Dina Shacknai wants Max's death reopened; gives ICU pic to media

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Where did Rebecca cut the rope at then? There were no rope shavings in that room. Two knives found in the room and yet no rope shavings found in the room does not make sense.

Also, how did Rebecca measure the rope that was used to hang her with and where did she get the blue tee shirt?
Good point, MyBelle. I also can see Rebecca doing just a little "hop", like she was going to sit on the railing. She would have gone over easily, with her left thigh/hip making that 11" disturbance in the dust.


I wonder if can acrobat can be hired and video taped to demonstrate that?
I wonder if can acrobat can be hired and video taped to demonstrate that?

It wouldn't take an acrobat, just someone in very good physical shape and athletic.

Her trainer, Reed Holman, said, "She was a super-fit woman who definitely knew how to work-out and take care of her body.
“She was around 5 ft 7 inches tall and between 130 lbs and 140 lbs in weight but a lot of that was muscle tone - she was a strong woman.
“In my opinion she would have been capable of tying her feet and hands together and hanging herself although I know this seems unlikely to a lot of people."

It wouldn't take an acrobat, just someone in very good physical shape and athletic.

Her trainer, Reed Holman, said, "She was a super-fit woman who definitely knew how to work-out and take care of her body.
“She was around 5 ft 7 inches tall and between 130 lbs and 140 lbs in weight but a lot of that was muscle tone - she was a strong woman.
“In my opinion she would have been capable of tying her feet and hands together and hanging herself although I know this seems unlikely to a lot of people."


Talk about rewriting history, scrubbing articles, inaccurate articles and people paid big $$$ to change their stories. Rebecca was a tiny little slip of a girl. Only 5'3" and 100 lbs soaking wet. She certainly wasn't taller than Dina. Wasn't Dina described as a 40-50 y/o woman, about 5'5" and 190-200 lbs? How does this guy make Rebecca taller than Dina when Rebecca was such a tiny woman. Maybe the guy got paid to lie. Who knows?
Talk about rewriting history, scrubbing articles, inaccurate articles and people paid big $$$ to change their stories. Rebecca was a tiny little slip of a girl. Only 5'3" and 100 lbs soaking wet. She certainly wasn't taller than Dina. Wasn't Dina described as a 40-50 y/o woman, about 5'5" and 190-200 lbs? How does this guy make Rebecca taller than Dina when Rebecca was such a tiny woman. Maybe the guy got paid to lie. Who knows?

IMO, her trainer would know much more about how physically fit she was than anyone else. Her height or weight really doesn't matter, what matters is that she could have done what she did.

Now you have the trainer being paid off, too? That brings the ring of conspiracy up to what, about a hundred or more people now?
IMO, her trainer would know much more about how physically fit she was than anyone else. Her height or weight really doesn't matter, what matters is that she could have done what she did.

Now you have the trainer being paid off, too? That brings the ring of conspiracy up to what, about a hundred or more people now?

So you think there is a conspiracy of about a hundred or more people. I don't know that I agree with that. That seems excessive, imo.

By the way her height and weight do matter. She was a very small woman and almost a childlike size. Photos of her and Mary together show how tiny and delicate she was even though their bodies were toned and muscular. That is why some one had to knock her on the head before tying her up. She could have very easily been thrown over the balcony by a man and even an out of shape bigger woman, imo.
So you think there is a conspiracy of about a hundred or more people. I don't know that I agree with that. That seems excessive, imo.

By the way her height and weight do matter. She was a very small woman and almost a childlike size. Photos of her and Mary together show how tiny and delicate she was even though their bodies were toned and muscular. That is why some one had to knock her on the head before tying her up. She could have very easily been thrown over the balcony by a man and even an out of shape bigger woman, imo.

Sorry but I don't believe an out-of-shape adult can very easily lift and toss a 5-ft long and 100 pounds of anything.

So you think there is a conspiracy of about a hundred or more people. I don't know that I agree with that. That seems excessive, imo.

