*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #2

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Good Lord.

GOP Rep: Aurora Shooting an Attack on ‘Judeo-Christian Beliefs’ (care2.com)
The smoke from the horrific attack on a Colorado movie theater has barely cleared, and the motives of the shooter are far from clear. But Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, (....) said, “You know what really gets me, as a Christian, is to see the ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs, and then some senseless crazy act of a derelict takes place.”
more at the link
i find it very interesting that he was studying this topic,
i don't know about pot, but there are research chemicals
that people use to 'explore the mind' it seems he may be familiar with.
i have seen people his age develop delusions after experimenting.
delusions are usually based in a persons knowledge or interests,
ie religious people becoming God.
he could have developed a 'scientific' theory that sees
reality and fiction as interchangeable and to prove his
theory he would become Batman's enemy in the real world.
delusional disorders are very perplexing because everything
else about the person can seem 'normal' but on the topics
of their delusion there's no connection to reality & all
knowledge, even scientific will bend to suit the delusion.

I find the topic very interesting. Psychotropic drugs tend to alter time perception, even pot can. In one photo of Holmes from the adultfinder site, he looks very stoned. His eyes are slits and very different from the 'silver dollar' look as described by the guy at the gun store. I think there was some self-experimentation going on. Other things that can seriously affect time perception are things like ceremonial fasting and some Native cultural ceremonies like sweatlodge, isolation, and some mental illnesses. JMO
I don't doubt there is some personality disorder that may come to light. However i don't think it's responsible for the choices he made. He was cognitive to his plan and it's outcome. He didn't care. Some random thoughts. Was he so use to being the big fish in a little pond? His bright mind being his only definition? He gets to Colorado University where he isn't such a big fish. Others are just as bright if not brighter? He sees no future? People are going to remember him and pay? Just throwing it out there :moo:
I find the topic very interesting. Psychotropic drugs tend to alter time perception, even pot can. In one photo of Holmes from the adultfinder site, he looks very stoned. His eyes are slits and very different from the 'silver dollar' look as described by the guy at the gun store. I think there was some self-experimentation going on. Other things that can seriously affect time perception are things like ceremonial fasting and some Native cultural ceremonies like sweatlodge, isolation, and some mental illnesses. JMO

I believe all he admitted to is taking vicodin before the shooting-I presume in response on whether he is on drugs.
If he had seriously affected time and reality perception, again, how did he manage to allegedly booby trap his apartment without blowing himself up?
Haven't been on here since my Casey Anthony lurks, but the photo of him that is circulating everywhere, the one of him smirking, is that his license photo? I mean it has to be an older photo since he reportedly had orange/red hair during the attack, right? Thanks guys!
I think sometimes people confuse "insanity" with mental illness.

Take Bipolar I for example. Some are over achievers to the extreme and hugely successful at what they do because they are driven in a manic way and they have endless ideas that they work on 24/7. Michelangelo,Tolstoy,Dickens all bipolars just to name a few. I think Buzz Aldrin was bipolar.
But at times bipolars are calm and seemingly "normal" and one would have no idea they are mentally ill.
I am not suggesting that JH is bipolar. But I am suggesting that mental illness is not just the crazed person that is outwardly and obviously out of touch with reality.IMO, it is impossible to determine if he was mentally ill with the information we have now. I suspect we will learn a lot about his psychological make up in the future.

I have no idea or inclination one way or the other if he is mentally ill-but it is ok to discuss the possibility.

I do think that these kinds of killers are inwardly very,very angry at someone or something and this is the ultimate acting out.

If he were mentally ill, it'd have to be a delusional psychosis. So, he WOULD show outward signs all of the time. It wouldn't be a cycling disease like bipolar (which I DO have).
I believe all he admitted to is taking vicodin before the shooting-I presume in response on whether he is on drugs.
If he had seriously affected time and reality perception, again, how did he manage to allegedly booby trap his apartment without blowing himself up?

He had extra time. JMO
Colorado does have medical marijuana. Not that marijuana is related to violence in any way. It is a very helpful medication for many, many suffering people. But, that being said, not every medication is for everyone.

As I stated previously, I am bipolar. I was once put on Risperdal and it made me incredibly violent instead of calming me down. It is a strong antipsychotic medication that generally completely knocks people out. Not me. And I didn't remember most of what I did at the time. That experience is one of the main reasons I have been handling my illness med-free for years.
I think sometimes people confuse "insanity" with mental illness.

Take Bipolar I for example. Some are over achievers to the extreme and hugely successful at what they do because they are driven in a manic way and they have endless ideas that they work on 24/7. Michelangelo,Tolstoy,Dickens all bipolars just to name a few. I think Buzz Aldrin was bipolar.
But at times bipolars are calm and seemingly "normal" and one would have no idea they are mentally ill.
I am not suggesting that JH is bipolar. But I am suggesting that mental illness is not just the crazed person that is outwardly and obviously out of touch with reality.IMO, it is impossible to determine if he was mentally ill with the information we have now. I suspect we will learn a lot about his psychological make up in the future.

