Does Misty really not know what happened? *POLL ADDED*

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Does Misty know what happened to Haleigh?

  • Yes, she is still lying

    Votes: 203 67.7%
  • No, she was passed out

    Votes: 40 13.3%
  • No, she was too high on drugs to remember

    Votes: 28 9.3%
  • No, she wasn't home

    Votes: 29 9.7%

  • Total voters
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I'm still going by what the only credible eye witness has to say about that night. Jr. says that two black men came to see Misty and the couch was bouncing. Either she stayed home and knows what happened or she left and someone came in and took Haleigh, someone dressed all in black. Junior must have seen Misty cleaning something and looking for something, and possibly hearing Haleigh crying and covering his head up. Misty most likely knows exactly what happened but so does Junior.
I'm still going by what the only credible eye witness has to say about that night. Jr. says that two black men came to see Misty and the couch was bouncing. Either she stayed home and knows what happened or she left and someone came in and took Haleigh, someone dressed all in black. Junior must have seen Misty cleaning something and looking for something, and possibly hearing Haleigh crying and covering his head up. Misty most likely knows exactly what happened but so does Junior.

Part I bolded-link please!! TIA!
Excellent post :clap: Reminds me of a quote from TN during a jailhouse conversation with her son when she mentioned "how proud she was of him." WTF? Her son is in jail on serious drug charges, and she's proud of him? Whatever could be the reason for that? RC isn't ratting out his mama 'cuz he knows that Mama will stick by her son. jmo

That is what made me think drug bust with Ron is a set up. Ron is willing to stay in jail as long as it takes to get someone to talk. I don't know what to think about any of them anymore. Like watching a Charlie Chapman movie, everyone going in every direction and no one is talking.
LE, who has access to all the landline phone and cell records, all of RC's work records, all of the witness interviews (including the AC man, GGM Sykes, etc.), isn't putting pressure on Ron Cummings and is in fact working out a plea deal with him. Doesn't that suggest that LE has some idea that Haleigh was alive after RC went to work? As I've said about a thousand times at this point, if RC killed Haleigh, this case would have been solved long ago by LE because his alibi wouldn't have worked. The whole "Ron did it before he went to work" argument rests on the assumption that LE doesn't have a reliable witness who saw Haleigh after the time Ron left for work.
We have no idea what pressure LE is now putting, or has put on, Ron Cummings in the past. They are under no obligation to share with reporters and the public how they are conducting their investigation. We also do not know that LE is working out a plea deal with Ronald Cummings. We know that his attorney has spoken of a plea deal for his client; he may very well have approached LE on behalf of Ron and the DA (and whoever) is waiting for there to be something worth their while to consider a plea. Isn't it Ron who has the deadline? My guess is he doesn't like the terms that LE will consider for him to plea.

And what will he plea to? Though Shoemaker says it is about the drugs, he also stated it is complicated by HaLeigh. He actually conceded to that. (Not his exact words, and we have to take his words with a grain of salt).

I believe that it is WHAT AND WHO WE ARE NOT HEARING ABOUT that is most important in this case.

I'm still going by what the only credible eye witness has to say about that night. Jr. says that two black men came to see Misty and the couch was bouncing. Either she stayed home and knows what happened or she left and someone came in and took Haleigh, someone dressed all in black. Junior must have seen Misty cleaning something and looking for something, and possibly hearing Haleigh crying and covering his head up. Misty most likely knows exactly what happened but so does Junior.

Watch at about 1:50 mark

Please delete this post if I can not post it..
That is what made me think drug bust with Ron is a set up. Ron is willing to stay in jail as long as it takes to get someone to talk. I don't know what to think about any of them anymore. Like watching a Charlie Chapman movie, everyone going in every direction and no one is talking.

LOL..Hardy kinda reminds me of Charlie Chaplin however if what you state is in anyway true than there is something real hinky going on within PCSO and some people who are assigned or in charge of this investigation...JMO
There is a HUGE problem with the babysitter story. Someone made a big mistake in the "cover-up."

“She told me, ‘I didn’t want to even watch the kids that night because I was too tired from partying that weekend,’” her sister in law, Lindsay, told me in an exclusive interview Tuesday night that I broke on CNN HLN’s Nancy Grace Show.

Then, Misty related, Ronald Cummings mother, offered to pay her. “She told me, ‘Teresa (Neves) said, ‘I’ll pay you to watch ‘em.’ But I told her, ‘No, you don’t have to pay me, I’ll watch ‘em.’ Remember that weekend, she and Ronald were fighting after she came back, so she told his mother, ‘No, I’ll go home and watch ‘em if it’s okay with Ronald.’

