Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #8

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And this is why there is an urgent need to REFORM the field of DV from the bottom up...

ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING. FFS what in the hell is happening!!!

What reforms do you feel are needed to the field of DV?
My goodness that is one of the most heavily edited pieces I've ever seen. The viewer just gets tiny snippets of comments from J17 with exposition comprising about 95% of it from the interviewer.

When she said, "I didn't ask for it, I just showed up for jury duty." She could not have known or foreseen this in advance. A summons for jury duty does not tell you what case you might get called for, just that you are to report to jury duty and the date and time. There were other cases occurring at the same time and jury summons could have been for any case on the docket.

When she said, "people are getting attacked..." she was referring to verbally. The editing showed some screen shots of comments, albeit very quickly and scrolling by in the background. They were indeed various comments from FB & Twitter and I saw words that made me think someone would feel like they were under verbal attack. One comment said something about the devil and she'll be punished (referring to J17) and she better watch out.

She said she recognized JM from TV.... and so did at least 30 other people in her same pool grouping, and probably more than that. Those are just the ones who said they could not follow the court's admonition to not use anything they heard or knew about the case. No one raised their hand when JSS had asked if any of them knew JM, not one person. Yet clearly a whole bunch of them did know who JM was and one guy even told JSS he "was just so sick of this case and didn't want to hear or see anymore of it."

Did she recognize JM from ex-husband's prior conviction? She said she didn't. HOW can it be proved she was lying? Where's the proof of this? Feelings do not equal proof.

I'm not going to believe conspiracy until I see some proof.

BBM ~ Exactly. I am going with she is not highly intelligent and it was nearly 15 years ago since Juan IF she even saw him before this trial. JMO
BBM~ They make it sound as though she stayed out late waaaay after curfew or something...ummm...at 27. lol Because we all know the DT believes a 27 year old isn't quite an adult yet! :facepalm:

She was closer to 28 than she was "27." Her 28th birthday was one month away :thinking: ...actually closer to 3 weeks away
'Mental breakdown' in this case is the politically correct term for the temper tantrum of a spoiled, entitled brat who just stopped getting her way due to her own abuse of the generous privileges she had and could have continued to have had she behaved according to the rules.

I had a miserable weekend with a miserable cold, but did read about her privileges being taken away. Just didn't understand the "avoiding monitoring" by having "someone else making phone calls for her" part. Can someone please explain to me what the heck is the purpose of that? And why would anyone risk their own privileges for her? That's why this chick needs to be separate from the general population. Sorry J17, that's not where she belongs.
I hadn't realized JSS provided more information about juror #17 in this minute entry: http://www.courtminutes.maricopa.gov/docs/Criminal/032015/m6734039.pdf. I assume you all have discussed this already while I was out of the country last week, but I thought it was interesting that the foreman and another juror said juror #17 did start deliberating after the modified impasse instruction was given. (The judge didn't question the other jurors, no doubt because a dismissal of juror #17 for failure to deliberate would never have held up on appeal if anyone thought she was genuinely deliberating.)
Hi AZL. I do understand that with what was known at the time of the deliberations were going on, if JSS has excused juror 17 it would be cause for a successful appeal. My question is if JSS had kicked her off and it was proven that she watched news coverage online about the case, wrote an anti death penalty paper, posted on pro Jodi sights, and was aware that Juan was the prosecutor on her ex's prosecutor would an appeal still be success? I know it is hind sight, but I am really curious if an appeal would then be successful.
Bernina post #1025, thanks for sharing that eye opener. I'm still unclear about the horrors of Prison vs Jail and the discrepancies we've read about. Can County Jail be worse than a State Prison?

