Does Anybody Believe George Sexually Abused Casey? POLL ADDED

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Have you Changed your mind about ICA being Molested?

  • Yes, I now believe she was molested

    Votes: 26 2.7%
  • No, I never thought she was molested and still don't

    Votes: 744 77.9%
  • I'm not sure, leaning towards believing it now

    Votes: 25 2.6%
  • I'm not sure, leaning towards not believing it now

    Votes: 28 2.9%
  • No Idea Either Way...Who Can tell with this family?

    Votes: 132 13.8%

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  • Poll closed .
Speculation here, again:
POSTED: 6:45 pm EDT June 22, 2011
UPDATED: 7:48 pm EDT June 22, 2011
George Anthony Attorney Reaffirms Affair Denial
"Further, while it is apparent that the defense is intent on attacking Mr. George Anthony in any way possible, Mr. Anthony will not be discouraged from stating the truth about what he knows," Lippman's statement said.

Is the Defense threatening(harsh word can't think of another) to put Krystal Holloway on the stand as a kind of threat if GA doesn't go with DT theory?
pip, did you mean, he left out the 'made up' story which led to his emotional breakdown? confused. Just my opinion tho, I believe LA had informed JB he wasn't going along with IKA's accusations. However JB wasn't going to let it go. :banghead:

Also I can see possibly where at one time LA might have kidded ICA when she started to 'bloom', and from this ICA has exaggerated LA's kidding for her own advantage.

Sad tho for LA and I don't blame him, he has a life to lead and a reputation to protect.

my opinion only
I think he made up the 'felt hurt because I was left out' story in place of the 'I was left out and not at the hospital because they suspected I was the father' story the defense was trying to run with. Where at the end, he was supposed to say he may or may have not been so he stayed away or was kept away.
I really think he struggled with wanting to lie and say that to help his sister but he could not cross that line in the end. Hence the breakdown and the 'i was hurt' explanation which imo, was really weird and non-believable.
One last thing for me on GA being accused of sexually abusing Casey is that it is too convenient that after all these years not until her life is on the line does she claim this.
NO. Nope. Not at all.
But CA is hoping Lee will fall on that sword, take one for the fam.
When he was sobbing on the witness stand, tearless CA and GA were staring at him wide-eyed and in anticipation... hanging on his every word.. If we could have heard CA's internal dialogue it would have been.. OK LEE, say it, say it..say it now LEE. Follow the script LEE, say it!!
George's internal dialogue.. Do whatever mom tells you, son. I have no opinion, Must mow lawn, must mow lawn...

:floorlaugh: at your description of George's internal dialogue. Seriously, I'm glad that you brought his up, because I found it very odd that George & Cindy just sat there emotionless as there son was sobbing on the stand.
Nope I do not believe it at all. She lies too much for me to believe that statement.
... to put Krystal Holloway on the stand as a kind of threat if GA doesn't go with DT theory?
That woman ain't right ..... in the head.

Methinks Georgie got himself a stalker.
That woman ain't right ..... in the head.

Methinks Georgie got himself a stalker.

I opportunistic stalker. And George is probably thinking...Jesus!! This is ALL I need!!! Karma strikes again. Bad juju.
I don't think so. But even if KC had been abused, that's not any kind of excuse to act indifferent to her child's death. That's not any kind of excuse to rely on her parents to provide everything for her child while she only pretended to work.

I know real sex abuse victims and none of them are like that. I think the correlation from sex abuse to being a bold pathological liar, to partying and living it up when you know your child is dead is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. There is definitely something wrong with Casey. But I'm leaning more towards natural born psychopath.
I don't think so. But even if KC had been abused, that's not any kind of excuse to act indifferent to her child's death. That's not any kind of excuse to rely on her parents to provide everything for her child while she only pretended to work.

