Does Anybody Believe George Sexually Abused Casey? POLL ADDED

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Have you Changed your mind about ICA being Molested?

  • Yes, I now believe she was molested

    Votes: 26 2.7%
  • No, I never thought she was molested and still don't

    Votes: 744 77.9%
  • I'm not sure, leaning towards believing it now

    Votes: 25 2.6%
  • I'm not sure, leaning towards not believing it now

    Votes: 28 2.9%
  • No Idea Either Way...Who Can tell with this family?

    Votes: 132 13.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm still of the mind that there MAY have been some sexual abuse. Again, as I've said before, it doesn't discount anything from the prosecution, and it doesn't support JB's explanation for what happened to Caylee.

A lot of people are saying that it couldn't be true because KC would never allow Caylee to be alone with an abuser!!! Really?

She lied about having a job (for what? like 2 yrs?), she lied about having a nanny, she lied about her dad having a mini stroke & her parents wanting to leave her the house, she stole from her friends, stole from her mother, let Caylee sleep with her in the beds of various young men, we call her a sociopath, we call her a murderer . . . . yet we DRAW THE LINE at leaving her daughter alone with an abuser?? She's bad in ALL those ways except for that ONE?? Why does she get a clear pass on that one issue?

Sorry, I just don't understand why everyone is convinced that GA isn't capable. I'm not saying he's truly an abuser, but he doesn't have a clean history throughout this saga. Far from it. Again, why does HE get a clear pass on this one issue? Because he "said" he didn't do it?

Carp. Here I go again. I freakin' adore all you people, and yet here I go disagreeing with almost everyone. I'm worried I'm going to get voted off the island! :crazy:
I am going to pray the truth comes out for this families sake.
I am going to guess that CA and LA are not going to be left out of this nitemare.
If the defense can say whatever they want about this family like they did GA without proof
first, you know they will go after the rest of the family. By the time the defense is done
the jury will not believe any of their accusations from ICA. TOOOOOOOOOOOO many lies.
The whole world is not stupid only the defendant is. And she will prove it.
I'm still of the mind that there MAY have been some sexual abuse. Again, as I've said before, it doesn't discount anything from the prosecution, and it doesn't support JB's explanation for what happened to Caylee.

A lot of people are saying that it couldn't be true because KC would never allow Caylee to be alone with an abuser!!! Really?

She lied about having a job (for what? like 2 yrs?), she lied about having a nanny, she lied about her dad having a mini stroke & her parents wanting to leave her the house, she stole from her friends, stole from her mother, let Caylee sleep with her in the beds of various young men, we call her a sociopath, we call her a murderer . . . . yet we DRAW THE LINE at leaving her daughter alone with an abuser?? She's bad in ALL those ways except for that ONE?? Why does she get a clear pass on that one issue?

Sorry, I just don't understand why everyone is convinced that GA isn't capable. I'm not saying he's truly an abuser, but he doesn't have a clean history throughout this saga. Far from it. Again, why does HE get a clear pass on this one issue? Because he "said" he didn't do it?

Carp. Here I go again. I freakin' adore all you people, and yet here I go disagreeing with almost everyone. I'm worried I'm going to get voted off the island! :crazy:

George's Sister and BIL are denying it :
I'm still of the mind that there MAY have been some sexual abuse. Again, as I've said before, it doesn't discount anything from the prosecution, and it doesn't support JB's explanation for what happened to Caylee.

A lot of people are saying that it couldn't be true because KC would never allow Caylee to be alone with an abuser!!! Really?

She lied about having a job (for what? like 2 yrs?), she lied about having a nanny, she lied about her dad having a mini stroke & her parents wanting to leave her the house, she stole from her friends, stole from her mother, let Caylee sleep with her in the beds of various young men, we call her a sociopath, we call her a murderer . . . . yet we DRAW THE LINE at leaving her daughter alone with an abuser?? She's bad in ALL those ways except for that ONE?? Why does she get a clear pass on that one issue?

Sorry, I just don't understand why everyone is convinced that GA isn't capable. I'm not saying he's truly an abuser, but he doesn't have a clean history throughout this saga. Far from it. Again, why does HE get a clear pass on this one issue? Because he "said" he didn't do it?

