Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #10

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This is in no way surprising! BTW, FoxNewsNows in PHX, which steams news daily (and I love btw) already has a live stream going with a countdown clock to 8am where they will have live coverage. I just love their format and wish Houston would do the same thing for this Total news junkie!

btw, morning all, long time no see. Been busy moving, going back to school and preparing for a garage sale today! It's supposed ot rain : (...
wouldn't THAT be great, but I am doubting. If they couldn't do anything to 17, they are not going to waste time on those blabbering idiots. They really didn't do anything wrong besides being very unlikable. Well, maybe besides MDLR sneaking out contraband (and possibly sneakin in), not to mention all that bank account, charity fraud mess which I haven't had time to pay attention to. I'd like to see her grilled.

When we are finally done with sentencing, I wonder if charges will be brought against some of the actors in this courtroom fiasco. [17, MDLR, ALV, etc. etc.]

None of their nonsense would have been allowed in this guy's courtroom, and the trial would have been over ages ago.


His Honor Belvin Perry, FL​
I never understood the descriptions of Jodi that referred to her as a great beauty. I always thought she was kind of average looking. It was the same with Casey Anthony and Amanda Knox. I didn't find any of these women to be exceptionally good looking by any stretch. All 3 seemed pretty average to me. :twocents:

They ARE just average looking, take it from a male. I see better looking women than them walking around inside my local Wal-mart.
Ooo. That corner on the edge of the desk looks dangerous. She may be able to knock her brains out with that.

I did read that they have swamp coolers at Perryville. I don't know what they are, but it doesn't sound good.
Monday, Monday, can't trust that day......lalalalala

Just wondering do the inmates get a sheet to sleep on?
Search results for Travi.jpg It was wonderful hearing from two more jurors that they did not believe ONE WORD from Jodi Arias. Justice for Travis is not only that thanks to the brilliant Juan Martinez Jodi Arias will never walk free, but she will never be believed.

I am truly at peace now and can just go on remembering Travis and forget what's her name. Forever.

from interview our own Tricia did with Travis' best friend, Chris

#TravisAlexander's friend Chris Hughes tells why #JodiArias has no power
Chris Hughes was asked by the host, What would Travis say to this group of people?

Chris Hughes "Travis would preach a sermon,
You are a divine child of God
Greatness is in you
Your past does not have to equal your future

What Travis wanted to do
(Chris is crying)
He wanted to share God, JESUS, and personal development

If you are happy, awesome!
If you are not, you do not have to live like that anymore
you can tear up the pieces of the paper of your life tear it up into little pieces and write it all over again

be better today than you were yesterday

Travis would tell you, my life was a MESS, and I pulled myself up.... with the help of God.
Tricia, for your listeners, there may be somebody like Travis, or like me, we did not have anything, not even the money to go to college, but you know what he
lifted himself up
You can live any life of your choosing, it is your choice and ONLY YOUR CHOICE

If Travis were here he would lift you all up in Christ right now
That was Travis
Travis was good as Gold.

We all have an obligation to forgive, I am going to ask everybody that is listening to not allow Jodi to have any power in your life.
Regardless of the verdict, if we do not forgive she will have power in our life. I refuse to give that to her. We have to forgive.
I am unsure if I have the scripture quote perfectly, but it says
I the Lord I will forgive, it is given to you to forgive ALL people.
I will forgive and I will be liberated, completely, from this tragedy in my life. We cannot hold the grudge and keep the darkness in our life, that does not hurt the other person,it only hurts us. Allow the light of forgiveness to penetrate your heart."
The interview is three hours long and well worth the listen. With the tragic death of Detective Flores' son this weekend, I felt the need of some hope.

Ooo. That corner on the edge of the desk looks dangerous. She may be able to knock her brains out with that.

I did read that they have swamp coolers at Perryville. I don't know what they are, but it doesn't sound good.

Monday, Monday, can't trust that day......lalalalala

I have always wondered why she has not used the lens of her glasses to end it all. She obviously isn't disturbed by the sight of blood. JMO

...and being involved in a physically/emotionally abusive relationship just prior to being arrested.

