Dog the Bounty Hunter #2

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I love Dog and believe he should be forgiven. Why can't we just let people learn their lessons? I'm sure the hurt he is feeling is sincere. Ignorance makes people do stupid things but as long as he learns a lesson, and I do believe him to be a humble man, we should let it go.
Has Dog's show definitely been cancelled? Also, I wonder if Beth is under some contract with A&E? She didn't say anything, so it doesn't seem fair to penalize the whole family that has been contributing and appearing on the show just like in any other sitcom type program.
After reading the other comments Dog made to his ex-wife when they were fighting (see below) I have no doubt that he uses these words as weapons and in a derogatory manner. he is not using them thinking he is a "brother" of the black community. I hope he realizes that he is the one who destroyed his reputation, not his son. If he hadn't used the words to begin with, we wouldn't be having this conversation.


Dog’s vicious racial outburst came as a shock to many, but it came as no surprise to those who have known him for years. They claim he has been using racist language as long as they can remember.
“I think Dog is a racist – no question,” Dog’s former wife, Lyssa Chapman, tells The National Enquirer. Lyssa was married to the bounty hunter from 1982-1991 and is the mother of three of his children, including Tucker, whose relationship with a woman of color prompted Dog’s venomous rant.
“He ran down every single minority group when I was with him, and n—er was a daily word for him,” says his ex, Lyssa. “He called Mexican people ‘beaners’ or ‘wetbacks’ and Asian people ‘flangeheads.’ I would tell him not to talk that way in front of our kids, but he just ignored me.”
Lyssa recalled one particularly disturbing incident in Denver in which she says Dog lashed out at an interracial couple in a grocery store.
“Dog said to the woman, ‘I know that’s got to be your pimp! I know you wouldn’t be ****ing him if you weren’t getting paid!’ They were husband and wife, but when the man started to object, Dog just went crazy, screaming at him, ‘I’ll kick your *advertiser censored*.’”
What an ignorant prick!!!!
Dog also made his views clear to colleagues.
Peggy Munoz, now a private investigator in Lakewood, Colorado, was a former bail bondsman working the same turf as Dog from 1989 to 2005.
She claims Dog once sat in her office and explained his “approach” to the bail bond business.
“Dog said, ‘I don’t like to bond out n—-rs because they don’t have any money and I have trouble collecting on them. And I don’t like to bond out Mexicans because, well, they just run.’”
And, the final nail in his coffin….
Dog’s step-daughter Nicole Gillespie, daughter of one of his other ex-wives, Tawnee, says she regularly heard hateful language from Dog when she was growing up.
“My mother was half-Mexican, and if they fought, Dog would call her a ‘dirty spic *advertiser censored*’ and a ‘dirty Mexican *advertiser censored*,’” said Nicole. “That’s what he taught his kids was the right way to talk. When they got older, they had to un-learn the racism that Dog taught them. It’s sick. It’s like a disease, and it spreads.”

Dog IS a racist and he should be FIRED!! Even if those words are not 100% accurate they give ENOUGH smoke to burn down the dog and when there's smoke there's fire.

Dog wouldn't be saying all those racial slurs and imply that some people think blacks are "souless animals" if he didn't have some hate buried deep inside.

There's more than enough evidence to show that Dog is a racist deep inside so he should NOT be back on tv. He can still do bounty hunting on his own like all the other bounty hunters do who don't have a tv show.
Welllll, churches are full of all types of people on Sundays and other days of the week, some are fully useful as Christians and accept other people who are not quite so useful to mankind.Many people who attend church, are just trying to become better people. Some of these people have not quite gotten the full criteria imbedded into their minds and souls YET. I choose to accept Dog's apology, I do believe it is sincere, and I do believe he should be given his show back. This has been a great training session for Dog in his walk toward becoming a BETTER person.Can any of us find a better training tool for converting a possible racist?I have only watched one of the Dog's TV shows, his focus is to make money and and and to find CRIMINALS. Many of our daily jobs do not entail much more than that. Our daily grinds as working souls is to do our jobs well, help people with their needs etc. and make money. Many of us still stand around the office water cooler and call other co workers names, and point out their perceived faults, hmmm.There are far worse Television programs to watch, imop..
Hmmm, donut know what happened with WS posting this morn. but I did not post as one HUGE paragraph and I did not even try to FIX it.
Lyssa recalled one particularly disturbing incident in Denver in which she says Dog lashed out at an interracial couple in a grocery store.
“Dog said to the woman, ‘I know that’s got to be your pimp! I know you wouldn’t be ****ing him if you weren’t getting paid!’ They were husband and wife, but when the man started to object, Dog just went crazy, screaming at him, ‘I’ll kick your *advertiser censored*.’”

What a freakin' shame.

I was willing to give him the benefit of a doubt until I read this. To continue to give him a show after this would be like giving a loaded gun to a baby.

