Does Anybody Believe George Sexually Abused Casey? POLL ADDED

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Have you Changed your mind about ICA being Molested?

  • Yes, I now believe she was molested

    Votes: 26 2.7%
  • No, I never thought she was molested and still don't

    Votes: 744 77.9%
  • I'm not sure, leaning towards believing it now

    Votes: 25 2.6%
  • I'm not sure, leaning towards not believing it now

    Votes: 28 2.9%
  • No Idea Either Way...Who Can tell with this family?

    Votes: 132 13.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Sorry, what I should have posted was 'What good, caring, protective SA survivor mother would......'

I know it happens, but not by mums that are my definition of survivors who would move heaven and earth to ensure that their child doesn't suffer the same fate.

ITA I'll leave it at that.
No, I can't entertain the idea that GA ever did anything sexual to Casey. Listen to the jail visit where she assures him that he was a great father and grandpa. Look at how proud the grandparents are at Caylee's 2nd birthday party. Watch GA keep a gentle, careful eye on Caylee. In that particular video, you can see the love GA had for Caylee. This accusation was one of the saddest ways to defend this case.

Agree. Not only one of the saddest, but most horrendous ways to defend this case.

I'll tell you why it wasn't so clever:

1. they were her biggest supporters. past tense.

2. they know a lot more than they have let out, but now....all they have to do is reconcile the law with their past "misstatements", and she IS DONE.

3. Its not true, which matters, because if it was, george would have admitted it. Since its not true, they have no evidence, other than the biggest liar in America saying its true.

4. Even if it were true, (unleash the psychiatrist's), it doesn't explain that bizarre behavior of having sex all day following the day your daughter accidentally died, and all the bought off psychiatrist's in the world will not be able to make it plausible.

5. not to mention all the rest of it. sure, there are psychological behaviors associated with that kind of abuse, but dancing the month away after your child's death, either by accident or not, is not one of them.

and so on,


George would have admitted it? And risk going to jail himself??????

And "all they have to do is reconcile the law with their past "misstatements", and she IS DONE.
I do not believe George Anthony sexually abused Casey.As far as his body language while testifying,I believe when he looked down,he was looking at the picture of Caylee.He brought a bible into court and also a pic of Caylee. I saw something in his hand as he walked to the witness stand. I think it was her picture. That picture kept him focused and gave him the strength to tell the truth.IMO
Do you all remember that if ICA could have a private visit with one of her parents she chose George? I remember at the time thinking that Cindy was upset that ICA chose George over her. Odd for her to want a private visit with her molester...KWIM? At that point she was safely tucked away in jail and could of spilled the beans to her Mom.
I haven't read back in the thread but I'm wondering about George's suicide attempt and if it was either:

A) He was notified that ICA made accusations and that is potentially the angle they were taking at trial to "save her."


B) His secret was out, he did molest ICA.

I'm going to say this... I'm not 100% convinced George DIDN'T because I'm just too aware.... it's sooooooooooo common, and there are other things that ICA does that does say she may have been sexually abused by somebody in her life. However.... I hate (haaaaaaate) when women jump on that bandwagon like that and accuse. So, call me conflicted but aware but STILL don't think it explains away murder. Neeeeyope.

C. He was so distraught over the fact his beautiful grand-daughter was found dead and his own daughter killed her! May have been too much for him to bear!
NO and I hoping this is the straw that breaks the camels back
I wish this was a poll...I have a feeling alot more ppl believe this but are too scared to say....

I'm not scared to say. I'll stand right next to you and hold your hand. The possibility that ICA was molested is rather high IMO. By whom? I dunno. I will say I was taken aback that George just sat right there and took those accusations. I know MANY men who would blow a gasket and risk days in jail to NOT be called a child rapist. Alternatively.... I know sex abusers who think they are different and above the law.

BUT. I don't think that is why she killed her daughter. So.... I think Mr. Baez is using it as fodder but it's unrealistic and doesn't give me "reasonable doubt." If the jury is like the majority of the population (who experiences sexual abuse on a much higher level than one thinks), they won't buy into that "reasonable doubt" nugget as well.

It's all MOO and whatnots. I love ya all no matters. lol :rocker:
IF it was true that GA sexually abused KC, and he was the one who found Caylee and yelled at KC and duct taped the baby's face, and then left her for RK to steal, why have they waited 3 whole years to tell this story? JB could have had her out a looong time ago if he had gone to the SA and told them all of this. IMO, it is all just sensationalism for the after-trial book and movie deals. JB is hoping for the big aquittal that lands him in a coveted spot as a nationally known high profile attorney. He doesn't care how many lives he destroys getting there, including ICA's.

ohmygoodness. Bouncing off of this... Is there a wild Outlandish theories thread cause my mind is moving a mile a minute with this one.
I do NOT believe GA participated in the drowning OR coverup...
However I will say that I think SOME ppl who have been sexually abused get a certain "vibe" from abusers....
Case in point...I was molested by a male cousin....
Around 7 yrs ago my hubby started working for a guy and made $$$$$ big money! Hubby's boss was a biiigggggg hugger, and I am as well....but everytime his boss would hug me I would get a creepy feeling and want to push him away....
I couldn't ever really understand why I felt so uncomfortable, being as I was a hugger also....
come to find out 2 yrs later he shot himself in the head (but lived) after his step-daughter accused him of incest for many, many yrs.
He was eventually convicted and is still in jail to this day.
I get this "vibe" from GA and his body language. MOO
It's possible ICA was molested by someone but I don't think for a second that someone was GA.
What SA survivor would so willingly and regularly leave their female daughter alone in the care of the man who repeatedly molested and raped them for years? GMAB!!!
Then there's the jailhouse videos where ICA made it perfectly clear that GA had been a good father and nothing that had transpired was his fault.

