Dina Shacknai wants Max's death reopened; gives ICU pic to media

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Turning off the light would have been no problem for someone as athletic as Rebecca.

She may have had a slight limp, but her trainer said she was in fantastic shape, was athletic, and could have easily done what she did.

Being nude would make no difference at all.

Being dark would have made no difference at all to someone that knew the room.

Whether the doors were open or closed is not certain.

The actual act was even easier for Rebecca because she is the one that planned it.

She couldn't really have gone over the balcony railing on her own with the footprint evidence as it stands.

Also, the footprints were not matched to her feet, but deemed to be consistent with her feet.
She couldn't really have gone over the balcony railing on her own with the footprint evidence as it stands.

Also, the footprints were not matched to her feet, but deemed to be consistent with her feet.

IMO, and in those of the SDSO, her footprint patterns make perfect sense.

And we don't know whether her feet were measured and compared to Rebecca's or not. Only a teeny, tiny amount of information was released. But even if they weren't, it doesn't mean it wasn't suicide.
IMO, and in those of the SDSO, her footprint patterns make perfect sense.

And we don't know whether her feet were measured and compared to Rebecca's or not. Only a teeny, tiny amount of information was released. But even if they weren't, it doesn't mean it wasn't suicide.

Her who?

We have seen several photos of the balcony (with the extra LE print) and we know that the final print at the railing was of the toes of one foot.
Interesting. Valeant is buying out Medicis, but Medicis's management has maneuvered their way into taking charge of Valeant. They sound like some really brutal and powerful players. Interesting. Acquiring and keeping wealth by any means necessary is their game.

Someone recently mentioned in one of the threads here that Dina S should consider filing a wrongful death lawsuit against JS over Max's accident. Why doesn't she just go ahead and do so? IANAL, but the case would be tried in civil court and from what I understand, is easier to win than a criminal conviction.


I am shocked at the Valeant Medicis fall out here... brutal.... Valeant buys Medeicis but JS stays on... Wow.... I did want to point out that the deal will not be completed until next year... another long drawn out scenario... just like the mansion sale....

JS scares the crap out of me.... his skill at manipulaton and winning at any cost.... epic.....

This was a move to remove Medicis from the limelight.... ?? and leave JS still in power? The same way his ownership of the mansion was to magically disappear.... but in truth he still owns it... and in truth he is still in charge of Medicis just under a different name... who helped him pull this off? Money can buy anything.... ANYTHING.

I want to caution posting members NOT TO DIVULGE any personal information on this board or in private..... you just NEVER KNOW who you are really talking to and there is big money and power involved here... and I am sure they would love to shut all this jabber on websleuths down...
IMO, and in those of the SDSO, her footprint patterns make perfect sense.

And we don't know whether her feet were measured and compared to Rebecca's or not. Only a teeny, tiny amount of information was released. But even if they weren't, it doesn't mean it wasn't suicide.

Is it not super helpful that no one compared the measurements to RZs feet? Why didn't that happen in the months long investigation? That sole toe print proves a very small (100 lbs) woman propelled herself off a balcony.

Who has a link to the photo that shows the rope in the door! Darling Lash can you help here?

Oh and there is the overturned chair and the blanket and the untested DNA. Come on people. Can we be objective for a moment?
That toe print could have been GS's or XZ's..... from their stay at the mansion.
I don't think it is a secret that the Zahau's have implied that AS was involved many times...even it they did not call him by name.

Mary Zahau said the day that Rebecca was found, "I will never believe my sister took her own life". I think she is in denial and wants to blame anyone but Rebecca.

As for "people thinking Rebecca got what she deserved", I don't see that at all. I don't see anyone "hating" on Rebecca. What they are hating on are the accusations that the Romanos or Shacknais were involved in Rebecca's death when that is far from the truth. I have been appalled by some of the things written on sites about these families who are grieving a great loss, and were ALSO traumatized by Rebecca's suicide in the midst of their crisis.

I don't see ANYONE being happy or relieved that Rebecca hung herself instead of facing whatever consequences would come from Max's accident..whether that was a break-up with Jonah or more questioning from CPS and detectives. Rebecca's death did nothing for anyone. IMO, everyone involved wishes she were still alive - that she would have picked up the phone that night and called Mary back, or called Jonah, or a friend, or go down and wake up AS and talk to him.