I have no idea or inclination one way or the other if he is mentally ill-but it is ok to discuss the possibility.

I do think that these kinds of killers are inwardly very,very angry at someone or something and this is the ultimate acting out.

Micheangelo is a very interesting case. Irving Stone's famous biography of him was entitled The Agony and the Ecstasy, a reference to his bipolar cycles.

There is some thought that Micheangelo may have been autistic as well.


"He was a loner, self-absorbed, and gave his undivided attention to his masterpieces -- a feature of autism," writes lead researcher Muhammad Arshad, PhD, a psychiatrist at Five Boroughs Partnership NHS Trust in Great Britain.

JH had similiar characteristics, based on what we know so far. There has been an explosion in that diagnosis in this country over the last ten years. It's amazing.

Let me be clear, I'm NOT diagnosing JH.
I really wish I knew more about the Batman movies to put all this in perspective. But I have never seen one.

I am terrified of clowns :blushing: and to me, the Joker is a clown. So I avoid the movies. (I know some people say the Joker isn't a clown....but to me he is.)

And, having listened to the audio of the call, I must say that the department responded quite well, all things considered. The dispatchers did an especially well. (And they often don't get enough credit, in my opinion.)
Haven't been on here since my Casey Anthony lurks, but the photo of him that is circulating everywhere, the one of him smirking, is that his license photo? I mean it has to be an older photo since he reportedly had orange/red hair during the attack, right? Thanks guys!

Reposting since I ended as the last post on the page. :)
Micheangelo is a very interesting case. Irving Stone's famous biography of him was entitled The Agony and the Ecstasy, a reference to his bipolar cycles.

There is some thought that Micheangelo may have been autistic as well.


JH had similiar characteristics, based on what we know so far. There has been an explosion in that diagnosis in this country over the last ten years. It's amazing.

Let me be clear, I'm NOT diagnosing JH.

Explosion in the autism diagnosis could be at least in part due to people being diagnosed with it that previously would just be called not very social.
Not everyone is social. But does that mean they are autistic?
I really wish I knew more about the Batman movies to put all this in perspective. But I have never seen one.

I am terrified of clowns :blushing: and to me, the Joker is a clown. So I avoid the movies. (I know some people say the Joker isn't a clown....but to me he is.)

And, having listened to the audio of the call, I must say that the department responded quite well, all things considered. The dispatchers did an especially well. (And they often don't get enough credit, in my opinion.)

I am not up to speed either in all the plots. I was amazed by Heath Ledgers performance. He did freak me out. So did Brian Dennehy playing John Wayne Gacy in that clown scene. So your not alone. Something sinister about some of those clowns LOL
If he were mentally ill, it'd have to be a delusional psychosis. So, he WOULD show outward signs all of the time. It wouldn't be a cycling disease like bipolar (which I DO have).
Why would he have to be delusional and why could it not be bipolar?
CLARIFY-I personally don't think that he is at this point, I was just using that as an example of one mental illness that can be misunderstood.

ETA: I know someone with bipolar I that had the exact same reaction to risperdal as you did. ASAMOF, pot brings on psychosis for this person.
If he were mentally ill, it'd have to be a delusional psychosis. So, he WOULD show outward signs all of the time. It wouldn't be a cycling disease like bipolar (which I DO have).

people with delusions do not always show signs,
we only notice that they're delusional when they DO show signs.
i have known intelligent people with this disorder and they
can hide it & lie their way around it to some extent when
they want to, especially if it benefits them.
Explosion in the autism diagnosis could be at least in part due to people being diagnosed with it that previously would just be called not very social.
Not everyone is social. But does that mean they are autistic?

The social aspects of autism are a VERY small part.

My son was diagnosed at Texas Children's Hospital at age 3. They gave him a diagnosis of mild autism. He was always a pretty social child. He talked VERY early, but only to adults. He could not relate to kids his age. His main issues were gross motor skills and gastrointestinal problems.

Three years later, the gastrointestinal problems have been solved and you'd NEVER know he has a diagnosis of autism. He is happy, social, athletic, and has an IQ that puts him at the level of being considered 'profoundly gifted.'
The social aspects of autism are a VERY small part.

My son was diagnosed at Texas Children's Hospital at age 3. They gave him a diagnosis of mild autism. He was always a pretty social child. He talked VERY early, but only to adults. He could not relate to kids his age. His main issues were gross motor skills and gastrointestinal problems.

Three years later, the gastrointestinal problems have been solved and you'd NEVER know he has a diagnosis of autism. He is happy, social, athletic, and has an IQ that puts him at the level of being considered 'profoundly gifted.'

My point is, they do diagnose a lot more people, whereas previously those same people would not be diagnosed as autistic. Obviously that would lead to "explosion" in autism.
I hope his Family can shed some light as to any recent changes in him. Or anyone that had some regular contact. Perhaps they are as stumped as we are. I dunno. If the report is true that he is showing no sign of any remorse in Jail. At all. Then i wonder is he simply a very bright,evil, psychopath :moo:
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