Do you think the parents were involved?

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Do you think the parents are involved in Madeliene's vanishing?

  • Yes, I have always thought that from the start.

    Votes: 121 52.2%
  • No, not for a minute do I think the parents are involved.

    Votes: 41 17.7%
  • Yes, but just Kate the Mom was involved.

    Votes: 8 3.4%
  • Yes, but just Gerrythe Dad was involved.

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • I think the entire dinner party for that night including the parents know what happened.

    Votes: 37 15.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 32 13.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Found it! This was quoted in more than one article, but here's a direct quote from the McCanns:

This is something that has bothered me a lot too. It's one thing for parents to be in denial about the abduction of their daughter and express a hope that she's safe, but entirely different to announce it in such a way as to act certain about it.

How could the McCanns know nothing bad was happening to Madeleine? With all the talk of pedophiles, even by the McCanns themselves later on, they didn't have a crystal ball that said she was living with some family who just wanted a cute little girl.

Statistics say that children are usually kidnapped for the purpose of sexual abuse and are often killed within the first few hours. You would think that the parents would've been at least somewhat aware due to their profession as doctors.
I had to choose "other" because I think that both parents are somehow involved in the case. Maybe someone is blackmailing them or they are involved in some sort of scheme.
This is something that has bothered me a lot too. It's one thing for parents to be in denial about the abduction of their daughter and express a hope that she's safe, but entirely different to announce it in such a way as to act certain about it.

How could the McCanns know nothing bad was happening to Madeleine? With all the talk of pedophiles, even by the McCanns themselves later on, they didn't have a crystal ball that said she was living with some family who just wanted a cute little girl.

Statistics say that children are usually kidnapped for the purpose of sexual abuse and are often killed within the first few hours. You would think that the parents would've been at least somewhat aware due to their profession as doctors.

This is absolutely hope. They are telling themselves she is alive so that they can get out of bed in the mornings. These people are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

Damned if they do believe she is still alive - as described above.

Damned if they don't believe she is still alive- as some assume they don't by their decision to go home.

EVERYTHING is subject to interpretation, but these are just our differing opinions in the end.
I voted both parents. I think some of the Tapas friends may be involved in the hiding/disposal of the body (possibly Dr. O' Brien and girlfriend).
I think that one of the parents gave Maddie some type of sedative, and maybe she became very ill from it. When they tried to help her they coud not revive her.
I believe it was Maddie that was vomiting, and not O'Brien's daughter. I think O'B knew Maddie was dead, and when he left the dinner party he took the body out of the apt. I wonder if the O'Briens were staying in an apt close to the McCanns? If they were, they may have even removed the body before they all went to dinner. Perhaps some of these people had friends in the surrounding town, and the body could have been brought there.
What they did with the body is the big question we would all like to have answered.
Do I think the Parents Were Involved?

I believe that they made a fatal choice, by abandoning their children, at night. And IMO, that is the start of the timeline. So, my short answer is yes.

Now whether or not, they continued to affect the life or death of this child, by their own hands, I can only speculate. And my wild speculations are based on news sources. This has been very frustrating, in that we are unable to level the same scrutiny and speculation toward the other "players", as we have with the McCanns.
Colomom posted a link that suggested the friends and family that were very close to the McCanns in Portugal, will be summoned for questioning. I am also hopeful, that we see much more information on the Tappas 9, hotel staff, and more photos of the surrounding areas. Strangly so, if it were 10pm at night, from a distance, the dark hair and receding hairline of both McCann and Murat, might easily be mistaken. Yea, Murat has a longer face, and is fuller around the mid section. However, I think a "Murat sighting" at night, and from a distance, is very unreliable.

Finally! Looking forward to information on:

1. Dr. Kate Healy McCann
2. Dr. Gerry McCann
3. Dr Russell O'Brien, 36.
A consultant in acute medicine at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, he knew Gerry McCann from Leicester. At 9.25pm he left the restaurant for around 25 minutes to check on one of the girls, who was ill. Find Madeleine campaign manager Justine McGuinness denied that either O'Brien or Tanner met with Murat prior to the disappearance of Madeleine. This was confirmed by Murat.
4. Jane Tanner - O'Brien's partner, has two young daughters. She arrived late at the tapas bar after treating their sick daughter. On the way, she passed the McCanns' apartment and believes she saw a man carrying a child. Crucially, her description of the child's clothes matched Madeleine's pink pyjamas. She claims the man was Murat.
5. Dr Matthew Oldfield, 37,
An endocrinologist at Kingston Hospital in South-West London, went to check the McCann children at 9 25pm. But he did not look inside the flat - simply listened from outside to ensure Madeleine and the twins were not crying.
6. Rachael Oldfield, 36,
Dr Oldfield's wife, a former lawyer who is now a recruitment consultant.
She is one of four witnesses who claim to have seen the first suspect, British expat Robert Murat, near the McCanns' flat.
7. David Payne, 41
Mr Payne is a senior research fellow in cardiovascular sciences at Leicester University
He and his wife and mother-in-law joined the group at 8.55pm. They are believed to have been the only ones using a baby monitor to check on their two children.
8. Dr Fiona Payne, 34
Mr Payne's wife, she is understood to have told police she saw Mr Murat shortly after Madeleine vanished.
Dr Payne and her husband stayed on in the Algarve to support the McCanns. When the couple were made official suspects, she said: "It's an outrage - a preposterous accusation."
9. Dianne Webster - Dr Payne's mother. She has given no public interviews.

