*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #3

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I don't believe this Joker told the police about the bomb in his apt. I think when he was arrested he made some comment like "Did my bomb take down the building?" which alerted the cops to look for the bomb. I don't think this Joker all of a sudden decided to "be nice and spare some cops" after his shooting spree.

I heard earlier on the nightly news that he told LE there may be explosives in his apartment. Now whether he came out and said that, or it was an answer to one of their questions, they did not say. I do not think he told them there were booby traps set up. I think he still wanted them to go to the door and check it out, they were just smarter than that.
Agreed, it was all an act. I don't think he is/was mentally ill- just evil looking for notoriety/revenge against society.

Agreed LinasK. Watching it live his behavior seemed one of two things:

- A poor attempt at acting to the point that I was anticipating an outburst at the end is the hearing.


- An individual who had just pooped his pants and was beginning to realize he'll never again be free and was having a "what have I done moment"

The more I observed him, the more painfully obvious it became that he's almost as awful an actor as he is a human being.

And what dummy who so wants to be the most recent cinematic version of the Joker gets the hair color completely wrong?

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I think what's confusing is there really isn't a "balcony"...it's the same as most theaters where there are 5-10 rows on the floor in front, and then stadium style seating with walkways on each side.

mrsu I've been wondering about the theatre layout as well and haven't been able to find photos of any of that location's theatres interiors. Yes, we know that it's a stadium seating layout but are we sure that this chain or specific location doesn't have unique design elements? All the comments by survivors about the "balcony" is odd to me because I'd never call that l largest area of seating a "balcony". I'd call the first few rows by the screen the bad seats and everything else stadium seating....

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When I've been to this theater in the past, I don't recall any balconies but the flatter first section, and the the stadium style seating.

I don't know if specific theaters in the place were different though, but the few movies I have seen at this location were the flat section then stadium seating.
When I've been to this theater in the past, I don't recall any balconies but the flatter first section, and the the stadium style seating.

I don't know if specific theaters in the place were different though, but the few movies I have seen at this location were the flat section then stadium seating.

Thanks SpriteGal. Is it the usual first five rows or so of bad seats, small handicap row and aisle separating the two areas then the stadium incline of seats?

Appreciate your feedback.

Btw, are there any emergency exits at the top part of the stadium seats area or are the only exits at the start of the stadium seats and fire exits near the screen?

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I lived in Colorado for many years and I remember theaters there were different than in other places I have lived. I have never been in that particular theatre, but I do recall one in Boulder that did have a balcony. It had stairs up the side from the regular stadium seating to the "balcony". The balcony itself was elevated very little, but the very first row of it had a bar across the front and you could look down at those seated below you. The rest of the stadium seating below was built on an incline, like a typical theatre, and the walkway up was more of a ramp. To get to the balcony, you climbed a few stairs. It was less than 5 feet raised. Not sure if this helps...
I believe that's the case, I never really paid much to the layout, but it pretty much has the same layout as any other stadium theater that I have been to. There was nothing about sticks in my mind, and a balcony or an unusual layout would be something I would remember.

I don't know about the exit doors. I can't recall.
I lived in Colorado for many years and I remember theaters there were different than in other places I have lived. I have never been in that particular theatre, but I do recall one in Boulder that did have a balcony. It had stairs up the side from the regular stadium seating to the "balcony". The balcony itself was elevated very little, but the very first row of it had a bar across the front and you could look down at those seated below you. The rest of the stadium seating below was built on an incline, like a typical theatre, and the walkway up was more of a ramp. To get to the balcony, you climbed a few stairs. It was less than 5 feet raised. Not sure if this helps...

