Dina Shacknai wants Max's death reopened; gives ICU pic to media

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Agree. The controlling manner of Dina is reminiscent of abusive exes who are unwilling to let go of their significant others.

Trying to ensure the safety of her child while in his father's care isn't abusive nor is it all that unusual, imo. It's pretty normal fare as to what concerned mothers try to do.

Trying to ensure the safety of her child while in his father's care isn't abusive nor is it all that unusual, imo. It's pretty normal fare as to what concerned mothers try to do.


Dina is abusive, controlling and hysterically irrational. One clear example:
"Jonah Shacknai gave a different account to police. In the report, he said, "Dina began screaming 'You cannot leave me.'" According to the report, "she jumped on the front of the car … tried to push her way into the car … slapping him around the face and shoulders."

Is this article accurate when it says that RZ stole over $1000 worth of jewelry? That is not shoplifting a few candy bars. Is this true?

This changes the way I view DS's opinion of her being an influence on her son. No one "needs" to steal jewelry. That is a very self involved type crime. I would be very wary of someone with this sense of values being around my child.

Is this accurate? When did this crime happen?

I doubt closure is what Dina is seeking. I think she wants to ensure Max receives justice and that nobody profits from his death such as book deals or movies. She can file a wrongful death action against Jonah, RZ's estate and RZ's sister and anybody else for that matter. Doesn't mean she'll win but she can sure try.

Wrongful death actions are routinely won in courtrooms in deaths ruled as accidents--car crashes or someone falls off a ladder on your property are but two of many examples. Jonah had a duty to ensure his home was safe for Max no matter whether the staircase was at fault or the care giver. That said, I also fully expect Jonah to settle out of court.


This first could be filed as a liability claim with his property insurance. He may not have to pay, it could fall under his policy. Maybe he won't settle, depending on the asked amount. JS may even be covered under an umbrella policy. Which could have much more liability coverage than your average homeowners policy.
Jumping in front of a car to stop someone from leaving is not normal or rational. Someone could have gotten physically hurt or killed, including Dina.

The physically aberrant, violent behaviors of Dina towards another human being are very different from someone allegedly stealing inanimate objects.

She jumped in front of the car, crying and begging him not to go over to Rebeccah's house again that night. I don't see that as 'violent' behavior. I see that as a woman who is falling apart at the seams, because of the cheating behavior of the other two people in the love triangle.
This first could be filed as a liability claim with his property insurance. He may not have to pay, it could fall under his policy. Maybe he won't settle, depending on the asked amount. JS may even be covered under an umbrella policy. Which could have much more liability coverage than your average homeowners policy.

I think it will be difficult to prove the staircase was at fault or defective.

I don't foresee any litigation that does not include RZ and her sister.

Dina is abusive, controlling and hysterically irrational. One clear example:
"Jonah Shacknai gave a different account to police. In the report, he said, "Dina began screaming 'You cannot leave me.'" According to the report, "she jumped on the front of the car … tried to push her way into the car … slapping him around the face and shoulders."


Irrational? I have no clue what the playbook says about how a spouse behaves when the other is in an adulterous affair.

Personally, I don't think the request that Rebecca not attend Max's school functions was unreasonable. She was not engaged to Jonah yet. And Dina has personal experience that says Jonah seems to go from woman to woman. I would not want my ex's girlfriend to attend school functions. A fiancee would be different. Think about if Rebecca and Jonah happened to break up and Jonah kept bringing new and different "girlfriends" to school functions, that would not be good at all. In my humble opinion, I think I would want the same thing Dina did.

Only my opinion...

It appears because of the time frame of how long Rebecca had been with Jonah, there probably weren't any other girfriends he would have brought to school functions. Rebecca had been with Jonah for two years, that is not a fling and I would call Rebecca his partner regardless of whether they were engaged or married. Rebecca was living with Jonah not dating him fro cripe sake.
Agree. The controlling manner of Dina is reminiscent of abusive exes who are unwilling to let go of their significant others.

