Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #12

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Originally Posted by sammie View Post
Has anyone else seen that letter posted on youtube that she apparently wrote 2 weeks before the murder? Basically whining about him not giving her credit for helping with his book. Is this new or have I just not seen it for awhile? It's quite a lengthy email. Wasn't sure if I could link it here.

Poor, poor Travis. Jodi wouldn't leave him alone.

Travis briefly dated someone and then quickly realized he wasn't really attracted to. With normal people, you usually just end it and part ways -no harm no foul. But not with Jodi!

Can you imagine not being able to get rid of that person?? And then imagine that person wanting to be acknowledged as a special friend in your life! Travis was clearly embarrassed about his momentarily lapse of judgement, and has no clue why he asked when her out in the first place. He was also probably so frustrated that she wouldn't go away.

This letter is so outrageously unbelievable.

Yesterday, I had to tell my Mom that she butt dialed me, but she was okay because I couldn't hear what she was saying. Forevermore, I'll think of your interpretation of butt dialing.


And whenever I hear someone say "junk in the trunk" :behind: :phone: I will forever think of your interpretation. ;0)
Poor, poor Travis. Jodi wouldn't leave him alone.

Travis briefly dated someone and then quickly realized he wasn't really attracted to. With normal people, you usually just end it and part ways -no harm no foul. But not with Jodi!

Can you imagine not being able to get rid of that person?? And then imagine that person wanting to be acknowledged as a special friend in your life! Travis was clearly embarrassed about his momentarily lapse of judgement, and has no clue why he asked when her out in the first place. He was also probably so frustrated that she wouldn't go away.

This letter is so outrageously unbelievable.

In retrospect, she was so clearly a whack job. Sadly, I don't think he had the worldliness to understand that at the time. Despite his early years of neglect, he had grown an extended family of friends who were just honest-to-goodness nice people. He was too trusting. He didn't see her for what she really was until it was too late.
In retrospect, she was so clearly a whack job. Sadly, I don't think he had the worldliness to understand that at the time. Despite his early years of neglect, he had grown an extended family of friends who were just honest-to-goodness nice people. He was too trusting. He didn't see her for what she really was until it was too late.

Now, now, "whack job" is name calling and might be a little harsh. ;0) :hilarious:
Agreed. Plus, thanks for being yet another person (in addition to our beloved dog.gone.cute) to teach my granddaughter new words: "happy dance!" and "cupcake." Just goes to show ya, WS is about so much more than crime and justice, it's a community of really nice people. Thanks for being one of them!

GigiG, you're the *BEST*!!!

:loveyou: :beats: :happydance: :party::party::balloons::fireworks: :cupcake: :daisy: :sundae:

(DISCLAIMER: GigiG originally wrote this post for FelicityLemon. I, in no way am trying to steal FelicityLemon's thunder or make it look like GigiG wrote this message to me. Nor do I want to be accused of JA perjury... I copied the cupcake and happy dance from FelicityLemon.)
@DoxingRx: #jodiarias is literally in Debra Milke old cell at Perryville Prison. Troy Haydon confirmed

I wonder if they changed which cell she was assigned.

On March 2, Troy tweeted a picture of her actual assigned cell. Debra Milke wasn't exonerated until March 23. :thinking:
Troy says JSS wanted Jodi to get the DP?? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Who's he trying to kid....or, suck up to?
Sherry is a BIG reason JA didn't get what she deserved! J17 should never have been on the jury! Juan tried at least twice to get her removed!
Tell me another one, Troy.....:facepalm:
I'll have to read The Open Window, I'm sure I'll appreciate it. Thanks for the reference. I have seen the Black Widow movie (more times than I'd like to admit!). I believe that was based on a true story?

As to the Purple Plum, I wish we could be privy to those statements. So curious about how people perceived her both before and after the murder.

I dunno, there must be something in my DNA that attracts me to this stuff...

My sincere thanks to you, Zoey, for being so gracious as to recommend these things, knowing they would be of interest to me.

ETA I just watched the clip of The Open Window. How absolutely eerie...

