Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #10

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Although March 26 has come and gone, I think there's still time to stock up on Rose's Lime Juice in order to honour the anniversary of Raymond Chandler's passing. With April 13th fast approaching, it's as well to be prepared.

We sat in the corner bar at Victor’s and drank gimlets. “They don’t know how to make them here,” he said. “What they call a gimlet is just some lime or lemon juice and gin with a dash of sugar and bitters. A real gimlet is half gin and half Rose’s Lime Juice and nothing else. It beats martinis hollow.”
Raymond Chandler, The Long Goodbye

Gimlets for everyone!

“You talk too damn much and too damn much of it is about you.”
Raymond Chandler, The Long Goodbye

So applicable. We've seen it in every journal entry, heard it in ever interview, cringed about it in every letter from JA.
Let me see if I'm caught up properly. Jodi wrote a Manifesto. (I read that. Very headache inducing.) Jodi's. ... camp, probably MM forged the pedo letter from the stolen Travis journal that he refers to in his makeshift journal as the one he misses because it has a lot of his time with Lisa and he says is stolen. There are no originals of these letters, just photocopies, but Arias swears they're legit. So do her band of minions. Also, Jodi is in solitary for making a marathon of video calls doing whatever. She has new legal CA buddy that she's talking to. I just finished watching OZ. Is solitary like that, or is she in The Hole? Anyway, so she is still causing trouble? Almost getting the death penalty didn't knock any sense into her? My word.
:seeya: Good Morning, Y'all !

:drumroll::drumroll::drumroll: TWO WEEKS from today is Sentencing Day !

CMJA's former attorney, Victoria Washington speaks out in 2013. She implies that she will speak out in an "evidentiary type setting" once this case is concluded in superior court. OK, can't wait to hear what she has to say.:doh:

It won't let me post the link, and it has been posted many times on here, and that's "justdatruth" :thinking:

??? give us a hint where we can read about it.
This is just a quick list of what we are waiting on:

1. Will the Sentencing Hearing be LIVE-Streamed -- or -- by Tweet ?

2. IIRC, the deadline passed for filing an opposition to live-streaming of the Sentencing Hearing -- but I wondering IF the defense filed an opposition ?
And we all know the DT likes to file everything "secretly" :gaah:

3. When will Sheriff Joe's two 3-ring binders on JA's :jail: behavior be released ?

I am so looking forward to reading Sheriff Joe's "Manifesto" :D

4. Any updates on Juror #17 ?
:gaah: I doubt they are even looking into her :liar:

5. Any more news on JSS's "judicial assistant" ?
Another :gaah: as I doubt they are even looking into her :liar:
Lamby, thanks for doing such a GREAT job moderating this forum. :)
I read a lot of the minute entries and the court docket over the weekend. This woman literally tried to get everything precluded. She wanted all TV interviews precluded, and actually got part of them precluded. Remember the part about "I will never spend one day in prison for a crime I didn't commit." ? She said this in a 48 hour interview. She would say now that so far that is the truth, because she is not in prison YET. Also she tried to file a motion to keep the Prosecution from referring to TA as a victim. Can you imagine that? If you look at the docket, you will notice that almost every day of the last seven years she has been filing one motion after another. She also got the 911 call precluded, how did she do this??? Different judges on some of this stuff. She tried to get the entire County Attorneys office precluded from prosecuting her. And the most important thing I noticed is, if at first you don't succeed, try try again, she refiled the motion asking to be reconsidered. On the forged letters, she tried 5 different times to get them into evidence, asking the court to reconsider. I think that should be a crime. But if I remember correctly, JW did it to JSS over and over again and sometime JSS gave in. Inmate JA can never say they didn't work over time, and use all means (legal and illegal) to defend her.

Nurmi tried over and over again to get ALL CHARGES DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE DUE TO EGREIOUS PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT. It made me sick every time I read that on the docket. JW tried to get Dr. H testimony about head wound precluded due to lack of expert knowledge. Hodi wanted the victim statement done by video tape to reduce their impact on the jury. Of course there is the regular (at least 15) motions for protection order for Inmate CMJA.

Then we have the usual precluded motions for the missing stolen gun evidence, the prior interviews with detectives, the fact that she shows no remorse, also she didn't want JM to be able to tell jury she had a duty to retreat. She wanted the jury to hear polygraph evidence at sentencing. Did she take a polygraph?? I didn't know about that. But mostly what you will see is Motions to Dismiss, and an equal number of motions to reconsider the ones that were denied.
The is a motion where KN demands to have the discovery of what the meeting with Matt M was about and all the notes of that meeting. I don't know if they ever got anything but something happened with him and Juan. Juan taunted JA about him on several occasions. Didn't someone say if Matt M showed up to testify for JA, Juan would charge him with perjury before his feet hit the floor? I would like to have heard how that meeting went too. LOL

I would like to see video or verbatim transcript of that JM/MM meeting also. What was reported at the time was not that JM tried to prevent Matt from testifying, but that he let him know that lying under oath would not be tolerated and if Matt took an oath to tell the truth and then lied, he would be prosecuted.

Matt M was told in no uncertain terms that he could testify on the killer's behalf, as long as he testified truthfully. That is, it seems, when he bowed out.

Nurmi called that harassment of a potential witness for the defense. Martinez threatening a witness or witnesses until they refused to testify was part of the DT's prosecutor misconduct claim.
I would like to see video or verbatim transcript of that JM/MM meeting also. What was reported at the time was not that JM tried to prevent Matt from testifying, but that he let him know that lying under oath would not be tolerated and if Matt took an oath to tell the truth and then lied, he would be prosecuted.

