Dina Shacknai wants Max's death reopened; gives ICU pic to media

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Why would you remove content about family members assoicated with this case? This isnt a victims site, but a site for dialogue considering what individuals were associated, present, unaccounted for, related to the event, etc.? AS was in quest house, NR visited, DR is presumably been identified by witness per AB, Jonah has involvement one way or another, and <Mod Snip> was present. Now, if people are professing hatred, rude, or inappropriate remarks - fine this is warranted. However, this is a tragedy that is completely off the charts. For what it is worth :)

We are a victim friendly site, you can discuss the family, etc. but only in the context of the case. It is against TOS to bash the family and victims. If it has to do with this case and is in the media then it is fine to discuss. Rumor is not allowed. Hope this helps.

If you have questions you can contact/pm any Mod, we are happy to help.
Dina was accounted for during the time of Rebecca's murder. She was never considered a suspect. <modsnip> I can only imagine the horror that Dina has had to deal with due to Rebecca. I think she has been VERY polite under the circumstances. If I thought someone killed my only little, sweet boy, I'd NOT be so nice.


Nobody was ever considered a suspect in anything. Since Max's death was ruled an accident and Rebecca's death a suicide. There are no suspects in accidental and self-inflicted deaths.
Didn't stop an expert to basically accuse Rebecca of assaulting Max in the report, did it?
Nobody was ever considered a suspect in anything. Since Max's death was ruled an accident and Rebecca's death a suicide. There are no suspects in accidental and self-inflicted deaths.
Didn't stop an expert to basically accuse Rebecca of assaulting Max in the report, did it?

DS's phone was accounted for per LE - not DS, however, the LE made the embarrasing comment that this was based on triangulating DS's phone! This is like a gullable spy B movie. Stick the phone in a car and have someone esle call and tell you "hey - you left your phone in my car!" This all makes LE look like an operation ran by Barney Fife and Otis.
I just watched Dina and her attorney on Dr. Drew. I guess it just hit home to me how divided we are here on WS.

I saw a grieving, intelligent woman, who talked with great sensitivity about the non-profit created for her lost son. There was nothing about this interview that would make it seem to be a 'sham', based upon hatred, or a fake charity based upon her need for revenge or bitterness. Absolutely nothing. JMO
WTH is she going to steal at school? Pencils? Chalk? Crayons? The Chair in the time-out corner? Hmmm....oh, I know, maybe the attendance book? Or maybe the puzzles?


Women take handbags to their childrens open houses. Handbags have credit cards.

I think that a thirty year old woman who steals jewelry from Macy's would rightfully cause concern to any Mother who does not know her,but must suddenly have her in her child's life.

If it is fair to characterize DS for things that happened during her divorce, certainly it is only fair to consider that RZ had stolen over a $1000 worth of jewelry very soon before DS was forced to submit her child into her care. It is unfair to say her objections were just due to HER controlling nature under these circumstances. I would certainly not hire anyone to work in my home around my children who had stolen under these circumstances, much less hire them to watch my child.

DS had a legitimate reason for concern. That is all I am saying.

Did RZ ever get any professional help or counseling? Did this behavior only begin at 30? This just amazes me.
Hmmm...I would imagine a spouse of a cheating spouse would be changing the locks, locking that cheating, lowlife out. And after changing the locks, be filing for divorce. Then have as little to do with him/her as possible.

Certainly not begging, laying down in front of vehicle, throwing oneself atop of hood, etc.

WTH would someone want to be with a cheating spouse?

It amazes me Ms. D Romano thought her husband wouldn't cheat on her...considering she was the one he was cheating with when he was with first wife.

Mittymick, Jonah was already divorced when he met Dina according to Phoenix Magazine:


Do you have a link that shows otherwise?

ITA. The phone has a good alibi.

I am highly doubtful that the cell phone was the only way the detectives checked Dina's story of where she was. I wish Anne Bremner would release all the files. I would think that the detectives interviewed people that saw Dina that evening. The problem with this case is since the deaths were ruled an accident and suicide, the files are private. Only the family can release information. But here were are again talking about Rebecca's death on the thread about Max.