She was safe from him then, so no need to lie to protect herself from his wrath.
She didn't have to have the visits with him- or CA or GA. The only reason the visits stopped were an attempt from the DT to bolster this insane defense.


You are completely right! Furthermore, What SA survivor would live in an apartment where she would take her child where 4 men live? They didn't all live there when KC first started going there, but you can bet they were sometimes there visiting at the same time, and all party animals. A SA survivor would never had her small daughter in that atmosphere.
I am not a SA survivor, so may I ask a question to anyone willing to talk openly about this.

Do SA victims and survivors actively seek sexual relations?
I do NOT believe GA participated in the drowning OR coverup...
However I will say that I think SOME ppl who have been sexually abused get a certain "vibe" from abusers....
Case in point...I was molested by a male cousin....
Around 7 yrs ago my hubby started working for a guy and made $$$$$ big money! Hubby's boss was a biiigggggg hugger, and I am as well....but everytime his boss would hug me I would get a creepy feeling and want to push him away....
I couldn't ever really understand why I felt so uncomfortable, being as I was a hugger also....
come to find out 2 yrs later he shot himself in the head (but lived) after his step-daughter accused him of incest for many, many yrs.
He was eventually convicted and is still in jail to this day.
I get this "vibe" from GA and his body language. MOO

I agree with you. ((((hugs)))) I get that "vibe" as well. From Lee as well. And I DON'T think that George killed, covered up, pool accident nuttin.

Sorry... quick gotta go. Phone call. But hugs to you. :)
Do you all remember that if ICA could have a private visit with one of her parents she chose George? I remember at the time thinking that Cindy was upset that ICA chose George over her. Odd for her to want a private visit with her molester...KWIM? At that point she was safely tucked away in jail and could of spilled the beans to her Mom.

Why would she spill the beans to her mom, when she had already allegedly told her mom about the abuse, and her mom didn't believe her ? Also, maybe she wanted that visit to be with George because of the alleged secret they shared -- Caylee's alleged drowning & cover-up. Neither of them would have been able to talk out-right about any of it, because they were being recorded, but perhaps ICA was trying to gauge what George was going to say/do/etc. going forward.

Just to be clear, I don't know if I believe the DT theory, or if ICA was abused by George ..... these questions and possible explanations I have for ICA's behaviour, I pose to myself -- as much as, and maybe even more than, to the readers of this post. These are the the things I ask myself (and basically play devil's advocate), to try and come to a conclusion of what really happened. My purpose is not to defend ICA, nor to advance the DT's theory that was revealed during the opening statements. I just wanted to make that known so hopefully no one will jump on me.. lol. :)
I am not a SA survivor, so may I ask a question to anyone willing to talk openly about this.

Do SA victims and survivors actively seek sexual relations?

The answer to this lies within each individual. One of my best friends growing up was being sexually abused by her dad from the time she was 4 years old (she told her mother and was severely punished for lying). Long story short, her dad died when she was 14 and she started having sex with guys we went to school with. It was a terrible thing to watch and I begged her to talk to someone to no avail. Her dad was a high ranking officer in the Air Force and she had already learned the hard way that people would not believe her. I will never think any man is "above" sexual abuse. I will say again that I believe ICA is guilty and the abuse is absolutely NO excuse for what she did, but I really believe that she used Caylee for control purposes in the same way that her dad possibly used her.

ETA: My friend got pregnant at 15 and her mom kicked her out for being promiscuous!
I am not a SA survivor, so may I ask a question to anyone willing to talk openly about this.

Do SA victims and survivors actively seek sexual relations?

I'm sure there are a lot that do and a lot that don't. I never did.
I am not a SA survivor, so may I ask a question to anyone willing to talk openly about this.

Do SA victims and survivors actively seek sexual relations?

TOTALLY an individual deal, and to generalize - as many people are apt to do - is soooooo wrong.

In my case, the answer is not in the least. In my sister's case, the answer was "yes, but only as an aside" - she so desperately wanted someone to love her and take care of her that the sex was her way to force a relationship into being almost from the get-go, but not something she sought whatsoever. In a close relative's instance, she was an almost completely non-sexual person her entire life, and thankfully had a husband who was okay with little physical intimacy.

Those who make statements that victims of sexual abuse become promiscuous is damaging and hurtful, and completely wrong.
I am not a SA survivor, so may I ask a question to anyone willing to talk openly about this.

Do SA victims and survivors actively seek sexual relations?

they most certainly do....
well some do as others above have said.....
I can say that it my own case it made me "overly" sexual...I won't go into further details, I will just leave it there...
I can also say the same for a best buddy of mine...I actually did not realize I was doing the same thing until she told her story to me.

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