Do you guys think AB and EB killed Zahra?

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Unfortunately, I think you are right on the money with this, Teh, and that we will be even more sickened and horrified when all is revealed. :(

From the moment I saw that hint of a smile and those eyes :eek: in EB's booking photo, I knew in my heart that something truly horrific happened to little Zahra.


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I have a bad feeling about her prosthetic leg. I believe it may have been used as the murder weapon. JMO
I also think that, whatever DID happen to Zahra in that bedroom, she fought back.

I also think that, whatever DID happen to Zahra in that bedroom, she fought back.


As a Christian I shouldn't say this but whatever happened I too hope she fought back. I further wish in at least in this case that drawing and quartering could be used I have so much anger and heatbreak I can barely eat or sleep. I can't imagine what Emily, and family must be going through. Also the LEO's who are working this will never be the same. I hate EB I hope she rots in the lake of fire
I know that to think that Zahra died because of illness is easier. But what I see is that they cut her up to hide something. I'm really afraid that the manner of death is going to just as horrific as the manner of disposal. I'm not sure we have heard the worst of this yet.


I agree with that....Z was "sorry......dismembered...." conceal/cover up/hide/...HOW she was killed.....

I cannot see a father...coming up with idea...after his own daughter...was killed...either by EB...or the both of say...."Hey, I have a great idea....Let's cut/hack/ her to pieces....and bury her...all over the county..and then no one will know where to find her...

I know nothing about AB...but just a father...How could he have came up with that idea....and GONE THRU WITH IT!!!!

Most likely...It would take a a step parent...that would devise such a horrific plan...AND CARRY IT OUT!!!...

Someone NOT the child....Some one who had been able to abuse her...without regret or sorrow....and then kill her...

IMO...AB...KNEW...and PROBABLY WATCHED..her..abuse/beat/ his daughter ...and what she wanted to Z...Because she WANTED to/and COULD...and DID...

If he could do a is only one step allowing EB to do the rest of it....including...the horrific discovery we all know happened..

How can this night....?????????

He failed his daughter...Z had more courage than the both of them...

To kill and hide her....made them cowards...killers and cowards...

Even tho Z died....she was not a coward. She probably fought to the end...She was couragous!!

She will be missed/mourned/celebrated/honored/loved/...more than their sorry *sses.......and their evil would never be rewarded...

all in my own opinion
Sadly Mothers and Fathers kill their kids everyday. I have no problem seeing AB doing this or coming up with this.
Sadly Mothers and Fathers kill their kids everyday. I have no problem seeing AB doing this or coming up with this.

I agree. I think he was one detached father. I think he was the one who knew how to use the tools and he used what he was familiar with. jmo
I agree. I think he was one detached father. I think he was the one who knew how to use the tools and he used what he was familiar with. jmo

I would have to agree....He probably knew how to use the tools...

EVIL....just evil....and horrific....moo

I look at my problems..and realize...I am compared to ..THIS evil.
I would have to agree....He probably knew how to use the tools...

EVIL....just evil....and horrific....moo

I look at my problems..and realize...I am compared to ..THIS evil.

I agree. It can only be explained as evil. AB/EB should have known how blessed they were with Zahra. I too am blessed and have no problems. None of this can even be understood by any of us here.
Sadly Mothers and Fathers kill their kids everyday. I have no problem seeing AB doing this or coming up with this.

I don't either, Teh.

If Zahra was murdered to cover up a crime, be it sexual abuse or physical abuse, then I don't have a problem believing that either EB or AB were capable of dismemberment as a means to cover their tracks.

I asked my son about cutting through bone. He is a meat cutter. Has been for over 3 years. He says that it takes a stable blade, even pressure and a steady hand, and body movement. (We are talking about something such as a shoulder roast here.) I asked him if a chain saw would cut it better. He said it would rip right through the meat, make a horrible mess, and probably bounce off the bone. He also said it would probably bind a lot. He said a jigsaw or saws all would have a better blade for it. Then he asks me why? I tell him, and he said it would take some sick people to do this. It would also take hours. He also said unless the majority of the blood had been drained, there would be a lot of other things to consider too, such as the carcass popping. He has seen that with deer before. Then he said he didn't want to have this conversation any more.