By the way her height and weight do matter. She was a very small woman and almost a childlike size. Photos of her and Mary together show how tiny and delicate she was even though their bodies were toned and muscular. That is why some one had to knock her on the head before tying her up. She could have very easily been thrown over the balcony by a man and even an out of shape bigger woman, imo.

I don't believe there was a conspiracy. I believe Rebecca hung herself. But many that don't believe the suicide ruling believe LE, the Media, and individuals were paid off. At this point, it would involve a hundred of more people paid to "bury the truth". I find that ridiculous. JMO.
I don't believe there was a conspiracy. I believe Rebecca hung herself. But many that don't believe the suicide ruling believe LE, the Media, and individuals were paid off. At this point, it would involve a hundred of more people paid to "bury the truth". I find that ridiculous. JMO.

I understand that you have stated your opinion but the theory that you propose about hundreds of people being paid of seems unrealistic and overly simplistic to me so let us please agree to disagree on this off topic conversation.

Actually shouldn't this thread be closed since Dina's request was rejected or is open to speculate on her next move. Irdk and am somewhat confused as to how we came to be discussing this anyway. Tia.
Sorry but I don't believe an out-of-shape adult can very easily lift and toss a 5-ft long and 100 pounds of anything.


I think that it would depend on the out of shape adult and their reason for wanting Rebecca dead. If you have an out of shape adult that is adament in their belief that Rebecca killed Max then that out of shape adult is going to be much more motivated to punish Rebecca. Adrenaline kicks in and that out of shape adult is much more capable of doing things that they normally could not do.

I understand that you have stated your opinion but the theory that you propose about hundreds of people being paid of seems unrealistic and overly simplistic to me so let us please agree to disagree on this off topic conversation.

Actually shouldn't this thread be closed since Dina's request was rejected or is open to speculate on her next move. Irdk and am somewhat confused as to how we came to be discussing this anyway. Tia.

It is others that believe there was/is a conspiracy. I don't. You misunderstood.

I wonder if Dina will take her case to the AG?
I think that it would depend on the out of shape adult and their reason for wanting Rebecca dead. If you have an out of shape adult that is adament in their belief that Rebecca killed Max then that out of shape adult is going to be much more motivated to punish Rebecca. Adrenaline kicks in and that out of shape adult is much more capable of doing things that they normally could not do.


Excellent point!!! I knew it was possible but forgotten the physiological reasons behind why it is possible so thanks for reminding me.

I now recall having read and heard stories where people can actually lift a car off someone in an accident. I suppose the same would apply to soldiers in war situations.
The "adrenaline theory also works for Rebecca hanging herself. The problem with the murder theory is,

"And detectives found no evidence of another person in the room or on the balcony. No hint that Zahau was dragged, drugged, sexually assaulted, or strangled before she went over the balcony."

The "adrenaline theory also works for Rebecca hanging herself. The problem with the murder theory is,

"And detectives found no evidence of another person in the room or on the balcony. No hint that Zahau was dragged, drugged, sexually assaulted, or strangled before she went over the balcony."


Unfortunately that theory is flawed since LE did not do a thorough and complete investigation. They also claimed that there were no signs of a struggle when it is clear from the crime scene photos that a chair was overturned. If LE felt that their investigation was complete and would stand up to further investigations they would have no problem with allowing that to happen. Instead what we have been hearing is that they are not going to explain how they came to their decision and the case is closed period.

If she went over the balcony, it would have happened in a split second. I believe the investigative results or suicide are believed by most people.

A year later there aren't more than a dozen or so people here discussing it. I would not call that massive, IMO.

There may only be a handful of people posting at this time, but there are a lot more than that reading what's posted. People who aren't even members here can view these threads as guests.

Always MOO
Curious Georgia:A year later there aren't more than a dozen or so people here discussing it. I would not call that massive, IMO.

There may only be a handful of people posting at this time, but there are a lot more than that reading what's posted. People who aren't even members here can view these threads as guests.

Always MOO

That's correct that only a handful of people appear to be posting HERE at this site. I read and comment on this case at a few other sites, and one of them has a very lively discussion with a larger population posting daily.

And as inthedark14 pointed out, WS regularly has 500+ page loads per day on these case threads. Apparently, a bunch of people are reading here, even if they aren't posting. A few posters couldn't generate that many page loads.