Answering question from previous thread:

*In jail you have the inmates waiting trial, the sentenced inmates waiting for transport, and the sentenced inmates that will do 2 years or less at that facility, which may include work furlough, "chain gang", or jobs at or through the jail.
Inmates waiting for trial are segregated by the severity of their offense and criminal back ground/gang affiliations they have. They are indoors in the pods. Depending on the charge, they may or may not get time outside.
Inmates who are sentenced to "county time" usually end up in "tent city", unless they have a medical condition. These are "low risk" inmates who just want to do their time and get out, DUI's, low felonies like trespassing, failure to pay fines, etc.
Inmates awaiting transfer either have a hold from a different jurisdiction (in or out of the State) or are being moved to a State Prison. They are segregated by risk, crime convicted on, gang affiliation. Inmates sentenced to State Prison with no hold are transported out within 48 hours, most immediately out of the courthouse.

>For the most part, affiliations are put to the side, inmates are either short timers or segregated from their rivals<

*In prison: Usually the inmate's "jacket", (everything that's been compiled on the inmate from time of arrest to sentencing, and previous convictions/incarcerations, affiliations) is sent to the prison before the inmate arrives, 30 days or more.
All go through an evaluation that takes from 30-90 days before they are placed in their specific areas. (I don't know if an evaluation will be done on CMJA because she's been under a microscope for 7 years) Again, current conviction, previous conviction(s), flight risk, protensity to violence, drug/alcohol issues, gang affiliation, general psych eval.,etc. This is where the admins get the inmates "Custody" level (copy/paste from ADOC):

  • The custody level provides the minimum basis for classifying inmates to facilities. Inmates shall be placed at institutions that are consistent with the custody level necessary to ensure the safety and security of persons, the institution, and the community. An inmate may be housed temporarily or permanently in any facility, which has capabilities exceeding the inmate's custody.
  • Each inmate shall be individually assessed to ensure an appropriate custody level assignment. Inmates are not permitted to request a particular custody level placement nor placement at a particular facility. There are insufficient resources available to transfer inmates for reasons of family hardships or any other elective reasons. Placement for these reasons shall not be recommended or approved.
  • The inmate classification custody system consists of four custody levels based upon the inmate's likelihood of escape or committing violence:
    • Maximum Custody - Inmates who represent the highest risk to the public and staff and require housing in a single cell setting. These inmates have limited work opportunities within the secure perimeter and require frequent monitoring. These inmates require escorted movement in full restraints within the institution.
    • Close Custody - Inmates who represent a high risk to the public and staff. These inmates shall not be assigned to work outside the secure perimeter of an institution. These inmates require controlled movement within the institution.
    • Medium Custody - Inmates who represent a moderate risk to the public and staff. These inmates shall not work outside the secure perimeter of an institution and require limited controlled movement within the institution.
    • Minimum Custody - Inmates who represent a low risk to the public and staff. These inmates may work outside the secure perimeter of an institution, to include community work crews, and do not require controlled movement within the institution.

More on Custody and Classification:
https://d1wcbusvvegbrh.cloudfront.n...100511_inmate_classification_notification.pdf (DNHW= don not house with)

And this is were inmates can "work the system" to get to a higher a lower custody level to be with their peeps, ie, gang, "crew", or a group that will "protect them". It's a game. "Kites" are sent out to find out where someone or some group is and the inmate works towards that custody level.
Here is where I'll explain "kites", they are a coded message system used throughout the entire prison system, not only in the prison one is in, but also prisons in and out of the state. It can be handed off from one inmate to another, an inmate who is being transferred to another facility or sent to people outside who re-send the contents to the appropriate inmate at their prison location. Codes are constantly changing because of cell searches. They can be as simple as the first letter of every 3rd word, a template that is placed over the text, or complicated codes taken from the military. When kites are found by the guards, they will be handed over for admin to "crack" or wait until a cell is tossed and a code "breaker" is found. Sometimes the codes are found in the gang bylaws or organization documents.

These are the dominating factors involved in prison gangs/groups:
  • Blood in/Blood out
  • Identifiable leadership
  • By Laws, written rules, Organization Structure (para military)
  • Racial
  • Traditionally prison originated
  • Criminally sophisticated

^There's where the issues start^
Those are the dynamics in prison regardless of what DOC states.
#1 with a bullet. To get respect, to get in a crew, you need to hurt someone, badly (infirmary), and quite possibly kill them. If you're affiliated outside, you probably already have to your credit hurting or taking someone out by doing the same on the streets, ie "street cred". But it's got to be with the gang's blessing. Random murders don't count.