Carp. Here I go again. I freakin' adore all you people, and yet here I go disagreeing with almost everyone. I'm worried I'm going to get voted off the island! :crazy:

You have a point, there was a case 2 years ago that was on Websleuths.... Anyone remember the Haylee Donathan case? Her mother let her be around Robbie Potter and he was a RSO.
Does Anybody Believe George Sexually Abused Casey?

In the words of some of the witnesses...NOPE

Intermezzo I have tried to watch the trial every single hour it is on tv but as I have a 2 yr old son it's not possible...He demands attn anytime that MAX AND RUBY ISN'T on, lol.....
So can you plz direct me to testimony of some of the witnesses who DON'T believe?
I believe personality disorders can be inherited, and that they are a form of mental illness and not made to be that way by parents, but make the choice to go so far as to commit murders. If some people have horrible parents and grow up to be horrible people then they could have inherited the same mental illness.

I hear what you are saying. My point is that inherited usually means something congenital...something physical. Like some portion of the brain that doesn't develop properly, sometimes that can be a genetic/inherited condition.

Abusive behaviors, kids of horrible parents who grow up to emulate the parents...that is not inherited in a medical/congential sense. That is behavioral, and it is not present at birth but is learned by example. Unfortunately for some that example is there from day one.

If a father sexually abuses his daughter, because his father did the same, as did his father before does not make it an inherited disorder unless it is something beyond their control caused by a physical brain disorder that can be genetic. Abuse is more often than not a behavioral disorder that is passed on through learn by example, and grow into adults that commit the same sins as their parents did. Sometimes. Some are strong enough to break the cycle.

Normally I do not get into debates to this degree...I prefer to agree to disagree most times...but in this case it is relevant whether Casey has a brain disorder that could have been inherited or resulted from some problem during gestation. If Casey truly does not know right from wrong, that is the legal definition of insanity, and she could be acquitted if she is insane.

(Please keep in mind that insanity is not a medical condition. It is a legal term only.)
Does Anybody Believe George Sexually Abused Casey?

In the words of some of the witnesses...NOPE

ITA - but I do have a theory of where this came from. There have been recent cases where abuse was presented as an reason for a person's actions regarding their children. Some valid, some not. There have also been many cases where abuse is brought up in custody battles. Some valid, some not. If CA had threatened ICA with taking custody of Caylee, ICA may have thought of threatening to throw abuse into the mix, as is "I can say this and you'll never get Caylee, AND what will everyone think, HA!" Sociopathic ICA, as we now see, would have easily threatened CA with this, in their power struggle. She weaves her lies so easily on a little factoid- maybe she had a friend as a young teen who mentioned a brother or father who did something even vaguely creepy. She lays a little ground work, dropping hints to JG and TL, to see how it flys, and garner a little victim sympathy at the same time. She may have even have held this little gem over CA's head when confronted about the thefts. Maybe in the father's day fight, she used it on CA and CA called her bluff. She kills Caylee as revenge on CA, and she has an already thought up a defense for herself if caught and if the kidnapping/carjacking scenario doesn't work, something she can use if and when it's needed. Of course the kidnapping thing fell apart quickly, cos she is NOT as great a liar, as she thinks she, so Viola! here's a story she can weave for her lawyer, and HA! he buys it! Maybe......but would a good lawyer, with her protection in mind, have let her return to the abusive household on bail? Or would he have immediately fought to have her cop to a lesser charge, and brought all this abuse out right away, or had her bailed out into someone's custody? Or maybe she didn't come up with this whole scam to JB until after Caylree's remains were found and she knew the forensics might sink her. JB actually does believe her and advises that the best place for her to be till trial is in jail?

Just a thought....MOO

Personally, I don't believe a word that comes out of ICA's mouth. She lies for the sake of lying. I have no positive feelings for GA either, but the shady ways JB is trying get ICA's "story" taken as fact, without her having to testify is appalling.

I mean absolutely no disrespect to real survivors of abuse. It is a volatile issue and so many, victims and falsely accused both, have suffered unbelievable pain. I send big Meemom hugs to you...:grouphug:
I'm still of the mind that there MAY have been some sexual abuse. Again, as I've said before, it doesn't discount anything from the prosecution, and it doesn't support JB's explanation for what happened to Caylee.

A lot of people are saying that it couldn't be true because KC would never allow Caylee to be alone with an abuser!!! Really?

