Dr Phil w/ George and Cindy Anthony (Show airs 9.13.2011)

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curious if other trial judges allow family members who are witnesses to sit in court and get up and down from witness stand mingled with all other testimony?

In one trial I testified in, those of us who were on the witness lists had to wait outside the courtroom until we took the stand. Once our testimony was done, we were allowed to stay in the courtroom--even if we were later re-called to testify again.
One thing really bothers me more than anything else. How is George getting away with being so honest right in front of Cindy? Did they have an agreement, George, you be honest, and I'll just cover, cover, cover? I've never heard him be so free with his talking before. Yes, he's still being vague, but I can't believe Cindy isn't glaring at him when he talks or isn't angry about what he said. She just followed everything up with more covering. So weird. She never let him be this honest and open before now!
I'm watching. Swore I wouldn't. But I am. Be back in a min to do the play by play with ya'll.
One thing really bothers me more than anything else. How is George getting away with being so honest right in front of Cindy? Did they have an agreement, George, you be honest, and I'll just cover, cover, cover? I've never heard him be so free with his talking before. Yes, he's still being vague, but I can't believe Cindy isn't glaring at him when he talks or isn't angry about what he said. She just followed everything up with more covering. So weird. She never let him be this honest and open before now!

Makes for better ratings? And, more importantly, could possibly lay the foundation for later books/movies/interviews. JMO
I thought the interview was surprisingly informative. I'm unable to watch tomorrow, but will be interested to read comments here.

George has the guilts and is grieving. I think he loves Cindy and can't bear to lose her so he will continue to dance this macabre duet.

Cindy believes herself to be a victim and will destroy anyone in her blind devotion to her evil daughter.
Oh - so CA just admitted to "going through therapy" for the past 3 years. hhhmmmm
You might be right Solace. However, I don't think Casey being young had anything to do with the murder she committed. Casey believes she's entitled to anything, including removing a person from this life if she feels so inclined to remove them. I don't think Casey has the ability to think she will EVER be held accountable for ANYTHING she does, EVER. Up until now only her short ridiculous probation has held her accountable to anything. I have no doubt that ANY close loved one would be in danger around Casey. I don't think Casey believes she's just lucky (and she has been INCREDIBLY lucky thus far) I think she believes she's invincible.

I have no doubt that if Casey fancies killing again she wouldn't hesitate a second. Not getting away with murder again probably doesn't even register with her.

Totally agree!..If your looking for a motive lets list revenge, spite towards CA. Then there is the jealousy issue. The felon didn't like to share the boyfriends attention with Caylee. This issue isn't going to go away. Down the road if the felon gets married and has kids I believe this issue will raise it's ugly head again and since she got away with it once, knows how to do it better the next time I believe any future children will be at high risk.
One thing really bothers me more than anything else. How is George getting away with being so honest right in front of Cindy? Did they have an agreement, George, you be honest, and I'll just cover, cover, cover? I've never heard him be so free with his talking before. Yes, he's still being vague, but I can't believe Cindy isn't glaring at him when he talks or isn't angry about what he said. She just followed everything up with more covering. So weird. She never let him be this honest and open before now!

I think CA was able to control him more before the OS and the accusations of GA abusing OCA. I'll bet now he is a hairline trigger if she tries to shut him up. I think we need to remember that while GA needs CA - she also needs him - I think she would have more trouble being alone than he would.
Thank you, sumbunny, and everyone who watched and commented! I did not watch the interview and would not as it was being aired, but will watch a you tube vid of it, LOL! Even that makes me feel like somewhat of a hypocrite, though.

I will have to take some Pepto Bismol before watching this interview on you tube.
It's been on 15 minutes and George already brought up gas and his gas cans. Ha!
I thought the interview was surprisingly informative. I'm unable to watch tomorrow, but will be interested to read comments here.

George has the guilts and is grieving. I think he loves Cindy and can't bear to lose her so he will continue to dance this macabre duet.

Cindy believes herself to be a victim and will destroy anyone in her blind devotion to her evil daughter.

