Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #5

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Whether YOU like Civil cases or not is not up for debate. Sometimes I find it is best to stop while you are ahead. Respectfully...

It is my opinion. I am not speaking about anything but this case. I am so sorry for all you have been through, But I do have a right to have an opinion.
I wish you nothing but peace.
I don't like Civil cases as a second shot after a criminal one. To me that is the one that matters, I get that people don't agree with me, I just don't see an upside and in the end I think she hurts them over and over again. JMO

You don't like them in general?

I don't understand that.
I don't like Civil cases as a second shot after a criminal one. To me that is the one that matters, I get that people don't agree with me, I just don't see an upside and in the end I think she hurts them over and over again. JMO

Can't the Alexanders do anything without being second guessed? Please. Being so critical of their personal decisions has got to be hurtful.
It's not about money. It's NEVER about the money! :( Even if they lost, they'll know they tried and did what they needed to do.

Of course there's an upside.
Exactly. Thank you for getting it. It is NEVER about the money. It is about justice. IMHO
OMG Thank you! Every person has their own way of coping and their own timeline of grieving and healing. In my opinion, it's kind of condescending to tell someone else how they should feel. I know some people mean well when they say those things, but in reality, it really sucks to be told that basically you're stupid for feeling the way you do. It's very hurtful.

harumph. :please: :please:

NEVER did I EVER call the Alexanders "stupid"; nor would I. Please don't add misleading characterizations or misconstrue the intent of my posts.
The more I think about this Juror 17 issue, the more I think it's the right outcome. A life sentence frees the Alexanders from having to continuously having to go back to court to relive this nightmare, and the issues around this juror are a good lesson for Juan and future prosecutors to check out jurors a lot better during the selection phase .. if she lied to the court she will be raked over the coals and hopefully prosecuted for that, ALSO Nurmi and Wilmott cannot really claim a moral victory, 11 of those jurors wanted to impose death, and there will forever be questions around the lone holdout. Beyond that, Juror 17's husband number 2 is about to get his butt kicked on social media (and perhaps even in the real world) for trying to profit from this situation, and Jodi is going to Perryville for life and will soon fade away.

That's the way I'm looking at it.

Agree. I think that Juror 17 should never have been on the case but in the end, It looks like she did not do anything that they are going to be able to call illegal conduct.
This is the evidence her supporters use that she is so kind and giving. She was willing to take a lesser charge, not for herself, of course, but for the Alexanders and the taxpayers. She is absolutely ridiculous, as are her supporters. If she really cared, she would have taken a 1st degree plea and gone quietly away. The state easily proved premediation and she knew they would. No one would fault the state for pursuing the proper charges against a criminal. It's stupid.

So easily manipulated.

LOL, if that's all it took to not have a trial - imagine all those altruistic civic minded murderers out there who say "No need to have a trial and waste all those millions! Take what piece of hoohaa I'm offering and look - I singlehandedly saved the taxpayers millions in time and money! lolololol
Can't the Alexanders do anything without being second guessed? Please. Being so critical of their personal decisions has got to be hurtful.

Thank you. It does. I hurt for them. It says more about the person stating their opinion with no real life experience in this or basis for their opinion than it does about the people actually living the nightmare.
Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 · 3m3 minutes ago
MCSO: #jodiarias accused of advising man how to donate money to her in a trust to keep it away from Alexander family.

THIS ^^ is why the family needs to file a civil suit.....
Civil litigation is useful for specific reasons. For the Goldman family it was their only recourse after their son's/brother's killer was set free. They wanted that killer to be labeled and held responsible. And they didn't want him to profit in any way. And fortuitously that killer got himself arrested, charged and convicted with a 9 to 33 yr sentence for doing illegal activities to try and profit off his name. (Booyah to the Goldman family, who I have admired for 20 yrs).

In the Arias case there may be things that can be (and should be) locked down and made so the killer cannot profit in some way. The only opportunity a victim's family has in this area is to pursue civil litigation and there is also a time limit for that.

Perhaps once the family has completed all legal avenues available to them they will be ready to move on to the next part of their journey.
It is my opinion. I am not speaking about anything but this case. I am so sorry for all you have been through, But I do have a right to have an opinion.
I wish you nothing but peace.

Yes you do. However, sometimes judging others, as you are doing in this case, can be really hurtful.and disrespectful. Not only to those you are speaking of, but by extension, to those of us who have suffered a tragic loss due to homicide.
IMO, the jurors who spoke after the verdict had every right to voice their own opinions on the case, but not voice an opinion about the other jurors like they did. I didn't like that. Had they said it was 11-1 and left it at that, speaking only of their own vote, it would have been okay. However, the presser was a condemnation of the dissenting jurors vote and even going into detail of her conversations in deliberation.

Like I said, I did not like that. Deliberations are done in secret on purpose.

100% agree...just like first jury they agreed in advance not to disclose anything other than their own vote. If they had so many concerns they should have met with the judge privately first and maybe they did tell her all of this...I don't know. The names being released is very bad too.
Can't the Alexanders do anything without being second guessed? Please. Being so critical of their personal decisions has got to be hurtful.

The Alexanders wrote a dignified thank you note to their supporters, and requested privacy from here on out. That is respectable. If they pursue the civil suit, I hope that the media honors their request for privacy. JMO
NEVER did I EVER call the Alexanders "stupid"; nor would I. Please don't add misleading characterizations or misconstrue the intent of my posts.

Ok, you two lemons (Tart & Felicity) need to pucker up (heh cause lemons will do that to ya) and make up. Lemons have to stick together, how else will we get lemonade?
Can't the Alexanders do anything without being second guessed? Please. Being so critical of their personal decisions has got to be hurtful.

Why am I being attacked for having an opinion? The Alexanders are not being attacked by me or even criticized. They will do what ever they want to without a nod to me in any way shape pr form.
I just see how bad this has been for them. They are wrecked from the death of their brother. If anyone here does not think that JA won't make it as ugly as possible for them again, they are not thinking.

It will be worse because it is not a criminal case with strict rules. She will hurt them over and over again.
Sorry, wvjules, I thought when you posted "I'm sure many jurors go back and forth throughout trials on their opinions but don't actually make a final decision until deliberations" that you meant they were discussing it. As a juror we were not permitted to discuss any opinions having to do with the trial. The conversations were generally personal, current events, books we had read, etc. Nothing related to why we were there. Too afraid to discuss anything related to the trial process.

I wasn't clear. I knew what I meant. It do t really come across. :)

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Yes you do. However, sometimes judging others, as you are doing in this case, can be really hurtful.and disrespectful. Not only to those you are speaking of, but by extension, to those of us who have suffered a tragic loss due to homicide.

I am not judging anyone. Not even close. They will do what they want and in the end it won't matter what I think, But here I am allowed to express that. I support the Alexanders. Always have and will.
Why didn't Sherry talk to all of the jurors? Did only 2 sign the note to her?

It sounded to me as though JSS thought that two was enough, that they didn't need to take to time to talk with the other nine.
I think KN or JW may have made her anxious by their statements, IIRC, that because JSS was talking with the jurors one at a time, that she was interfering with the judicial process and so they should have a mistrial.
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