Ans so it goes...victimizing Travis once again and showing no remorse till the very end. Monday can't come soon enough.

Thing is, that is only going to have a hope of making a scrap of difference if JSS actually believes it to be true. On the flip-side, if she thinks that the DV claim, along with all the other BS spun by the perpetrator against the victim, is indeed BS then it may make her only more determined to lock her away for life. IMO the unsupported things she has claimed about TA in an attempt to save her own butt is the worst thing she has done beyond the actual murder so I would love the poetic justice of her false claims partly resulting in LWOP, particularly if she is made aware of this miscalculation on her part.

I'm about a third of the way through that Behind the Words book and heartily recommend it. It's kind of like the best analysis and funny snarky comments from here combined. The bits about Daryl Brewer's confession to Arias that he was a smoker are very funny - and as is pointed out, she was shagging him in the utilities storeroom or wherever, so as if she wouldn't know. People have said someone ought to send her that 1000 Places book but I reckon this one would be better - she's almost 100% likely to read it, since it's all about her, but she'd find little comfort in there - the author doesn't even think she's all that pretty and she repeatedly shows how she's not that smart neither. It's informative, insightful, focused and funny and I'll definitely buy the next installment.
Of the three, I actually find Amanda Knox to be quite attractive. Plus -- and one thing has nothing to do with the other -- she HAS been acquitted.

I was the one who originally posted about Amanda Knox along with Casey Anthony and Jodi Arias. My point was simply I do not see any of them as over the top beauties as they have been described by the media. Never issued an opinion to AK innocence or guilt. I have one but it is irrelevant to my original point.
wouldn't THAT be great, but I am doubting. If they couldn't do anything to 17, they are not going to waste time on those blabbering idiots. They really didn't do anything wrong besides being very unlikable. Well, maybe besides MDLR sneaking out contraband (and possibly sneakin in), not to mention all that bank account, charity fraud mess which I haven't had time to pay attention to. I'd like to see her grilled.

A partial list of things that could or should be addressed by some court or professional ethics board somewhere, in my opinion:

ALV flat out lied on the stand - legal issue
ALV's behavior crossed the professional line into treatment for defendant - definitely a professional ethics issues
ALV's continued behavior regarding the case: she refused to testify again supposedly out of fear, but has no problem going on talk shows, giving lectures and speaking out in public FOR MONEY about cmja and the case.
MDLR's behavior on social media during an open case - professional ethics!
MDLR's actions regarding contraband or really, anything not going in or out of jail to cmja via proper channels or protocol
The entire MM issue
The "secret witness" affadavit's being not only allowed into evidence (without benefit of cross-examination of the actual witness!) and the unverified statements being allowed to be discussed as truth by another witness entirely unrelated to it... I find this particularly outrageous and there are innumerable issues in this case that are beyond the pale that outrage me :/

I know there are so many more items that should be looked into (at the very least), but these are what's currently on my coffee-deprived mind.

I'd love to see a book written by a neutral, ethical, morally intact and honest authority regarding all the questionable actions, the obvious wrong actions and decisions and the general shenanigans that went on during this farce of a case. I would expect the same scrutiny for the prosecution as well as the defense.
The murderer was "tweeting" overnight

11 hours ago
Legal team has advised #JodiArias that biased JSS WILL give natural life. Jodi has no delusions re:sentencing and is fully prepared.

13 hours ago

Juanito to interview w/his not-so-secret lover Jen of Jen's Trial Diaries. Will he reveal exactly HOW he destroyed exculpatory evidence?
I do hope that Juan talks after all of the secret sidebars and sealed information is released. I want to hear from him about ALV's little time out with Willmont in the hall. I want to know what the question was that he wanted to ask but was denied. I want to know what the secret meeting involving ALV was about. Most of all I want him to be able to defend himself publicly against all of the trashing of him ALV has done.
I also want to know who the computer expert Mr. Smith is and Juan's opinion is on him.
Hopefully in the future Juan will write a book exposing everything.
The murderer was "tweeting" overnight

11 hours ago
Legal team has advised #JodiArias that biased JSS WILL give natural life. Jodi has no delusions re:sentencing and is fully prepared.

