Dr. Phil Interviews Burke Ramsey (9/12 & 9/13 2016)

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This flashlight story only serves one purpose, explain away evidence they KNOW will be found or has been found. That's it. - E9


"I was just going through methodically every square inch of that basement, and I opened the door, and there's JonBenet,"John recalls, adding that at that point, he didn't know she was dead. "I had this rush of 'Thank God I found her,' and it was just this overwhelming sense of joy, that I had found my child."

"She looked very peaceful," he added.


I Know
double take
So where are the flashlight and baseball bat now? Why haven't we heard about the forensic results of their testing?

Yes, the flashlight was wiped down, but blood doesn't disappear from a wipe-down. At this point LE should know what the murder weapon was, whether it was a tool of some sort or if it was a bathroom cabinet or countertop. I wonder if the GJ was told what actually caused the facture, or if LE just never figured it out.

- LE has no idea what the murder weapon was. They can guess, but they don't know.
- As to finding blood on the flashlight? I don't think the skin was broken, thus no blood.
- The bat was tested and carpet fibres from the train room were found.
- The flashlight was dusted for prints. Not sure if DNA testing can be done with all that black powder on it.
Since we're all sharing stories, I'll share mine. I had a friend growing up who was routinely abused by her older brother. She would come to school and show everyone the stitches in her scalp. Looking back at some of her behavior as an adult, I've come to realize she was likely sexually abused by her brother as well as physically abused. Sometimes I wish I could turn back time to call CPS but then, what would I say? A white bred adolescent boy growing up in a big fancy house with well off parents is abusing his sister? As if they would believe me.
If John used flashlight to put Burke to bed and then Burke used flashlight to go back downstairs then how to John get back to his room without anylight?
This flashlight story only serves one purpose, explain away evidence they KNOW will be found or has been found. That's it. - E9


Problem is that Burke says John used the flashlight to carry JB in from the car.

- When asked about the flashlight, both parents denied knowing how it got there and questioned whether it was even theirs.
- Burke previously stated that he JB walked in from the car and up the stairs with the parents
- Burke says he snuck down to play with his toy, but John has said he and Burke stayed up to put it together.

So at the very least the parents are trying to deceive LE as to why the flashlight was there, inferring it came with the intruder. Burke is likely lying as well. If he used the flashlight to go downstairs, logically he would have used it to go back upstairs. So why was it found in the kitchen? Sorry but Dr Phil is weak. When Burke drops the flashlight bomb, why doesn't he jump all over it? How long did you stay down there? What did you do? Where exactly did you go? Again, the Ramseys say what they want and the average person buys every word of it. I don't think DP has enough knowledge about this case to ask follow up questions, he's simply asking the questions his research team to tell him to ask.
If John used flashlight to put Burke to bed and then Burke used flashlight to go back downstairs then how to John get back to his room without anylight?

Ask yourself why he needed a flashlight in the first place? That mansion apparently didn't have any lights because he had to read the ransom note on the hallway floor because thats where the best light was.
This flashlight story only serves one purpose, explain away evidence they KNOW will be found or has been found. That's it. - E9


Well it's in itself kind of incriminating. There's no need for a risk like saying this, unless there is a BIGGER problem they are trying to avoid, no?

p 50 ... The Ramseys would later indicate that
they may have owned a similar style of flashlight,
and stated that it had been kept in a kitchen drawer. ...
Problem is that Burke says John used the flashlight to carry JB in from the car.

- When asked about the flashlight, both parents denied knowing how it got there and questioned whether it was even theirs.
- Burke previously stated that he JB walked in from the car and up the stairs with the parents
- Burke says he snuck down to play with his toy, but John has said he and Burke stayed up to put it together.

So at the very least the parents are trying to deceive LE as to why the flashlight was there, inferring it came with the intruder. Burke is likely lying as well. If he used the flashlight to go downstairs, logically he would have used it to go back upstairs. So why was it found in the kitchen? Sorry but Dr Phil is weak. When Burke drops the flashlight bomb, why doesn't he jump all over it? How long did you stay down there? What did you do? Where exactly did you go? Again, the Ramseys say what they want and the average person buys every word of it. I don't think DP has enough knowledge about this case to ask follow up questions, he's simply asking the questions his research team to tell him to ask.

