Dr. Phil Interviews Burke Ramsey (9/12 & 9/13 2016)

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Watched the interview with DP. BR's constant smiling is rather odd IMO. Don't really know if that is always his natural demeanor or not? Thought i was watching a "This Is Your Life" BR episode or something.
Does DP seek out these interviews or do people being interviewed seek DP out? It is odd to me that after such a very long time BR would be on a DP show IMO. What is the point?

I wondered about this also and my thought is BR must feel "safe" with Dr. Phil and I do think at some point the quilt does get to people so he may want to get it off his chest so to speak. My bet is that Dr. Phil has done a great many hours of research and after this interview with JR and BR Dr. Phil has a theory as to want actually happened.

re: bedwetting theory

@ 9: 31

DP: H have you heard that theory?

BR: I I've heard the cover up part
I haven't heard the wet the bed,
the rage thing

[Det. Schuler:
What do you remember about that
about JonBenet wetting her
bed or wetting her pants?

I just remember, she
wet her bed

Det. Schuler:
What would happen when JonBenet
would wet her bed.

Det. Schuler:
What would what would
mom or dad do?

Mom would change
the sheets

and all that stuff

And dad wouldn't really
do anything

Burke: He had to go to work in
the morning]

DP: Did JonBenet wet the bed?

BR: Ya. I mean, I mean, you know
Did she wet the bed at six
I don't remember, maybe
I I definitely remember, like,
her and me, like wetting the bed
maybe a couple times a week.
2 to 3 times a week.
I mean, it's, it's you know
and I think every kid does that
...and you just have to like
to like, you know.
It would be kind of embarassing
but parents would just clean it up.

@ 14:05

DP: Did you go to the pagaents
very much?

BR: Ya, I mean I remember,
like a, one of the pagaents things
or something
She just like
would go out and just like,
you know.
(snap) like flaunt whatever
on stage and
She wasn't shy I guess.

DP: No. Did you feel left out of that?
Or was that okay with you ?

BR: No, it was totally fine, I mean
I spent a lot of time
with my mom too

DP: Did you mother have
fun with this or was she
a 'stage mom'?

BR: I think see had fun with it.
I mean she did pagaents.
She was like Ms Virginia.
So I think it was kind of a
fun thing.

DP: Was she the pushy type
or did she go with the flow?

BR: I don't remember her being
pushy at all.

DP: Ya, little girls' sometimes
get lots of attention

BR: Ya.

DP: Did you ever feel like
she got all the attention?

BR: No it was never an issue
I mean, it's just normal to me

I've always wondered if the screaming was Patsy when she discovered that JBR had been injured by Burke. I don't know if JBR would have been able to scream loud enough for the neighbor to hear, but also I think it's believed the blow with the flashlight would have knocked JBR out immediately.

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Good point!!
verb: flaunt; 3rd person present: flaunts; past tense: flaunted; past participle: flaunted; gerund or present participle: flaunting

  • display (something) ostentatiously, especially in order to provoke envy or admiration or to show defiance.
    "newly rich consumers eager to flaunt their prosperity"
    [TABLE="class: vk_tbl vk_gy"]
    [TD="class: lr_dct_nyms_ttl"]synonyms:[/TD]
    [TD]show off, display ostentatiously, make a (great) show of, put on show/display, parade; Morebrag about, crow about, vaunt;
    "he flaunts his young wife as if she were the prize heifer at the county fair"


    • dress or behave in a sexually provocative way.

synonyms: show off, display ostentatiously, make a (great) show of, put on show/display, parade;
I just don't think Burke did it! I have a child who is close to 9. I think he's being given way too much credit, as a 9 year old. His answers seemed pretty reasonable and how I would feel. People I don't know are asking me the same questions over and over. Also, I had a little sister die when I was 16. Even at 16, I was uncomfortable when people would ask me how many kids in my family. I would not include her in the number because then there were questions. How old was everyone, bots or girls, etc. I can see why he didn't draw her. It becomes uncomfortable. He was drawing his present reality. Also, No 9 year old wrote that letter! From the handwriting to the spelling to the wording. .. not a 9 year old. My little would probably stay in his room if people were crying and something was obviously going on. He would be scared and trying to stay away from the bad man- just what burke said. At 9, I think he would have slipped up more, if he did it. Their cognitive abilities can't sustain what it would take for him to be lying about killing her. I kind of feel like this child has been publicly abused and accused all his life. That will for sure create lifelong issues and "strangeness". I think that 9 year old went through more than what most adults could mentally handle. I feel sorry for him. I know plenty of people disagree, and that's ok. I just wanted to give a different view point. Sorry it's a big string of points- my phone let's me see 2 Lines at a time! Lol
Never in the history of the FBI has there been a child kidnapping where the RN was written at the scene of the crime.