13 hours ago

Juanito to interview w/his not-so-secret lover Jen of Jen's Trial Diaries. Will he reveal exactly HOW he destroyed exculpatory evidence?

I wish someone would sentence her to STFU as well as LWOP.
The murderer was "tweeting" overnight

11 hours ago
Legal team has advised #JodiArias that biased JSS WILL give natural life. Jodi has no delusions re:sentencing and is fully prepared.

13 hours ago

Juanito to interview w/his not-so-secret lover Jen of Jen's Trial Diaries. Will he reveal exactly HOW he destroyed exculpatory evidence?

I call BS-didn't Sheriff Joe shut her down?
I have always wondered why she has not used the lens of her glasses to end it all. She obviously isn't disturbed by the sight of blood. JMO

The lenses are plastic and would be difficult to do the damage but where there's a will, there's a way. I think it would hurt too much physically, using a not too sharp weapon like a piece of plastic. We know blood doesn't bother the princess, but she doesn't like pain and remember how amazed she was at the level of pain from a very small superficial cut. Killer Arias is a coward through and through.
Haven't read anything since yesterday - so thought I'd post this for you all: (posted by YESorNO at the Sidebar)

Monday live coverage (so far):

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 5h5 hours ago
Don't forget sentencing for #jodiarias is Monday at 8:30am MST! I will be there to bring you all the details!

Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 1h1 hour ago
In case you forgot, #JodiArias sentencing is Monday, April 13. Start time 8:30am AZ Time. #ObsessedTrialWatchers available at http://chopperrose.com .

Jeffrey Evan Gold ‏@jeffgoldesq 1h1 hour ago
#JodiArias sentence will be live streamed Monday 4/13/15 @ 8:30amET at http://TheGoldPatrol.com

ABC15 Arizona ‏@abc15 5h5 hours ago
ABC15 Arizona retweeted MC Superior Court
Bookmark this page for LIVE VIDEO: http://on.abc15.com/1n3Nbzi #JodiArias #abc15 ABC15 Arizona added,

(MC Superior Court @courtpio
Sentencing in State v. #jodiarias is set for Monday 4/13 at 8:30 am. Judge Sherry Stephens has approved live coverage.) That is 8:30am PT & AZ, 9:30am MT, 10:30am CT and 11:30am ET

‪#‎JodiArias‬ will be in court one final time as a judge decides her fate. Don't miss LIVE coverage Monday on ‪#‎HLN‬
hahahaha "knock her brains out" assuming she has any :thinking:

I would like to plan a special meal for sentencing day complete with an appropriate cocktail. any ideas? No favorites of CMJA please. I would choke :laughing:
A partial list of things that could or should be addressed by some court or professional ethics board somewhere, in my opinion:

ALV flat out lied on the stand - legal issue
ALV's behavior crossed the professional line into treatment for defendant - definitely a professional ethics issues
ALV's continued behavior regarding the case: she refused to testify again supposedly out of fear, but has no problem going on talk shows, giving lectures and speaking out in public FOR MONEY about cmja and the case.
MDLR's behavior on social media during an open case - professional ethics!
MDLR's actions regarding contraband or really, anything not going in or out of jail to cmja via proper channels or protocol
The entire MM issue
The "secret witness" affadavit's being not only allowed into evidence (without benefit of cross-examination of the actual witness!) and the unverified statements being allowed to be discussed as truth by another witness entirely unrelated to it... I find this particularly outrageous and there are innumerable issues in this case that are beyond the pale that outrage me :/

I know there are so many more items that should be looked into (at the very least), but these are what's currently on my coffee-deprived mind.

I'd love to see a book written by a neutral, ethical, morally intact and honest authority regarding all the questionable actions, the obvious wrong actions and decisions and the general shenanigans that went on during this farce of a case. I would expect the same scrutiny for the prosecution as well as the defense.

Absolutely all of these and the leaking of the juror list.

Awesome though, isn't it? - not one of these lies and shenanigans worked on any of the jurors, including #17, who, apparently, came in with her mind made up. Regardless of what Arias and her defence crew claim, the defence in this case was an epic FAIL!
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