There are a lot theaters like that here, and that might be what they mean by a balcony.
Also, I recall during Jamie Rohr's (father of 4 month old) interview with Piers Morgan, he said he debated "jumping" from the balcony, but was concerned it would break his child's neck. This, to me, says that the balcony is elevated.
There are I believe little two seat rows that hover over the exits, if I can recall correctly. They are about 3 rows away from the top and are in the corners of the theater. I am trying to remember if they overlook the walkway to get into the theater.
I don't think that I believe in pure, unexplained evil. I think it always has a cause. Whether it is some combination of genetics, mental illness, childhood trauma or abuse, or something happening later in life to create anger and maliciousness, I think there is always a cause. Even if we don't know what it is. I know that two different people can suffer abuse as children and one will grow up to be a perfectly normal, functioning adult and the other will grow up to be an abuser him/herself. Why? Who knows? I do know that some people are born more resilient than others, more able to shoulder pain, rejection, trauma, etc. But, born evil? I can't stomach that. Because, to me, that would mean that there are evil children out there. And I cannot swallow that.
I've been thinking about how the shooter allegedly told police about the bombs/booby traps in his apartment. Maybe once he was in custody LE asked if there was anything in his apartment because if a federal officer is hurt or killed, it becomes a federal crime. He might have cowardly warned them then to try to help himself.

He would get the death penalty way quicker from the feds than from a state that has only executed one person since 1977. Just a thought.
philosophical question: can you be evil without being mentally ill?


A person be self centered, greedy, uncaring, sadistic and cruel without being mentally ill. The guys who work for authoritarian regimes torturing enemies of the state certainly earn the title of evil, but they are not necessarily mentally ill. They just chose an evil job in a culture that provides a lot of rewards for doing the dirty work of the regime.

But evil alone isn't enough to explain the Aurora shooter. He committed this crime in a manner that assured he would either die that night or spend the rest of his life in a cage. What he did will not be admired by his peers, or the rest of society. His only reward would be the thrill of killing others and infamy. Robbing a liquor store when you are short on cash is a poor choice, this crime is completely irrational. Only an insane person would think it was a good idea.
Thanks SpriteGal. Is it the usual first five rows or so of bad seats, small handicap row and aisle separating the two areas then the stadium incline of seats?

Appreciate your feedback.

Btw, are there any emergency exits at the top part of the stadium seats area or are the only exits at the start of the stadium seats and fire exits near the screen?

One of the interviews I saw on TV involved a couple who were sitting near the top. They took off running, at first holding hands, got separated, when he realized she was no longer with him, the man went back for the woman, and the woman said that's when she realized they had been sitting near an emergency exit at the top.

The awesome part of their story was the man going back for his lady in all that commotion and he was able to find her again.

I have a vague memory of seeing an exit at the top of one of my local theatres, but can't be sure because I don't ever remember sitting up that high. I do recall sitting down near the screen (oh, my neck!) at the midnight premiere of the final Harry Potter film (3D) and definitely remember seeing the exit doors down there. In fact, many people used them to exit after the movie was over. The back parking lot is there.

A person be self centered, greedy, uncaring, sadistic and cruel without being mentally ill. The guys who work for authoritarian regimes torturing enemies of the state certainly earn the title of evil, but they are not necessarily mentally ill. They just chose an evil job in a culture that provides a lot of rewards for doing the dirty work of the regime.

But evil alone isn't enough to explain the Aurora shooter. He committed this crime in a manner that assured he would either die that night or spend the rest of his life in a cage. What he did will not be admired by his peers, or the rest of society. His only reward would be the thrill of killing others and infamy. Robbing a liquor store when you are short on cash is a poor choice, this crime is completely irrational. Only an insane person would think it was a good idea.

You can die or spend the rest of your life in prison for robbing a liquor store too. How is that rational? Yet people do it day in and day out, and no one calls them insane. And there are plenty of cases where people killed just for kicks.
It makes sense to fake a mental illness to get disability or get out of going to war. But why would a sane person fake a mental illness in order to slaughter a bunch of innocent people watching a movie? It could happen, you just need to supply the ulterior motive.

Why would a just plain evil person decide to fake MI after killing because he wanted to kill?
Definately off topic: But when I first heard the name Holmes, all I could think of was the serial killer named Holmes from the Chicago Worlds Fair in the 1800's. I could be wrong though about the name.
Why would a just plain evil person decide to fake MI after killing because he wanted to kill?

Well, that one is easy. If a plan evil person can convince jury they are insane, instead of getting a needle or life in prison such a person ends up in a mental hospital from which he or she can be eventually released.
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