(Further down in the story.)

The night Misty at first refused to babysit Haleigh was Sunday night, Feb. 8, about 30 hours before she reported Haleigh missing. That night, sources close to the case tell me she told police she and Ronald stayed up all night fighting, and overslept.

The way Lindsay repeats the story, Misty was called to babysit the night Haleigh went missing. But the babysitting story contradicts TN's story about Ron/Misty staying up all night talking and working things out than spending all day together on Monday. So then it is said that Misty was called to babysit on Sunday night.

Why would Misty, exhausted from partying, agree to babysit on a night that Ron does not work and is home?

Why the need to put Misty at the MH all day Monday/Monday night?

IMO, the babysitting story seems the most believable. It explains why the need to start the lies the night before, why Misty is not telling, and why Misty was kept so close in those months right after.

I thought the marriage was for Ron to avoid statutory rape charges. Now I think the marriage was to keep Misty close to the Ron, TN and GGma Sykes and away from her family by changing her status from a minor Croslin child to the wife of Ron.
I was wondering if anyone knows what day it was that Ron and, I believe, a few of the Croslins went looking for WBG? Or they were asking where he lived? IIRC, I heard that Ron was trying to find WBG, then I heard that a few of the Cummings members were looking for WBG. Does anyone else remember this? I was under the impression that it all happened over the weekend before Haleigh went missing.

Then we hear Hank Sr. say that one night about 1am, Ron wanted to go look for Misty and said that the kids were asleep. I'm trying to put it all together.

How did Ron find out about WBG?? From Misty??
I was wondering if anyone knows what day it was that Ron and, I believe, a few of the Croslins went looking for WBG? Or they were asking where he lived? IIRC, I heard that Ron was trying to find WBG, then I heard that a few of the Cummings members were looking for WBG. Does anyone else remember this? I was under the impression that it all happened over the weekend before Haleigh went missing.

Then we hear Hank Sr. say that one night about 1am, Ron wanted to go look for Misty and said that the kids were asleep. I'm trying to put it all together.

How did Ron find out about WBG?? From Misty??
Suspicious, this one from AH doesn't have the answer, but it's a good one to review for background on the WBG angle.

I do recall that Ron's bio father offered to pay WBG's neighbor $50 for WBG's address, but she refused. I'd look it up but I have to get to work.
I don't see any reference to "two black men" in this video either. I do see it was reported that Ronald no longer wished to speak to the media. What? That was early in the case!

Sorry, I only posted the video because the black man in the orange shirt that apprears to be following Ronals & Misty looks like an unwanted guest to me..
Sorry, I only posted the video because the black man in the orange shirt that apprears to be following Ronals & Misty looks like an unwanted guest to me..

That is Ron's former best friend, Orlando T. He disappeared from Ron's side within a few days.
Passed out after a 3 day drug binge. Would she really have slept through something happening?

After a 3 day binge, people don't just go to sleep, they crash, they crash HARD. I never believed the 911 call. When I heard about Misty's 3 day drug binge, it confirmed my suspicions that she was the fall girl because she was the easiest to set up without knowing a thing. I was not that involved in thise case until this last search.

What littile I knew was the original story being told by 3 people - Misty, Ron, TN - who all put Misty in the MH with the kids and Ron at work. Once people finally started asking the questions I was asking, a 4th came out, GGma Sykes who could back up the story becasue she was at the MH to put Misty there and Ron at work.

Here is info on a meth crash which I believe Misty was using.

"To a binge abuser, the crash means an incredible amount of sleep. The body's epinephrine has been depleted, and the body uses the crash to replenish its supply. Even the meanest, most violent abuser becomes almost lifeless during the crash and poses a threat to no one. The crash can last 1-3days."

IMO, Misty has told what she knows to be true. But the bigger problem with Misty is she has been told stories and has been repeating those stories, almost hoping one of them is right because she does not know.

