Does anyone think that Cindy and George are working with police?

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My first, initial knee jerk reaction way back in July was that KC sold Caylee. It's interesting that is the very story she apparently sold to CA when she first got out of jail. I think CA and GA really want to find Caylee, but they are not willing to take the risk of actually looking for the truth for fear of what that might be.
Hey fellow sleuthers! I haven't been posting much because I have been getting ready for a much needed vacation with the family. However, after reading the statements that have been released, especially Amy's account, my heart goes out to Cindy Anthony.

I know this is not a popular opinion but I just feel like it's only fair to say a few things.

I was also on the "what the heck is wrong with Cindy Anthony" bus. I mean her behavior is just way out there. But let me just say that no matter how she acts towards the media, the protesters, and pretty much anyone else in this case - it is important to note that she is a victim here. I did not really see this until those newly released statements. At first I felt awful for her. Then because of her irrational behaviors I felt angry and confused by her, ready to play the blame game. But the truth is, she is a victim in all of this. I honestly believe that she would never have done anything to harm her granddaughter. I also believe that how she was dealing with KC was the best way she thought she could at the time. I am sure she is going through a lot of emotion and probably carries some guilt over this situation to be honest. People always play the what if game when something goes wrong in life. Cindy has probably beat herself up more than anyone could over this mess. And it is unwarranted. She is not to blame for her daughters actions.

I guess I just want to point out that even though many don't understand her behaviors or reactions to this horrible tragedy, it in no way justifies placing some kind of judgment on Cindy or George. What would you do in this situation? You have to look at the entire situation going back years - what would you do? It is easy to say that "Oh I would do this and I would do that" but are you really so sure that you would react the way you believe you would? Would you also think that the outside world would approve of every action or inaction you take during that period of time you are under a microscope?

I believe in my heart that this family is dysfunctional. I believe it is due to KC and her behaviors over the years. I believe this family loves both KC and Caylee. I also believe that they know Caylee is gone. Imagine living in this home with your own daughter who is a suspect in your beloved granddaughters disappearance. would you react? I can only hope that Cindy and George are getting some sort of counseling or emotional support. It is indeed a very sick family unit but that in no way makes Cindy or George bad people, just helpless. If there were a bit more compassion for them, maybe they could begin to realize what really happened and stop rationalizing what they wished the truth would be.

And no, I do not get the impression Cindy or George are working with LE. I also do not feel they are working against them. I truely believe they are embarassed, ashamed, in shock, heartbroken, angry, and just as confused as the rest of us. I also believe that as long as they feel their family unit is under attack, nothing will change and this family will remain highly dysfunctional. Remember it was only after KC disappeared that Cindy gained what seemed to be some rational perspective about her daughter. Enough so to go looking for her and call the police in the first place. I do not think she thought she would find what she did but this woman knows the kind of person KC really is and it became much clearer once the cancer that is KC was no longer in her face manipulating her on a daily basis. Clear enough to call the authorities about the thefts. Something she probably did not have the courage to do with KC around pushing her buttons.

Just my opinion. Please don't beat me up for it. I reserve the right to change my opinion A) because I am a woman and B) because I agree there is a slight possibility I could be wrong........
I must say that I agree with you. This is a family in torment. If this happened to me they would put me in a straight jacket. I could not bear it. I honestly feel they are doing the best that they can under the circumstances.
Horrible situation to be in and I think the some of those protesters are about as sick as Casey. JMHO..
... I guess I just want to point out that even though many don't understand her behaviors or reactions to this horrible tragedy, it in no way justifies placing some kind of judgment on Cindy or George. What would you do in this situation? You have to look at the entire situation going back years - what would you do? It is easy to say that "Oh I would do this and I would do that" but are you really so sure that you would react the way you believe you would? Would you also think that the outside world would approve of every action or inaction you take during that period of time you are under a microscope?


Great post Gypsiechavi! This case has left my head spinning and most days I change my mind about who did what when and how. But I do believe Cindy & George truly love Caylee and did nothing to harm her.

As for making money on movie deals... I don't know for sure what's true but as much as I believe it's wrong for anyone to profit from this tragedy, I can see Cindy & George agreeing to it in order to provide Casey with the best possible defense team. Just my opinion....please be kind to this newbie.
I think its possible the A's are working with LE. It seems Cindy has in the past tried to gain control of KC and has admitted to people shes nuts and a taker..maybe Cindy thinks this is the only way to get any info out of her daughter. If this is the case, things will eventully explode in that house. The A's are very torn,Im sure..I go back and forth being sympathetic towards them and then being furious at them.
Then again, NOTHING is going to surprise me anymore with this circus.....
My ego is not big enough to presume to know what anyone is doing behind the scenes.
We're all just spectators at this circus and know only what LE wants us to know.
Of course, I'd love to think they are working with the police.
I think they may work with police off and on,depending what they are moved to do that day. You want an odd scenario? Here goes.
It is well documented that both G+C knew that it smelled like a dead body in the car. They thought it was either Casey or Caylee. They find Casey so they know now who it is. They realize that there is nothing they can do to change it at this point. Hours before this revelation, they realize they are tired and poor. While they do work and make plenty to pay bills and have vacations, every time they get ahead Casey sneaks in and robs them blind. Due to this they are about to lose their home, have defaulted judgements, etc. While GA is retrieving the car, the Credit card company calls about suspicious activity on their card. They realize that they will be 142 yo before they can pay off the house.