Isn't it a bit late for Cindy to destroy anyone now? What possible power could she have? No one believes a word she says...
Not watching...started to but out of respect to Caylee I can't do it. I want the rating for this show to be very disappointing to everyone involved but I doubt that will be the case.

CA: "The straw that broke the camel's back was when I found out she's was taking money from my mom".

Then "the fight"

that's it.

CA will never ever ever admit to that fight. Why is that?
It's been on 15 minutes and George already brought up gas and his gas cans. Ha!

We laugh and joke around about those gas cans but did you ever think the Defense would just shut up about them at the trial? I was banging my head on my desk...If you count all the hearings and the number of times GA in trial was asked about those gas cans - it would take up a couple of full days about them.

Enough with the gas cans everybody! (not the peeps here of course).
One thing really bothers me more than anything else. How is George getting away with being so honest right in front of Cindy? Did they have an agreement, George, you be honest, and I'll just cover, cover, cover? I've never heard him be so free with his talking before. Yes, he's still being vague, but I can't believe Cindy isn't glaring at him when he talks or isn't angry about what he said. She just followed everything up with more covering. So weird. She never let him be this honest and open before now!

I think, Aedrys that George has a little more leeway now. Being that he was openly accused by their murdering daughter of sexual molestation, murder, and murder cover up. I think Cindy knows that George was crucified by Casey and her defense and she might have slightly given George more leeway to be honest.

I also think in light of all of the above George might have made a stand to Cindy finally and told Cindy that if she wanted to stay together (and of course she does because could you imagine what George would spill if they weren't together) then George was going to be free to state his opinion and thoughts freely.

I don't think Cindy has much choice. Because she knows if they split George would be free to spill that much more.
do you think caylee was int eh trunk

g-some parts of me believe that. I do
c-I dont know. I dont know if it was casey's car or some other way.

phil, you called 9-11 (listening to 9-11 call first one)

c-casey went right to her room and lee followed her in.
she heard telling lee zanny kidnapped caylee. she was overwhelmed.
her worst nightmare just unfolded.

phil-that was the first time something was wrong?
phil-what did you say to casey
c-what are you talking about (crying) she just screamed at her and wanted to choke or hit her) she punched the bed, to get her anger out. Why didn't you tell us?

casey said she was afraid.
she called 9-1-1 again (listening to 2nd call)

casey's voice on 9-1-1 call explaining the 31 day kidnapping.
phil=what did you think of her behaviour rigth there?
c-i thought she was very calm
g-I thought it was strange she was so calm.

cindy fell into george's arms.
c and g didn't know if they could be in teh same house as her, cindy wanted her taken into custody.
then didn't want to see her daughter in handcuffs...just wanted answers for caylee

phil and as we now know, casey knew caylee was gone.,, cont'd to lie
c- Yup. (crying)

CA says that she 'doesn't know' what the smell was in the car. GA says that he knows what the car smelled like, and he knows that his granddaughter is dead. 'do you believe that she was in the trunk?'

GA: 'I do'

BBM for clarity of my previous post. George says that some parts of him believe she was in the trunk and then he says 'I do'

Also in the beginning of the show, dr. phil asked GA if he thought KC was responsible for Caylee's death. GA said that he last saw Caylee with KC. KC was responsible for looking after Caylee that day. 'Put one and one together'

The whole vibe that I got from the interview was that both GA and CA know that KC was responsible for Caylee's death. GA wants to scream it from the rooftops, but he feels he has to stand by CA who is still looking to excuse what she KNOWS KC did.
Cindy said she gave Casey several months to straighten up. Bet you anything she told her she had till Caylees birthday to get it together or she was having her thrown in jail for stealing the money from grandma and her.
I think CA was able to control him more before the OS and the accusations of GA abusing OCA. I'll bet now he is a hairline trigger if she tries to shut him up. I think we need to remember that while GA needs CA - she also needs him - I think she would have more trouble being alone than he would.

I swear we share a brain! I didn't read this before I posted my reply. I completely agree with you 100%, as usual.
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