It's a very clever little story eh. His werewolf story, 'Gabriel-Ernest' is also quite creepy but humorous too. A few people here have mentioned the 1970s movie Play Misty for Me, directed by and starring Clint Eastwood and also none other than Mrs Bluth from Arrested Development, Jessica Walter. When I first started following this case, Arias reminded me of Walter's character in Play Misty - basically a one-night stand (to Clint's character) who will not go away and becomes more and more dangerous in her obsession and delusions. It's a good movie if you've not seen it - here's the link to the trailer.

Well I've finished both volumes of Behind the Words and can highly recommend it to anyone masochistic enough to want more Arias. :) Volume 2 started to get a bit repetitive, but that was the fault of Nurmi and Arias, not the author, who is just recounting and analysing the direct testimony - even she was getting tired of the endless repetition and Arias' BS.

It's now gotten me wondering what the real motive for this crime was. Arias took a huge risk in doing what she did, and it luckily backfired big time, and it seems that anger at being dumped and jealousy regarding a possible new girlfriend just isn't enough motive IMO for her to take the chance of losing her freedom just to 'pay him back'. People here have mentioned that it was a survival thing, and that he had info on her that, were he to broadcast it, would mean the end of her in the Mormon community, PPL (for whatever that was worth) and, most importantly, her chances of snaring a man in those communities that could free her from a life of pokey bedrooms and low-paid jobs. IMO it has to be something like that - I think she may well have hated him enough to want to kill him but there was also a reason, in her mind at least, that meant she had to silence him. I just wish we could know what that was. Anyway, if anyone has any thoughts on Arias's motive ...
I just read that email from the killer to Travis mentioned above. Timewise, that email was written one year after they broke up. They were only a couple, per the killer, for 5 months! 5 months! So, they continued to have their sexual liasons for a year after their "break up" & I believe she had moved back to Yreka a month before that email was written to him. She was living at her grandmother's house, back to waitressing, Travis was 1000 miles away. I will bet anything she was planning his murder when she wrote the email. She could just not leave him alone. She was probably seething with anger because he was moving on, communications between them were diminishing, and she couldn't take the fact they were really over. Travis had less than one month to live when she wrote this.
Wonder how the killer's first weekend in her new digs will be? I bet she is miserable. I hope she realizes, even though I doubt she "feels" anything, how her words at her sentencing can potentially affect her appeal. What a disgusting statement regarding the throat slashing she made, I couldn't believe it when I heard it live.
BBM. One of my faves.... Flores at his manipulative best!

And then there are the false alternatives: "It looks like you planned it, but just looking at you (LMAO, Flores), that doesn't really make sense to me (ummmmm, right, EF): if you tell the truth, then I can know you didn't plan it." "What's a poor girl to do" [with those two options]? Either one, BAM!

And then the threat: "If you don't cop to any of it, we'll have to make something up to fit the evidence. We're very creative in that regard, and you won't like it." Bwahahaha!


Did you ever get the feeling that the prosecutor's office loved this interrogation video as much as we did? For Flores' artfulness and Jodi's rediculousness? And they watched it over and over? And that watching it wasn't just a professional necessity?

I remember I was VERY impressed by Detective Flores when I watched this interrogation video.

In the same time I was wondering wether the way he leads the interrogation is legal ? (But please remember that I am totally ignorant in all that concerns the justice system.)
If I (linguistically) understood well, didn't he threatened her with actions that are not correct?
"... make sth up to fit the evidence..." Or am I naïve?
Would appreciate your explanations.
Susa,I have no legal background but I do know it's legal for LE to lie to people during an interrogation.
I remember I was VERY impressed by Detective Flores when I watched this interrogation video.

In the same time I was wondering wether the way he leads the interrogation is legal ? (But please remember that I am totally ignorant in all that concerns the justice system.)
If I (linguistically) understood well, didn't he threatened her with actions that are not correct?
"... make sth up to fit the evidence..." Or am I naïve?
Would appreciate your explanations.