Dina was Maxie's mother. I totally understand why she would want RZ to back off at the school events. I worked in the public schools for decades. It is hard to explain how stressful it can be when kids have their mother and Dad's new girlfriend, both at the school events. The kids can feel very pressured and stressed by the situation. Who do they go and hug, who do they sit next to? If they go and sit by the girlfriend, Mom is sad and hurt. If they don't choose the gf, then Dad may be upset. Kids take this kind of decision very seriously and emotionally. I have seen a lot of tears about this over the years.

For all we know Maxie himself asked his mom to keep RZ away from his school events.
It appears because of the time frame of how long Rebecca had been with Jonah, there probably weren't any other girfriends he would have brought to school functions. Rebecca had been with Jonah for two years, that is not a fling and I would call Rebecca his partner regardless of whether they were engaged or married. Rebecca was living with Jonah not dating him fro cripe sake.

Maybe the request for RZ to stay away from school events was one made at the start of their relationship, when it was a new one.

And having worked in the schools for years, it is hardly an unusual or odd request. MOST girlfriends understand totally, and give the mother some leeway and some respect.

And I saw how much respect was given to DS from the Z family when they made their comment that Maxie loved RZ as much or more than his mom, right after his tragic death.
The more I think about the 'battle' over the attendance of Maxie's school events, the more disgusted I become with RZ. She began seeing JS while he was still married and living with Dina. She broke up Maxies family, and then she has the nerve to show up at his kindergarten recitals, sitting there as if she was his new mommy? No wonder DS was upset.
Maybe the request for RZ to stay away from school events was one made at the start of their relationship, when it was a new one.

And having worked in the schools for years, it is hardly an unusual or odd request. MOST girlfriends understand totally, and give the mother some leeway and some respect.

And I saw how much respect was given to DS from the Z family when they made their comment that Maxie loved RZ as much or more than his mom, right after his tragic death.

I was a single parent for years. I never asked my ex nor did he ask me to do such things and we were hardly friends with each other.

What position were you in where you knew the parents were divorced and there were requests made for a girlfriend or boyfriend not to attend school functions. I had a lot of divorced friends, never heard them say such things. I worked in schools for many years, never hear of this being a typical request nor would I have been privy to most divorced couples business.

"And I saw how much respect was given to DS from the Z family when they made their comment that Maxie loved RZ as much or more than his mom"

This has nothing to do with disrespecting DS. It has to do with the facts they saw that were pertinent to what was going on. Why would anyone stay quiet about characterizing that relationship if people are pointing the finger at their loved one and saying they hurt the child? Geesh. Everyone doesn't have to stay out of Dina's way and let her or her sister say whatever they want.
I was a single parent for years. I never asked my ex nor did he ask me to do such things and we were hardly friends with each other.

What position were you in where you knew the parents were divorced and there were requests made for a girlfriend or boyfriend not to attend school functions. I had a lot of divorced friends, never heard them say such things. I worked in schools for many years, never hear of this being a typical request nor would I have been privy to most divorced couples business.

"And I saw how much respect was given to DS from the Z family when they made their comment that Maxie loved RZ as much or more than his mom"

This has nothing to do with disrespecting DS. It has to do with the facts they saw that were pertinent to what was going on. Why would anyone stay quiet about characterizing that relationship if people are pointing the finger at their loved one and saying they hurt the child? Geesh. Everyone doesn't have to stay out of Dina's way and let her or her sister say whatever they want.

I was a classified office employee. We were in charge of who could sign out the kids, and who could or could not pick them up. I worked in the attendance office part of the day, the health office some of the day, and on the playground during lunch and recess. I also helped put the school special events together. Doing those chores made it very clear who was who. And the kids were very vocal with their feelings. I am surprised that you worked in a school for many years and never saw a kid that was upset over that kind of situation. Maybe it is a Southern California thing, but it happened at our schools quite a bit.

If a woman began seeing your husband while you were still married to him, and broke up the marriage, you would have no issues if she began coming to your kids school events?
If a woman began seeing your husband while you were still married to him, and broke up the marriage, you would have no issues if she began coming to your kids school events?