So they come up with a plan. They realize that the media will get involved somehow but are not sure to what extent. They are watchers of the news and also realize that the more odd, the more media. So Ci retrieves Ca and we are off. Thay start off as any GP's would do. They are sad and need help. Then the bizzare activity begins. Ratings soar. They now see that at this point big money is calling to try and procure photos and exclusive interviews. There is rumor that some shmuck network may offer them a few million to sell their story. So they run around, day after day doing bizzare things and watch the ratings explode. They realize if they support the little demon that they have hated for years anyway, this is a gold mine. It just needs to get dragged out until they can work out a book deal, a Lifetime movie, an Oprah project and maybe even start a 503c to be the ceo and president of.
they know the baby is gone so why not reap the rewards they so richly deserve?
I can see them in the living room saying, "watch this honey, I am going to go out with the hammer again and push an old lady". Ratings studies show that when the hammer appears, ratings go up so it is now a fixture in any confrontation. "OK, My turn, Hey guys, It was a pizza eating squirrel. Boy it sure is hot." They just laugh inside the house while planning what to do next. They even have internet bloggers cut off their funds, making the story worth another $153,000. Just one odd turn after another.

Meanwhile they all support poor Casey. They do not ask her where the baby is because they know the baby is gone. Meanwhile they intend to sell her down the river by making sure that all of her transgressions come out in court. This story ends with Cindy whispering to Casey right before Casey is led away in shackles. "Got you back....Im Rich, witch!

OK none of this happened. But there are a thousand different scenarios that could have. I still stand by Occam's Razor. As well, the evidence does not lie.

Oh no he didn't!!
Anthony Family May Be Making Millions On Movie Deal

POSTED: 5:48 pm EDT September 24, 2008
UPDATED: 6:06 pm EDT September 24, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Eyewitness News uncovered new information about who's cashing in on the Casey Anthony case. Sources extremely close to the family told Eyewitness News that the Anthonys have signed a $2 million movie deal with the Lifetime Movie Network.

Sounds to me like they are too busy making money off this to be helping LE.

Lifetime said there is no such deal.

Padilla said Baez is counting on money from the entertainment industry because Casey has no money to pay him, but the Lifetime Movie Network said there is no deal and Baez's PR firm won't answer any questions.,0,1791581.story

9:55 a.m. The attorney representing the parents of Casey Anthony today denied that his clients have struck a deal with LMN for the rights to the story of their daughter and missing granddaughter, Caylee Marie.

"The first time I heard of any such thing was when I received a phone call from a reporter," said attorney Mark NeJame, who is representing George and Cindy Anthony. "We have not uttered one word or had one conversation with anybody from any media outlet...regarding negotiations or a deal."
I have wondered from the beginning if the Anthony's are working with the police.

It seems like they are walking on egg shells around Casey for fear that she will never tell them where Caylee is.

I have a brother like Casey and everybody in my family has always walked on egg shells around him and never wanted to confront him about his lies and stealing. I am the only one that has ever stood up to him and he is afraid of me (not physically) but he knows I will call him out on his lies and everything he does.

He is a big bully just like Casey is. From the first jail tapes with Cindy it seems like she is bullying her and all the sarcasm and foul language, it's like she is threatening Cindy with "you will never see Caylee again".

Anyway, that's the way my brother is and that is what I take from it.
Absolutely not. I believe they as well as Baez have a negative view toward LE because of the evidence released as well as claims by CA that they are not following up on leads.

I believe Baez has told them they need to create every ounce of doubt they can in the public's (potential jury) mind for the case. So, no matter what they believe or know in their heart... they must carry on the charade of Caylee being alive, the nanny stories and now the Puerto Rico sold the baby theory.
Am I the only one who thinks that maybe there could be a possibility that George and Cindy are working with police on the sly to try and trip up Casey? I know it sounds far fetched but I think that would explain them sticking up for her when everyone else can so obviously see she is lying. They would have to stick up for her towards the media and in public to gain her trust. I think it is totally possible they could have consented to bugging the house. All those months Lenny was hanging out with Drew Peterson. Everyone thought he was sticking up for Drew but the whole time he was wearing a wire.

Am I alone in thinking this?

Well, logically I'm thinking no - they lawyered up, a high profile criminal lawyer at that (all this talk of a lawyer for the media is bunk) Anyways - when they have a lawyer the authorities can't talk to them unless they have the lawyer present - that hasn't happened - supposedly all communication is done through the lawyer, tips and such - and we know that hasn't happened.