I wondered about that too and also found it a bit of a worry. On thinking about it a bit more, my feeling is that what he was saying (in essence) was 'we have evidence that puts you at the crime scene when the crime occurred. If you won't tell us what happened we will have to come up with a plausible explanation that explains your presence and the evidence'. In other words, he was saying they would develop a scenario that would fit with what they knew and could prove rather than that they would simply make stuff up. That makes sense to me though it could be completely wrong!
Well I've finished both volumes of Behind the Words and can highly recommend it to anyone masochistic enough to want more Arias. :) Volume 2 started to get a bit repetitive, but that was the fault of Nurmi and Arias, not the author, who is just recounting and analysing the direct testimony - even she was getting tired of the endless repetition and Arias' BS.

It's now gotten me wondering what the real motive for this crime was. Arias took a huge risk in doing what she did, and it luckily backfired big time, and it seems that anger at being dumped and jealousy regarding a possible new girlfriend just isn't enough motive IMO for her to take the chance of losing her freedom just to 'pay him back'. People here have mentioned that it was a survival thing, and that he had info on her that, were he to broadcast it, would mean the end of her in the Mormon community, PPL (for whatever that was worth) and, most importantly, her chances of snaring a man in those communities that could free her from a life of pokey bedrooms and low-paid jobs. IMO it has to be something like that - I think she may well have hated him enough to want to kill him but there was also a reason, in her mind at least, that meant she had to silence him. I just wish we could know what that was. Anyway, if anyone has any thoughts on Arias's motive ...

I think Travis knew too much and was so fed up with her craziness that he threatened to reveal all. A normal person would have apologized and begged for 'mercy' but of course Arias decides it's murder time. Even in those text messages Travis begs her to be honest about the slashed tires but she sticks to her ridiculous lies. Perhaps if Travis had continued to put up with her, coddle her and remain 'friends' he might still be alive. I don't know. Her obsession with Travis was stronger than anything she had known before so it's difficult to say what exactly prompted her to butcher the life out of him. Considering her violent past (animal abuse, hitting her brother etc.) she was bound to murder someone at some point. Poor Travis bore the brunt of her murderous fury that had been bubbling beneath the surface for decades.

Steven supports this lovely tribute to his brother. It is the TRUE story of Travis.

Steven Alexander @StevenJA86 · Mar 21
Just finished reading this.I am so grateful,Travis would be too.I hope many more read it. www.ourfriendTravis.com

VIS of Steven https://youtu.be/opDVLS_xrqg

Steven's 2nd VIS https://youtu.be/EMBenqjLsDQ
I'm a licensed mental health therapist in my state and one odd thing that I have observed about my clients who I thought had narcissistic personalities was that they would use words incorrectly. Frequently they were big words but sometimes they were just the wrong words. And you could tell the person was pulling out this vocabulary out of a sense of superiority, but it just sounded wrong. Often they had a weird roundabout way of talking that made you think you, personally, were going crazy because you couldn't follow it.

I can see borderline traits in JA but I think there's more to it than that. The people with Borderline PD that I've treated have never been that malevolent.

You must have laughed till the tears streamed down your cheeks when Jodi kept using the word deedify. Travis used the word edify often in his speeches and training. I recall Juan had to repeat back to her words she was saying during her testimony to make sure he heard her right. She said she tentatively walked up on Travis when he was banging his head against the wall. Juan looked at her like he was trying to hold back the church giggles. She would try to make colorful sentences. She said she was lamenting on how she likes to get a Cinnabon before every flight.That time he did let a grin show through. She is someone who reads a lot but is not educated. It is a clear case of trying to hard.

Despite her efforts to impress them, the jurors thought she was a robot, devoid of emotion. Rod and Holly when interviewed recently opined that she was trying to somehow show that she was well educated with how she spoke. She seemed to them to be three things, condescending, without remorse and a liar. People tell on themselves and Jodi Arias is no exception.

She should have been lamenting over Travis.

