Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #4

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What have I missed? I have been out of the loop since last Tuesady morning when I went to the ER. I don't remember much. I do remember watching the verdict while they were taking my blood pressure and it hit two hundred over one ten, I got more drugs and my husband tuned the tv off. About the only thing I remember after that is waking up and looking at the board the next morning and asking the nurse when did I start breastfeeding?

Has the stealth juror been outed? Will this change the verdict? What the F?


The murderess has a,ways had the capacity to raise my blood pressure!
I want to know what time the jurors left the courthouse (17 mainly), what time the reporter spoke to the husband, was 17 home at the time, had she JUST walked in the door before husband spoke to the reporter.

If the time line shows that 17 did NOT have time to talk to husband before he did his on camera interview then that points to juror misconduct on her part. Meaning she was talking to him about the trial while it was on going.


I had the same thoughts, and although he didn't devulge ant details the tone of his "I fully support her" comment made me wonder how much they discussed the case while the trial was in progress.
the Applelatte Fund was on mom's facebook, posted after the first trial in 2013.
And this photo, OMG! NO EYES! what in the world!
This may have been discussed ad nauseum on here and I missed it so I'm sorry if I'm being redundant. I've been considering a theory about juror 17. IF she has a history of abuse and a history of hooking up with felons and "bad boys", it would not be out of the realm of possibility that she was discussing the trial all along with her husband who considered this a great 'cash cow" for them and the strategy was to set her apart from the rest of the jurors being that "lone holdout". Thinking they'd be clamoring for interviews with her and she'd be "out of the pack" of the other jurors therefore more desired rather more de$ired for fame and fortune out of this. I could see someone who is opportunistic looking to capitalize off of this and someone who is used to being the lapdog just following directions like a good doobie. I can see the psychology of this dynamic at work.

I'm just trying to make sense of her behavior in some way and this, combined with what I've read about HIS involvement, sort of makes sense to me. Probably just saying things you've already hashed on here. Either way, she made a firm decision to not deliberate, not consider the facts and draw a wall around herself. Those jurors are traumatized by her...can you imagine how hard their heads hurt after slamming them against her brick wall for allthose hours?
I think she will,because she thinks what she did was right in her mind. I don't think it'll be granted. At least I hope not.

Ohh, she's been planning an appeal for some time. She's even been raising money for new attorneys. I see several problems with her concept. Since she's special, she will not want a generic court-issued defense attorney. That means a private attorney. What attorney in their right mind would handle her case? Nurmi didn't want to handle it, and he was getting paid $2 million or something. But say, for the sake of argument, she does get herself a suitable sleazeball. (No team this time). I bet he'll want even more than Nurmi. Even then, what is JA going to use for expert witnesses? So far, none of them seemed to have made a savory impression: they lie, they're incompetent, and they're unethical. My favorite scenario would be if her spanking new attorney bailed on her short of trial after zeroing her bank account with his fees. Bwahahaha!
This may have been discussed ad nauseum on here and I missed it so I'm sorry if I'm being redundant. I've been considering a theory about juror 17. IF she has a history of abuse and a history of hooking up with felons and "bad boys", it would not be out of the realm of possibility that she was discussing the trial all along with her husband who considered this a great 'cash cow" for them and the strategy was to set her apart from the rest of the jurors being that "lone holdout". Thinking they'd be clamoring for interviews with her and she'd be "out of the pack" of the other jurors therefore more desired rather more de$ired for fame and fortune out of this. I could see someone who is opportunistic looking to capitalize off of this and someone who is used to being the lapdog just following directions like a good doobie. I can see the psychology of this dynamic at work.

I'm just trying to make sense of her behavior in some way and this, combined with what I've read about HIS involvement, sort of makes sense to me. Probably just saying things you've already hashed on here. Either way, she made a firm decision to not deliberate, not consider the facts and draw a wall around herself. Those jurors are traumatized by her...can you imagine how hard their heads hurt after slamming them against her brick wall for allthose hours?

Yep, I think that's very likely. Also someone with a 'crim mentality' would go against the state no matter what, just because they would be anti 'the system' that had put all their friends and family away, and you know .. because they're such outlaws etc.
Ohh, she's been planning an appeal for some time. She's even been raising money for new attorneys. I see several problems with her concept. Since she's special, she will not want a generic court-issued defense attorney. That means a private attorney. What attorney in their right mind would handle her case? Nurmi didn't want to handle it, and he was getting paid $2 million or something. But say, for the sake of argument, she does get herself a suitable sleazeball. (No team this time). I bet he'll want even more than Nurmi. Even then, what is JA going to use for expert witnesses? So far, none of them seemed to have made a savory impression: they lie, they're incompetent, and they're unethical. My favorite scenario would be if her spanking new attorney bailed on her short of trial after zeroing her bank account with his fees. Bwahahaha!

BBM- Actually, this part really is possible. Stay for awhile, do some work, then bail!
Bit of comic relief:


OMG thank you for that. I went from a day where I had shed tears of sorrow, today would have been the 21st birthday of my dear nephew and godson :angel: who died from SIDS at 3 months old, and reading katiecoolady's poignant open letter to the jurors...to watching that.

After watching that ..... I shed more tears...of LAUGHTER!