She lied about having a job (for what? like 2 yrs?), she lied about having a nanny, she lied about her dad having a mini stroke & her parents wanting to leave her the house, she stole from her friends, stole from her mother, let Caylee sleep with her in the beds of various young men, we call her a sociopath, we call her a murderer . . . . yet we DRAW THE LINE at leaving her daughter alone with an abuser?? She's bad in ALL those ways except for that ONE?? Why does she get a clear pass on that one issue?

Sorry, I just don't understand why everyone is convinced that GA isn't capable. I'm not saying he's truly an abuser, but he doesn't have a clean history throughout this saga. Far from it. Again, why does HE get a clear pass on this one issue? Because he "said" he didn't do it?

Carp. Here I go again. I freakin' adore all you people, and yet here I go disagreeing with almost everyone. I'm worried I'm going to get voted off the island! :crazy:

Have you read any of her jailhouse letters? In them she discussed Lee messing with her bra at night, but she also said that she had a strange feeling something MIGHT have happened with her dad when she was a kid, but she is not sure.
That was just a few months ago. So how is it that Baez is now yelling us actual incidents from age 8, 10 and 13? He says George forced oral sex on her before school one day when she was 13. Where did that come from all of a sudden? I call BS.
I do not believe for a minute that George sexually abused Casey. The one thing that sticks in my craw is the time she chose George over Cindy for a visit while in jail (I wish I had a link to that discussion but I don't) Casey said she chose George because Cindy would pressure her and ask to many questions. If George had sexually abused her I would think he would be the last person she would want to have a one on one with especially during a time of crisis. I think George wanted to parent with a heavy hand (nothing wrong with that) and Cindy would not let him.
on Joy Behar/HLN tonight, TH/shrink was describing "typical" mom in SA household: meek/submissive/etc

said CA is mama-bear-who-protects-her-cubs-type/not the "typical" example the shrink usually sees. and in addition to that, "CA could beat the he$$ out of GA w/ one arm tied behind her back"

also said: some of KC's resentment was due to CA's financial resources being diverted to Caylee's upkeep, lessening what was available to support KC in doing what she wanted: "loafing around"

Dr Drew/HLN has had good coverage/comments this week also
I've posted about this previously, and while reading threads this evening and trying to relax after this day of side bars, I also heard 2 different callers on 2 different talk shows who said the exact same thing. Which is:

A sexually abused female will do anything to keep her child/children safe from the same fate. She will not allow them to be alone with anyone who poses a potential threat, and especially will not allow them to be alone with her own abuser. I can definitely attest to this one.

ICA allowed Caylee to be in bed with Ricardo.
ICA left Caylee with her father while she was gone.
ICA let her father help Caylee with personal hygiene and potty training.

There is no way on the face of this earth an abused mother would have allowed this to go on in her presence and she would have ensured her girl child was not alone with any man - much less the abuser.

I just will never be convinced otherwise - never.


Does anyone remember sexual abuse, physical abuse, or family history of same being asked of the jurors? Did the DT ask even one female if anyone in their family had ever been abused?

Not that I heard about - please correct me if I am wrong here.

Not ALL "sexually abused females" do anything to keep her child/children safe from the same fate...
Most of us decent ppl who love our kids more than life would do anything.....
but the fact remains there are those who could either care less, or in some messed-up thinking think it will never happen to their kids.
you also said
"There is no way on the face of this earth an abused mother would have allowed this to go on in her presence and she would have ensured her girl child was not alone with any man - much less the abuser. "
I ask of you how long you have been a member of WS or ANY crime site.....
If you had been a member for sometime then sadly you would see this kind of action happens QUITE OFTEN although we would like to think otherwise....
PPL want to think women are not capable of this horrendous behavior, but they are.....

case in point, although this is not the same as this case BUT: In the Christopher Barrios case a WOMAN masturbated as her husband and son BOTH raped a 6 yr old child...MASTURBATED!!!!!
If a MOTHER could do this sick ***** how is it so hard to believe a woman could leave a child with someone that hurt her, or a bunch of strange guys in an apt. as Casey allegedly did?????
A sociopath wouldn't care less if his/her child was in danger. They have no lines to draw, no means to determine appropriateness or not. KC fits this description to a tee. She has no boundries for herself or anyone in her care.