Agree with everything. Dr. Phil is weak only in the sense that he's choosing to side with the Ramsey's due to himself being basically in a "gentleman's club" with JR. They have the same lawyer. They're both big American businessmen. They know each other. Bad idea to piss off another "fat cat" as the "ramson note writer" referred to JR!
- LE has no idea what the murder weapon was. They can guess, but they don't know.
- As to finding blood on the flashlight? I don't think the skin was broken, thus no blood.
- The bat was tested and carpet fibres from the train room were found.
- The flashlight was dusted for prints. Not sure if DNA testing can be done with all that black powder on it.

BBM: do you have a source for this? Is it the same room JR said he helped BR construct some toy?

All I am going to say after watching these interviews is that I am more convinced than ever that someone in that house killed JonBenet. It may not have been Burke, but it was one of them. It is maddening that that DA cleared the family. Ugh,
BBM: do you have a source for this? Is it the same room JR said he helped BR construct some toy?


Don't have a source right now. The fibre evidence on the bat has been around for years. They did mention it on the DP show as well, but they said "the fibres matched the carpet in the very room JBR was found". Obviously there was no carpet in the WC and as far as I could tell, the train room looked to be the only carpeted area.

And LE was so lax in Ramsey questioning. They didn't ask what toy or what room.
Ok, when I was in day camp with a nine year old neighbor he tried to drown me in the pool,

He had gotten in trouble at home for some nonsense I was also involved in...but I hadn't known he was in trouble..

He waited for me to go off the board , then dived on top of me, throwing his legs around my neck and forcing me down.

Two guards had to dive in and pull him off..

He premeditated it...He told me later when we were older that it was his intention to kill me.

Age of nine. I was 7 ...just saying.

I think the garrott and the paint brush splinter were done by Burke...imo.
Excuse me? I've read most of the books written on the case. I've followed it from the beginning. Did Dr Phil say Burke wasn't a suspect? I have never read that Burke wasn't a suspect. Who could rule him out as a suspect? To the contrary, the police wanted Burke interviewed immediately and were prevented by the parents.
The former police chief, James Kolar who probably knows more about the evidence than anyone, got it right.

Burke did it. The parents covered it up. This makes all the sense in the world.

Why did the parents go to extreme lengths to prevent Burke from being interviewed almost immediately? Why did they refuse to allow themselves to be interviewed by the police (unless they were interviewed together?) Why was John Ramsey making arrangements to leave town almost immediately? Why did JR lawyer up almost immediately?

None of this behavior makes sense except when looked at from the perspective of two parents who are trying to save their only living child from a lifelong sentence of public scrutiny and judgement as a very weird, sick little boy.

This, in addition to the public scrutiny and judgement that would follow them - as the parents of a very weird, sick little boy.

The physical and circumstantial evidence is very powerful; Patsy's handwriting, her practice writing on her own writing pad, her writing pen, her paint brush used as the garrote. PR and JR's unnatural, stonewalling behavior as parents of a murdered child.

All of the rest of the case is nothing more than diversion that confuses the untrained public. A Santa Clause suspect, Mark Kaar, police mistakes, a variety of investigative imperfections and typo errors (typical and normal), a half dozen weirdo suspects that emerge to muddy the investigation (also typical and normal) touch DNA; all of these things are simply distractions to the fundamental evidence as described in Kolar's book; Foreign Faction.

The unsupported theories about psycho killers disregard the police and FBI experts that have identified the loosely placed "restraints" as an attempt to stage this crime. Personally, it kills me how often ordinary John Q Public folks foolishly and arrogantly disregard professional trained experts who have spent countless hours developing thier science and skills.

In other words: "To heck with the evidence and theories developed by the FBI. Listen to me instead. I have a two year degree in Humanities." Please!

The surprising appearance of Burke Ramsey finally giving this interview after all these years should provide meaningful insight to discerning, reasonable adults when viewing what was once a disturbed little boy as a disturbed adult male.
Thanks topcop, I couldn't agree more. Excellent post.
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