Rod and Holly interview about Jodi Arias http://www.spreecast.com/events/the-gold-patrol-special-jodi-s-jurors

The 11 jurors gave a press conference https://youtu.be/J3fp64ztJT4
You must have laughed till the tears streamed down your cheeks when Jodi kept using the word deedify. Travis used the word edify often in his speeches and training. I recall Juan had to repeat back to her words she was saying during her testimony to make sure he heard her right. She said she tentatively walked up on Travis when he was banging his head against the wall. Juan looked at her like he was trying to hold back the church giggles. She would try to make colorful sentences. She said she was lamenting on how she likes to get a Cinnabon before every flight.That time he did let a grin show through. She is someone who reads a lot but is not educated. It is a clear case of trying to hard.

Despite her efforts to impress them, the jurors thought she was a robot, devoid of emotion. Rod and Holly when interviewed recently opined that she was trying to somehow show that she was well educated with how she spoke. She seemed to them to be three things, condescending, without remorse and a liar. People tell on themselves and Jodi Arias is no exception.

She should have been lamenting over Travis.

Rod and Holly interview about Jodi Arias http://www.spreecast.com/events/the-gold-patrol-special-jodi-s-jurors

The 11 jurors gave a press conference https://youtu.be/J3fp64ztJT4

My favourite is still how being in jail kept her 'incubated' from the deep dislike most people felt for her. According to Behind the Words, she pronounces 'chasm' with the 'ch' the same as in 'cheat' and 'Greenwich', as in mean time, as 'Green witch'. We can all make those mistakes - for years I twisted my tongue over the English upper-class surname of Cholmondeley until learning it's pronounced 'Chumley', but it's satisfying when she does it to try and look smart and only succeeds in doing the opposite.
I've been thinking #28whatever will probably use her chameleon like qualities to adapt to her new and horrible surroundings. She certainly seemed acclimated after her seven years at Sheriff Joe's spot. However I can't believe she'll ever feel anything but emptiness inside. She struggled with those feelings for years before she ever premeditated and carried out her gruesome crime. For as long as she's in solitary she will have plenty of time to spend with her borderline personality self. Once she gets herself some more privileges, she will be just another in a vast group of personality disordered women, another drop in a toxic bucket of water so to speak. 91 in Goodyear, AZ today. I'm off to spend this beautiful spring day doing anything I want outside. Enjoy your Saturday websleuthers!
BEAUTIFUL, just Beautiful!!!

The judge and Juan said NO. NO ONE is going to harass you. Not TODAY! They had the Alexanders escorted out as one final gesture. By God they certainly deserved it. It reminded me of when Steve Flores stood as Sam and Steven took to the podium to give their Victim Impact Statements. It was such as small gesture, of lovely old fashioned manners. I have felt so many times that from Juan and Steve. They are strong and sure, and have this quiet authority about them, it is like they are saying no one is going to hurt you today......not on my watch.

After what that lunatic fan of Jodi's tried to do to Nancy and Jane Velez Mitchell one cannot discern who is cyber bullying and who is a physical threat. The level of depravity it takes to email to Tanisha pictures of her beloved brother on the autopsy table is frightening. The emails were saying they would be there outside court that day.

I know the reporters have a job to do and would have liked a Alexander family statement, but everything the family wanted to say was done so in court and by Juan on their behalf. Thank God in Heaven Juan had them ushered out. All I know for sure is Travis deserved his zeal! Some situations in life just cry out for a hero. In the absence of parents to wrap their arms around the Alexanders and shield them.....Juan got it handled!

For all the alleged death threats the defense team claims to have gotten do you know the ONE person who actually was violated in this entire seven years? It was not ALV....it was Dr. Janeen DeMarte when her home was broken into. The police handled it with seriousness; because, she was targeted so overtly as the thieves took ONLY her laptop. You didn't see Juan making hay with it. ALV on the other hand lied to the court saying she was afraid to return to testify, afraid for her safety if she is tied to this case. She brags about being a part of this case on her website and has given two interviews and one speech that I know of ABOUT THIS CASE , since her testimony ended. There is a lot of crying wolf going on. Having the Alexanders walked to their vehicles in dignity was just a classic Juan Martinez move. No fanfare. Lions don't need to roar.

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