*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #2

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So, it's likely that he knew he was about to be evicted and this is the reason he had asked the other landlord about any vacancies in her building.
That odd in a way, when did he do that, Sort of indicates how out of touch with reality- i,e he is going to go kill abunch of people, blow is apartment, and at some level believes he is going to need somewhere, other than jail , to reside !
Good Night! I mean good Morning :)
Gotta sleep couple hours before going to work..
That does not mean he was 'crazy.' It means he was a sadistic freak who thought it would be funny to coincide his bloody massacre of innocents with some comic book scenario. Very smart people sometimes like to do arrogant, twisted things like that. Does not mean they are insane, just pathetic and disgusting, vile creatures, imo.
Or suffering with severe illiness!
I couldn't sleep and got to reading. Found this article.

Why did Colorado shooting suspect avoid social media?

Now, I hope I can sleep. Good Night! :eek:fftobed:

In his world, I don't find this too odd. Apparently he had no "friends," so there would be no point to Facebook, Twitter, etc. He didn't appear to be someone to keep in touch with former acquaintances either (making this assumption because nobody has come out saying that).

I wonder if he kept in touch with his parents via email and text only - just thinking because I wonder if the voice mail message he had would have been some cause for alarm. Regardless, I just can't imagine what was going thru their minds when (if) they saw his court appearance yesterday.
I think there may be NOTHING wrong with his mental capacity - meaning he is 100% sane with no mental illness or brain tumor/condition. Maybe it's more comforting for us to think he must be insane, crazy, mentally ill because it's too horrible to think a "normal" (whatever that means) person could do this.
I just saw on the news the the pregnant woman who was shot gave birth.

Edit: After skimming through a few online articles, it says that she escaped the theater unharmed, so I'm not sure if she's the same one we were talking about earlier who was shot.
Ya know I'm very bothered by the man whose going around stating that the shooter had his regular dark hair Tuesday evening when he had beers with him.. This just cannot and is not accurate and is easily provable..so why does this guy feel the need to make up this lie??.. anyone??

I say easily provable as clearly the shooters dark roots were evident in today's court hearing.. Proving his hair had been colored for quite some time.. Not to mention the picture evidence proving the shooter had long since dyed his hair since early July..

Why is this guy lying???
Yes I got one angle of this messed up last night but I did not buy furniture mover stuff the first day either!

Neither did the owner of the bar!

"He just didn't seem the type to go into a movie theater and shoot it up," Mitchell said. "He seemed like a real smart dude."

But Myron Melnick, the owner of Zephyr Lounge, remembers Jackie Mitchell in the bar Tuesday night, but not Holmes.

"We were not busy Tuesday night," he recalled . "I'm there seven nights a week, seven hours a night. I've talked to my bartenders, my security people, and we've never seen the guy.

"There's maybe a 2 percent chance he was there, but I don't believe it," he said.

Read more: Family identifies 27-year-old victim of Aurora theater shooting - The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/breakingn...le-shot-at-aurora-movie-theater#ixzz21XNEudkx
Read The Denver Post's Terms of Use of its content: http://www.denverpost.com/termsofuse
n~t as far as hallucinogens it would depend on exactly what was taken and how much. Say LSD, one dose can last 16 to more than 24 hours depending on person. If doing a very large amount (more than 5 doses) it can last a few days. Liquid LSD is a different beast, don't know about that. If doing it for days on days repeatedly, you can have some major disconnect with reality and that can last for weeks to months, depending on how long you were dosing. This is based on people encountered through restaurant work and their stories, not clinical data/fact.

Others may have other known stories.

I know nothing of vicodin.

I'm sure that toxicology was ordered, yes blood taken.

Why did he tell LE about the bombs? Your guess is as good as mine. Perhaps he wanted to know if it had already blown, and more damage done. Perhaps he thought it would help his case, likewise giving self up with no hassles. Who knows?! I honestly "think", my opinion only, he wanted to be known for this, and the more damage done, the bigger the name.

100 mg of Vicodin is nothing. We theorized that he may have taken 100 mg to slow his heart beat during the carnage or something ridiculous like that. Vicodin also turns me into a raging NUT when I take it. I become extremely angry. I have to warn my family to leave me alone when I take it. I swear it is as bad as steroids lol
It's so difficult to analyze his state of mind at this point since we have so few details of his life. IMHO, we are going to have a long wait for solid information upon which to base our discussions.

These cases absolutly terrify me and revive my PTSD which in the past has been exacerbated by the D.C. Sniper, who roamed I-95 and shot people in my area. I spent the entire time he was out there at home, afraid to venture out to buy gas for my car. I'd scope out the station and look for possible sniper locations. Next, came Virginia Tech., which sent me into a tailspin just imagining the terror. The same happened here, a gut-wrenching nausea that has only begun to ease.

I think about the helplessness of all the victims in these cases and my heart cries for them.

Now, I'm ready to follow this thread.