Never in the history of the FBI has there been a kidnapping/ransom where the person was then found murdered inside the house from which they were kidnapped.

This is a "Hollywood' version of what someone thinks a kidnapping/ransom crime would look and sound like.

This is from the FBI guy in the ID special, not me.

Even JR stated 'this is an inside job". Well, of course it is, Sherlock. The $118K ransom demand should have been your second clue after recognizing your wife's handwriting on the RN.

What a bunch of liars they are. BR said the RN writing was too sloppy to be PR's JR said the writing under the photographs was too sloppy to be PR's. Other than the fact that the reason they don't think it is hers is because it is sloppy, they sure chose an odd word to describe it. JR at on time called it scribbling. It looked just like PR's and guess what - Cina Wong found 200 similarities in the RN and PR's exemplars! TWO HUNDRED. But the husband and son can't see it. BS!BS!BS!

All 3 of them know exactly what happened that night. And they have been covering their own behinds since.
I didn't think DP would reveal anything not already known primarily because of his association with Lin Wood. I must admit I'm very very surprised what has come out in the first two episodes.

We now know that Burke snuck downstairs after the rest of the family were in bed (or at least he thought they were). John and Patsy both stated they retired around 10.30 - 10.40pm so that would mean BR made this trip after that time. Burke now admits he and JB 'might' have eaten pineapple sometime during the 25th. JR apparently used the family flashlight to take BR to bed and BR stated the baseball bat found outside the house, with fibres on it from the wine cellar, was his.

These revelations are are quite amazing I think. It places BR downstairs at a critical time in this investigation. It opens up the possibility he snacked on pineapple at this time. It shows the family flashlight was readily and easily accessible and BR's baseball bat, at least at one time, was inside the house.

All these new revelations accord perfectly with the theory expounded by Kolar in his book. I.E. an altercation took place initially in the kitchen area possibly involving the flashlight or BB bat. I wonder if this was in the information BR gave the GJ. If so Kolar would be aware of it but unable to state it due to GJ secrecy thus framing it as a theory.

BR has done himself no favours with this interview.


Great post, but I didn't pick up on Burke saying anything about the baseball bat having ever been in the house. I thought he said he usually left it on the patio. Maybe I just missed that?

Great post, but I didn't pick up on Burke saying anything about the baseball bat having ever been in the house. I thought he said he usually left it on the patio. Maybe I just missed that?

Note how BR distances himself from his own Baseball Bat, he says it was usually left on the patio. Yet the Baseball Bat is linked directly to the basement since has fibers from the basement carpet on it, how coincidental is that?

I've just viewed DP on facebook answering questions re the BR interview. He is vehemently pro BR and the Ramseys generally. He states this is a DNA case still to be solved apparently by finding an intruder. Some of the reasons he gave for this are factually incorrect. Bearing in mind the new discoveries DP elicited from BR during the interviews I find this incredible. I would surmise Dr Phil either hasn't read the evidence properly or he is getting paid too much to say otherwise.

Symptoms of Bedwetting:[/h]Bedwetting refers to involuntary urination during sleep in children over the age of 5. Bedwetting may occur at any point during the night but usually occurs during the first few hours of sleep. Occasional bedwetting for children over the age of 5 is not uncommon but if it happens more often than 2-3 times per month, parents should consult their pediatrician.
[h=2]How to Treat Bedwetting:[/h]Because bedwetting tends to happen during the first few hours of sleep, a good method of preventing it is to make sure that your child goes to the bathroom

As a side note: something I have not seen discussed is the possibility of both children being so nervous around their emotionally-demanding parents that they unconsciously "hold it in" for way too long and eventually had toileting accidents. This is not uncommon, even with adults who experience chronic anxiety.
Note how BR distances himself from his own Baseball Bat, he says it was usually left on the patio. Yet the Baseball Bat is linked directly to the basement since has fibers from the basement carpet on it, how coincidental is that?


