Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #3

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It is such a big deal that there should be consequences for those who do it. People commit perjury in courts all across the country on probably a daily basis--very little happens as a result.

If this county has to have death penalty then we need to fix some things, and fast. I have no problem with starting with consequences for jurors who knowingly and willfully do the wrong thing. I would never want this case (and many others for that matter) to go as far as being thrown out and Arias have to be retried all over again but I would have no problems with the problem juror being made to answer for her actions.

A logical and immediate remedy to this particular situation would be to switch to a majority vote for determining sentence. It is in place in at least one other jurisdiction and apparently hasn't been successfully challenged. This would be a first step to introducing fairness into the DP, but it leaves the reality of the DP as a contradiction in terms untouched, as well as its many other contradictions, but it is a correct and reasonable first step, imo.

And had, say, a 9-3 majority been in place during the first trial this probably would have been over then, since apparently three jurors changed their minds partly because only one had the singular ability to hang.

ETA: the italicized
I personally have to give credit to Lambie for coming up with the UNUSUAL descriptor.

Many moons ago I saw Lambie kindly reprimand someone here for name calling. I quickly realized that I had just called someone, you guess who a dummy. Wanting to right my wrong I posted an apology to Lambie for calling the perpetrator, Er I mean, person, a DUMMY, even though I felt my assessment was correct because this particular person has just been proven to be a liar AGAIN!

With great kindness LAMBIE suggested that I call them an UNUSUAL person, since it could imply whatever.

I thank LAMBIE quite often for that gift!

I was told to refer to her as J17........looks like I'm locked into it.

p.s. : You can call me a dummy if you want to....probably some truth in it.
Jury selection is never on video. Casey Anthony case in which audio was allowed during voir dire was an anomaly. This part is usually not open to the public through cameras/video. Only those inside the courtroom see it.

i watched one live on stream...not sure which case it was and I was shocked at how easy it would have been to figure out who they were. jurors should have every right to remain totally unknown...only a number and never shown...escorted out of court and sequestered in dp deliberations and this should be for every state. as i watched that selection if was eye opening how many do not want to serve or can't...the pickings are not so great in many places...this ja jury really sounded intelligent and reasonable they got some good ones here but all it took was one.
sad to say but i think once the dust settles and she is sure she is out of legal jeopardy.....Dr. Phil will offer she and the lovely hubby a nice trip to lax and some back door compensation...and i have to admit i would like to hear from her directly.

You're absolutely right about Dr Phil. He's the quintessential ambulance chaser.

But unlike you, I'm not interested in hearing from her. I heard all I need to know from the other 11 + alternates.
True and agreed. I still want to see the actual voir dire questions, not paraphrased as some have done, so I can see if she did lie or only disclose what was asked in the question. It may seem like a nit-picky thing, but the wording of the actual questions is important. So far I've seen nothing of the actual voir dire.

She may have been asked, more important is what did she say/what was her answer?
They get the award for the Oxymoron of the day- a womanizing pedophile.......... oh please!

I know...that whole defense was laughable (and offensive to 11 jurors) on the one hand he's juggling 12 women and looking at hetero *advertiser censored*

He's masturbating to 6 year old BOYS
He "knows" what a 12 year old GIRL orgasm sounds like

Take your pick jury
If I may add, 4) Not adhering to Judges admonition not to watch, do research, etc. about the defendant. From what the other jurors stated..

Was it the jurors who said Juror 17 would tell them she would go home and watch the news about this case? I heard that on their interview or from a reporter but can't remember. She lied to the judge every...single....day when the judge asked them if they had seen anything about this case the previous night.
Fox posted another interview with a juror (they didn't say her #) & told her about what was being found out about J 17 & among the things she said was "this juror put us through hell!'
When I heard her troubled voice I felt much concern for these 11. http://www.fox10phoenix.com/clip/11...s-link-to-juan-martinez#.VPqbag08n3Y.facebook

Looks like the 11 will be interviewed tomorrow. GMA

just think how they feel now...they did not know about many things are coming out now...their names are out there and the juror that they dislike so much has connections (how many not sure) with some very sketchy people including her husband. Really too bad that you take time out of your life for this case and end up like this.
BBM I agree. I think Jodi got the worst possible scenario. All those jurors wanted her dead, and she's going to be deprived of public attention for the rest of her life (this would not have been the case with the DP). She'll have to earn every iota of privileges, chiefly in a job she won't be able to stand working with people who will pick on her, when she's never managed to hold a job in her life. To top it off, she's a disaster of a client: no attorney will want to take her on, and even if they're willing, they'll be able to charge a premium over what Nurmi charged (aka 2 million?). She has no chance in hell of hiring someone that expensive. Plus the costs of expert witnesses? And who ever else is going to want to wreck their professional careers heading down slime highway?