Other People/Places
10. Robert Murat (Robert James Queriol Eveleigh Murat) - Born in 1973. Was quoted in a 1-on-1 interview with a journalist, that he would have gladly provided a DNA sample to the PJ, but astonishingly, was not asked to do so. Has a number of occupations, including property developer (presently). He is the father of a 4-year old child. Murat told police he had spent the entire evening with his 71-year-old mother Jenny at the villa they share, a short walk from the McCanns' holiday flat. Rachael Oldfield, Dr Russell O'Brien, and Dr Fiona Payne, compared their versions of events on May 3 with the only named suspect, Robert Murat. They claim they saw Murat on the night Madeleine disappeared, while he has insisted he was at his nearby home all evening with his mother Jenny. Not known if this was a social visit, or simply in passing.

And if a few of the Tappas Nine, want to implicate Murate, why is it that hair, believed to be Maddies, has been found in McCann's car? Why has the cadaver dog, yielded a positive hit on Kate's jeans(?), the keys to the car, the trunk, the stuffed toy, and a path leading to the church. Yet not on/around Murat or his home.

11. When you first see apartment 5A you are struck by its exposed location. On the ground floor of a five-storey block, it is on a street corner and, like most of the Ocean Club apartments, not part of the gated section that houses the tapas bar and crèche
Great Post Bloodshoteye! The interesting thing is how "suddenly" some of the Tapas friend recognize Murrat as the person carrying the child once he was made a suspect. It is also interesting that ALL the evidence that is being gathered are connected to the parents of Madeleine and NOT Murrat (nothing connected to Madeleine was ever found in his apartment or surrounding area).
I know what you mean, SleuthMom. Interesting about where the evidence is turning up.

Say, I have a typo error up there. In the last paragraph (about Murat), I wrote that, "Rachael Oldfield, Dr Russell O'Brien, and Dr Fiona Payne, compared their versions of events on May 3 with the only named suspect, Robert Murat." And that they claim to have seen Murat on May 3.
It was not Dr. Russel O'Brien, but rather his partner, Jane Tanner,who claimed to have seen Murat.

I noticed this too late to edit it. You guys probably already noticed it.

There was supposedly a meeting that had been arranged by the JP, that included three members of the Tappas 9 and Murat. They were presumably seated at a table, and asked to account for the opposing claims that these people saw Murat hanging around on May 3. Will have to search for that link. I saw it on website.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. Hug your cats, kids, tomato plants, whatever you got goin' on. ;]
Nice detailed summary of the people involved, Bloodshot Eye. :clap:

I think the fact that under Portugese law, members of the Tapas 9 were allowed to confront Murat in a meeting is so interesting, and something that hasn't received much attention.
Nice detailed summary of the people involved, Bloodshot Eye. :clap:

I think the fact that under Portugese law, members of the Tapas 9 were allowed to confront Murat in a meeting is so interesting, and something that hasn't received much attention.

Agree, it isn't something that is practiced in the US to my knowledge. However, it cuts both ways. Murat was also allowed to confront them.
Agree, it isn't something that is practiced in the US to my knowledge. However, it cuts both ways. Murat was also allowed to confront them.


And with regards to Jane Tanner's certainty she saw Robert Murat:

1) It did not happen immediately, she did not by all accounts tell anyone at the time, "I saw Robert Murat carrying a child and walking away." She came to that conclusion later.
2) Jane is mistaken in her impression, she saw someone but not Murat, an unknown person carrying an unknown child
3) Jane is correct, and Murat is lying
4) Jane is deliberately fabricating her story altogether
5) Jane saw someone, but it was Jeremy Wilkins who was walking his 8 month old child
6) Jane saw someone carrying Madeleine, but it was not Murat
Not saying it's not true. Nothing in this case would surpise me but, looking at the other headlines running in this paper, I would say it's a rag!

I also don't know how old this article is because there was no date. The only thing it establishes is that neither Gerry McCann nor Jeremy Wilkins saw Jane Tanner that night when she claimed to have seen Robert Murat with Madeleine. And judging by the map of the resort, they should've run into each other.
I just don't get it. This bunch of people all left their children unattended. One of the women sees a man carrying a child wrapped in a blanket and does not even sound an alarm to go check on all the kids. Unbelieveable.
I just don't get it. This bunch of people all left their children unattended. One of the women sees a man carrying a child wrapped in a blanket and does not even sound an alarm to go check on all the kids. Unbelieveable.

Yeah! very . On another forum it has been said that they had consumed 14 bottles of wine so, I am sure not all their actions were rational.
I also don't know how old this article is because there was no date. The only thing it establishes is that neither Gerry McCann nor Jeremy Wilkins saw Jane Tanner that night when she claimed to have seen Robert Murat with Madeleine. And judging by the map of the resort, they should've run into each other.


As well, Jane Tanner did not immediately identify Murat as the person she saw. It was an "unknown man" at first to her.
The interval of time, that is sugggested by the Gerry McCann-Jeremy Wilkins "chat", is very interesting.

Adding to the list of those whose statements we would like to hear in more detail (continuing from the list on Post #168 of this thread):

13. Najova Chekaya - A fitness instructor, who was invited to join them at around 9:30 p.m. If news sources are accurate, she claimed that she did not recall anyone leaving the table until 10pm when Kate McCann raised the alarm.

14. Bartender (Name not reported) - His account of the events are consistant with Najova Chekaya.
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