I use Vicodin from time to time and it doesn't make me angry, it cuts the edge off the pain and makes me sleepy.
You all know more about this than I. Is the gag order gonna really mean that (like Luka) , in 5 days we all are going to get totally NOTHING in terms of info , case progression anything.Pictures of apt - would love to here to the school proffs observations ?

Now JH is just going to go sit in jail for a year and nothing is happening??????

Poof, like Luka, Gone????
I do not know if this was posted already. A Gag Order is Issued on the case.

"A gag order handed down in the James Holmes case Monday night is preventing the Aurora, Colo., Police Department from disclosing any information related to the investigation into Friday's shooting at the Century 16 Movie Theater, which left 12 dead and 58 wounded."
You answered my question thank you! Darn it I want to know more !
How insane is it to...

- purchase multiple guns weeks ahead
- order multiple rounds of ammo weeks ahead
- rig your apartment (must have been done carefully & backward toward the door, don't want those booby traps to 'splode as you fumble off some morning to brush your teeth after all) so again, rig your apartment to blow up when perhaps your neighbor jostled or nudged your front door due to the
- previously arranged blaring techno music

Not to mention...

- buy a ticket at front entrance in clothing that would not raise eyebrows
- sneak out emergency exit to armor and arm up
- slink back in through propped-open emergency door to perform one of the most disgustingly hideous & heinous acts of cowardice ever perpetrated upon an innocent group of human beings.

Mentally ill? IMO, Yes.

Legally insane? IMO, No.
TY -- All I have been trying to say!
You all know more about this than I. Is the gag order gonna really mean that (like Luka) , in 5 days we all are going to get totally NOTHING in terms of info , case progression anything.Pictures of apt - would love to here to the school proffs observations ?

Now JH is just going to go sit in jail for a year and nothing is happening??????

Poof, like Luka, Gone????

We will get bits of leaked info, but not a lot. We will get a lot of rumors. We will/may get what is deemed appropriate for public knowledge, intended to set the minds in the community at ease.

There will be things happening, but we will not know all of them. (A tremendous amount of work goes on in any murder case, this one requires even more.)

We will be advised of what is going on in Court ie..Motions Hearings, Court Orders on them, but, this is going to take a very, very long time before trial.

Link to Order for those that may have missed it:

http://www.courts.state.co.us/userf...12CR1522/Pretrial Publicity Order 7-23-12.pdf
IMO he was copying Norway -- apt was a diversion attempt?
It's so difficult to analyze his state of mind at this point since we have so few details of his life. IMHO, we are going to have a long wait for solid information upon which to base our discussions.

These cases absolutly terrify me and revive my PTSD which in the past has been exacerbated by the D.C. Sniper, who roamed I-95 and shot people in my area. I spent the entire time he was out there at home, afraid to venture out to buy gas for my car. I'd scope out the station and look for possible sniper locations. Next, came Virginia Tech., which sent me into a tailspin just imagining the terror. The same happened here, a gut-wrenching nausea that has only begun to ease.

I think about the helplessness of all the victims in these cases and my heart cries for them.

Now, I'm ready to follow this thread.

I use Vicodin from time to time and it doesn't make me angry, it cuts the edge off the pain and makes me sleepy.

I'm sensitive to all medications. Just about everything causes a side effect in me. It is not fun!
I agree. From all media reports thus far, they sound like decent people.

As a decent person myself, if I were in their shoes I would be encouraging my son to confess and take responsibility for his actions rather than hiring some Jose Baez type to try to get him off with smoke and mirrors.
In a way I wonder if the parents had nothing to do with the state providing an attorney Kinda think in a case this global - they would not want to risk mistrial by him not having rep.
I'm sensitive to all medications. Just about everything causes a side effect in me. It is not fun!

I'm just the opposite. I'm not sensitive to medications and it takes more of it to have the usual effects. It takes an extra strength Vicodin to do what an aspirin does for a normal person. Sigh! It's a problem either way.

I do wonder, if this guy wasn't doing well in school, for the first time in his life he is experiencing failure. I wonder if this failure is due to the onset of schizophrenia or because he got into regular drug use? Did his problems with being social with others drive himto hate humankind? Did he get any "hits" on the dating site? If he didn't, maybe hefelt more worthless than ever.

There are so many ways this can go.

I AGREE. And I think he plans to try and get sent to a hospital so he can eventually prove that he has been 'cured' of his mental health issues.
that he has been 'cured' of his mental health issues................

From what I learned here (Luka) it sounded like Canada does a lot of "cure" then release.

Anyone know here , in America, do we do that often?
In a way I wonder if the parents had nothing to do with the state providing an attorney Kinda think in a case this global - they would not want to risk mistrial by him not having rep.

Even if it was not highly publicized, he would have been given a Court-appointed attorney. If he immediately said "I want an attorney", which we don't know if he did or not, he would have been given one immediately. Otherwise, he would have been questioned at length first, then given an attorney.
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