I just saw Dina on Dr. Drew. It breaks my heart. Max was so adorable. The video of him running on the beach was precious. Dina's heart must be crushed. I am glad Natalie Holloway's mother had sweet words for her and offered support.
Did any of the LE reports say if the other two children who left the morning MS was fatally injured were interviewed? Would they keep that out of the report for privacy? I think interviewing the other two children could help in determining if things were light, fun the morning and days before they left or if there were any issues, tension among those in the house and even DS those days. They could also possibly remember if MS was trying new tricks on his scooter more than usual or if the marks on the bannister were there, or if Ocean liked to chase and jump up on MS. I hope they interviewed them. Thanks in advance if anyone finds out.
This thread is about Dina Shacknai and the unfortunate death of her son. Please stay on topic.

I was a single parent for years. I never asked my ex nor did he ask me to do such things and we were hardly friends with each other.

What position were you in where you knew the parents were divorced and there were requests made for a girlfriend or boyfriend not to attend school functions. I had a lot of divorced friends, never heard them say such things. I worked in schools for many years, never hear of this being a typical request nor would I have been privy to most divorced couples business.

"And I saw how much respect was given to DS from the Z family when they made their comment that Maxie loved RZ as much or more than his mom"

This has nothing to do with disrespecting DS. It has to do with the facts they saw that were pertinent to what was going on. Why would anyone stay quiet about characterizing that relationship if people are pointing the finger at their loved one and saying they hurt the child? Geesh. Everyone doesn't have to stay out of Dina's way and let her or her sister say whatever they want.

Great points.

I find it interesting that a mother who was so concerned about her son's safety, was focused on RZ's school function attendance. If she really feared for his safety, I would think her primary concern would be alone time with RZ and that she wouldn't waste her breathe on issues like this. I don't think she wanted anyone to see the good in RZ. She was probably also concerned that a teacher could potentially testify in court if custody ever became an issue again.

Two beautiful souls. I hope LE will allow a new independent investigation for both. JMHO

Personally, I don't like that photo. Max looked terrified or uneasy about being in Rebecca's lap, IMO. Much different than how he is in the photos hugging Dina or Nina.
Personally, I don't like that photo. Max looked terrified or uneasy about being in Rebecca's lap, IMO. Much different than how he is in the photos hugging Dina or Nina.

They both look very tense, imo.
Personally, I don't like that photo. Max looked terrified or uneasy about being in Rebecca's lap, IMO. Much different than how he is in the photos hugging Dina or Nina.

IMO Maxie looks totally relaxed and comfortable in Rebecca's arms.. His little look is from whatever he is eating... Which, looks like ......maybe a lemon??? ..Look how comfortable his body is, is it not tense, his body is lying against hers relaxed, not all tight..

Two beautiful people, taken too soon..
She jumped in front of the car, crying and begging him not to go over to Rebeccah's house again that night. I don't see that as 'violent' behavior. I see that as a woman who is falling apart at the seams, because of the cheating behavior of the other two people in the love triangle.

Dina's behavior was violent and irrational because Dina could have caused herself or Jonah or bystanders if there were any, physical bodily harm.

For example, what if Jonah had stepped on the gas - even by accident - and hit her while she was blocking the car, or on top of the hood?

By irrational, I'm saying Dina was not thinking like a reasonable person of sound mind, not weighing the pros and cons, or assessing the risks. Agree, she was acting on emotions alone.
I think there is a big difference what how Max looks in the picture with Rebeccaand in these. He seems so happy with Dina and Nina:


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  • maxwith nina.jpg
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Maxie looks comfortable, happy and content with all three women.

All three women look to be filled with joy with Maxie in their arms.

So sad for Maxie...his pure and primal love for all of them created friction, tension and insecurity. It's really a shame some of these women were unable to put aside inflated egos and allow Maxie to freely and openly express his love to all without fear of causing discomfort to some.

I believe Maxie had an understanding of personhood and what love, dignity and life is met to be.

It is tragic what has become of his three most important women in his life.
On Oct. 13, 2011, JS permitted Dina's investigative team to enter the residence at 1043 Ocean Ave., for an independent opinion on the cause of Max's accident. Does anyone know if he required a member from the Sheriff's dept. be present, as he did if the Zahau's wanted to do their own private investigation?
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