I know real sex abuse victims and none of them are like that. I think the correlation from sex abuse to being a bold pathological liar, to partying and living it up when you know your child is dead is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. There is definitely something wrong with Casey. But I'm leaning more towards natural born psychopath.
I agree. I've known a few sexual abuse victims myself and neither of them were destructive, liars, killers, etc.
No, I do not believe GA molested ICA.

Back in those jail letters, there was a vague hint of maybe but she couldn't remember. Then, by the time of her trial, it grew to this much bigger lie where she remembers going to school after... well, you know. Plus throwing in her brother molesting her, too! These lies may get her the DP.
YES, he (father) did sexually use his daughter, often, in my opinion and if I were on this jury this would be a mitigating circumstance to her insanity of taking her child's life.
I'd have to go for manslaughter or another lesser crime but certainly not the DP.

I wonder if it will come out in trial however?......or will the lawyer be specific with the instances. Next week should prove interesting if any is revealed.

The raw emotions (crying) over Lee A's testimony should show us, as there were no tears or concern shown for the baby, that there is something seriously wrong with Casey.(imo) Her behavior reeks of child molestation victim. One who practices unconsciously the separation or divorcing herself from correct responses to emotions. That is classic.

Her emotions are completely skewed. A mark of one who is separative (mind from emotions) or dissociative.
I read an article in the early a.m. hours this morning about an outrageous theory. After I slept on it and thought about it today, it isn't so outrageous at all. I tried to post the link on WS, but was unable to do so. We know the A's are all in this together and have proven they will do anything to save ICA from the death penalty. It makes sense to me with the direction JB is taking ICA's defense.

I wondered why GA and LA were dragged into the paternity of Caylee. What if the A's drummed up the 'story' in the beginning that CA thought GA was the father, possibly told to her by ICA. LA was told to 'let it go' when asking about the baby's dad and left out of things. GA was in the delivery room. The last person I would want in the delivery room would be my father. GA left the family home soon after Caylee was born for awhile. I can hardly wait for trial this week to see if JB tries to have CA admit that in the early days she thought that GA was CAylee's father. I feel GA would say he molested ICA just to try and save her neck. JB brought this idea up in his OS and it may very well go down like this during the week.
One more thing - where are all ICA's childhood friends that could verify that Mr. Anthony made them feel uncomfortable or seemed like a child molester? Usually, you would expect to hear other little girls remember him as creepy, or that he said/did something that raised suspicions. Didn't she ever have any gf she talked to about this? She only told potential bfs as a form of future manipulation.

I am still willing to hear something more that supports her accusations. However, she is the one that must answer for her daughter's death. What matters is Justice for Caylee. She's already got her Mother taking the blame for the chloroform searches. I guess as a big family effort they will be able to save her from the DP, but ICA seems completely and totally guilty, IMO, and is a danger to society.
YES, he (father) did sexually use his daughter, often, in my opinion and if I were on this jury this would be a mitigating circumstance to her insanity of taking her child's life.
I'd have to go for manslaughter or another lesser crime but certainly not the DP.

I wonder if it will come out in trial however?......or will the lawyer be specific with the instances. Next week should prove interesting if any is revealed.

The raw emotions (crying) over Lee A's testimony should show us, as there were no tears or concern shown for the baby, that there is something seriously wrong with Casey.(imo) Her behavior reeks of child molestation victim. One who practices unconsciously the separation or divorcing herself from correct responses to emotions. That is classic.

Her emotions are completely skewed. A mark of one who is separative (mind from emotions) or dissociative.

I do not agree. Not every child abuse survivor (I am NOT a victim) divorces themselves from emotions nor are they all dissociative. Her behavior reeks of a sociopath IMO..and most survivors of abuse do not leave their baby daughter with their abuser.
YES, he (father) did sexually use his daughter, often, in my opinion and if I were on this jury this would be a mitigating circumstance to her insanity of taking her child's life.
I'd have to go for manslaughter or another lesser crime but certainly not the DP.