You can not do hard time in max or med w/o affiliation. If not, you will either be in protective custody or constantly victimized, you are a target.

My ex had already done time in Florence, Az, and then Milpitas, California. He became a made member of the old "Mexican Mafia" (eMe) at Florence by taking someone out for the eMe. His brother in law was Nuestra Familia, and had status, so when the ex got convicted in Ca, the La Nuestra Familia (NF) accepted him. This is HIGHLY unusual, the 2 gangs are rivals. The ex was part of a heroin ring run by his BIL in Cali so he had already "paid" into NF by his activity.

There are very few western US Hispanic gangs that honor other Hispanic gangs from another State. The Aryan Brotherhood is nationwide. African American gangs have solid alliances and hatred among there own, not based on State, while Native Americans are Tribal based. Then there's a lot of little groups who just exist because they're not worth bothering with. MS-13's are a whole different deal, immigrants from San Salvador, many which continue to be deported as they get got. But they are allies with eMe.

Prison gangs are equal opportunity, men and women.

So, you walk into Perryville, the "trustees", inmates with privileges to work in office type settings, have already read your jacket, including ALL the infractions you had in jail. You're a new fish, and everyone of any importance to your survival knows everything they need to know. When a fight happened did you keep your mouth shut? Did you blame someone else for something you did? Did you play by the rules or were you a loose cannon? Did you do harm to a child? By criminal standards, is the crime you perpetrated justified? Are you "crazy" as in mental? And what kind of financial resources do you have access to? Did you disrespect one of their own? Are you a first timer? Are you a hater of your own race?

The inmates already know all that before you even step through the gate.

In jail, you could say you killed the Pope, and no one would really take notice, it's just a "human transfer station". Nobody is rarely around for more than 2 years, so no one cares.

Reality check: CMJA is bi-racial, she made every attempt to "pass" as white, no convict in their right mind would ever believe she committed a "justified killing" (even hard core criminals have their own standards/morals, she'd be considered a "punk"), she used "defending herself" in a jail fight (snitch), she openly violated jail rules which put other inmates under more intense scrutiny, she craves the spotlight, and threw everyone who ever cared for her under the bus including her family with no hesitation. And her best friend throughout all this is gay.

Can't think of any group in there that would want to do any with her but make her life a very painful, living hell.

And the guards? CMJA killed the brother of an LE officer. They're NOT going to be easy on her.

That's just dealing with the people at prison..............
Yes this was a domestic violence case .. Jodi was the perpetrator!

Exactly! And what's most scary about a teacher encouraging children to support Jodi is that she is essentially teaching them that in domestic violence situations between a man and a woman, the woman is the victim.

Wow. It's really true: You can't fix stupid!
I had a miserable weekend with a miserable cold, but did read about her privileges being taken away. Just didn't understand the "avoiding monitoring" by having "someone else making phone calls for her" part. Can someone please explain to me what the heck is the purpose of that? And why would anyone risk their own privileges for her? That's why this chick needs to be separate from the general population. Sorry J17, that's not where she belongs.
I don't know how the avoiding monitoring thing works but as far as trading privileges, Arias had access to a large commissary fund, so that one's easy to understand.
Hi AZL. I do understand that with what was known at the time of the deliberations were going on, if JSS has excused juror 17 it would be cause for a successful appeal. My question is if JSS had kicked her off and it was proven that she watched news coverage online about the case, wrote an anti death penalty paper, posted on pro Jodi sights, and was aware that Juan was the prosecutor on her ex's prosecutor would an appeal still be success? I know it is hind sight, but I am really curious if an appeal would then be successful.

If JSS had kicked her off for "not deliberating" and the jury had then reached a death verdict, an appeal would have been successful IMO. Anything later learned about the juror would not have been part of the record so could not have been raised on appeal.