One good thought on this also if I understand correct, Jodi will not get free attorney's maybe that is why she did not look so happy. I think she was hoping to overturn the verdict period and walking free! Now she will have to pay for any appeal all by her self and only with the help of her family unless some attorney feels sorry for her and does it for free.
True and agreed. I still want to see the actual voir dire questions, not paraphrased as some have done, so I can see if she did lie or only disclose what was asked in the question. It may seem like a nit-picky thing, but the wording of the actual questions is important. So far I've seen nothing of the actual voir dire.

If you are a BK subscriber she has a summary of the voir dire of this person, not sure if there is a recording of same..... she is very reliable in her reporting of the proceedings.
It's possible she WAS paid off, promised something, coerced or influenced by others. The investigation continues......it's just barely getting started at this point. I'm more concerned about evidence being destroyed than anything.

I honestly feel that this woman was coerced by her husband and his friends..and she ..being used to being abused went along with whatever they wanted.. She doesnt have to live with the other 11 jurors, she has to live with this man..IMO, but I could be wrong..I dont know yet. I think he had an agenda and used her...the money for interviews, his being so proud of her etc etc etc.
i watched one live on stream...not sure which case it was and I was shocked at how easy it would have been to figure out who they were. jurors should have every right to remain totally unknown...only a number and never shown...escorted out of court and sequestered in dp deliberations and this should be for every state. as i watched that selection if was eye opening how many do not want to serve or can't...the pickings are not so great in many places...this ja jury really sounded intelligent and reasonable they got some good ones here but all it took was one.
TV cameras watched them leave the court that day.... I was surprised at that- if you are a local it might not have been difficult to ID people...
Fox posted another interview with a juror (they didn't say her #) & told her about what was being found out about J 17 & among the things she said was "this juror put us through hell!'
When I heard her troubled voice I felt much concern for these 11. http://www.fox10phoenix.com/clip/11...s-link-to-juan-martinez#.VPqbag08n3Y.facebook

Looks like the 11 will be interviewed tomorrow. GMA

Thanks!! I usually watch NBC to get my local news as well, but will tune into ABC tomorrow.
I was told to refer to her as J17........looks like I'm locked into it.

p.s. : You can call me a dummy if you want to....probably some truth in it.

Or you could go with J17, the UNUSUAL ONE?
Jury selection is never on video. Casey Anthony case in which audio was allowed during voir dire was an anomaly. This part is usually not open to the public through cameras/video. Only those inside the courtroom see it.

George Zimmerman jury selection was on video. Potential jurors were not visible, only the attorneys, but full audio.
did i read correctly above that the 11 jurors are going to be on GMA tomorrow Sat.? that could be really interesting but seems quick to me
I admit that I am suspicious that something was amiss. I just hope that all the sleuthing being done truly uncovers the correct perpetrator at this point, because if #17 turns out to be innocent of the accusations, she will have been irreparably harmed. She, too was away from her family for as long as the others for all these months. I am particularly interested in the activities of MDLA being carefully scrutinized. If that leads to #17, so be it. JMO
IMO the fact that 11 jurors have reported that she refused to deliberate means that she failed the justice system. Beyond that I hope the truth is revealed. Seeking justice just seems to be getting harder every day. [emoji26]
JAII has removed the 11 jurors' names.

Someone must be feeling some heat.

I think they are going to find it's too little too late. Everything leaves a trail electronically and way too many people have a screenshot of the names - including me.

Hopefully this is just the beginning of the heat they will be feeling - including mdlr. Imo, she orchestrated most of this debacle.
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