I asked my son about cutting through bone. He is a meat cutter. Has been for over 3 years. He says that it takes a stable blade, even pressure and a steady hand, and body movement. (We are talking about something such as a shoulder roast here.) I asked him if a chain saw would cut it better. He said it would rip right through the meat, make a horrible mess, and probably bounce off the bone. He also said it would probably bind a lot. He said a jigsaw or saws all would have a better blade for it. Then he asks me why? I tell him, and he said it would take some sick people to do this. It would also take hours. He also said unless the majority of the blood had been drained, there would be a lot of other things to consider too, such as the carcass popping. He has seen that with deer before. Then he said he didn't want to have this conversation any more.


I ask this question....after reading this post....If they did could they have drained all the blood ...FIRST....before the evil deed???

The human body has 5 quarts??...correct me if I am can an inexperienced person...even start the body draining from a source???unless she was in the tub....and have the blood all go down the drain...

THEN...move her to the bed...and begin.....

Seems like so much effort and time was spent of this evil it must have been their go to all this trouble/time...

IF Z only died...of an illness...and there was NO do this EVIL ACT..
then this ...all... was done for someone's..SATISFACTION....imo...

I ask this question....after reading this post....If they did could they have drained all the blood ...FIRST....before the evil deed???

The human body has 5 quarts??...correct me if I am can an inexperienced person...even start the body draining from a source???unless she was in the tub....and have the blood all go down the drain...

THEN...move her to the bed...and begin.....

Seems like so much effort and time was spent of this evil it must have been their go to all this trouble/time...

IF Z only died...of an illness...and there was NO do this EVIL ACT..
then this ...all... was done for someone's..SATISFACTION....imo...

Doesn't make sense to move a body to a bed for dismemberment. But it does make perfect sense ,imo, to move a body from a bed to a place where there is tile for dismemberment.
at the rate this is going I am not sure I can keep reading here. I thank you all for warning, I see the warnings and chose to read them anyways so maybe I should learn to skip those. I just cant bear thinking about it, I really cant.

this is just so painful. I dont see how people can do these things. I believe that there is no way there were natural causes of death or even such a simple thing as lack of medical care. to do something as disgusting and difficult as dimembering....what were they trying to hide? and they WERE trying to hide something.
GRAPHIC: If the heart isn't beating the blood won't drain..sorry
GRAPHIC: If the heart isn't beating the blood won't drain..sorry can drain a dead deer, so I would assume you could drain a corpse. Right? I'm no hunter, but I do remember my Dad and uncles, hanging the deer in a tree and saying they were draining the blood out. :waitasec:
GRAPHIC: If the heart isn't beating the blood won't drain..sorry
they drain blood from humans at funeral homes in order to embalm them now whether they had the know how is another ???
GRAPHIC: If the heart isn't beating the blood won't drain..sorry

I thought it would drain but not spurt. If she was beaten to death or someother kind of blow while alive I would think there would be blood splatter somewhere in the house. jmo

I asked my son about cutting through bone. He is a meat cutter. Has been for over 3 years. He says that it takes a stable blade, even pressure and a steady hand, and body movement. (We are talking about something such as a shoulder roast here.) I asked him if a chain saw would cut it better. He said it would rip right through the meat, make a horrible mess, and probably bounce off the bone. He also said it would probably bind a lot. He said a jigsaw or saws all would have a better blade for it. Then he asks me why? I tell him, and he said it would take some sick people to do this. It would also take hours. He also said unless the majority of the blood had been drained, there would be a lot of other things to consider too, such as the carcass popping. He has seen that with deer before. Then he said he didn't want to have this conversation any more.

I was thinking about this violence to this deceased body and thought that someone must have HATED this child so much that they wanted to continue the violence on her dead form. And then throw it away like trash. Someone VERY VERY SICK who should never walk around free in this world again.
I thought it would drain but not spurt. If she was beaten to death or someother kind of blow while alive I would think there would be blood splatter somewhere in the house. jmo

I believe there was blood splatter all over that bedroom. I think they certainly tried to cover it up, but I think LE found evidence of it anyway, and that is why we see the wall and floor of the bedroom cut out and taken into evidence.

ETA: I also believe there was blood evidence on the switchplate beside the closet, and that is why LE took that.

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