I think they may work with police off and on,depending what they are moved to do that day. You want an odd scenario? Here goes.
It is well documented that both G+C knew that it smelled like a dead body in the car. They thought it was either Casey or Caylee. They find Casey so they know now who it is. They realize that there is nothing they can do to change it at this point. Hours before this revelation, they realize they are tired and poor. While they do work and make plenty to pay bills and have vacations, every time they get ahead Casey sneaks in and robs them blind. Due to this they are about to lose their home, have defaulted judgements, etc. While GA is retrieving the car, the Credit card company calls about suspicious activity on their card. They realize that they will be 142 yo before they can pay off the house.
So they come up with a plan. They realize that the media will get involved somehow but are not sure to what extent. They are watchers of the news and also realize that the more odd, the more media. So Ci retrieves Ca and we are off. Thay start off as any GP's would do. They are sad and need help. Then the bizzare activity begins. Ratings soar. They now see that at this point big money is calling to try and procure photos and exclusive interviews. There is rumor that some shmuck network may offer them a few million to sell their story. So they run around, day after day doing bizzare things and watch the ratings explode. They realize if they support the little demon that they have hated for years anyway, this is a gold mine. It just needs to get dragged out until they can work out a book deal, a Lifetime movie, an Oprah project and maybe even start a 503c to be the ceo and president of.
they know the baby is gone so why not reap the rewards they so richly deserve?
I can see them in the living room saying, "watch this honey, I am going to go out with the hammer again and push an old lady". Ratings studies show that when the hammer appears, ratings go up so it is now a fixture in any confrontation. "OK, My turn, Hey guys, It was a pizza eating squirrel. Boy it sure is hot." They just laugh inside the house while planning what to do next. They even have internet bloggers cut off their funds, making the story worth another $153,000. Just one odd turn after another.
Meanwhile they all support poor Casey. They do not ask her where the baby is because they know the baby is gone. Meanwhile they intend to sell her down the river by making sure that all of her transgressions come out in court. This story ends with Cindy whispering to Casey right before Casey is led away in shackles. "Got you back....Im Rich, witch!
OK none of this happened. But there are a thousand different scenarios that could have. I still stand by Occam's Razor. As well, the evidence does not lie.
Oh no he didn't!!