That seems to be substantial interest in a case that is over a year old, with no current charges.

And the TV shows, like Dr. Phil and Dr. Drew, wouldn't waste airtime and sponsor $$ if there were not substantial ongoing interest, particularly in Rebecca's case.

Come to think of it, there is a book due out by Ann Rule November 27 that devotes half of the book to the Powell case, and half to Rebecca's case. Amazon is taking pre-orders for the book. To me, that also indicates substantial ongoing interest. Otherwise, book publishers and retailers wouldn't devote much attention. Wouldn't be worth their time and money to bring it to market, if it wasn't going to sell.

I think Ann Rule's new book will bring new attention and publicity to Max's case, also, which I hope Dina will see as a good thing.

[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Fatal-Friends-Deadly-Neighbors-Rules/dp/1451648286/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1349871975&sr=1-1&keywords=ann+rule+neighbors"]Fatal Friends,Deadly Neighbors: Ann Rule's Crime Files Volume 16: Ann Rule: 9781451648287: Amazon.com: Books@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51e%2B9Ufp8GL.@@AMEPARAM@@51e%2B9Ufp8GL[/ame]
Dina has sought many avenues to bring public attention to her quest to reopen Max's death investigation. I wonder if she has given serious thought to contacting Ann Rule and her publishers? What a golden opportunity for Dina! After all, with Ann Rule's book due out in just a few weeks, there could be opportunity for Dina to piggyback onto the promotion of the book. Her PR firm and attorney could make the overtures and see if there is interest on the part of Ann Rule and her publishers.

Ann Rule has many fans, and this could be an opportunity for both. Dina could reach a wider audience to deliver her message about her theory that Max was assaulted by Rebecca, and recruit members of the public to her website to sign her petition.

Ann Rule and her publisher could benefit from making appearances together with Dina. Personally, I'd be very interested to see Ann Rule and Dr. Phil have an interview/ discussion together with Dina-- Ann Rule has a lot of experience with criminal investigations. That would be a very interesting conversation to watch, and would bring a lot of public attention to Dina's theories about Max's accident. In fact, if the Zahau family were also invited to participate, both cases and the book would receive more publicity than either case, or the book alone.
And potentially attention by the AG and other authorities. Truly a "win-win" situation for everyone involved, don't you think?

I suspect Dina won't let this opportunity pass-- there is sure to be renewed interest in both cases when the book is released. I suspect we'll hear "something" from Dina publicly around the time of the book release-- that's my prediction.
Dina has sought many avenues to bring public attention to her quest to reopen Max's death investigation. I wonder if she has given serious thought to contacting Ann Rule and her publishers? What a golden opportunity for Dina! After all, with Ann Rule's book due out in just a few weeks, there could be opportunity for Dina to piggyback onto the promotion of the book. Her PR firm and attorney could make the overtures and see if there is interest on the part of Ann Rule and her publishers.

Ann Rule has many fans, and this could be an opportunity for both. Dina could reach a wider audience to deliver her message about her theory that Max was assaulted by Rebecca, and recruit members of the public to her website to sign her petition.

Ann Rule and her publisher could benefit from making appearances together with Dina. Personally, I'd be very interested to see Ann Rule and Dr. Phil have an interview/ discussion together with Dina-- Ann Rule has a lot of experience with criminal investigations. That would be a very interesting conversation to watch, and would bring a lot of public attention to Dina's theories about Max's accident. In fact, if the Zahau family were also invited to participate, both cases and the book would receive more publicity than either case, or the book alone.
And potentially attention by the AG and other authorities. Truly a "win-win" situation for everyone involved, don't you think?

I suspect Dina won't let this opportunity pass-- there is sure to be renewed interest in both cases when the book is released. I suspect we'll hear "something" from Dina publicly around the time of the book release-- that's my prediction.

Dina isn't looking for publicity, she's looking for justice for her son. At least that's what she has said publicly. Until Dina publicly questions the ME's conclusion of suicide in RZ's death, I doubt she will view any book as an opportunity that will benefit her or Max.

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