Suicide does nothing but leave more questions for those left behind. I think what she did that night was tragic. But that was her choice, and it was one that took none of those that loved her into consideration. Suicide is a selfish act. But that is not a reason to hate Rebecca Zahau. Nor is it a reason for the Zahaus and others to blame the Shacknais and Romanos for her death.

I don't believe that Rebecca could jump off the balcony with her hands tied together behind her back, her feet tightly bound together, her neck choked with a tee shirt and noose without disturbing most of the dust on the balcony and also turn out the lights and close both the doors behind her before plunging to her death. That would be physically impossible. No one has ever been able to recreate or in any other way scientifically prove how Rebecca could accomplish suicide in the manner alleged. To make matters even worse the police can't explain how or why Rebecca had tape residue on both her legs and knots on her head that forensic pathologists believed probably rendered her unconscious.

If we are to believe that Jonah left Rebecca a nasty voice mail message the night of her demise which I do not believe either since that was another thing that was never scientifically proven then why on earth would Rebecca want to talk to him or seek him out for comfort if she felt bad? I can't imagine that Jonah would be a person to seek out for comfort period given his violent history and unpleasant verbal interactions with past wives.

Adam was an even worse suggestion. Why would any female who felt bad seek out Adam. Didn't he reportedly view *advertiser censored* in the guest house while his nephew was critically injured and in the hospital? What possible comfort could he offer?

So that leaves Rebecca's wonderful sister Mary. Well did it ever occur to you that maybe she couldn't call Mary because she was being tied up and murdered? I think I would have a far more open mind about the possibility of a suicide if the police investigation had been precisely and professionally done. However, imo, it was unbelievably shoddy and unconvincing not only to Mary but to many, many other people as well.
I am shocked at the Valeant Medicis fall out here... brutal.... Valeant buys Medeicis but JS stays on... Wow.... I did want to point out that the deal will not be completed until next year... another long drawn out scenario... just like the mansion sale....

JS scares the crap out of me.... his skill at manipulaton and winning at any cost.... epic.....

This was a move to remove Medicis from the limelight.... ?? and leave JS still in power? The same way his ownership of the mansion was to magically disappear.... but in truth he still owns it... and in truth he is still in charge of Medicis just under a different name... who helped him pull this off? Money can buy anything.... ANYTHING.

I want to caution posting members NOT TO DIVULGE any personal information on this board or in private..... you just NEVER KNOW who you are really talking to and there is big money and power involved here... and I am sure they would love to shut all this jabber on websleuths down...

Mrs. Holmes you just knocked one out of the ball park! Yes, yes and yes again! i agree with everything you wrote.
'But, according to Godwin’s examination, there was ANOTHER set under the supposed officer’s footprints: "It appears to me that the officer stepped on top of another print based on this photograph. This indicates that a second person was on the balcony with Rebecca," Dr. Godwin says.

The renowned expert has harsh criticism for the San Diego Sheriff's Department's handling of Rebecca's investigation. "One of the major crime scene mistakes was to step on the balcony before completely photographing and video taping it. Also, the police did not scale Rebecca's prints with a tape measure. No doubt the police should have been wearing booties," Dr. Godwin asserts.'


Rebecca's sister Mary stated:

'"...I'm very disappointed that the San Diego Sheriff's Department did not even follow-up on basic information such as the text message on Becky's phone,..."'

She couldn't really have gone over the balcony railing on her own with the footprint evidence as it stands.

Also, the footprints were not matched to her feet, but deemed to be consistent with her feet.

SDSO did not offer any evidence of having measured Rebecca's feet.

She didn't go over the balcony on her own. There were another pair of footprints found. Here's the video done on the extra footprints.

And maybe she really didn't care about Max at all.

She was not banned. She had Tuesday afternoon to go see him when she was there at the McDonald's with Jonah and Adam. She declined.

CuriousGeorgia I'm curious too. How do you know all these things? Were you present with them or do you know them personally? Who told you these things? How do you know that this information is factual?

How did you know:

A.) Rebecca was not banned.

B.) Rebecca was at Mc Donald's with Jonah and Adam.

C.) Rebecca declined to see Max.

Just curious. Tia.
IMO, and in those of the SDSO, her footprint patterns make perfect sense.

And we don't know whether her feet were measured and compared to Rebecca's or not. Only a teeny, tiny amount of information was released. But even if they weren't, it doesn't mean it wasn't suicide.