I wonder if it will come out in trial however?......or will the lawyer be specific with the instances. Next week should prove interesting if any is revealed.

The raw emotions (crying) over Lee A's testimony should show us, as there were no tears or concern shown for the baby, that there is something seriously wrong with Casey.(imo) Her behavior reeks of child molestation victim. One who practices unconsciously the separation or divorcing herself from correct responses to emotions. That is classic.

Her emotions are completely skewed. A mark of one who is separative (mind from emotions) or dissociative.

I totally agree. However, we are certainly a minority on this board. I am an incest survivor. I said it day 1 that she has definately been molested and probably by a family member. I know that does not give reason to her murdering her child (if she did) but it certainly explained her detachment and behaviour. Alot of people say why would she stay in that house, why would she say he's a great father, etc. These posters obviously do not understand all the symptoms and/or end results of incest. I loved it, I know. JMO
One more thing - where are all ICA's childhood friends that could verify that Mr. Anthony made them feel uncomfortable or seemed like a child molester? Usually, you would expect to hear other little girls remember him as creepy, or that he said/did something that raised suspicions. Didn't she ever have any gf she talked to about this? She only told potential bfs as a form of future manipulation.

I am still willing to hear something more that supports her accusations. However, she is the one that must answer for her daughter's death. What matters is Justice for Caylee. She's already got her Mother taking the blame for the chloroform searches. I guess as a big family effort they will be able to save her from the DP, but ICA seems completely and totally guilty, IMO, and is a danger to society.

ALL my g.f's in childhood loved my father, as did his co-workers and neighbors, all thought he was a "great guy" and when we had a old time friends reunion decades later after my mini-breakdown, I told them, and they were astounded, saying, "he use to call me, this endearing name"....blah blah blah.

Even when I was in the hospital bed after giving birth to my 1st child in 1972, the room had another occupant, who, after my parents left after visiting me that day said, "Oh, your dad is a great guy, he's really funny", you are so lucky!

Most strangers were endeared to him for some unexplicable reason.

I suppose that adds to why my aunts didn't believe me when at age 40ish, I came out of the closet, after telling them and everyone about my father who wanted to listen.
Very few believed, and most wanted to chain me to the rafters.
Not that they loved him, but after all, it's a shock for some families.

My sister however was my witness (thank god).......and she said, "you were brave"

He only molested my sister and myself.

Go figure.........:waitasec:

note: I do think that the previous poster and myself, know the old axiom well, "There but for the Grace of God, go I" when we think of Casey A.

added to modify Note;
and furthermore, I doubt sincerely, most people (the majority) who have hated Casey A. smugly now for nearly 3 years, even know what in the world they'd do, if they found out for certain, SHE TOO was victimized....or where they'd then place their justified (to them) anger, rage and hatred towards next (that's scarey to even think about, imo) Somehow they'd need to further justify their inner projections towards hating another total stranger.
This is my opinion....

If she had been molested she would have no longer lived in the family home. She would not have had the oportunity to go out and get pregnant as most abusers have control over the abused. She would never have left her daughter in the house with these people knowing it could happen to her, too. She would have married young to get out of the family home, or at least found someone to shack up with. She would have issues with sexual relationships, not sleeping with every guy she had contact with. She would have not been trusting of males at all. Sexual abuse does not make you a thief or a liar. She would not tell her dad he was the best dad and grandfather and she would have said it early on and not waited 3 years. She would have had a diary or journal with entries about her feelings if she had these things happen to her.

From what I have seen she was very outgoing, liked to have fun at any expense and didn't care about anyone except herself. She is just selfish and evil. No one sexually abused her.

All just my opinions.....

WOW. Not just you, but many here seem to have a lot of information on how a survivor of sexual abuse should and should not behave. it absolutely astounds me how judgmental people are about the issue. I have no idea if any of you are writing from experience (i have only read a few posts) but i just felt the need to respond to this.