BTW I'm not aware of any evidence that she watched news coverage about the case during trial, wrote an anti-death penalty paper (which would not be cause for dismissal anyway unless she said she would be unable to vote for the death penalty in this case), or posted on pro-Jodi sites. And at this point, we have no evidence that she remembered JM was the prosecutor on her ex's juvenile case.
I'm curious; to anyone who doesn't believe there was some dishonesty involved with J17, why do you speculate she voted against the DP?
Am I supposed to be sad about that? I don't believe she had any kind of real mental break. At most I believe it is the realization that she is going to prison and did not get away with her insane scheme.

It is the convicted murder's way of circumventing the restrictions put on her by Arpaio. She will be "suicidal" until the 13th of April so she can have better food, etc. I do like the suggestion I saw earlier that her name not be used, only refer to her as the murderer or whatever prison # she is given.
Answering question from previous thread:

*In jail you have the inmates waiting trial, the sentenced inmates waiting for transport, and the sentenced inmates that will do 2 years or less at that facility, which may include work furlough, "chain gang", or jobs at or through the jail.
Inmates waiting for trial are segregated by the severity of their offense and criminal back ground/gang affiliations they have. They are indoors in the pods. Depending on the charge, they may or may not get time outside.
Inmates who are sentenced to "county time" usually end up in "tent city", unless they have a medical condition. These are "low risk" inmates who just want to do their time and get out, DUI's, low felonies like trespassing, failure to pay fines, etc.
Inmates awaiting transfer either have a hold from a different jurisdiction (in or out of the State) or are being moved to a State Prison. They are segregated by risk, crime convicted on, gang affiliation. Inmates sentenced to State Prison with no hold are transported out within 48 hours, most immediately out of the courthouse.

>For the most part, affiliations are put to the side, inmates are either short timers or segregated from their rivals<

*In prison: Usually the inmate's "jacket", (everything that's been compiled on the inmate from time of arrest to sentencing, and previous convictions/incarcerations, affiliations) is sent to the prison before the inmate arrives, 30 days or more.
All go through an evaluation that takes from 30-90 days before they are placed in their specific areas. (I don't know if an evaluation will be done on CMJA because she's been under a microscope for 7 years) Again, current conviction, previous conviction(s), flight risk, protensity to violence, drug/alcohol issues, gang affiliation, general psych eval.,etc. This is where the admins get the inmates "Custody" level (copy/paste from ADOC):

More on Custody and Classification:
https://d1wcbusvvegbrh.cloudfront.n...100511_inmate_classification_notification.pdf (DNHW= don not house with)

And this is were inmates can "work the system" to get to a higher a lower custody level to be with their peeps, ie, gang, "crew", or a group that will "protect them". It's a game. "Kites" are sent out to find out where someone or some group is and the inmate works towards that custody level.
Here is where I'll explain "kites", they are a coded message system used throughout the entire prison system, not only in the prison one is in, but also prisons in and out of the state. It can be handed off from one inmate to another, an inmate who is being transferred to another facility or sent to people outside who re-send the contents to the appropriate inmate at their prison location. Codes are constantly changing because of cell searches. They can be as simple as the first letter of every 3rd word, a template that is placed over the text, or complicated codes taken from the military. When kites are found by the guards, they will be handed over for admin to "crack" or wait until a cell is tossed and a code "breaker" is found. Sometimes the codes are found in the gang bylaws or organization documents.

These are the dominating factors involved in prison gangs/groups:
  • Blood in/Blood out
  • Identifiable leadership
  • By Laws, written rules, Organization Structure (para military)
  • Racial
  • Traditionally prison originated
  • Criminally sophisticated

^There's where the issues start^
Those are the dynamics in prison regardless of what DOC states.
#1 with a bullet. To get respect, to get in a crew, you need to hurt someone, badly (infirmary), and quite possibly kill them. If you're affiliated outside, you probably already have to your credit hurting or taking someone out by doing the same on the streets, ie "street cred". But it's got to be with the gang's blessing. Random murders don't count.

You can not do hard time in max or med w/o affiliation. If not, you will either be in protective custody or constantly victimized, you are a target.

