindy's mother lived a few blocks from the retirement home.
If she lives by herself I guess she is somewhat with it. Also, who found out that Casey was stealing from her GP's retirement fund? Was it reported by her grandmother or Cindy?
Actually IIRC I believe the bank first notified the greatGM and she in turn told Cindy. Casey had gotten a birthday check from GGM and then later used GGM's acct. # routing #'s to fraudulently obtain money!!! Unbelievable! Casey is very con- minded! Scarey!
There is a link, or there was, in the media threads.
Actually IIRC I believe the bank first notified the greatGM and she in turn told Cindy. Casey had gotten a birthday check from GGM and then later used GGM's acct. # routing #'s to fraudulently obtain money!!! Unbelievable! Casey is very con- minded! Scarey!
There is a link, or there was, in the media threads.

Okay...this is what blows me away. I'm not stupid by any means, but how you can get cash from someone's acct numbers?? I can see paying bills with it, online and by phone...but how the heck did she do that? And how did pass all the stolen checks at Target and what not??

I'm sure they did want her supporting herself. But it sure took them a long time to figure out she wasn't working. In a constant state of denial maybe??
Eyewitness News also learned Cindy Anthony had gone to a counselor who told her to kick Casey out. Cindy was worried Casey would take Caylee with her, so the counselor told her to try to get legal custody of Caylee.

IF this is true could explain a lot!!!

Diane Dimond says this

Infanticide happens. More than 200 American women kill their children every year. But unlike Andrea Yates who immediately called police after drowning her five children; unlike Susan Smith who ultimately confessed to strapping her two sons in a car and driving it into a lake, Casey Anthony remains mum.

Somewhere deep in her twisted mind she believes she isn't required to account for the whereabouts of her tiny child, she believes she'll "win" at this mind game if she just stays silent.
Dr. Deborah Schurman-Kauflin, President of the Violent Crimes Institute, says Casey is displaying typical escapist behavior. She calls it the "White Picket Fence Fantasy" whereby young women long for a knight in shining armor to rescue them from their boring lives. When it doesn't happen reality seeps in and instead of feeling love for their child they begin to feel seething anger. "Everything that has gone wrong becomes the fault of the child," says Dr. Shurman-Kuflin who has interviewed many female serial killers and mass murderers and profiles the mind-set.

discussion about Diane's article

makes you think mom was tired of Casey's lies, Casey couldn't "use" Caylee anymore to manipulate mom, hadn't found a "daddy" to be responsible (not from lack of practice) and Caylee was just in the way, she wanted OUT

I personally think that she's been hiding Caylee. Possibly in her way of thinking...what better way to punish your parents but to lead them to think that they are never going to see their granddaughter again and that she's possibly dead! What I can't figure out, though, is how the friends or whomever is hiding her is stupid enough to have let it gone this far! If they continue to hide her, they are only incriminating themselves now. I would be bringing her to LE and say, "look, CA told me to hide this little girl because her life was in danger...I was only doing what I thought to be best for the little she is."
Okay...this is what blows me away. I'm not stupid by any means, but how you can get cash from someone's acct numbers?? I can see paying bills with it, online and by phone...but how the heck did she do that? And how did pass all the stolen checks at Target and what not??

I'm sure they did want her supporting herself. But it sure took them a long time to figure out she wasn't working. In a constant state of denial maybe??

Do you think that maybe she was using the routing number to do like a western union type thing to get cash…
Okay here is my take on the big fight... Let me first state that my daughter had a child as a teenager so I know how a grand child can be used to manipulate for what the mother wants or doesn't want. Yes I could have taken her to court for custody of him the problem is you are required by law to first make the complaint to Childrens Services (so you fear they will just take the child until resolved), then you must locate the father because he gets first right to the child if successfully taken from the mother (once again you fear losing your grand child) and then you have to know the fathers parents are they also going to try to get custody if the mother should lose custody. All of this does not happen in a few days rather it takes from 12 - 18 months because of home studies and other evaluations that must be done, which when you are in the middle of this seems like an eternity. Then you need the financial ability to continue this effort which can be $10,000 - $15,000 (which I don't think the Anthony's had).
Anyway the fight...
I think there was a big confrontation with Casey by Cindy over all the stealing because she had stolen from both the grand parents (Cindy's mother and father) Cindy's mother is all over her to do something about this daughter that is out of control. Cindy hates this because her image as June Cleaver is shot to he!! and her mother probably told her in no uncertain terms she is enabling Casey. I think and Cindy has admitted Casey has stolen tons of money from her and George but it was ok until Cindy felt her image was tarnished by the stealing from the grand parents.
Cindy confronts Casey, there is a big fight, Cindy pulls the credits cards and the ATM and tells Casey that is it (tough love) and Casey must move out until she gets het act together Casey tries to use Caylee as the bargaining chip threatening Cindy and George they will never she her again if they do this, but Cindy is confident she has been to a counselor and probably was going to get an attorney to try to get custody of Caylee (in her mind she WAS going to get custody) because of Casey's lifestyle and Cindy knew Casey was drugging Caylee so she could party. Casey leaves and goes to TonE for comfort, booze and sex, she goes back the next morning and takes Caylee with her. That night June 16th she had no place for Caylee to sleep because she could not take her to TonE's to sleep and she had no credit cards so she was going to sleep in her car with Caylee and by tomorrow Cindy would be crawling back and give her whatever she wanted. Caylee though was not used to being away from her grand mother and was crying she wanted to go home to her grand mother, probably even a little (justified) tantrum, Casey became enraged with jealousy did not want to hear one more word from Caylee and wanted the comfort of her latest conquest TonE, Caylee was interferring with that desire, in a rage (like her father's) she killed Caylee. This was the pay back to Cindy for her betrayal, justified because Caylee did not love her she loved her grand mother and grand father, so Caylee betrayed her as well and needed to die for it. I do think either George or Cindy helped her dispose of the body (leaning towards George) because they blamed themselves for what Casey did.
They are covering for Casey because they feel guilty and they have already lost Caylee and they know they cannot change that so they do not want to lose Casey too.
Soory for the long post... just my opinion in short form. I could go into a longer form but I don't want to torture you all.
I think her parents knew she wasn't making good money when she was working at Universal, probably part time. I think in the 400 page doc it even showed what she made that was filed for taxes for the 4th quarter of 05 and first quarter of 06, and it was a very nominal amount. If she truly was an Event Coordinator then, she was not making much at all.