Matt M was told in no uncertain terms that he could testify on the killer's behalf, as long as he testified truthfully. That is, it seems, when he bowed out.

Nurmi called that harassment of a potential witness for the defense. Martinez threatening a witness or witnesses until they refused to testify was part of the DT's prosecutor misconduct claim.

I read somewhere that a perjury conviction in a major trial could get you a sentence of 7 to 20 years. Does anyone know if that is the case?
I don't think JA will care about her stripes and chains as much as she will about what the Alexanders will be able to say to her at the sentencing. She'll have to sit there and take it in front of a packed courtroom and hopefully national tv.

I can think of some real dandy speeches I would like to hear them tell her.

I do hope they firmly blast her and not even get upset about it. Just let her have it and explain how everyone gets to enjoy their life on the outside while she has to pay for her crime being locked up all alone.

They could even throw in a few good jabs and I would be fine with that.

She was so mean in her defense that its about time she gets a taste of her own medicine.
I wonder if her repeated contacts with the minor teens while in jail (and awaiting sentencing!) would be a firm indication that she's absolutely not rehabilitation material.
I am going to hope it will help in ja getting life without parole.
This is just a quick list of what we are waiting on:

1. Will the Sentencing Hearing be LIVE-Streamed -- or -- by Tweet ?

2. IIRC, the deadline passed for filing an opposition to live-streaming of the Sentencing Hearing -- but I wondering IF the defense filed an opposition ?
And we all know the DT likes to file everything "secretly" :gaah:

3. When will Sheriff Joe's two 3-ring binders on JA's :jail: behavior be released ?

I am so looking forward to reading Sheriff Joe's "Manifesto" :D

4. Any updates on Juror #17 ?
:gaah: I doubt they are even looking into her :liar:

5. Any more news on JSS's "judicial assistant" ?
Another :gaah: as I doubt they are even looking into her :liar:

Thanks dgc. Can I add my main concern? see siggy.
I read somewhere that a perjury conviction in a major trial could get you a sentence of 7 to 20 years. Does anyone know if that is the case?

I don't know. It seems that perjury in this country is not considered very serious in most situations. Usually it is a monetary fine if anything happens at all. Still, it is likely perjury is taken seriously in some circumstances because if lying got a person or someone they care about out of a bind, more people would do it without a second thought if they knew they could do it without consequences.

I do not know exactly what terms JM used in warning MM about perjury but obviously MM took the warning very seriously, and he wouldn't have on just an idle threat. Whatever JM's warning, he had legal recourse to pursue and he made sure MM understood that. IMO, anyway.
I would like to see video or verbatim transcript of that JM/MM meeting also. What was reported at the time was not that JM tried to prevent Matt from testifying, but that he let him know that lying under oath would not be tolerated and if Matt took an oath to tell the truth and then lied, he would be prosecuted.

Matt M was told in no uncertain terms that he could testify on the killer's behalf, as long as he testified truthfully. That is, it seems, when he bowed out.

Nurmi called that harassment of a potential witness for the defense. Martinez threatening a witness or witnesses until they refused to testify was part of the DT's prosecutor misconduct claim.

But of course, Nurmi can lie to potential witnesses...[hughes], what a piece of ****.
I don't know. It seems that perjury in this country is not considered very serious in most situations. Usually it is a monetary fine if anything happens at all. Still, it is likely perjury is taken seriously in some circumstances because if lying got a person or someone they care about out of a bind, more people would do it without a second thought if they knew they could do it without consequences.

I do not know exactly what terms JM used in warning MM about perjury but obviously MM took the warning very seriously, and he wouldn't have on just an idle threat. Whatever JM's warning, he had legal recourse to pursue and he made sure MM understood that. IMO, anyway.

I Think JM would have went farther than just a charge of perjury, which is a class 4 felony. How about accessory before and after the fact in a first degree murder, also he could be charged with forgery. All these charges could carry a long prison term and even if he could have beat some of them he surly would have been convicted of some of them. That would scare anyone if they had a family to protect. He backed out because he was guilty and he knew it.

Those letters were introduced to the state June 10, 2010. There were 10 of them and they were dated from Nov 27, 2006 to May, 27, 2008. The pedo letter was dated Jan 21, 2007. He baptized her right before Thanksgiving, didn't he? Well the 27th was the Monday right after Thanksgiving. January 21, 2007 was a Sunday and the May 27th letter was on Monday right after Labor Day on the 26th. This woman is nuts. And all her composing was done by someone who didn't have a real life like Travis did and many celebrations on different Holidays. She had no one to celebrate with and held no reverence for different Holidays.

Nurmi kept saying no handwriting expert said the letters were forgeries but Juan in his oral arguments to the court said without the originals and the source of the letter they couldn't determine if they were not cut and paste jobs or not. And since the defendant refused to produce the originals or the source of the electronic transfer they could not be corroborated. CMJA claimed MM saw the originals. I just bet he did because he was instrumental in creating them.

CMJA changed her defense on June 18, 2010 and had to have the letters to prove her self defense and his abuse, she told the court.

He/She is asking if there is jail time for committing perjury. Yes there could be jail/prison time for perjury. You could receive one year, and a maximum length of sentencing at five to 10 years per charge. If the person has committed more than one act of perjury, as by making numerous false statements under oath, he or she could be charged with multiple offenses and that could increase total fines charged or jail time.
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