By the way, if someone were to say one word to me about me, my wife or my kids due to us being interracial, they better be prepared to back up those words or soon eat them. Just my opinion.
Just to let you know, Monique has been quoted today that Beth and also Baby Lyssa are both as racist as Dog and have both used racist language either in her company or when referring to her.

Unsurprisingly although she is claiming to be in hiding for fear of what Dog fans will do to her she is planning on taking things further and now suing him.
Hmmm, will sit and watch this all play out.

Dog is presenting himself as a Christian man, sooooooooo is this the big lesson for him AND his family to become NON racist?

Just HOW do we as a nation untrain racists?

I would think a suit from his wife would bring out every piece of dirty laundry from each of their birthdays to the present, BUT what about each of their future behaviors?

This obviously is not an Ozzie and Harriet Nelson family. Prison is a great college and learning experience, for becoming greatly 'different' than Ozzie and Harriet were.


Just to let you know, Monique has been quoted today that Beth and also Baby Lyssa are both as racist as Dog and have both used racist language either in her company or when referring to her.

Unsurprisingly although she is claiming to be in hiding for fear of what Dog fans will do to her she is planning on taking things further and now suing him.

What proof is there that Monique did what Dog accused her of? His word? That just doesn't cut it for me. Her reputation has been damaged. For all we know, the only thing Monique might be guilty of is dating a guy with a jerk for a father.
I hope a judge throws out her suit. Dog, nor anyone else, should not use that word, but what is she suing him over? He thought he was saying it in private and maybe he slandered her, but it was her BOYFRIEND who turned it over for public consumption. It's not like Dog said the n'word and slandered her on his show. He already is the loser in this situation, not her. She's just looking for even more money IMO.
I hope a judge throws out her suit. Dog, nor anyone else, should not use that word, but what is she suing him over? He thought he was saying it in private and maybe he slandered her, but it was her BOYFRIEND who turned it over for public consumption. It's not like Dog said the n'word and slandered her on his show. He already is the loser in this situation, not her. She's just looking for even more money IMO.

Very well said. She looked positively ecstatic with herself when she was on the interview.

And her claim that she wasnt in the car park of Dogs office waiting to jump Beth with some of her 'posse', as the girls seen were wearing tank shirts and she doesnt wear them so it couldnt have been her were laughable. What an alibi that would be in a court of law lol.

To add insult to injury she was wearing a tank shirt in her interview! Jeez...
Old saying: "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear."

Here's one of the many, many apologies Dog has made.

". . . D. CHAPMAN: So, first of all, I owe Monique and Tucker an apology. My son knows my heart.

Second of all, of course, all black people in America I owe an apology to. Whether how dark I think I am, I cannot say that word.

I owe the rest of the people, whether they're black or not in America, an apology, because people looked up to me. I've learned a lesson. All my lessons I've learned in my life have been the hard way, or I guess I wouldn't learn them. This is one of the hardest lessons I've ever learned in my life, even facing death. . . .

HANNITY: Do you want to look in the camera and tell people directly?

D. CHAPMAN: I'm very sorry, and I apologize with all my heart. The last of my letter, would you read what I wrote?

HANNITY: Yes. You said — you said, "I am deeply disappointed in myself for speaking out of anger to my son and using such a hateful term in a private conversation. I'm disappointed in his choice of a friend, not due to her race, but her character. However, I should never have used that term."

You said, "I know that all my fans are deeply disappointed in me. As well, I have tried to be a model for doing the right thing. I did not do the right thing this time and hope you will forgive me."

D. CHAPMAN: And that's exactly what I say. I did not do the right thing. I don't care how close I could get to any nationality, to be able - - the Bible says, to be all things to all men. I thought that I could say that. I cannot, because of the color of my skin. . . .",2933,308899,00.html

Have the racist Snoop Dogg or the racist Chris Rock ever once apologized for their frequent public use of the same word?

"Hypocrisy = Do as I say, not as I do."
You know, not trying to be too much of a smarta$$....

But I hate it when people do things, get into trouble and THEN profess they are christian, hide behind the bible and should have known better. If you are a christian, then be a christian 100% of your existence. Not for when it suits you or serves YOUR purpose. And if you do claim to be a Christian, then follow the ten commandments! If you have a problem in doing so, OWN UP TO IT!

I'm so sick of so called christians that break one or more of thier ten commandments and then only confessed to it once they are caught by thier peers...

Keep in mind that I said so called christians. Not all christians.
And if you do claim to be a Christian, then follow the ten commandments! If you have a problem in doing so, OWN UP TO IT!

Isn't that what Dog is doing now (owning up to it)?