Where is there evidence that Rebecca broke up Dina's home? Dina and Jonah had been engaging in what looks like mutual emotional and physical abuse for 3 years already from 2006-2009. I believe they may have started the divorce process in 2008. If I were Dina, I'd be embarrassed to have that history and be claiming and doing the things she has. I'm sure Max had as much or more to deal with pre-divorce as after. I feel sorry for him since because he had already lived in a dysfunctional home for half his life by the time he died and in 2009 he was only 4, right? You do the math.
She jumped in front of the car, crying and begging him not to go over to Rebeccah's house again that night. I don't see that as 'violent' behavior. I see that as a woman who is falling apart at the seams, because of the cheating behavior of the other two people in the love triangle.

Jeez, I wonder if the first Mrs. Jonah Shacknai (one year-old GS's and 1 month away from being born ES's mom) ...jumped in front of the car, crying and begging him not to go over to Dina's house again that night o_O Did the first Mrs. Jonah Shacknai place demands on her ex , her babies and the cheating interloper (Dina Romano) ^_^ ? Was her focus to make her ex-husband, his latest toy (Dina) and her and Jonah's babies lives miserable?

If not 'violent' behavior, it smacks of out of control, irrational and I dare say insane behavior for an adult...who professes to be educated and a professional...something. And now is using a faux NP as a means to an end.

Perhaps the first Mrs. had more dignity than the second.
Irrational? I have no clue what the playbook says about how a spouse behaves when the other is in an adulterous affair.


Hmmm...I would imagine a spouse of a cheating spouse would be changing the locks, locking that cheating, lowlife out. And after changing the locks, be filing for divorce. Then have as little to do with him/her as possible.

Certainly not begging, laying down in front of vehicle, throwing oneself atop of hood, etc.

WTH would someone want to be with a cheating spouse?

It amazes me Ms. D Romano thought her husband wouldn't cheat on her...considering she was the one he was cheating with when he was with first wife.
I'm sorry but a 30 year old woman shoplifting is no minor thing. RZ was not a 14 year old..she was not shoplifting food or medicine. The way this was passed off in other threads made me believe it was something minor from her childhood. But IMO it is huge.

In 2009 at 30 years old RZ was stealing jewelry from Macys. Stealing to adorn herself..for herself. THIRTY YEARS OLD. Very soon after, she is living with a very rich man that could buy her Tiffanys best.

This is what she stood to lose. She was going back to a job and an apartment, and having to steal to have Macy's "jewels." ....if JS turned on her. A stable loving Christian woman does not steal for personal adornment. She must have been very troubled.

No matter how Max died, maybe the slightestthreat of losing the material things she craved enough TO STEAL...was more than she could take.

And OF COURSE, a Mother would be concerned!!! Thirty year old stealing jewelry? This is Daddy's new live-in? I would not my child in a store with her or alone with her. Nor would I want her at school events. She could suffer from kleptomania for all Mom knows. This JUST had occured.

This changes all for me.

WTH is she going to steal at school? Pencils? Chalk? Crayons? The Chair in the time-out corner? Hmmm....oh, I know, maybe the attendance book? Or maybe the puzzles?

WTH is she going to steal at school? Pencils? Chalk? Crayons? The Chair in the time-out corner? Hmmm....oh, I know, maybe the attendance book? Or maybe the puzzles?


Or a PTA meeting - maybe the PTA manual, I guess, or some sugar packets from the coffee table. :waitasec:

AGAIN! The family are victims here!

Several posts have been removed. If you have a post that hasn't been removed and discusses the family members as anything other than victims, you may want to delete it.


AGAIN! The family are victims here!

Several posts have been removed. If you have a post that hasn't been removed and discusses the family members as anything other than victims, you may want to delete it.


Why would you remove content about family members assoicated with this case? This isnt a victims site, but a site for dialogue considering what individuals were associated, present, unaccounted for, related to the event, etc.? AS was in quest house, NR visited, DR is presumably been identified by witness per AB, Jonah has involvement one way or another, and <Mod Snip> was present. Now, if people are professing hatred, rude, or inappropriate remarks - fine this is warranted. However, this is a tragedy that is completely off the charts. For what it is worth :)
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