I believe U R right on - and to further add, why were they so insistent on MC babysitting that evening! Obviously GGMS had time to stop by so she wasn't too busy to babysit. TN was not working at the time, why couldn't she babysit? IIRC, TN even offered to PAY MC to babysit. They did NOT give a damn about MC, for some reason they needed her there at the MH that night. Wonder why?
After reading thru many of the posts on this thread a couple of them REALLY struck a chord with me.(and this is the ONLY WAY I could even begin to believe that its POSSIBLE THAT Misty DOES NOT know what took place that night) I'll explain... I unfortunately am a chronic insomniac(if u look at my posts ALOT are during hours that most of America is sleeping) but NOT me. Anyway my point of sharing that is that throughout my many years of insomnia I indeed have tried Ambien as a way to resolve this issue. I have taken both the regular or original Ambien as well as the Ambien CR(which is time released in order to combat that 2nd phase of sleep where if u awake between the 2phases u can pretty much count on NOT falling back to sleep to reach the 2nd phase(a much needed type of deep sleep)The CR releases during this time to keep you sedated thru the phase where alot awake, therefore keeping you asleep throughout that much needed 2nd phase. Now that I've explained how the Ambien CR "works", I'll tell you the MAJOR side effect(s) of the original Ambien. I'm sure alot of ppl are aware,if not by personal experience or living with someone thats taken it, then many have heard thru many of the stories in the media(i.e. 1 of the U.S. Senators was pulled over in his BMW, clothed in his PJs&claiming to be headed to the Capitol to vote)It was later confirmed that he was indeed under the influence of Ambien. My point is until you have personally experienced or 1st hand have seen someone under the influence of Ambien then You cannot even comprehend the COMPLETE STATE OF BLACKOUT that you are in. I am not exaggerrating even the slightest bit when I say TOTAL BLACKOUT. As I too, back in the crazy college days on more than several occasions had WAY TOO MUCH to drink, to the point that the next day I had trouble remembering how I had gotten home the night before. And yes, things have been quite fuzzy but USUALLY after sobering up I would vaguely recall how I had gotten home. But with Ambien it is a COMPLETELY different ballgame. Having NO recollection of the night before. This was when after having took the med I would get busy say doing laundry, for instance. When I would feel the med start to have its drowsy affect(which is when u get your butt in bed)but I'd want to finish that last load of laundry, and my intent would be after finishing to THEN go to bed. Once in that drowsy phase if u continue to stay "awake"it quickly changes to COMPLETE BLACKOUT! Would not recall not only how I finished the laundry but would have not even a slightest memory of anything else that followed in those next few hours including going to grocery store(shopping for full course meal)&having convos with staff at the store, coming home(and yes I FULLY realize the danger that I was putting others that I crossed paths with while driving) and cooking sometimes elaborate meals and eating them.Having phone/email convos that I had no capability of recalling at a later time, even when the next day I could see right there in blk&wht on my computer screen the pages of emails that I had written(even then it still jarred NO MEMORY WHATSOEVER)...So, back to how this relates to Misty is that just as someone posted previously on this thread about that when ppl come down off of drug binges that they do not necessarily crash hard into deep sleeps, rather very restless, awakening at the slightest noise therefore I could see it very POSSIBLE for Misty to have taken an Ambien type drug to get some DEEP SLEEP and as I described taking either of the types of Ambien would leave her with NO RECOLLECTION of that night. The CR type would "keep" her in that sound&deep sleep, whereas the original type would have her in a COMPLETELY BLACKED OUT state. Both with no capability of recalling the events, and my personal experience that could "possibly" include that if Misty was under the influence of the original Ambien it is ENTIRELY POSSIBLE that she was witness to what happened but TRULY has NO RECOLLECTION. This would also account for why GGS says she appeared "fine" because #1 at 730pm she may not have taken the Ambien yet and #2 by all accts of my fam& friends(& even the staff at my local grocer) can attest that I too seemed "fine"but when actually was in a COMPLETE BLACKOUT...
This is the only way I can see that she POSSIBLY DOES NOT know what occurred that night..

ETA: I am quite sure that I am NOT the only one that has had these experiences or similar. If you look on the Ambien website there are 100's of accounts of this with many being much much more twisted in nature(infact several being sexual in nature)I'll see if I can find link to any of tehm..
ETA: I am quite sure that I am NOT the only one that has had these experiences or similar. If you look on the Ambien website there are 100's of accounts of this with many being much much more twisted in nature(infact several being sexual in nature)I'll see if I can find link to any of tehm..

Remeron and Halcion are capable of doing that too... Wonder who in the Cummings Clan may have slipped her that pill IF indeed she doesn't remember the events of that night? I suspect she remembers what happened that afternoon though before she was given something to knock her out IF indeed that happened...JMO
...Remeron and Halcion are capable of doing that too... Wonder who in the Cummings Clan may have slipped her that pill IF indeed she doesn't remember the events of that night? I suspect she remembers what happened that afternoon though before she was given something to knock her out IF indeed that happened...JMO

Exactly what I thought as I read jessigirl's post. :shakehead:
Wondering if a hair sample from Misty was given, could forensic scientist labs pick on which drugs she took that day?
Dear Lisa & Hank Sr. or Granny H,

Please get Misty to take truth serum, it is her ONLY chance! Here is a link to the drug that explains how and why it works.

Also, you might want to convince her to get a new lawyer.

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