BBM. Good point. I think the theory that she went over that railing is as flawed as their theory of how Max was injured. But a flawed theory doesn't change the final conclusion of the ME in RZ's case as it does in Max's case.

There is no evidence that MS committed suicide and the theory of "accident" does not fit with the known evidence, which includes statements RZ and XZ made to LE as well as statements by first responders. DS has every right as a mother to question all the evidence, including those statements and that's why I think she'll file a wrongful death lawsuit.

It's not impossible that RZ stepped onto the balcony and realized how difficult it would be to launch herself over the railing so she went downstairs, stood on the table and kicked it out from under herself. Such a scenario still points to suicide.

Good point, MyBelle. I also can see Rebecca doing just a little "hop", like she was going to sit on the railing. She would have gone over easily, with her left thigh/hip making that 11" disturbance in the dust.

BBM. Good point. I think the theory that she went over that railing is as flawed as their theory of how Max was injured. But a flawed theory doesn't change the final conclusion of the ME in RZ's case as it does in Max's case.

There is no evidence that MS committed suicide and the theory of "accident" does not fit with the known evidence, which includes statements RZ and XZ made to LE as well as statements by first responders. DS has every right as a mother to question all the evidence, including those statements and that's why I think she'll file a wrongful death lawsuit.

It's not impossible that RZ stepped onto the balcony and realized how difficult it would be to launch herself over the railing so she went downstairs, stood on the table and kicked it out from under herself. Such a scenario still points to suicide.


Actually, I believe that a flawed theory resulted in a flawed and incorrect suicide determination. SDSO could not prove Rebecca killed herself because they did not have evidence to that effect.

It was impossible for Rebecca to "launch" herself over the balcony, as you wrote because her hands were tied together behind her back and her feet were tightly tied together. Also, her neck was choked with the tee shirt and noose. So yes I agree with you that it was definitely impossible.

However, I also disagree with your alternate theory that... "RZ stepped onto the balcony and realized how difficult it would be to launch herself over the railing so she went downstairs, stood on the table and kicked it out from under herself." How would Rebecca have kicked a table out from under herself with her hands and feet tightly bound and while she was choking to death from the tee shirt? That also would have been a physical impossibility just like the balcony scenario. Neither scenario points to suicide but to murder alone. The SDSO made a huge error in their determination of suicide. It was obvious that Rebecca was murdered.

I question how SDSO made such a serious error. It has been suggested that they didn't have the money to do a proper investigation. I wonder if Bremner could sue San Diego county on the basis of a civil rights violation. If San Diego County doesn't have the money for a settlement I wonder if Bremner could file criminal charges against them for an incompetent investigation.

Gore used the imaginary trigger voice mail from Jonah as an excuse to quickly rule suicide because he didn't want to spend the money. That seems like grounds to take them to court. Besides how much would it have cost Gore to assign an officer to follow up on the voice mail issue and Adam's repeat LDT or have the message on the door analysed. Those should have been routine parts of the basic investigation. I really can't see how Rebecca's murder investigation should have cost that much. The county should be sued because Gore ruled a suicide without supporting evidence to save money, imo.
I think it would have been very easy for Rebecca to get over that balcony railing. She was extremely athletic.

I also think the evidence proves that she killed herself and that the SDSO got it right.
Where did Rebecca cut the rope at then? There were no rope shavings in that room. Two knives found in the room and yet no rope shavings found in the room does not make sense.
If you used the name of a minor - your post was deleted. If you quoted a post that used the name of a minor - your post was deleted.

I have modsnipped, warned and TO'd until my fingers are blue. If you use the name of a minor in your post, your post will be removed. That means if you have something to say that you think is important or worth sharing, nobody is going to see. And if you quote a post that uses the name of a minor - your post will be removed also. I am not going to modsnip anymore, because it is time consuming and it doesn't seem to do much good. :(

I think it would have been very easy for Rebecca to get over that balcony railing. She was extremely athletic.

I also think the evidence proves that she killed herself and that the SDSO got it right.

I wonder if there would be a way to have an acrobat demonstrate how they would do what you mentioned while tied up. Of course for safety they shouldn't try to wrap the tee shirt around their neck before trying it. The tee shirt alone could kill them before they even get through the double doors to try the leap up onto the railing while trying not to disturb to much of the dust.

I wonder if it would cost too much to try to get one of the cirque du soleil performers to try?
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