Repeatedly Cindy has stated that Casey is at the house because that is her home - to me it was Caylee's home, Casey's hotel

What I would like to happen, if I was working with the authorities - since George is such an outsider in his own home, I seriously don't think he had anything to do with the crime or aftermath, I think he's fed whatever information Cindy seems to have (whether it's made up or fact) - I'd like to see the authorities threaten charges to both Cindy and George, maybe even Lee - this would cause the lawyer to get involved, and then either George or Cindy would have to get a separate lawyer (my guess it will be George) - I would like to have all three put in separate interrogation rooms and they tell each that the other implicated them in the crime or aftermath of the crime

Eventually one will talk or testify for the prosecution with immunity - and my guess is that it will be George AND Lee - those two will not go down for Casey's crime

Cindy on the other hand will continue on her current path and it will destruct as the same for Casey

So I guess my answer is no, none of them are working with authorities BUT that doesn't discount the far or near future
I think they may work with police off and on,depending what they are moved to do that day. You want an odd scenario? Here goes.
It is well documented that both G+C knew that it smelled like a dead body in the car. They thought it was either Casey or Caylee. They find Casey so they know now who it is. They realize that there is nothing they can do to change it at this point. Hours before this revelation, they realize they are tired and poor. While they do work and make plenty to pay bills and have vacations, every time they get ahead Casey sneaks in and robs them blind. Due to this they are about to lose their home, have defaulted judgements, etc. While GA is retrieving the car, the Credit card company calls about suspicious activity on their card. They realize that they will be 142 yo before they can pay off the house.

So they come up with a plan. They realize that the media will get involved somehow but are not sure to what extent. They are watchers of the news and also realize that the more odd, the more media. So Ci retrieves Ca and we are off. Thay start off as any GP's would do. They are sad and need help. Then the bizzare activity begins. Ratings soar. They now see that at this point big money is calling to try and procure photos and exclusive interviews. There is rumor that some shmuck network may offer them a few million to sell their story. So they run around, day after day doing bizzare things and watch the ratings explode. They realize if they support the little demon that they have hated for years anyway, this is a gold mine. It just needs to get dragged out until they can work out a book deal, a Lifetime movie, an Oprah project and maybe even start a 503c to be the ceo and president of.
they know the baby is gone so why not reap the rewards they so richly deserve?
I can see them in the living room saying, "watch this honey, I am going to go out with the hammer again and push an old lady". Ratings studies show that when the hammer appears, ratings go up so it is now a fixture in any confrontation. "OK, My turn, Hey guys, It was a pizza eating squirrel. Boy it sure is hot." They just laugh inside the house while planning what to do next. They even have internet bloggers cut off their funds, making the story worth another $153,000. Just one odd turn after another.

Meanwhile they all support poor Casey. They do not ask her where the baby is because they know the baby is gone. Meanwhile they intend to sell her down the river by making sure that all of her transgressions come out in court. This story ends with Cindy whispering to Casey right before Casey is led away in shackles. "Got you back....Im Rich, witch!

OK none of this happened. But there are a thousand different scenarios that could have. I still stand by Occam's Razor. As well, the evidence does not lie.

Oh no he didn't!!

i think george and cindy are victims in every sense of the word
Nope never did I feel they were helping LE i anyway. If anything they are making it worse for them. They all know something and are not sharing with the LE. JMHO.
Since that call from jail where Casey was so rude to CA I though that CA realized that she would have to pretend to be on Casey's side to get anywhere with her.

Remember the interview with Greta or Nancy Grace where CA says "I just want Casey to know I forgive her". It was one of the first interviews. I think that was direct communication to Casey while she was in jail, saying just that. Now if she really does forgive her or not is a whole other matter. But for the sake of "face" I think CA wants her daughter to know she is on her side. CA knew from that first call Casey was in jail watching her media rounds and wanted to toss that out there to make Casey feel good.

I honestly think they fear Caylee is dead but need to continue to support Casey just to get to the bottom of this somehow.
Highly doubtful they are working with LE.
Seems JB is antagonistic toward LE, and CinA expected an apology from Sheriff Kevin Beary a few weeks back. His words were, "it' snot going to happen."
Amyintheham I completely agree with you. I think Cindy is afraid of Casey and afraid she will never know what happened to Caylee.
I think Gypsiechavi hit the nail on the head.

I also believe that CA and LA had a very good idea about what happened and were about to get KC to confess (after reading LA's interview) to an extent when LA opened his mouth and told her to start thinking about what the police are going to ask her/do when they arrived at the house. That got KC thinking and she dreamed up this whole 'kidnapping' lie. CA then immediately clung to the hope that maybe this lie was not a lie but the truth. I feel very sorry for the A's (not KC). Can you imagine the strain that kind of child (KC) put on the family unit as a whole. I think the A's are doing whatever it is they need to do to keep their family together. It speaks a lot about the strength of their family (albeit dysfunctional).

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