Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #5

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Not sure what you mean. They are both videos of the husband........
what we are wondering is if the man seen in Post 788 on the Sidebar thread, in the blue sweater, is him, walking into court with the Arias family..

Sorry, I guess I did not explain myself well :)

Okay -- got it now -- I did not realize the one in the Youtube IS the husband in the KPHO interview.

But IS he the one in the photo outside the courtroom ?

:) Again, sorry for the confusion.
He may not have seen that from standing next to her, but from our front view angle - she's definitely smirking and she moved the papers aside just to show us.

Maybe she smirked and maybe she didn't. I hope she did. What that would tell me is how important it is to her to fake that she was happy. Her temper tantrum before and for a long time after that split second in the hallway is the truth of how she felt right after a hung jury handed her LWOP, not the DP. As did her tweets for the days afterward, up until they were mercifully cut off last night.

If that's how she responds to a "victory" I'm very much looking forward to hearing about how she handles the defeats that are beginning to rain down on her like a desert monsoon.
I think Nurmi is going to argue against LWOP saying it is as cruel as the DP and would deprive his little sweetie of any "hope" of freedom.

Let's hope Nurmi cannot call witnesses, affidavit or otherwise. And let's hope JSS limits the time he can bleat his concerns on behalf of the murderer.

We better brace ourselves for whatever new shenanigans are to come. I have the uneasy feeling that sentencing may start on April 13 but sentence will not actually be imposed until weeks later.
What will the Arias-obsessed do once she is off to Perryville and there are no more updates about her? Every aspect of her life is imagined from sunup to sundown. I suspect there would be a lucrative market if there were an all-Arias-all-the-time cable channel added to the cable lineup. Oh people would complain heartily, but they'd tune in all day long, unable to resist the lure of the murderess.
I doubt it. I never thought about her at all after the first verdict. Wouldn't have known this retrial was even happening if it were not for pages dedicated to it becoming very active on Facebook feeds. I suspect once she is sentenced nobody will care one lick about her.

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788- guy in blue sweater...

He could have just been attending court due to his interest, right? We have no evidence he was fraternizing with anyone from the Arias clan?
:seeya: Good Morning, Y'all !

Well ... yesterday was a very interesting day ...

- Info about the killer's activities while in Sheriff Joe's :jail:

- The Trial Minute Entry - Day 51

Link: http://archive.azcentral.com/persistent/icimages/news/trial-minute-entry.pdf

I would like to see each and every Transcript of each and every Secret In Chambers Meeting held by JSS during this re-try of the sentencing phase ...

It's high time that these Transcripts are made PUBLIC ... lots of questions and as usual, no answers !


Aloha DGC .... I think that maybe one of the very reasons SA allowed the convicted murderer to have the video chats. Let her talk eventually she maybe dropping names of who influenced Juror #17, or who released the Jurors names and how they got the list. Of course by then LE will already have that info but because she is a snitch to save her ugly self it will keep her in solitary that much longer.

JMHO once the convicted murderer gets to Perryville she will try many tricks to manipulate the guards and others, however she is an idiot to think any of the tricks she tries hasn't been tried before.

Ugh I would want to cane those two 15 year olds for video chatting with a convicted murderer however I know that would be seriously wrong, maybe I would just have them cut down the bamboo forest for punishment.

Suffering in silence, sure the convicted murderer is as if.
Quick look at twitter: Circulating today is a pic of the Arias family group either entering or leaving the courthouse on 2/25, with who most seem think is J17's husband behind them, no others in the shot. Looks like the younger sister, her mother, Donovan and two women I remember seeing before but don't know their names.

Also an "update" on the special snowflake's mood:

I just had a bad feeling .. he wouldn't be the one that yelled out 'Jodi whooot' to the Alexanders?
Police reports, found the 9mm hidden with duct tape in the rental car about a month after arrest! JA mom asked about it & rental co. was notified. Not on her grandparents bed.
BK has copies of docs showing seized items from both the grandparent's house and her parent's house. They found 25cal ammo @ grandparent's house (near a gun cabinet), and found more 25 cal ammo at her parent's house (in the garage) in addition to a 9mm and silencer found @ (mattress NW bedroom).
Unless the husband of Juror 17 has been named as a suspect you can not post his picture here. Unless there is a report from LE or MSM no pictures of either one of these people. You can discuss what has been released so far. That is it.
The show didn't exist until Jan 2015........ she said in the interview the only time she used it was for birthday wishes.....
I dont do Facebook but can you 'like' something before it exists?

Only thing I can think of is if the page was created before it was broadcasted.
From Cathy:
Cathy ‏@courtchatter · 3m3 minutes ago

Per Jason Lamm @PhxCriminalAtty Court trying to move #jodiarias sentencing to 3/30.
What will the Arias-obsessed do once she is off to Perryville and there are no more updates about her? Every aspect of her life is imagined from sunup to sundown. I suspect there would be a lucrative market if there were an all-Arias-all-the-time cable channel added to the cable lineup. Oh people would complain heartily, but they'd tune in all day long, unable to resist the lure of the murderess.

Everyone can check up on her as much as they want. You can view all of the details regarding an inmate at Perryville. Infractions, work history (if they have a job), etc. I have pulled up Angela Simpson. She already has 15 infractions.

Lambchop, sorry. I found that on twitter so didn't realize it was from Facebook, just didn't connect it...

I'm going to have to ask the admins on this one. Because some of these are pictures off of twitter and may not have been from FB at all.
BK has copies of docs showing seized items from both the grandparent's house and her parent's house. They found 25cal ammo @ grandparent's house (near a gun cabinet), and found more 25 cal ammo at her parent's house (in the garage) in addition to a 9mm and silencer found @ (mattress NW bedroom).

Holy crap. It's true. She had a gun and a silencer in the house and a gun taped to the engine block of her rental car. That HAS to factor in to how she's handled at Perryville. A silencer??? She really did plan on killing again.

Also seized from her house:

THREE cell phones (her droid phone never landed in that cup of cocoa)

FOUR laptops and one desktop computer

a letter from Travis (no further info), a momento from T's memorial service, and torn photos (let me guess).
Can you imagine finding out your impressionable 15 year old was comingling with this evil incarnate? Horrifying.

No, I cannot. My niece lives with us and goes to UH, she is 19 and she is still livid that we have GPS on her phone.
Was that man at the first trial? The one whom will remain un-named but is a pic of the arias family going into court?? Sure seems like I have seen him before the last two weeks.....
Sidebar #788
I cropped the picture so it only has him in it and then did a screen cap of him on May 15 2012. That link is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYRq70zJ0E4
It sure looks like the same person to me.

Sure does look like him, easier to see in a side by side like that.

I guess only his friends and family would be able to verify if he grew in a goatee during the last 5 months or not. He's clean shaven in most of the pictures I've seen him in, including the ones with juror 17

The left photo, he also resembles "Goldmember" from the Austin Powers series. Too tall to be Mini-Me, tho.
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