:laughing: :happydance: :great::takeabow::blowkiss::giggle::tyou::tears::cheer::laughcry::hilarious::winner::crying::floorlaugh::rolling::goldstar::highfive:
This may have been discussed ad nauseum on here and I missed it so I'm sorry if I'm being redundant. I've been considering a theory about juror 17. IF she has a history of abuse and a history of hooking up with felons and "bad boys", it would not be out of the realm of possibility that she was discussing the trial all along with her husband who considered this a great 'cash cow" for them and the strategy was to set her apart from the rest of the jurors being that "lone holdout". Thinking they'd be clamoring for interviews with her and she'd be "out of the pack" of the other jurors therefore more desired rather more de$ired for fame and fortune out of this. I could see someone who is opportunistic looking to capitalize off of this and someone who is used to being the lapdog just following directions like a good doobie. I can see the psychology of this dynamic at work.

I'm just trying to make sense of her behavior in some way and this, combined with what I've read about HIS involvement, sort of makes sense to me. Probably just saying things you've already hashed on here. Either way, she made a firm decision to not deliberate, not consider the facts and draw a wall around herself. Those jurors are traumatized by her...can you imagine how hard their heads hurt after slamming them against her brick wall for allthose hours?

Maybe but they couldn't have been sure she would end up a lone stand out. I suppose she could have pre-established her stance by reading the public sentiment and choosing the more controversial position. It's hard to sound her character based on a verdict with such close outcomes. Seeing her performance during the first trial would have been more revealing; I mean as a thought experiment, don't mean to make this sound like a game.
Based on what I read, Jodie will spend her initial months in 23 hour lockdown which could last anywhere from 2 - 6 months. After that she will be assigned phase 1, 2 or 3. I have not being able to find out much about the phases, except that phases 3 inmates are allowed unlimited phone calls per day. Does anyone have info about these phases and how they are assigned?
Another thing glaring at me is, how would her husband know she was the holdout? They were not supposed to talk about the trial? Obviously she came home each day & told him what was happening in deliberations! Esp. if 'she wasn't even home yet' & was already posting on his FB about shopping interviews 'for the right price'.

Well, she does have a cell phone I assume so nobody can prove she didn't call him from the court house on the way out the door.. Guys, this isn't likely to go anywhere. It makes most of us very upset and angry but that's the way it is.
KCL...... It is okay to post your "Open Letter To The Jury" link. I got an all clear to do it, but I will let you since it's your letter, and beautiful might I add.
Well, she does have a cell phone I assume so nobody can prove she didn't call him from the court house on the way out the door.. Guys, this isn't likely to go anywhere. It makes most of us very upset and angry but that's the way it is.
I think besides how it will or won't effect this outcome, if she was blatantly stealth people would like to understand how it happened so that safeguards can be put in place to prevent it from happening in other cases. There's nothing wrong with learning from this and using that knowledge.
Interesting comments on that site.

Yes, especially the one where someone wrote that they believe they saw that Sandy Arias wrote that she had one juror in her pocket.
KCL...... It is okay to post your "Open Letter To The Jury" link. I got an all clear to do it, but I will let you since it's your letter, and beautiful might I add.

Yes it is, thank you. I've gotten mixed messages about posting it here so I'm glad you got the all clear. :)
Yep, I think that's very likely. Also someone with a 'crim mentality' would go against the state no matter what, just because they would be anti 'the system' that had put all their friends and family away, and you know .. because they're such outlaws etc.

Which is why I'm so thankful this juror was not on jury for the Guilt Phase...she very well might have prevented a 1st degree murder conviction.
Maybe but they couldn't have been sure she would end up a lone stand out. I suppose she could have pre-established her stance by reading the public sentiment and choosing the more controversial position. It's hard to sound her character based on a verdict with such close outcomes. Seeing her performance during the first trial would have been more revealing; I mean as a thought experiment, don't mean to make this sound like a game.
I actually think in thier warped minds the DT probably thought they were going to have several jurors like in the first that wouldn't vote for the DP. IMO, they were probably shocked that it was 11 to 1.
Yes it is, thank you. I've gotten mixed messages about posting it here so I'm glad you got the all clear. :)

I get confused as to what I can or cannot link, so normally I just do it and if it's not okay, I get my hand cracked with the wooden spoon... JK, well white lying. :loveyou:
Based on what I read, Jodie will spend her initial months in 23 hour lockdown which could last anywhere from 2 - 6 months. After that she will be assigned phase 1, 2 or 3. I have not being able to find out much about the phases, except that phases 3 inmates are allowed unlimited phone calls per day. Does anyone have info about these phases and how they are assigned?

IIRC the best she can get with good behavior eventually is medium security
Inmate “phase” system used in AZ prisons

The different Phases of inmates:

Phase I - date of arrival to 6 months with NO disciplinary
Phase II - 6 months to 1 year with NO disciplinary
Phase III - over one year with NO disciplinary

Phase I is permitted one 4 hour visit per weekend and one phone call per day.
Phase II is permitted 3 , 4 hour blocks of visits per weekend and 2 phone calls per day.
Phase III is permitted 4, 4 hour blocks of visits per weekend if medium custody, they are permitted up to 5 phone calls per day, if minimum custody, unlimited phone calls per day.
(they may only make calls to those people who are their approved list of visitors)

For more information on the different Phases and the privileges they are permitted, check the DOC website under policies.

The visitation schedule is as follows:

Saturday: 8:00am to Noon OR Noon to 4:00pm
If visiting during the morning block you must be checked in by 10:00am
If visiting during the afternoon block you must be checked in by 2:00pm

Sunday: 8:00am to noon or noon to 4:00pm
If visiting during the morning block you must be checked in by 10:00am
If visiting during the afternoon block you must be checked in by 2:00pm

Inmates may have up to 6 visitors at one time. It is best if someone is leaving and another person is arriving , that you overlap the visit. This will keep your loved one from being returned to the yard, being strip searched twice and on some yards, once the inmate is strip searched and returned to the yard, they will not be called to visitation for another visitor.
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