No one has anything bad to say about Casey for the most part. She is a product of her environment and is far from brain damaged. Shes psychologically damaged because of her father, who was a louse of a husband and father. jmo

Oh so let's blame it all on George that Casey grew up to be a murderer? So do kids who only have single mothers, are they doomed to grow up to be murderers too then since they would fit your definition above? I don't think so. What a crass generalization to make. And exactly how was she psychologically traumatized in an enviornment where she was given everything she wanted, not made to be responsible for anything, and allowed to do as she pleased, even getting a car for free and stealing money from her mother regularly? Wow, I wish I had that kind of life growing up instead of parents who expected me to grow up, get a job, and be responsible for myself. Casey lived on Easy Street her whole life, and killed Caylee because Caylee stood in the way of that Easy Street life.

George didn't sexually abuse Casey. He was passive, in the background, easily told to shut up and go away by Cindy. Abusers are aggressive, and don't let anyone tell them what to do. It's part of what makes them abusers. George was the exact opposite. Maybe he should have stepped up and been a better father, but he was not a sexual abuser. Casey is just lying to save her own pathetic, wasteful life. She will say anything and hope someone believes it. I know too many people like her, and I don't believe her for second even if I am not that fond of George.
Don't believe it for a minute...just more lies by Casey & since JB put all his faith in her, he's getting his just reward. The only reason everyone's is jumping on the defense bandwagon right now is over Jose's opening statement...except now he can't back it up. KC is only worried about KC and she'll step on anyone else to get what she wants.
I believed GA's denials because they were simple: no/no sir. instead of: absolutely not/100% did not do it/etc

you know, minus the usual qualifiers/adjectives that liars like to use, thinking that it makes them more believable (but instead it comes across as laying it on too thick)
on Joy Behar/HLN tonight, TH/shrink was describing "typical" mom in SA household: meek/submissive/etc

said CA is mama-bear-who-protects-her-cubs-type/not the "typical" example the shrink usually sees. and in addition to that, "CA could beat the he$$ out of GA w/ one arm tied behind her back"

also said: some of KC's resentment was due to CA's financial resources being diverted to Caylee's upkeep, lessening what was available to support KC in doing what she wanted: "loafing around"

Dr Drew/HLN has had good coverage/comments this week also

I think you're talking about Bethany Marshall? She's spot on for me.

Dr Drew - he spouted off on tv last night and he came across (to me) as desperate for ratings and not at all knowledgeable - in fact quite sensational in his comments that everyone was lying.
Oh so let's blame it all on George that Casey grew up to be a murderer? So do kids who only have single mothers, are they doomed to grow up to be murderers too then since they would fit your definition above? I don't think so. What a crass generalization to make. And exactly how was she psychologically traumatized in an enviornment where she was given everything she wanted, not made to be responsible for anything, and allowed to do as she pleased, even getting a car for free and stealing money from her mother regularly? Wow, I wish I had that kind of life growing up instead of parents who expected me to grow up, get a job, and be responsible for myself. Casey lived on Easy Street her whole life, and killed Caylee because Caylee stood in the way of that Easy Street life.

George didn't sexually abuse Casey. He was passive, in the background, easily told to shut up and go away by Cindy. Abusers are aggressive, and don't let anyone tell them what to do. It's part of what makes them abusers. George was the exact opposite. Maybe he should have stepped up and been a better father, but he was not a sexual abuser. Casey is just lying to save her own pathetic, wasteful life. She will say anything and hope someone believes it. I know too many people like her and I don't believe her for second even if I am not that fond of George.

I dont think she murdered her child, so therefore I am not saying George raised a murderer. And I think hes anything but passive. jmo
Do not believe it for a second.. anyone so tortured (as she claims to have been) would never live under the same house as her molester once reaching adulthood...let alone once her own baby GIRL was brought into the world!

I believe CA ran the show since they moved to FL, she bought the house, GA did not have the credit to do so, she worked non stop and was the major bread winner in the family while GA had multiple times of not working (injuries, unemployment etc)... this empowered a personality like CA (from my experience) and everyone in the house knew Mom wore the pants.

IF GA were to have ever been out of line with ICA, she would have used that to get into the good graces of CA, and GA would be long gone.

The entire opening statement was a lie with the exception of, ICA is a liar, and lil Caylee died on 06-16 IMO

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