My ex had already done time in Florence, Az, and then Milpitas, California. He became a made member of the old "Mexican Mafia" (eMe) at Florence by taking someone out for the eMe. His brother in law was Nuestra Familia, and had status, so when the ex got convicted in Ca, the La Nuestra Familia (NF) accepted him. This is HIGHLY unusual, the 2 gangs are rivals. The ex was part of a heroin ring run by his BIL in Cali so he had already "paid" into NF by his activity.

There are very few western US Hispanic gangs that honor other Hispanic gangs from another State. The Aryan Brotherhood is nationwide. African American gangs have solid alliances and hatred among there own, not based on State, while Native Americans are Tribal based. Then there's a lot of little groups who just exist because they're not worth bothering with. MS-13's are a whole different deal, immigrants from San Salvador, many which continue to be deported as they get got. But they are allies with eMe.

Prison gangs are equal opportunity, men and women.

So, you walk into Perryville, the "trustees", inmates with privileges to work in office type settings, have already read your jacket, including ALL the infractions you had in jail. You're a new fish, and everyone of any importance to your survival knows everything they need to know. When a fight happened did you keep your mouth shut? Did you blame someone else for something you did? Did you play by the rules or were you a loose cannon? Did you do harm to a child? By criminal standards, is the crime you perpetrated justified? Are you "crazy" as in mental? And what kind of financial resources do you have access to? Did you disrespect one of their own? Are you a first timer? Are you a hater of your own race?

The inmates already know all that before you even step through the gate.

In jail, you could say you killed the Pope, and no one would really take notice, it's just a "human transfer station". Nobody is rarely around for more than 2 years, so no one cares.

Reality check: CMJA is bi-racial, she made every attempt to "pass" as white, no convict in their right mind would ever believe she committed a "justified killing" (even hard core criminals have their own standards/morals, she'd be considered a "punk"), she used "defending herself" in a jail fight (snitch), she openly violated jail rules which put other inmates under more intense scrutiny, she craves the spotlight, and threw everyone who ever cared for her under the bus including her family with no hesitation. And her best friend throughout all this is gay.

Can't think of any group in there that would want to do any with her but make her life a very painful, living hell.

And the guards? CMJA killed the brother of an LE officer. They're NOT going to be easy on her.

That's just dealing with the people at prison..............
Bernina, do you think her celebrity status will be bane or boon to her social standing?
My question is if JSS had kicked her off and it was proven that she watched news coverage online about the case, wrote an anti death penalty paper, posted on pro Jodi sights, and was aware that Juan was the prosecutor on her ex's prosecutor would an appeal still be success?

The reason JSS would have used to kick her off was "refusal to or lack of deliberating" and that would be used to make a judicial error claim for an appeal. Anything else discovered after the fact about the juror would not take away the reason JSS used at the time and on the record to replace juror17 during deliberations, and it's the judicial rulings that are appealed.
1. Yes. There won't be any jury, so no reason for street clothes.

2. I think it's 60 days, but there would be some leeway for a health emergency. If she were trying to delay the sentencing, though, I think she'd wait until April 12. ;)

The sentencing will happen, rest assured. :)

Ahhhh, haa!!! Maybe THATS why Sheriff Joe put her on restriction for 42 days just in case she tried to pull a "medical emergency"!!!
1. Yes. There won't be any jury, so no reason for street clothes.

2. I think it's 60 days, but there would be some leeway for a health emergency. If she were trying to delay the sentencing, though, I think she'd wait until April 12. ;)

It would be a prison mental hospital. Doctors determine whether prisoners need hospitalization.

The sentencing will happen, rest assured. :)

Thank you!! I'm looking forward to seeing her in front of everyone in stripes!
It is the convicted murder's way of circumventing the restrictions put on her by Arpaio. She will be "suicidal" until the 13th of April so she can have better food, etc. I do like the suggestion I saw earlier that her name not be used, only refer to her as the murderer or whatever prison # she is given.
If she was sent for a psych eval I doubt it would last until her sentencing, probably just a few days.
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