I agree with you. But Burke never admitted that the baseball bat was in the basement, which is what the OP stated. Not trying to be a pain in the butt here...I'm just a stickler for accuracy. :)
Anyway, if the simplest answer is most likely the correct answer, then it seems to me that the flashlight was the object that caused the blow to the head. It was kept in the kitchen, BR admitted that it was in JR's hands that night (and for a VERY odd reason, imo), and investigators very early on thought a heavy flashlight might have caused the blow.

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck...etc. etc.
I've just viewed DP on facebook answering questions re the BR interview. He is vehemently pro BR and the Ramseys generally. He states this is a DNA case still to be solved apparently by finding an intruder. Some of the reasons he gave for this are factually incorrect. Bearing in mind the new discoveries DP elicited from BR during the interviews I find this incredible. I would surmise Dr Phil either hasn't read the evidence properly or he is getting paid too much to say otherwise.

Is there anyone responding that can effectively challenge his DNA statement?
Regarding the flashlight.
Let's follow what we know to be true or at least evidence points to it being true:
1.)Flashlight is now been linked by BR to be in JR hands on the night of the murder as he put him to bed with it.
If this is true...
How did the flashlight wind up being possibly the murder weapon?.....
2.) Did JR leave the flashlight at BR bedside?
3.) Did JR take flashlight back upstairs to his bedroom?
4.) Where was the flashlight between the moment JR put him to bed and when it was found in kitchen (wiped completely clean of ALL prints including JR's and even the batteries were cleaned!)

This is where the truth lies.
1.) If JR took it to his bedroom then that means the KILLER had to go up to his room and remove flashlight and take it downstairs, use it as a weapon, then go back up to kitchen and clean it completely.
2.) If JR left it at BR bedside, then that means one of three things happened.
A.) BR took flashlight on his adventure downstairs and left it. Leaving the intruder to find it and use it as a murder weapon. (Wouldn't an intruder bring their own flashlight??)
B.) Intruder went all the way to BR's room to get the flashlight, use it as a murder weapon, then wipe clean of prints and leave in kitchen.
C.) BR took flashlight on his adventure and ended up using flashlight to harm sister, either accidently or deliberately.

OR the flashlight grew arms and legs, committed the crime itself and wiped itself down and placed itself in kitchen. With the bowl of pineapple and tea that MAYBE BR ate with his sister.

There's where I'm at right now.
Any other ideas regarding how the flashlight could've made its way to possibly being a murder weapon?
I've been handling my maglight while thinking about this. This kind of flashlight is extremely heavy and even with a small amount of force could easily crack a skull and leave the shape that was found on JB skull. Very easily. This flashlight is used by cops. It is not a light flashlight. It's very easily a weapon. It is made of metal. So it carries significant weight. Add in several batteries? You've got a powerful weapon that could crack even an adult's skull.

ETA: my maglight flashlight holds 3 size D batteries if you want to factor in the weight. I believe this adds significant force behind a swing of this flashlight. Holding it in your hand, you can feel the power. I actually keep this beside my bed AS a weapon. Along with a gun *cough*.

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To be honest Burke seem to be a narcissistic. Like he doesn't care about anyone one but himself. He laid in the bed the whole time and didn't ask "Whats going on?" He acted as if Dr. Phil's questions were a joke or a game. His interviews are not believable.
Also I find it odd that at BOTH funerals, JonBenets and Pastys, there are pictures of him with a big grin on his face.

I noticed that from JonBenét´s funeral, I didn´t know he also smiled at Patsy´s. At JonBenét´s, he looked like it was the happiest day of his life! It is very odd. Burke is a very strange guy. Not sure what to make of that constant smile!
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