I was sexually abused/raped from a very young age, it lasted years. My childhood friends had no idea what was happening, i was funny, acted a clown, acted like they did. They thought my abuser was an awesome guy, they had no clue he was raping me when they left my house. I visited him of my own free will for years after i had become too old for his tastes. I laughed with him, hugged him, acted like a 'regular' daughter would be expected to. I went into sexual relationships earlier than most of my peers in order to make myself feel worthy and/or to reinforce my self loathing. I partied, i did drugs, i had boyfriends. I hid all my hurt behind a bubbly, go lucky personality. I told at 18 about what i had been through and some didn't believe me because they considered him a great guy that would 'never mess with a kid'. These people don't wear a sign saying 'I LIKE TO ABUSE CHILDREN', they are 'normal' acting people as well as 'creeps' or whatever word you want to use. They get away with their crimes by acting like everyone else, by being the person everyone likes. Whose going to trust their kid with someone that gives them the creeps?!

My point is, you cannot generalize about how someone should react to child sexual abuse. We all react differently, some fall into deep dark pits of despair and stay there, others can hide all their hurt behind a smile and an outgoing personality, that way you assume people wont guess your secret.

I am not saying she was abused, it's not my place to speculate. if she is lying, i hope she rots in hell, if she is not, i hope she can get the help she needs. As for what happened to Caylee, i don't believe it is ever okay to blame your actions on what someone else did to you in your childhood. If life worked that way, there'd be a lot more Casey's in our jails. Regardless, a child is dead and someone needs to answer to it. Abuse or no abuse, nothing can explain away what happened to Caylee.
WOW. Not just you, but many here seem to have a lot of information on how a survivor of sexual abuse should and should not behave. it absolutely astounds me how judgmental people are about the issue. I have no idea if any of you are writing from experience (i have only read a few posts) but i just felt the need to respond to this.

I was sexually abused/raped from a very young age, it lasted years. My childhood friends had no idea what was happening, i was funny, acted a clown, acted like they did. They thought my abuser was an awesome guy, they had no clue he was raping me when they left my house. I visited him of my own free will for years after i had become too old for his tastes. I laughed with him, hugged him, acted like a 'regular' daughter would be expected to. I went into sexual relationships earlier than most of my peers in order to make myself feel worthy and/or to reinforce my self loathing. I partied, i did drugs, i had boyfriends. I hid all my hurt behind a bubbly, go lucky personality. I told at 18 about what i had been through and some didn't believe me because they considered him a great guy that would 'never mess with a kid'. These people don't wear a sign saying 'I LIKE TO ABUSE CHILDREN', they are 'normal' acting people as well as 'creeps' or whatever word you want to use. They get away with their crimes by acting like everyone else, by being the person everyone likes. Whose going to trust their kid with someone that gives them the creeps?!

My point is, you cannot generalize about how someone should react to child sexual abuse. We all react differently, some fall into deep dark pits of despair and stay there, others can hide all their hurt behind a smile and an outgoing personality, that way you assume people wont guess your secret.

I am not saying she was abused, it's not my place to speculate. if she is lying, i hope she rots in hell, if she is not, i hope she can get the help she needs. As for what happened to Caylee, i don't believe it is ever okay to blame your actions on what someone else did to you in your childhood. If life worked that way, there'd be a lot more Casey's in our jails. Regardless, a child is dead and someone needs to answer to it. Abuse or no abuse, nothing can explain away what happened to Caylee.

You're right, I should not generalize how someone should act. I am a survivor of molestation and abuse. I guess I am thinking how I reacted, but as you stated, not everyone reacts the same way. I apologize. The only thing that really matters is there is a precious little girl dead and the guilty party needs to pay. Abused or not, no one is entitled to take the life of another.
justanother and mrye4709 -- hugs to both of you. And you are both right that nothing justifies taking the life of another. Justice for Caylee!

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