Like the bumper sticker says: Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven.
Being racist and Christian are not necessarily mutually exclusive in the minds of a lot of people; just ask those loonies at the Aryan Nations. Don't they base all of their rants on their interpretation of the Bible? Doesn't the Klan burn crosses? Some of the biggest racists in the world claim to be so Christian they practically eat Bibles for breakfast. I have no doubt they believe themselves, too.

I think mostly what Dog is sorry for, at this point, is that his son taped his vile spew and played it for the world to hear. Would he be apologizing to Monique and every person of color in the western hemisphere just out of remorse for saying those things if the world didn't know he'd said them? I'm pretty sure he wouldn't.

You don't use those words unless you've got them in your heart somewhere. He's a racist jerk and that's all there is to it. He might consider himself a Christian and a good person but he's a racist jerk and he just proved it to the world. Now whether that means he should lose his show or not, I couldn't tell you. If A&E cancels it, it will be because sponsors won't sign on for a show headlined by a man that the world thinks is a racist. He's still got a big fan base. There are plenty of people who watch him because he's entertaining and don't worry about his opinions regarding questions of social justice.

I have never really liked him, but I'm obviously not in his demographic.
Actually people DO use that word and many others all the time. Older people especially were raised with the thinking that these words were OK to use and have never really thought of them as derogatory.

I think in this day and age with "political correctness" almost law people are changing the way they view things, talk, and live their lives. It's easier for the younger set because the times were changing for them as they grew up... the older folks have a much harder time learning the "new" way to talk.

I think most everyone alive has used the "N" word at some time in their lives... whether they were a young child or an angry adult. And those that deny are more than likely lying to themselves.
You know, not trying to be too much of a smarta$$....

But I hate it when people do things, get into trouble and THEN profess they are christian, hide behind the bible and should have known better. If you are a christian, then be a christian 100% of your existence. Not for when it suits you or serves YOUR purpose. And if you do claim to be a Christian, then follow the ten commandments! If you have a problem in doing so, OWN UP TO IT!

I'm so sick of so called christians that break one or more of thier ten commandments and then only confessed to it once they are caught by thier peers...

Keep in mind that I said so called christians. Not all christians.

Which one of the Ten Commandments did Dog Chapman break? :waitasec:

Even if he didnt break a commandment, he used unacceptable language. He's learning his lessen the hard way, and he has "owned up to it," as you say he should.

If people who use the n-word are racists, that makes people like Chris Rock and Snoop Dogg racists, too. I agree that they are. They are waaaaay more wealthy and waaaaaay more influential than Dog Chapman. They too need to apologize, "own up to it," and correct their unacceptable language.

Unfortunately, human beings are just that.
We're human regardless of our religious beliefs, and this means we are fallen.

Dog Chapman is expressing remorse and asking for forgiveness for offending us. It's time for the people like Snoop Dog and Chris Rock to stop their offensive language, too ~~ "hypocrisy = Do as I say, Not as I do"

Being racist and Christian are not necessarily mutually exclusive in the minds of a lot of people; just ask those loonies at the Aryan Nations. Don't they base all of their rants on their interpretation of the Bible? Doesn't the Klan burn crosses? Some of the biggest racists in the world claim to be so Christian they practically eat Bibles for breakfast. I have no doubt they believe themselves, too.

I think mostly what Dog is sorry for, at this point, is that his son taped his vile spew and played it for the world to hear. Would he be apologizing to Monique and every person of color in the western hemisphere just out of remorse for saying those things if the world didn't know he'd said them? I'm pretty sure he wouldn't.

You don't use those words unless you've got them in your heart somewhere. He's a racist jerk and that's all there is to it. He might consider himself a Christian and a good person but he's a racist jerk and he just proved it to the world. Now whether that means he should lose his show or not, I couldn't tell you. If A&E cancels it, it will be because sponsors won't sign on for a show headlined by a man that the world thinks is a racist. He's still got a big fan base. There are plenty of people who watch him because he's entertaining and don't worry about his opinions regarding questions of social justice.

I have never really liked him, but I'm obviously not in his demographic.

EXACTLY. Not only do racists justify that the Bible supports their convictions but for hundreds of years AND SOME STILL TODAY justify slavery with the Bible.

People can interpret the Bible any way they choose and since god doesn't show up and says who is right no one can tell them that are really wrong because they say that is god's word.
Heck, Al Sharpton is the biggest racist I know of. He may not use those kinds of words, but he's a racist just the same. He's probably way more racist than Dog. Dog would've gotten much less flack if he had killed someone. Sheesh. :rolleyes:

MagicRose, I agree that most of us of a ... uh ... certain age ... have used the N word. My dad used it frequently and used it to/at/about the black man who worked for him. Blacks in those days weren't so offended by it. Or maybe I should say my dad's employee did not appear to be offended by it.
......... Many of us still stand around the office water cooler and call other co workers names, and point out their perceived faults, hmmm.There are far worse Television programs to watch, imop..

:clap: Excellent post Ms. Camper.

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