I used to be an event coordinator. they don't make that much - between 30 and 40k. which to me, in the Northeast, is not enough to pay one's rent, nevermind take care of a child, but in Orlando the cost of living could be different.
I used to be an event coordinator. they don't make that much - between 30 and 40k. which to me, in the Northeast, is not enough to pay one's rent, nevermind take care of a child, but in Orlando the cost of living could be different.

Even if you made that kind of money and lived at home: why steal? Even if CA and GA insisted on rent, it wouldn't be what someone would pay living on their own.

In south Fla, to rent an apartment. on the low end of the scale: between 1000 - 1200 a month, and it's gonna be closer to the 1200 mark.
I used to be an event coordinator. they don't make that much - between 30 and 40k. which to me, in the Northeast, is not enough to pay one's rent, nevermind take care of a child, but in Orlando the cost of living could be different.

Honestly, I don't think she was ever an event coordinator even when she worked at Universal before she was fired. She may have worked in the event coordination department but was not a coordinator. Even in the e-mails she faked to herself, they were telling her where to be when, and what to wear. She was probably serving drinks or appetizers at events, not coordinating them.
My own granddaughter, my very first I might add, was born August 11 this year, 2 days after Caylee would have turned 3...After holding her for only perhaps a total of 10 times to date, and having NOT been involved in her day to day care, I would flip out if she came up missing and then it was discovered that my son had told one million lies about the details surrounding her disappearance.

Cindy has a huge weight upon her. SHE was this child's mother IN FACT, and NOT Casey...Casey was allowed to continue to be a teenager from everything that I can determine, and Cindy took the reins of PRIMARY CAREGIVER...I am sure that she wishes she could have stopped her daughter from just running off with Caylee and the events that have unfolded since then, and I am also certain that her heart is broken, so much so, that she cannot even face the truth of this situation, and that truth is that Casey brought harm to Caylee in all likelihood, and she, Cindy, will never have Caylee in her home or in her life again. SHE is reacting like a MOTHER in many ways...she is holding on to hope, even FALSE hope, rather than face that her little girl that she has raised and cared for is no longer alive...AND she is also in jeopardy of losing the daughter, which is all she has left of Caylee...

To me, she is probably temporarily unstable and trying to run from the grief that will inevitably come and swallow her up. I pray God will have mercy on her in that day, when she actually faces the reality of what her daughter did to her granddaughter...

In reply to the part "I" bolded: NO, Cindy was NOT the child's mother in fact. Casey was the chid's mother whether Cindy liked it or not. Casey, the real mother of the child is rumored to have wanted to give her up for adoption and in light of what's been going on, it may have been for the best.

While I respectfully disagree with what you said, I believe you touched on the crux of the matter - Cindy WANTING to be Caylee's mother although she wasn't legally or physically. I was raised by a mother like this, so solicitous when it suited her, so domineering when it didn't, and so unstable and controlling ALL the time.

I like the part where you said, "Cindy TOOK the reins of primary caregiver". Problem is, the reins weren't hers to take. There is so much pathology here and I don't believe many out there understand it, but all of this is just my opinion.

Edited to add: Ya know, not all mother's kill their children - some eat them alive.
In reply to the part "I" bolded: NO, Cindy was NOT the child's mother in fact. Casey was the chid's mother whether Cindy liked it or not. Casey, the real mother of the child is rumored to have wanted to give her up for adoption and in light of what's been going on, it may have been for the best.

While I respectfully disagree with what you said, I believe you touched on the crux of the matter - Cindy WANTING to be Caylee's mother although she wasn't legally or physically. I was raised by a mother like this, so solicitous when it suited her, so domineering when it didn't, and so unstable and controlling ALL the time.

I like the part where you said, "Cindy TOOK the reins of primary caregiver". Problem is, the reins weren't hers to take. There is so much pathology here and I don't believe many out there understand it, but all of this is just my opinion.

Maybe Casey gave Cindy the reins as primary caregiver, because she wanted to be out partying instead of caring for her daughter. I think Casey only wanted to be a mom when it was convenient and when it wasn't, she passed Caylee off to Cindy. Maybe Cindy just wanted what was best for Caylee and since Casey wasn't being responsible, she stepped in to fill the mother role. JMO
I think 30-40K is a great salary for a girl without an eduation.....even if she had to live with a roommate, she should be able to live with just one child fairly well on that money.
If she had that kind of income, she should at least be able to pay for her phone bill, supplement her parents' utilities, and contribute to grocery expenses....fact is, she didn't have a job. Her parents had to have known....
Has it been verified there really was a counselor that came forward with this information? I am not finding that very likely.
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